A Great Prince: A Royal Bad Boy Romance (12 page)

BOOK: A Great Prince: A Royal Bad Boy Romance
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She gasped. He carried well over two hundred pounds of solid muscle, but as his mass pressed her into the bed, her body told her she could take it, was meant to take it, welcomed it.

Francesca freed her hands and pulled on Nikolas’ ruined tunic. He shrugged out of it and hurled it to the floor.

“This is my kingdom,” she whispered, running her hands over his body, his shoulders, his ripped abs. “I conquer it.” She was thankful the old-style trousers had no belt, as she pushed them down, feeling his erect member pop out and slap her wrist.

“Ah, you cannot conquer it, Majesty.” He pulled her panties down, exposing her to his admiring gaze. “We are not at war. We are… reuniting.”

Francesca felt him pushing, and she opened to him, welcomed him. He was huge, but she was so wet, and he slid into her slowly.

Nikolas eyes were riveted on hers, watching for signs of pain, discomfort, as he inched his way into her.

“Then let us be divided no more,” she said.

He nodded gravely, and his hips moved, burying himself in her, burying his face in her hair, groaning with pleasure.

“Oh my God,” she sighed. “Nikolas…” Then the word came out of her, involuntarily, absurd, exciting. “Majesty.” She clenched down on him as she said it.

He gasped, inflamed, his arms grappling her shoulders from behind as he moved inside her. “My bride… my queen…. fuck…”

She couldn’t tell which pressure was greater, his weight on top of her or his mass inside her.

He looked her in the eye. “I want to fuck you.”

“Do it,” she commanded. “Show me what you learned from all those other girls.” She pushed up against him with her hips, grinding into his groin.

He laughed. “Are you sure you’re a virgin? No hunky footman ever snuck into your room at night?”

“Well…” She pushed him, hard, and he fell onto his back, taking her with him. She straddled him, her hair falling free. “There was a stable boy once…”


She backed up, almost off of him, just keeping the tip of his cock inside her. “He was tall... and handsome… with a smile that lit up the night…”

Francesca watched Nikolas’ eyes glaze over, his mouth slacken, as she just teased the head with her slit. He wanted to take control, he wanted to conquer her, but he knew better, knew it wasn’t his decision, that now he was the one who was ruled…

“Kristof was his name… he kissed me once… pushed me up against my horse in a stall… kissed me hard…”

“Like this?” Nikolas asked, grabbing her head and pulling her down to attack her mouth with his own.

She nodded, unable to speak.

“And that’s all? He didn’t do… this?”

She gasped as Nikolas’ fingers explored her slit, tracing his finger around the head of his own cock inside her.


“Did you want him to?”


He took charge now, throwing her onto her back, plunging into her as he did. She cried out as he plowed deep into her.

“Why didn’t you?” he asked, trapping her wrists above her head with his hands.

“We got caught.”

“But you would have… wouldn’t you, princess? You would have had the stable boy ravish you in the straw.”

She could almost see the heat shimmering off him, as his excitement grew.

“Yes. I didn’t care about the consequences… it was all I wanted in the world.”

“And now?”

“Now you can be my stable boy, Nikolas.”

He laughed. “Is that what you’d make of your king? A servant?”

“You have his hands… Yes, be my servant, Nikolas… do as I order you.”

Nikolas nodded. “By your command.” And he slammed into her hard.

She cried out. “That’s it. Ride me hard,” Francesca moaned, arching herself up to receive him again, astonished at her own brazenness, her suddenly filthy mouth.

This is what I’ve wanted all my life,
she thought.
My freedom…

It was true. She was free, free to do what she wanted, say what she wanted,
what she wanted. And what she wanted now was Nikolas, what she wanted now was to give in to desire.

“You like that? Your stud horse, covering you like a brood mare?”

She laughed. “Are you gone to stud, Nikolas? Your racing days are over?”

He nodded. “They are.”

“Then put a champion in me. Put a Prince in me.”

“Oh fuck…” Disbelieving both her words and the reaction in his own body, he shuddered, shook, and lost control. His strokes came faster, it was too much for her, and she screamed as a wave of pleasure took her.

She watched his face clench as tight as his insides as the pressure built, and then, in a moment of blank astonishment, he started to come.

She pulled her wrists out from his sweaty grasp, and grabbed his ass, pushing him into her, again and again.

“Oh God, mercy, stop,” Nikolas said as she forcibly extracted the last of him inside her. He fell on top of her, wrung out.

When he got his breath back, he rolled over, taking her with him. Her head on his chest, she looked up at him and smiled.

“So,” Queen Francesca Albertine said casually, “was our countries’ reunion all you’d hoped it would be?”

King Nikolas frowned. “Ah, Majesty, reunion is a long and complex process, requiring many sessions and negotiations…”

He pulled her up, grabbing her waist, pressing his already-hard-again cock between her legs.

“Come, let us return to the bargaining table…”


Click here for Other Kindle Titles by Brad Vance


Please note
: Unlike
A Great Prince,
these are all M/M (gay) romance novels – just so you know!

Brad Vance Romance…


Would I Lie to You?

Software billionaire Marc Julian’s orderly life is shattered one night by a cyber-intrusion into his company’s servers. He’s always surrounded himself with the best people, but finding the culprit behind this might require a real expert...and sometimes it takes a thief to catch a thief.


Jesse Winchester and his team of “grey hat” hackers are suddenly available to Marc. Marc doesn’t know if he should trust Jesse with the keys to his company’s kingdom. After all, Jesse’s a convicted felon, sent to prison for violating the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act. A felon sentenced to thirty-five years in prison, who mysteriously served only three years before being released…


Marc’s first company, his whole life, was shattered because he trusted the wrong person. This time there’s even more at stake, but few other options. Especially when his evil enemies, the billionaire industrialist Krom brothers, are revealed to be the source of the intrusion.


Is Jesse there to help Marc, or does he have his own history with the Kroms, his own score to settle? As Jesse and Marc spend more time together, their growing intimacy is at war with their need to win their respective battles. Soon the game they start to play with each other, against each other, becomes more exciting, more exquisitely frustrating…and more dangerous.


Have A Little Faith In Me

When Rocky met Dex, it was hate at first sight.  Country superstar Dex Dexter represented everything that budding rock star Rocky McCoy had left behind him in the Deep South – the religion, the homophobia, the hypocrisy, the lies.  And Rocky represented everything that Dex had denied, had turned away from, had refused…


When Rocky met Dex, it was love at first touch.  Double booked in the same slot on the main stage at CrossFest, they fought for the microphone like two dogs fighting over a bone.  And when their hands met…


Rocky has had enough.  “No more falling for straight guys.  No way.  No matter how hot.  Especially if the ‘straight guy’ looks to me like a major closet case.”


Dex has had enough.  “No way.  I can’t be gay.  I can’t lose my family, my friends, my career.  I can’t.”


What they’ve had enough of doesn’t matter.  It’s what they’ve never had enough of that will bring them together…


Apollo’s Curse

All Dane Gale ever wanted was to be a successful writer.  After a few sessions with his new friends Rose and Sherry at a romance book club, well, the more romances they read, the more they’re convinced they can do better.  And do they ever!  They join their creative forces to become “Pamela Clarice,” self-published romance novelist.  When they look for a cover model for their first book, Dane sees the photos that will change his life. 


Paul Musegetes is the world’s most popular romance cover model, and the most secretive.  Dane soon finds himself obsessed with this supernaturally handsome man, and when he meets Paul at the Romance Writers’ Ball on the Summer Solstice, he and Paul connect for one night of passion…


After that night, Dane's a writing machine.  He can’t stop writing romances, and every story he touches turns to gold.  But he also finds that he can’t write anything but romances. And soon he's spending every waking moment of every day writing another after another...


Then Dane finds out that this Midas touch has a heavy price.  After the next Summer Solstice, he’ll never write again.  Not a romance, not a serious novel.  Nothing.  Not even a grocery list.  And that leaves him with only one option – find Paul, and get him to break the curse.  But before he can do that, he’ll have to track down Paul’s equally mysterious photographer, Jackson da Vinci…


Given the Circumstances

Two promising college athletes meet, each needing something only the other can give him…


When Roger and Brian lock eyes on the first day of school, a friendship is born. Both men are hungry for connection – Brian needs the acceptance, encouragement and support he never had growing up, and when he finds out his new best friend is gay, it brings his own identity into question. Roger needs a big brother, a best friend, but that will never be enough, especially not when he’s this close to big, strong, handsome Brian.


And both men want something more – careers as professional athletes. For Roger, the demands of the closet, the need to reject the love of a man to fulfill his love of the game, will be a crushing burden. For Brian, his downfall will be the substances he uses to get an edge over the competition, and to suppress his gnawing self-doubt and guilt.


One set of desires will bring them together, the other will force them apart…


A Little Too Broken

When Jamie walks through the door of the Humane Society, it’s not just an animal who needs rescuing that day. Tom is there to adopt another service dog into the Canine Comrade Corps, but it’s Jamie his heart goes out to. But each man turns away, walks away, from the potential pain, the rejection, the knowledge that it’ll all end in tears…


Jamie knows damn well that the HIV he contracted from an unfaithful lover has put him out of the dating game forever in the small town of Santa Vera. Tom lost his legs in Afghanistan, and got new ones, yeah, but with a side order of PTSD to go, he thought grimly. The real problem is that only now does he realize he’s gay, now that the revelation would be just one too many things to put his family through, after everything else they’ve had to deal with.


So both men grin and bear the loneliness, put their feelings on a shelf, even as Jamie’s volunteer stint at CCC turns into friendship and, despite their resolve, something more…


The Worst Best Luck

Peter Rabe’s luck is about to change. Taking a co-worker’s car into the shop nets him a desperately needed $100 tip…and the attentions of Matt Kensington, master mechanic. Peter can’t believe that someone as hot as Matt could be interested in the young man his tormentors used to call “Peter Rabbit.” But, incredibly enough, he is. And when the Quadrillions lottery jackpot is up to $700,000,000, wouldn’t it be crazy of Peter not to buy a ticket on his lucky day?


Matt doesn’t think much of money, having grown up on New York’s Upper East Side in the lap of luxury. He’d walked away from the professional drudgery his Harvard degree had qualified him for, to become a mechanic, to touch things that were real, to fix things that were broken. And a hot shy guy like Peter is another machine Matt wants to believe he can fix.


But when Peter finds out he’s won the lottery, it almost feels like his luck has run out. Especially when Cody Burrell, his emotionally abusive ex-boyfriend, mysteriously re-enters his life just before he cashes the ticket and reveals his good fortune to the world...


Peter must wrestle with the pressures of wealth on someone who’s grown up poor, the pressure of fame that comes with so much instant fortune, and most of all, with his own demons, the demons that Cody knows all too well how to manipulate.

BOOK: A Great Prince: A Royal Bad Boy Romance
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