A Good Day To Kill (24 page)

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Authors: Dusty Richards

BOOK: A Good Day To Kill
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“I do now. JD says we will be diaper-ville.”
“I'm scaring up a few more places that are for sale around that Windmill ranch.”
“Good. I figure, in time, we'll need them.”
“They're cheap enough.”
“If you can stand the temptation, let's go down to the Palace Saloon and have lunch.”
“No problem. What will you do next?”
Chet shook his head. “Maybe finish up down there at Tubac, come home, and put my boots up and relax.”
“What are you going to do the other twenty-three hours of that day?”
“Hunt and fish.”
The two were still laughing when Chet held the batwing door back for him to enter the Palace Saloon ahead of him.
They found a table and ordered the chicken-fried steak and frijoles with sourdough bread to go along. The girl went off to turn in the order and bring their coffee.
Chet wondered how his Force was getting along in the south. Were JD and his bunch getting the windmill setup in place? He would have this business about setting up McCully at the house and shop done by the weekend.
One of the boys would need to bring in that horse and buggy for Petal to drive her father to the party on Saturday. When he met Marge later, they could figure it out. That whole day Saturday might wear that poor man to death. No, McCully'd make it—he was tough and had his daughter back to support him. Marge's horse wreck worried Chet, too—if anything happened to his wife, he didn't know what he'd do.
After their lunch, he parted with Bo Evans and went back over to Jenn's. They were seated in back in a booth, talking.
“You need lunch?” Jenn asked.
“No, I ate at the competition. You get her dressed?”
“Oh, she cried,” Marge said. “But we have her fixed for the occasion, and after that, I think she is relieved to be back home. I had the store send him some new clothes, too. Your friend, Kathrin, said they would handle it. I was so busy having that baby when Kathrin came to help me that I didn't realize it, but she's going to have one, too.”
“I told you that.”
“I must have forgotten. She and her husband are coming Saturday. They knew what I bought the paint and brushes for. I invited them.”
“We'll have a crowd. Bo and his lady friend are coming.”
“Who is that?”
He shook his head. “Jenn may know. I don't.”
“I'm not sure who she is, either. He's a nice guy. He'd be a good catch since you dried him out,” said Jenn.
They laughed.
“My man does it all,” Marge said, smiled, and patted his arm friendly-like.
“Let's go home. I need them to bring him the horse and buggy in Friday so she can bring him to the party.”
“Oh, yes, we can do that. The ranch hands scrubbed it clean. It was under a foot or so of dust and cobwebs.”
After helping Marge climb aboard, he clucked to the team and turned them around in the street. “Thanks for taking care of those two so well. Did Petal talk to you and Jenn?”
“Yes. She is glad you came for her. I think she was desperate was why she went off with him.”
“I figured that.”
“You look tired,” Marge said.
“I'm fine. We'll have lots to do in town to get set up for Saturday. Tomorrow, I'll help Raphael get everything in there that we can move.”
“I bet he'd enjoy having you. He is a great admirer of you.”
“I admire him and his men.”
“Oh, Chet we are so lucky. You have all these ranches going so well. We have a son that I thought I'd never have after my past experience. And you are generous to all of us. That little man needed this break and he told us he was so pleased. I know he will do well.”
“I think he'll make good saddle makers out of some of the ranch boys.”
“You're going north to see Robert and Reg next week?”
“I need to do that. Robert's efforts are paying our ranch payrolls. I don't think we appreciate him enough. I don't want him to have the big head, but he is really doing a great job.”
“I know. I do that payroll. We have to use some money from our bank account for large expenses. But Robert is doing his share of earning this ranch's expenses.”
“Sarge's cattle sale operation is still the best moneymaker. And he's doing it right.”
“Were you surprised about Victor taking his place?”
“No, we are bringing on good men. Victor is one of them.”
“What will you do?”
“Find them a good cook and make Victor Sarge's right hand.”
“Good. What about Robert?”
“I want him to pick a foreman and make him a supervisor.”
“Why do that?”
“Cowboys don't like to drag out timber. The men he needs are more farmer types who enjoy driving horses.”
“I am learning. What about Reg?”
“Those two have built a ranch out of that place with mavericks. Like the old days, when my grandfather and my dad caught wild mavericks and built the first Byrnes herd in Texas. I'm glad Reg got to become experienced at doing that.”
“Did that amaze you, that they could do that?”
“Not only me, but Lucie, who was raised on a ranch west of there, was also surprised that there were that many mavericks roaming our new ranch.”
“It's a large place.”
“I'll be glad when I can go see it again. They have a big house and all.”
“Yes. Maybe next summer that boy will be big enough to take along.” He turned the team in the driveway.
“I bet he will be. He's really growing.”
“He sure is. Raphael must be waiting for me to get back. I see him coming to meet us.”
“I bet it's all about the party.”
“We can handle it.”
He helped her down and told her he'd be in shortly.
“Chet,” Raphael said, “with the two wagons I am sending, we have lots of oak and mesquite to cook those two carcasses. There is enough. I have a cooking crew picked. They know what to do and are excited. They'll all go in and get set up. They brought up the spit from the Verde that John built. He also made one for the hog we butchered. It is real nice. John is such a great blacksmith. We plan to take four wagons to town in the morning early and get busy cooking. We have two large pots to cook the beans the women have cleaned. We have some ovens to bake bread. Monica gave us the sourdough starter. Mexican women can make delicious sourdough bread.”
“I've had some they made. When you get an empty wagon, send someone to go get the beer I ordered at the Palace. He's expecting someone to pick it up.”

. We are taking bedrolls. A big number of us will sleep there tomorrow and Saturday night. I have three good men to stay here on the ranch to be sure no one raids this place.”
“Good idea. Is there music?”
, we always have music. Will Señora May be there?”
“I'm sure she will be.”
“She can sing. Oh, she is very good.”
“She'll be proud to sing.”
“There's lots of open land and trees up there where the house is to park rigs. Scotch the wagon wheels. It's on that hill.”
. We will have a good time.”
Chet made it to the house in time to wash up and eat the supper Monica was putting on the table.
“How's Adam?” he asked his wife.
“Fine, Rhea's putting him to sleep.”
“Good. I'm taking a shower and will probably go to bed early. There's lots going on tomorrow.”
“You want breakfast before dawn?” Monica asked in her motherly manner.
“I hate to bother you.”
“Just tell me and I will have it ready.”
“Good. Now eat supper. The rest can wait.”
He had a hard time holding down his laughter at her reaction. Bless her, she was the boss of the house. His wife might think she was the boss, but the fortyish Hispanic woman had command over the house and kitchen. He knew she always burned candles in the Catholic church for his safe return. Some time back, a widowed rancher had courted her, but his daughters made him break it off out of prejudice, he was sure, against a brown-skinned woman marrying their father.
That man missed a lot. Monica was a treasure.
He and Marge went to bed early. The baby's nanny said she'd take him to her room and Marge could sleep for a full night.
He went to bed holding Marge and, despite his concerns about things needed done the next day, he fell asleep.
Before dawn he woke, dressed, and went downstairs. The aroma of Monica's coffee in the air led him to the kitchen. She smiled at him.
“Good morning.”
“Yes, it is. I hope you can come in and enjoy the festivities tomorrow night.”
“I will see.”
“We would like you to join us. This man and his daughter have lived in a shack and had little business. When I saw his work, I knew he needed a shop and some help. His daughter is a treasure.”
“He is on crutches?”
“Yes. My agreement with him is for him to teach some ranch boys how to make saddles. They would be his apprentices and do the work he can't handle.”
Monica smiled. “I know your plans. Everyone on the ranch crew is excited.”
“It will take time. But it can be a good thing, and everyone from close by is coming in for the party.”
“If I can find a way—”
“We have buckboards. A boy will be assigned to take you in and back.”
“I would be a bother then.”
“No, you wouldn't. You're part of this outfit.”
“I will go in for it then.”
She smiled and then shook her head. “What would this empire do without you?”
“Get bigger. Get better at making money.”
He leaned back and sipped her coffee until she slid his platter of breakfast in front of him. With a nod of approval, he caught her wrist. “What would this house do without you?”
“Hire a real cook.”
“I need to find someone good to take Victor's place. He's going to be Sarge's
“He's such a fine young man. They will miss his cooking.”
“There's a cook somewhere. But he needs to be tough, too. They make a cattle drive every month in heat and snow up there.”
“You will find someone.”
“Glad you have such trust in me.”
“Your sister is up there at the Windmill, she won't be able to come down here.”
“They say Susie has had some scares.”
“I know; we correspond. We have been blessed with so many babies and no real problems this far.”
“I better eat. They'll leave without me.”
She laughed. “They are all like kids. Excited to be included in this
“I'll speak to Raphael about your transportation.”
He finished his food and soon joined the ones leaving. Jimenez brought him a saddled horse and smiled.
“Good morning. Lots of things are happening.”
si, señor
. They are really excited.”
He mounted, checked the horse they called Sam Brown, and started for the gate. Sam walked on eggs for a hundred feet, like he wanted an excuse to buck in the cooler morning. His mind-set at last changed, and he single-footed to keep up with the loaded wagons. Some were packed with excited women who waved, laughed, and talked nonstop to each other.
He caught Raphael on his good horse in a few miles and they rode side by side. He told him about Monica wanting to go, and his man said it would be no problem. That cared for, they rode on making small talk and his foreman told him his plans. They didn't need his directions to paint and get ready, so he stopped by Jenn's and had coffee. The early morning café crowd was gone to work, so she slid in the booth.
“How are things going?”
“We'll have a big time tomorrow.”
“It's a shame Cole and his wife are up at Oak Creek.”
“They needed the time together.”
“I agree. But they may come back for it.”
“They may. Marge sent word up there to Robert as well, I'm sure.”
“I better get to work. I am so glad you are doing this for those two. A lifesaver, that's what you are.”
“I better get up there. They may need a flunky.”
She laughed. “Don't work too hard. Your shoulder may go to hurting again.”
He nodded and went outside, swung in the saddle, and rode over to the busy yard and house.
Carpenters had the new room walled in and the siding was up and ready to paint. The two new windows were being installed. The contractor had found newspaper to roll up and put in between the two-by-four studs. It made good insulation, and then he planned to lath and plaster over it.
“I may be next week getting it plastered.”
“If that's all you lack, don't worry.”
“Thanks, we've worked hard to get all the surfaces ready for your wife to paint tomorrow.”
“That's what counts.”
“I want to tell you, I heard the story—why you are doing this, and I'm impressed with your generosity.”
“No, I'm fortunate to be able to help him. I have several young men at the ranch that will learn the saddle making business under his tutelage. That will help them and help me.”

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