A Girl Called Badger (Valley of the Sleeping Birds) (13 page)

BOOK: A Girl Called Badger (Valley of the Sleeping Birds)
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“Mast and I will be partner.”

“That’s good. I’m happy for you, Mina.”

“But I have a big problem. Can you help me?”

“I’ll do my best.”

Mina inhaled and breathed out a big sigh. “My tribe has a rule. The father must say yes before his daughter does a ... festomatrimonio.”


“Yes. I want to see mi familia, and Mast can bring the bride price. I don’t think my village is so far away.”

“Mina, you’ll need to talk to Father Reed directly. I don’t think he’s in a mood to listen to me right now.”

She gave him a hug and left. Murmurs of a conversation between her and Reed echoed from down the hall.

The door to the entrance tunnel clicked shut and Reed appeared.

“Ensign, do you know a village by the name of ‘David?’”

Wilson sniffed. “Can’t say that I do.”

“Look through the off-map reports and check on it.”

Wilson walked to the library and typed in his passwords. He started with the most recent report and worked his way back. The reports were text logs and held transcripts of tribal contact, wildlife movement, or anything a hunter noticed that was strange and interesting.

After an hour, Wilson knocked on the Father Reed’s door.

“Nothing on a village called David,” he said.

“Try the old maps.”

Wilson pulled out the map book again. He spent a few minutes flipping through the pages then went back to the library screen.

Reed was still in his office.

“There’s an old place in the maps called Divide,” said Wilson. “A village was spotted there over a year ago.”

“Interesting,” said Reed. “I’ll ask the girl about landmarks in the area.”

Wilson lay on his bunk and couldn’t relax. No one came to visit him and there was no secret note with his evening meal.


HE WOKE AT HIS normal hour. Halfway through washing his face, Wilson remembered he was confined to his room. He stretched and did his morning exercises, then sat down to study a volume on herbal taxonomy.

Robb brought his breakfast but again no letter.

“Big meeting today,” whispered the boy. “All the big bosses.”

“She didn’t give you a note?”

Robb shook his head.

Soon after he left the entrance doors began the annoying music of opening and closing as members of the council entered. Their chatter in the hallway added to the noise. Wilson opened his door a crack and watched. A group of hunters entered, Badger among them, and Wilson slipped and bumped his head on the door. He peered out again and could have sworn she’d looked at him before turning the corner.

The inner door squealed again and Wilson heard the rapid tap-tap of footsteps. He leaned out and saw Mina and Mast holding hands and running down the corridor.

The discussion room was the only space for that many people. Wilson took off his shoes and jogged around the corner into the cramped toilet room. He put his ear to the wall and heard the rumble of voices.

“It’s a good point and let’s discuss it later,” said Father Reed. “Now that everyone is here I’ll start the meeting.”

Wilson pressed his cheek closer to the cold wall.

“The reason I’ve brought all of you here is to discuss an expedition to the east. There are two main reasons I feel a trip is necessary. Everyone has heard the good news by now of the planned partnership of Sergeant Masterson and our new guest, Mina.”

The room burst into applause.

“Yes, very good. It’s certainly a happy occasion and not unusual. However, because of the circumstances Mina would like to return to her family and let them know she is well. Since her village is only four days travel from here, I’m happy to grant Mina’s wish and will lead the expedition.”

“The second reason for a journey is not celebratory. One member of our village has a serious illness. I won’t go into details, but the situation is critical and we have to risk traveling through Springs.”

Murmurs vibrated the wall panel and Reed paused.

“The journey will take us one day east of Springs. Thanks to Ensign Wilson I have a location and machines that might be found there. Don’t think I haven’t asked myself the same questions that are going through your minds. Why should we brave the ruins? Why should we risk a fight with the violent eastern tribes? Because if we don’t find a cure this person will die. Not maybe, not possibly, but certainly. No one can see the future but the chance is good we’ll find what we need. Many of our machines were actually created at this place in the east.”

Reed cleared his throat. “Now. Because of the risk involved, only non-partnered individuals are on this list. Anyone nominated is allowed to drop out, no questions asked and no blame applied.”

The priest read aloud a list that included Badger and six hunters. Wilson’s throat tightened and the room became too hot.

“The moon will be full so we leave this afternoon,” said Reed. “Firearms will be issued to those with the training. All travelers should rest and prepare themselves. Is there anything else?”

A questioning sound came from Badger.

Father Reed cleared his throat. “Ensign Wilson has important–”

The door latch rattled and Wilson cursed. He left the toilet and went back to his room. After the meeting ended he watched everyone file through the inner door. Badger was flushed and didn’t look in his direction.

Wilson didn’t know what to do with himself. With a needle and thread he began to repair his overcoat.

Father Reed appeared in his doorway.

“I need to go with you,” said Wilson.

“You listened to the meeting?”

“What’s this about leaving me here? I can’t handle it alone. Everyone depends on us!”

Reed leaned against the door frame. “That’s exactly why you have to stay, Ensign, for everyone else. You’ll be the only priest and they’ll need your skills. Think of it as a chance to prove yourself.”

“But I don’t know enough about medicine or the systems!”

“You’re smarter than you think. You can figure out most of it, that’s the way things work sometimes. This journey has risk and I’m an old man, but not that old. I won’t go into cardiac arrest at the sight of some tattooed savage with a pointed stick.”

“Maybe that’s true,” said Wilson, his voice rising. “But I deserve to go. If I hadn’t risked my life to find those papers you’d be happy sitting back and watching her die!”

“No, you’re wrong. I wouldn’t have been happy about it,” said Reed. “I care about the lives of each and every person here. Your right to go must balance with our responsibility to the village.”

Wilson played with a loose thread in his blanket while Reed stared at him.

“Will you swear to do what’s best and stay here?”

“No,” said Wilson. “I’m done swearing oaths.”


TWO GUARDS HAD BEEN posted outside his room. The door wasn’t locked but Wilson stayed inside anyway.

He lay on his bunk trying to meditate without the trick. He wanted to see if just breathing without the images and verses would work. It didn’t and his mind wandered. He wrote down the verses Badger had taught him underground.

Reed hadn’t found out about the old pistol yet. Wilson cleaned the weapon and hid it behind a ventilation grate.

A small set of weights lay under the bed and Wilson worked his muscles past the point of exhaustion. He still couldn’t lift much with his left arm because of the bite. He washed his hair and face in the basin and changed clothes. An apple hidden behind a row of books was an afternoon snack.

The text on herbal medicine lay under his fingers but he read the same sentences over and over.

In the evening, he heard voices in the corridor. Robb came in with food and a note and Wilson read it standing up.


Will, don’t worry about me. I’ll talk to Reed on the trail and maybe I can change his mind. I miss you so much!

See you soon,



“You really stepped in it this time,” said Robb. “What are you gonna do?”

Wilson shrugged. “I guess I have to stay.”

He wrote on the back of the note: Keep talking the guards can hear.

Robb squinted. “Oh, everybody’s talking about it. Not me, of course. I’m your pal.”

“Of course! Old buddy, old pal,” said Wilson.

Get food and water as much as you can

“I know all your secrets, but those are between me and you and the wall. But everybody else is just gassing away.”

“Sure,” said Wilson.

Don’t tell anyone

“I ... uh ... I tell everyone you’re a stand-up guy. You’d do anything for a friend,” said Robb.

Don’t get caught

“You’re always teaching me new things I’d never even thought about.”

Take supplies to north corral

“You’re a good kid,” said Wilson. “Always there with a hand when I need it.”

“It’s not easy, you know. My dad always has work for me, too.”

“I know. Thanks for the food and I’ll see you soon.”

Wilson went to the map display in Reed’s office and watched the glowing dots creep toward the perimeter.


HE KNEW THE GENERAL route of travel but went over the scouting reports again and sketched his own map.

The last expedition to Springs had been three years ago and few details were available on Mina’s village. The scout––Hausen’s oldest boy––described a well-protected settlement of three hundred or more with fields of beans, corn, and squash. Wilson memorized landmarks and open areas with little cover. It would be safer to travel at night like the expedition. He wrapped his map and notes in leather.

At a table and two chairs set up in the corridor, the guards talked in low voices.

“How are you men today?” Wilson asked.

“It’s a bad situation, Ensign,” said the tallest. “We didn’t want to say anything while Father Reed was here.”

“Why couldn’t you go? He could have stayed here,” said the other guard.

“I can’t say what’s in his mind, but you’re right, I could have taken his place. I speak the dialect and I know enough about the old machines.”

“Well, I guess Father Reed knows what he’s doing. Still, it’s been the talk of the village.”

“I’m sure it would be.”


AN HOUR LATER ROBB brought drinks for the guards. He came into Wilson’s room and closed the door behind him.

“So ... I got what you wanted,” he said.

“Left in the right place?”

“Yeah. Do you need me for anything else? It was a long walk and I’m tired.”

“Just a minute.” Wilson took out the calendar he’d found underground. He’d put a protective hemp cover over it. “You can keep this.”

Robb held the calendar with two fingers, like it was covered in sheep manure. “Pictures of cats?”

“It’s a conversation piece. Girls love anything small and fuzzy.”

“No, it’s stupid. Bring me something better than this.”

“Okay, I promise.”

“I know something about calendars,” said Robb. “Want to hear?”


“With a calendar your days are numbered.”

“Get out of here before you say something smart.”

Wilson went to his bunk but couldn’t sleep. He filled his pack with useful items. If he changed into his hunting leathers someone might get suspicious. He rolled them into a bundle with extra moccasins and tied it with a length of rope. A large package of painkillers and his pistol and knives also went into the pack. For the rest of the supplies he depended on Robb.

The guards changed a few hours later. The expedition had been traveling for eight hours, and off-map for six.

Wilson filled his hot water container. He’d been soaking valerian root for hours in the treatment room. He mixed the valerian with chamomile and hot water and let the mixture brew. He thought honey might cover some of the taste and added a spoonful. He served two large cups of this ‘herbal tea’ to the guards along with pillows and blankets from Reed’s quarters. Over an hour later the cups were empty and the two were fast asleep on the floor.

He rolled extra shirts and lumped them under his blanket. He thought it might fool the guards for a few minutes at least. With pack in hand he stepped over the sleeping men and placed a letter on the table.

Wilson went to the entrance tunnel but heard the latch turn on the outer door. With no time to get back to his bunk, he tossed his pack into the treatment room.

The inner door opened and his mother stepped in with a groaning Brownie. The pregnant woman wore only a nightdress and overcoat.

“What happened?” asked Wilson, his stomach a dull pit.

His mother held Brownie under the arms. “Happening? A baby is happening. Don’t worry Brownie, it’s not much farther.”

“Wait,” Brownie said. She grimaced, her face streaked with sweat.

Wilson and his mother waited for the contraction to pass. The dozing guards were only a few feet away. Could he run for it? Wilson wondered how much could the guards could sleep through. He followed the two women into the treatment room.

“When did this start? How long has this been going on?”

“Listen, Cubbie, hold your questions. I’ve delivered more babies than you have teeth in your head.”

Wilson spread his hands. “Do you want me to help or not? I’m happy to leave.”

“It’s not enough that Father Reed is gone and Brownie’s man is out on night duty,” said his mother. “No, I have to deal with a teenage son.”

Brownie groaned. “Stop fighting!”

Wilson covered the exam table with a blanket and they helped Brownie lay on top. He pressed a button and the upper half of the table elevated slightly.

“When did the contractions start?”

“Maybe an hour ago,” said Brownie. “Here’s another one–”

She clenched her teeth. Wilson counted the seconds until her face relaxed.

“One minute,” he said. His mother was searching the cabinets. “What are you looking for?”

“A clean cloth.”

“In cabinet four.” He paused and looked at Brownie. “This baby is coming soon.”

“What a genius I raised,” said his mother and brought a pile of white towels. She bent and spread Brownie’s legs and laid most of the cloth underneath. “You’re still too young to see this. Hook her up to the machines.”

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