A Gangsta Twist Saga (34 page)

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Authors: Clifford “Spud” Johnson

BOOK: A Gangsta Twist Saga
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“After you've emptied the safes, get back to your rooms and drop everything off. Your return flights are scheduled for early the next morning out of SFO out in San Francisco.

“Though this should be a smooth op, I still want y'all to be on your toes and sharp as ever. That nigga, Pitt is a smart nigga, and he may be trying to anticipate my moves. I doubt it though, but yet and still, I want y'all to be very careful. Any questions?”

“Yeah. How long are we gonna have to wait until we can handle that other nigga you told us about?” asked Keno.

“Once Pitt's spot is hit, I'm sure the shit is going to hit the fan. A lot of accusations will be flying, but with no proof behind them, everything will be good. Cash Flo' will then announce that he plans to back Pitt with his end of The Network. But that won't be enough, because I will have the position I need to challenge him. At that point, Pitt will know that I'm the one been making the power move. Knowing him, he's going to raise hell 'cause he is a ride-type nigga, and a damn fool once he becomes angry. But, like I said, it will be too late for him to do anything. When I get word of the meet that will take place, I'll notify y'all so you can then fly out and take care of Cash Flo'. That way, he will never be able to announce that he's supporting Pitt. I expect the meet to take place within thirty days after you finish this mission.”

“Where?” asked Bo-Pete.

“I won't know that until twenty-four hours before the meeting. Most likely it will either be in Waco, Texas, or the West Coast. But I can't be certain of that just yet. Y'all will have to be on standby. Cash Flo's home base is the West, but he's down South around my way too. He's touchable because he's old school. He has a few bodyguards, but they won't be able to handle y'all.” Won checked his watch and said, “Y'all have to get going. Your flight leaves in forty minutes out of Will Rogers.”

“We're all flying together?” asked Red.

“Yep. There's no need for the normal routine. This is an in-and-out. Hit me up when you get back. If there are any chips, I will split it evenly between y'all and deposit it into your accounts in the islands.”

Taz came from behind his bar, stared at Tari and asked her, “You ready for this, Tee?”

She stood up, smiled and said, “Let's go to work!”

Chapter Six

Tazneema, Lyla, Mama-Mama and Won were all sitting inside of Mama-Mama's living room, laughing at Lyla and her antics. Lyla was so determined to become a stripper that she actually came up with a stage name for herself. She told everyone inside the room that she wanted to be called “White Chocolate.”

After Tazneema stopped laughing, she asked her, “Why in the heck did you choose a name like that?”

Lyla smiled slyly and said, “Because I'm white, obviously, and I just loves me some chocolate!”

“Oh, my Lord!” Mama-Mama said as she slapped her palm against her forehead.

Won started laughing and said, “All right, ladies, that's about all I can take! I'm outta here! Are you straight, 'Neema? Do you need anything before I leave?”

“I'm fine, Uncle Won. You know I'm in good hands with Mama-Mama,” she said seriously.

“Hey! What about me?” cried Lyla.

“Oh, yeah. And you know White Chocolate here is going to take good care of me.”

They laughed some more as Won stood and said, “All right then. I gots me a flight to catch. I'll make sure I get back this way real soon to check on you, baby girl. Remember, if you need anything, call me. You still have the numbers?”

She smiled and answered, “Yep!”

“Good,” Won said, and gave her a kiss and a light hug. He then stepped over to Mama-Mama, gave her a hug and a kiss also and said, “Do you need anything before I go, Mama-Mama?”

“Go on and catch your plane, Won. We're just fine over here,” she happily said.

He smiled at her and said, “Okay, bye, y'all!” As he stepped outside of the house, he couldn't help but wonder if Lyla was serious about becoming a stripper.
She'd make a nice chunk of change,
he thought with a smile on his face.



It was a little after ten p.m. when Taz and the crew made it to their hotel room at the Marriot Courtyard, in downtown Oakland. Taz checked his diamond-studded Cartier wristwatch and said, “All right, y'all, strap up so we can get this shit over with.”

Each member of the crew grabbed a silenced 9 mm pistol from the bag that Taz had pulled out from under the bed in his room. After checking and rechecking their weapons, each one of them gave Taz a nod of their head.

“Y'all good?” asked Taz.

“Yep,” answered Red.

“Ready,” said Keno.

“Strapped,” said Wild Bill.

“Locked and loaded,” said Bo-Pete.

“Let's do this,” Tari said as she jammed her pistol in the small of her back.

They filed out of the room and went straight toward the stairway that led to the underground parking area. Once they made it to the blue Navigator, Keno said, “It amazes the hell out of me every fuckin' time Won does this shit.”

“What?” asked Red as he climbed inside the SUV.

“How he has everything already set up when we get to wherever we have a mission.”

Tari laughed and said, “You should be used to it by now, Keno.”

“I know, but the shit is kinda on the creepy side for real. I be feelin' like that nigga's gon' pop up any minute and tell us that we're not handlin' our business right or some shit.”

Taz laughed as he started the ignition, and said, “Man, would you kill that silly-ass shit?”

Everyone inside of the truck got a good laugh at Keno's expense as Taz pulled the Navigator out of the parking lot.

Back in Oklahoma City, Won was talking on his cell phone as he boarded his flight back to Los Angeles. “Yeah, they should already be there by now. By the time I touch down, they should be back at their rooms waiting to get up outta there in the morning. I'll give you a holla after everything is everything. Remember, if you hear from me in any form other than the norm, then you know what needs to be done next,” he said to whomever he was speaking with on the other line.

After he closed his cell phone, he found his seat on the airplane and got himself comfortable.
I got your ass, Pitt! Either way this falls, I got your ass!
he thought to himself as he closed his eyes and began to relax.



Taz made a U-turn and headed back toward the bail bondsman's office and said, “Here we go, y'all. Y'all know the drill. Watch your ass at all times. Tari, I want you right next to me at all times.”

“Fuck that weak shit, Taz! Let's do this shit! Stop worrying about me. I'm good.”

He smiled at her and repeated, “Right by my fuckin' side, Tee! I ain't playin'!”

“Whatever!” she said as they all jumped out of the SUV with their weapons held down at their sides.

Taz led the way to the back entrance, and like always, the door was unlocked just as Won said it would be. He opened the door slowly and entered the back of the office. He saw the safes, and quickly stepped toward the one on the far left of the room. Tari was right next to him as she began to dial the combination to the safe next to the one he was opening.

Keno and Bo-Pete stood by the door and watched their backs as Red and Wild Bill were opening the other two safes. Each of them had large duffel bags for the drugs as they quickly emptied the safes and filled their bags.

Tari finished emptying her safe first and dragged her bag toward the back door. Keno took the bag from her and carried it back outside to the Navigator. Tari then took his spot as sentry, and waited for the others to finish up.

Taz was next to finish. He slid his bag to Bo-Pete, who grabbed it and took it outside to the truck, while Taz took his place at the door next to Tari.

After Red and Wild Bill had finished emptying the last two safes, they carried their bags past Taz and Tari as they headed toward the truck. Taz and Tari brought up the rear as they followed them out of the office with their guns ready.

Once everyone was inside of the truck, Keno eased out of the parking lot and into the late evening traffic. Mission completed.



By the time Won's flight had arrived at LAX, he received a call on his cell. He smiled as he walked out of the terminal and toward a waiting all-black stretch limousine.

As he stepped inside of the limo, he said to the person who called him, “All right, after they leave, make sure that you hurry up and get everything out of that room. I'm sure Pitt is going to be on the warpath, and he's definitely going to be checking all local hotels and shit. Call me when you're finished.” He then closed his phone.

“One down, and Cash Flo, to go!” he said aloud as he reached to his left and grabbed a bottle of XO from the mini bar.



Mama-Mama was asleep, and Tazneema was bored. She knew that she needed time to heal from her wound, but she missed her man. Clifford was her heart, and she knew that he loved her just as much as she loved him. It was so hard to accept the fact that she had lost her child. She prayed hard that Cliff wouldn't be upset with her.
I have to talk to him,
she thought as she went into her bedroom, grabbed the cordless phone from its base and quickly dialed Clifford's home number. She didn't realize that she was holding her breath until she felt a tightening in her stomach. She exhaled just as Clifford answered the line.


“Hi, baby! How are you?” she asked him.

“'Neema?” Clifford asked excitedly.

“Yes, it's me, baby.”

“How are you doing? Are you all right? When are you getting out of the hospital? Is the baby all right?”

“If you'd let me get a word in, I'll answer all of your questions! Dang!”

“I'm sorry, 'Neema. Go right ahead.”

“Okay. First off, I'm at Mama-Mama's house. I came home from the hospital earlier today. The doctors said that I'm going to be okay as long as I stay off my feet for a few more weeks.”

“As to the baby . . . I lost it, Cliff. The baby couldn't withstand the stress of the surgery. The bullet traveled further than the doctors had anticipated, and they had to remove it from my back. I have a real ugly scar on my back now, so I guess I won't be getting any of those special back licks of yours anymore.”

He smiled and said, “Baby, I can't wait to be able to lick all over that delicious body of yours. I love you, 'Neema. You know that, right?”

She sighed heavily and said, “Yes, I know. And I love you too, Cliff. But we're going to have to be very careful. Taz wants your head cut off, so we're going to have to keep it on the low-low for a little while, at least until I can talk some sense into him.”

“You're never going to be able to talk any sense into Taz, baby. He hates me.”

“Trust me, when it comes to me, Taz always lets me have my way. It will be a little harder than usual, but eventually he'll give in and let me do me,” she replied confidently.

“Why didn't you tell me he was your father, 'Neema?”

“Why didn't you tell me that you already knew who he was? You actually used to go with Sacha?”

“Not really. We went out a few times and were starting to get close, but your father came into the picture and everything changed. After that, I was real bitter with the both of them because I thought I really loved Sacha. That is until I met you. Once we got to know one another, my feelings for Sacha evaporated with the quickness. It was all about you, 'Neema. You have to believe me when I say this, 'cause it's so true. I never lied to you when I told you I was in love with you.”


“That's not what I mean, baby. I love you so much that it's killing me that I can't hold you in my arms through all of this mess.”

She smiled and said, “I love you too, Cliff. There's no need to trip. I'm good. Now, let me go before I wake up Mama-Mama. I'll give you a call some time tomorrow, okay?”

“Okay. Tell me. Does Mama-Mama hate me too?”

“You're not on her favorite persons list right now, but don't worry. She's just as much of a pushover for me as Taz is. She'll come around. I love you, baby!”

“I love you too,” Clifford said before he hung up the phone.

After Tazneema put the cordless phone back on its base, she smiled as she climbed on her bed. “Cliff still loves me, and I'm not letting anyone get in the way of our relationship—not even my daddy!” she said aloud as she stared at a picture on her dresser of her and her father.

Chapter Seven

Taz and the rest of the crew arrived back in Oklahoma City a little after two in the afternoon. They went directly to Taz's home so they would be able to check their accounts and check in with Won.

Taz smiled as he walked inside of his home and saw Precious and Heaven as they ran toward him with their tongues happily hanging out of their mouths. He rubbed the both of them under their chins as he walked toward his den. The Dobermans knew better than to follow him to the den, so they sat down right outside of the den and watched as the rest of the crew followed Taz.

Tari stopped, knelt next to the dogs and rubbed their chins tenderly and said, “How's my babies been doing? You miss me?” She played with them briefly then stood and went into the den with the others.

Taz grabbed his laptop from behind his bar and set it on the pool table. Once he opened it, he started punching its keys. When his account came onto the screen, he smiled and said, “I have an extra two hundred gees in my account.”

“That means there was what, a li'l over a ticket in those safes?” asked Wild Bill.

“Looks like it. Here, check yours and see if y'all have the same in y'all's accounts,” Taz said as he passed the laptop to Wild Bill.

Everyone checked their accounts, and they each had two hundred thousand dollars added into their offshore accounts in the Cayman Islands.

Tari smiled and said, “Well, since I don't have a fancy account over in the Islands, I'll have to get at Won and see what he has set up for me.”

“Don't trip, Tee. I'm about to get at him right now,” Taz said as he pulled out his cell and called Won.

While Taz was on the phone, Red said, “Call that nigga Bob and see what he's up to.”

Keno laughed and said, “That nigga is probably layin' up with his broad, gettin' his freak on.”

“How the fuck is that nigga gon' be gettin' his freak on with that damn shit bag on his side?” laughed Bo-Pete.

Taz, who was laughing also, said, “Excuse me, O.G., these silly-ass niggas are over here clownin' about that nigga Bob. What it do?”

“Everything is everything out his way. Have y'all checked y'all's accounts yet?” asked Won.

“Yeah, everything is good, all except for Tee. She's wondering where her chips are.”

Won started laughing and said, “Tell your li'l snowbunny that I said her ends have been deposited into her credit union account. I know she didn't think I was going to forget about her.”

“Nah, she knew you'd have it taken care of. So, now what?”

“Like I told y'all, we wait. When I get work, y'all will be notified. The last leg of this is almost over with, Babyboy. I suspect Pitt is somewhere having a fucking fit right about now,” Won said as he started laughing.

“Do you think he'll try to get at you before we're able to move on that other nigga?”

“Nope. If it was that easy, I would have taken him out of the game years ago. You see, by me being a council member, he has to have some major proof to get approval to move against me. And that's something he doesn't have. So, don't worry about me, Babyboy. I'm good. Y'all, stay on point. I'll hit y'all when it's time. Out!” Won said, and hung up the phone.

After Taz closed his cell, he told everyone inside of the den what Won had just told him. “So, I guess y'all can go on to the pad and chill out. When everything is everything, he's goin' to get at us.”

“What's up for the weekend? Y'all want to hit the club or what?” asked Bo-Pete.

“I'm wit' it,” said Red as he got out of his seat.

“Fuck it! Why not?” added Wild Bill.

“I haven't been to a club in years. It might just be fun. Count me in,” Tari said with a grin on her face.

“We move as a unit, so you already know I'm in,” said Taz.

As everyone started filing out of the den, Tari stopped Taz and said, “What's up with you and Sacha? Are y'all beefing like that?”

“How do you know that we're beefin' at all?”

“You better go on with that silly shit, boy. You know damn well I can tell when you have something heavy on your mind.”

“Have you forgotten that my daughter has been shot recently? And the nigga that did it is still breathing? What? That's not heavy enough for you?”

“Stop lying to me, Taz. You know I know better. Call her and let her know we made it back. That lady loves you, boy, and you know you love her just as much.” She kissed him lightly on his cheek and added, “Saying I'm sorry really isn't that bad, macho man!”

He smiled at her and said, “Fuck you, white girl!”

She gave a wave of her hand. “I may be a white girl, but there are a whole lot of sistas out there that wish they had an ass like this one!” she said as she slapped herself on her behind.

Taz started laughing and shaking his head as he watched her leave his home. He stood in his doorway and watched as each of his friends climbed inside of their respective vehicles.

Red pulled out of the driveway in his all-black Chevy Tahoe. Bo-Pete followed in his all-black Navigator. Wild Bill was behind him in his all-black Durango. Keno was behind Wild Bill's truck in his all-black Range Rover, and then there was Tari as she climbed into her all-black BMW truck.

What's up with us with all of this black shit?
Taz asked himself as if this was the first time he ever realized that the entire crew drove all-black SUV's as their primary vehicles. Even though he had an S-Class 600 Mercedes and a Bentley Azure parked inside of his four-car garage, he also owned an all-black Denali.

Life was good for them all. They had enough money to live the rest of their lives in extreme comfort. Together, the crew was worth more than a billion dollars.
Won lived up to his part of the deal, so it was only right that they finish this shit for him,
thought Taz as he turned and went upstairs to his bedroom.



Sacha stared at the phone as it continued to ring. She saw Taz's number on the caller ID box, and silently thanked God for letting them make it back safely. She knew he'd call her once he had gotten back, but she just wasn't sure if she was ready to talk to him yet. Since her first doctor's appointment for her pregnancy was in the morning, she knew she would have to speak to him. She took a deep breath, picked up the phone and said, “Hello.”

“What up, Li'l Mama?”

“Hi, Taz.”

“You still mad, huh?”

“What do you think?”

“Do you still want me to go to the doctor with you in the morning?”

“Do you still want to go?”

“Come on, Li'l Mama. What kind of shit are you on? You know ain't nothin' changed with me. This shit is all on you!”

“I know you're not trying to twist this shit on me, Mister Taz! I'm the only one using some common sense in this crazy shit you have me mixed up in!”

“Mixed up in? You're not mixed up in any fuckin' thing! I told you, my business doesn't have anything to do with you. But, no-o-o! You wanted to know everything about what I do. You just had to know what was what. And now that you do, you're trippin'. You see, that's why I didn't want to tell your ass shit in the first fuckin' place!”

“Stop yelling at me, Taz!”

He took a deep breath to try and calm his nerves, and said, “Look, Li'l Mama. You are my now, my tomorrow, my everything, and I love you more than words will ever be able to truly express. But you gots to let this shit go! I'm gon' do me and finish what I've started. Accept it, 'cause it's not goin' to change nothin' if you don't. If you can't accept this, then you can't accept me and who I really am. Now, what time is your appointment again?”

“It's at ten.”

“Do you want me to pick you up, or do you want me to just meet you?”

Sounding real professional, she said, “Yes, Taz, you can meet me at my doctor's office. It's located on the south side, right off of the highway on May Avenue.”

His temper rising again, Taz gritted his teeth and asked, “So, that's how it's gon' be, huh?”

“Bye, Taz!” Sacha said and hung up the phone on him.

Taz hung up the phone and quickly dialed another number. When Won answered, Taz said, “Something is really puzzling me, O.G.”

“What's that, Babyboy?”

“Earlier you said that Pitt couldn't do nothin' 'cause there would be too much drama behind it without any proof.”

“Yeah. So?”

“If that's the case, then how are you goin' to pull off the next demo with Tari doin' her thang on that nigga Cash Flo'?”

“This is the end game, Babyboy. Some of the rules are being changed at this part of the game. Don't worry yourself about the particulars. I gots this. All I'm needing from your end is to make sure that Tari will be put in place so she can do what needs to be done.”

“All right. Man, with all of this shit on my plate, I'm just tryin' not to miss shit, you know what I'm sayin'?”

“Yeah, I know. I've just been informed by one of the council members that Pitt is on the fucking warpath. So, I guess he's been notified of his losses out in Oakland. I should be getting a call soon, so I'll keep you posted.”

“That's cool.”

“All right then. Out!”

“Out!” Taz said. He hung up the phone feeling a little bit better about what was going on. “This shit is crazy,” he said to himself as he relaxed back on his bed.

Out in Northern California, Pitt, a stocky, brown-skinned man, was sitting at his desk in his plush office right outside the city of Oakland, rubbing his neatly trimmed beard. Though he had a smile on his face, he was currently furious. He couldn't believe that Won had finally made his move against him. He didn't have any proof, but he was positive that Won had his place burglarized.
Won has been putting this thing down for years now. I've always known it, but I've never been able to prove it,
Pitt thought as he sat back and continued to watch the video surveillance tape of his bail bondsman office in East Oakland.

All of a sudden, the screen on Pitt's fifty-five-inch plasma screen went fuzzy. “What the fuck?” he yelled as he raised himself out of his comfortable leather chair. He stepped quickly toward the television and started pushing the buttons on the DVD player. It took close to four, maybe five minutes before the screen resumed back to the footage of the back room of the bondsman's office. “That nigga is good that he had a plug in my shit! How the fuck else would the camera go blank for a few minutes?” he yelled as he went back behind his desk and grabbed the phone.

He lit a freshly rolled Cuban cigar and chomped on it furiously as the phone rang. When the other line was answered, he said, “Cash Flo', we need to meet.”

“What's going on now, Pitt? I'm tied up on some very serious negotiations with them dagos out East.”

“Fuck that shit! It's Won! Won is the fucker whose been robbing us blind for the last God knows how many fucking years!”

“What the hell are you talking about, Pitt?” asked Cash Flo'.

“Look, I'm on my way down your way. Have some of your people scoop me from LAX in an hour and a half.”

“All right, but I hope when you get here you have something solid for us to move on, 'cause if you're wasting my time, Pitt—”

“I know, I know. Kill that shit, Flo'. This is your boy. You know I know the rules to this game. I'll see you in a li'l bit,” Pitt said. He hung up the phone and quickly left his office.

As he rode the elevator down to the underground parking area of his office building, his thoughts were of Won.
I don't know how you've been pulling this shit off, nigga, but you fucked up by ever fucking with me. Whoever turned against me in my camp is going to be found. Then I'll have the proof I need to smash your ass,
he thought to himself as he pulled out his keys and climbed inside of his 2006 Jaguar, and sped out of the parking area on his way to the airport.

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