A Gangsta Twist Saga (23 page)

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Authors: Clifford “Spud” Johnson

BOOK: A Gangsta Twist Saga
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Chapter Twenty-five

Tazneema and Clifford were relaxing at Clifford's home, trying to see what they were going to get into for the weekend. It was Friday night, and Lyla had pitched a fit with Tazneema for leaving her to go be with Clifford. “I'm sorry girl, but that's how it is when you have a man in your life,” Tazneema had told Lyla as she grabbed her overnight bag and left the apartment. Now, as she sat cuddled with Clifford, she felt as if everything in her life was just perfect.

She had finally built up the nerve to inform Mama-Mama about Clifford, and it wasn't as bad as she thought it would be. Mama-Mama was pretty cool about it. Her only concern was the age difference, but then she even took that kind of easily.

Tazneema smiled at Clifford and said, “You know you're going to have to meet Mama-Mama this weekend, don't you?”

He smiled and asked, “This weekend? I thought it would be in a couple of weeks.”

“Nope. I told her that we would either come by tomorrow for lunch, or we'd be there for sure for Sunday dinner. So, which one is it going to be, baby?”

“Let's do lunch tomorrow.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes. It would be better for me. You know how I like to get my rest on Sundays before I start a new workweek. So, call Mama-Mama and find out what time she would want us to come over.”

Tazneema smiled and said, “I don't have to do that. Mama-Mama will have everything ready, anyway. As long as we're there before four, we'll be on time for lunch.”

“What do you mean by that?”

Tazneema laughed and said, “Mama-Mama prepares her meals for the day early in the morning, every morning. Her lunch for tomorrow will be ready by seven or eight a.m., so don't worry. Everything will be fine.”

“Do you think she'll like me?” Clifford asked with a smile on his face.

Tazneema turned so that their faces were inches apart and said, “I love you, Cliff, and, baby, that's all that matters.”

He smiled and said, “I love you, too.”



After Taz and Keno had entered the club, Taz saw Katrina and Paquita, smiled, and asked Keno, “Did you ever hit that broad Katrina, gee?”

“Nah, nigga. You fucked that up that night, remember? You was on that murder shit that night.”

“That's right. I forgot about that shit! I can't front, dog. She's over there lookin' kinda tight tonight.”

Keno casually gave a glance toward Katrina and Paquita and saw that Katrina was indeed looking pretty damn good. He turned back toward Taz and asked, “You straight?”

Taz smiled and said, “Yep. I'm good.”

“All right, I'll holla. She's mine tonight, my nigga,” Keno said confidently as he started walking toward Paquita and Katrina's table.

“Go get 'em, tiger!” Taz said as he watched Keno go do his thing. He then gave a slight nod toward Bob and Red, then to Bo-Pete and Wild Bill. They dispersed from their normal spots and started mingling with the rest of the club goers. He then leaned against the bar and sipped his drink as he waited for Sacha and Gwen to arrive.



As Sacha pulled Taz's 600 Benz into Club Cancun's parking lot, she smiled when she saw Keno's, Red's, and Bo-Pete's trucks all parked side by side.

“Damn! I don't see why they wouldn't let us just ride with them. This shit don't make no sense,” said Gwen as she checked her makeup in a compact mirror she held in her hand.

“That's just how they do things, ho. There isn't any need for you to be tripping, so relax.”

“Relax? Bitch, I
relaxed! My titties are still so damn sore that I'm just a little irritable.”

Sacha smiled and said, “But they look good, ho. I still can't believe you did that crazy-ass shit. What made you do it?”

Gwen, who was happy as ever that Sacha really seemed to be impressed by her bold decision to get her breasts enlarged, smiled and said, “I've always wanted bigger breasts, but I was scared to do it in the past. Bob convinced me when he realized that I was a little insecure about my chest. So I said, ‘Fuck it! Why not?' and went down to Dallas and just did it. You like them for real, bitch?”

Sacha started laughing and said, “Ho, I didn't say that I like them. What, you thinking I'm on some pussy now? I think they fit you perfectly, if that's what you mean.” They both laughed as they stepped toward the entrance of the club.

The line to get inside of the club was wrapped around the other side of the building, but that didn't bother Sacha, as she walked straight to the front and told the security guard, “I'm meeting Taz.” The guard smiled at her as he stepped aside and let her and Gwen enter the club. Sacha heard a few females say something slick, but she paid no attention to them as she led her best friend into the club.
Being Taz's woman has all types of little perks,
she thought to herself.

When Taz saw Sacha and Gwen enter the club, he smiled and waved for them to come and join him by the bar. As they were walking toward him, his smile turned into a look of shock as he noticed how big Gwen's breasts were.

Sacha stepped into his arms, gave him a kiss on his cheek. and said, “Close your mouth, baby. You act like you never seen any titties before.”

He frowned slightly at Sacha's jibe and said, “Damn, Gwen! When you get them thangs?”

Gwen smiled brightly and said, “Last week. You like?”

“I wouldn't answer that question if I was you, Taz,” Sacha said with a smile on her face.

Taz laughed and said, “You're looking real good tonight, Gwen.”

“Thank you. Now, I'll leave you two lovers to do y'all for a minute. I see my boo smiling at me over there, so I gots to go. Get us a table or something, bitch. And you already know what I want to drink,” she said as she went and joined Bob, who was at the back of the club, chilling out.

Sacha shook her head and said, “That girl is something else!”

“That, she is,” Taz said, and he turned around and ordered two apple martinis for the two women. After he had given Winky the order, he turned back to Sacha and said, “So, when are you going to go get yours done?”

She slanted her eyes to mere slits and said, “You better start smiling to let me know that you're clowning, Mister Taz!”

Taz laughed and said, “You already know. You're just perfect just the way you are, baby. Ain't no need to try to improve perfection.”

She smiled and said, “That's better. For a minute there I thought I was going to have to show a side of me that you're really not trying to see.” They both started laughing as Winky gave Taz the apple martinis.



“Stop playin', Keno! You know damn well you ain't always wanted to holla at me. You think you can tell me anything and I'd go for it. You need to stop that weak shit and come better than that!” Katrina said confidently, and sipped her glass of hypnotic that Keno had bought for her.

“Nah, on the real, boo, you know a nigga be caught up on some other shit. But every time I be gettin' ready to holla at ya, it's like you either have a nigga all on you already, or some shit comes up and gets in my way. But I'm tellin' you, ain't nothin', and I mean nothin' stoppin' me from gettin' at you tonight.”

Katrina smiled and said, “Is that right?”

“You better believe it, boo.”

“Damn, Keno! What's up with your homeboy Red? He always comes to the club with y'all, but he don't be trying to get at nobody. What, he already gots somebody or somethin'?” asked Paquita.

Keno stared at Paquita for a moment and thought about dissing her, but he thought better of it, because he knew that she was Katrina's girl. Katrina was looking too damn good tonight, dressed in a blue and gold silk dress by Duro Olowu and a pair of blue strapped stilettos by Alessandro Dell'Acqua. Her long legs were looking so tempting to him that he decided to see if Red would play with him tonight. “Nah. See, my nigga just be on some laid-back time. What, you tryin' to holla?” he asked with a smile.

“You damn straight! That big, red, sexy-ass nigga needs a bitch like me in his life,” Paquita said as she stared over to where Red was standing.

“All right, I'll be right back. I'm goin' to see if he'll come rock your world.”

“Whateva!” yelled Paquita, and she and Katrina started laughing.

Keno stepped over to Red and said, “Check this out, my nigga. I need your help.”

Red shook his head no and said, “Don't say what the fuck I think you're going to say, dog. 'Cause ain't no way I'm going to go over there and fuck with you and them rats.”

“Come on, my nigga! Just entertain the bitch for me for a li'l bit. Once I know for sure that Katrina's going to bounce with me, then you can shake that broad. Come on, nigga. She ain't that fuckin' bad. She's thicker than a muthafucka. And, you never know, she might be down for the freaky-freaky thang.”

Red smiled and said, “You think she'll be down for whatever, huh?”

“Come on, my nigga, look at that broad! She's answering that question herself right now. Look!” Keno said as he turned and pointed toward Paquita. She was staring at them, licking her lips with a seductive look in her eyes.

She may not be the prettiest female inside of the club, but she wasn't the ugliest,
Red thought to himself as he smiled at her. After taking a deep breath and draining the rest of his drink, he said “Fuck it, nigga! Come on. But you're going to owe me for this one!”

Keno laughed as they strolled toward Katrina and Paquita, and said, “As long as I owe you, nigga, you'll never be broke!”

After Sacha and Taz had joined Bob and Gwen at the table that Bob had a waitress get for them, they proceeded to have a good time by getting nice and drunk. Bob and Gwen went back and forth out on the dance floor, while Taz and Sacha danced very little but drank a lot.

“Damn, Li'l Mama! You trying to get faded, huh?” asked Taz.

Sacha smiled at her man and said, “I'm enjoying myself, baby, that's all.”

“I feel you, but at the rate you're going, you won't be enjoying much tomorrow.”

She smiled, shrugged her shoulders slightly, and said, “Oh well! At least I know I'll be well taken care of, right?”

Taz grinned and said, “Always, Li'l Mama . . . always.”

Bob and Gwen came back to the table and sat down. “Damn, girl! I ain't goin' back out there with your wild ass. You act like you trying to wear a nigga out before I can get your ass home and tap that thang!” Bob said, and he sipped his drink.

“Humph! You know damn well I'm going to be having your ass begging me to stop when we get home, nigga, so stop frontin' for Taz,” Gwen said as she smiled lovingly at Bob.

“You two really need to quit that shit. Both of y'all are some straight characters,” Taz said. He then noticed a little commotion over by where Keno and Red were standing. He got to his feet and said, “Bob, the homies are getting into somethin'. Come on.”

Bob stood and followed Taz over to where Keno and Red were.

“Oh, shit! Here we go again!” Sacha said as she watched the men leave.



“Come on, my nigga. Ain't no need for any bullshit tonight. My nigga didn't know that this was your girl,” explained Keno.

“I ain't his damn girl, Keno! I just got a baby by that broke-ass nigga! He thinks just 'cause he just got out the pen that he can come home and run me. Fuck him!” yelled Paquita.

Just as it seemed as if everything was going smoothly with the four of them, Paquita's baby daddy, Bump, had to come into the club, tripping. Once he saw Paquita all up under Red, he rushed right up to her and snatched her out of Red's big arms.

Red's first instinct was to start beating the shit out of Paquita's kid's father, but he was able to control that sudden urge.

“Nah, you check this out, partna. This bitch has my seed at home all by himself, when she should have her rat-ass at the house taking care of him. I don't give a fuck who she fucks with, gee, but she's gon' respect me and take proper care of my seed!” yelled the angry father.

“I respect your mind, gangsta, so go on and chill, and I give you my word she'll go on and check on your seed. We're not trying to have all of this drama up in here tonight,” Keno said wisely.

“Fuck you, Bump! My sister is at my house, watching my son! You ain't never done shit for him any fuckin' way! I don't see how your bitch-ass has the nerve to come up in here and try to run shit! Yeah, he's your seed, but that's all! You ain't no damn daddy! You a fuckin' wannabe-ass dope dealer, you broke-ass muthafucka!”

Before Keno could calm Paquita down, Bump slapped her so hard that she fell to the floor instantly.

“Come on, dog. Leave her alone,” said Red.

Bump turned toward Red and was about to say something, but Taz stepped up and said, “What up, Bump? Back to your old antics again, huh?”

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