A Forgotten Kitten (Sea-anan Saga Book 2) (7 page)

BOOK: A Forgotten Kitten (Sea-anan Saga Book 2)
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“Or what?” Jugar straightened up. He was a tall cat at six foot nine, yet he still had to tilt his head back to meet Sev’s darkening features.

“You don’t want me to answer that,
Sev’s eyes sent a clear warning before he stormed out of the docking bay.

He went to his chambers on the tenth floor and threw himself onto his bed like a sulking teen. He grabbed a pillow and placed it underneath his chin. Jugar had asked what would happen if he became intimate with Areo. Sev would end it, even if it meant one of them had to go. The thought of Areo with any male but him made Sev sick to his stomach.

His attraction to Areo was undeniably strong, and it continued to grow daily. Sev felt as if he had not had Areo in his arms, or in his bed, for a lifetime. It was taking its toll on him. Many times, his lust had threatened to boil over. In fear of giving in to his need, he went off alone. He would not force Areo into mating with him, no matter how he felt.

Try as he did to stay away from her, Sev could not remove Areo from his thoughts. No longer was his phantom lover invisible. She had a face, a name, and a body that he constantly dreamt of possessing.

Sev closed his eyes and recalled her scent, fresh and clean. He imagined undressing her, revealing her curves one at a time. His body quickly responded, hungering to stake its claim. Sev groaned into his pillow. He wished Areo was there with him instead of skimming through star maps with Angel.

When he remembered Angel’s promiscuous nature, his head popped up. The sweet-talking snow leopard had been on a mating spree since their arrival three years ago. And now he was alone with Areo. An image of the two in an intimate embrace entered his mind. Sev bolted off his bed and rushed to the control room.

He briskly entered the room and careened to a halt. Areo sat before the navigational monitor. Sev saw a shirtless Angel lower his head to mere inches from Areo’s. The feline whispered something into her exposed ear. Sev’s instincts had been correct. Not having seen Sev enter the room, Angel was about to make a move.

Sev watched Angel admire Areo’s delicate features. His eyelids lowered partway as his hungry gaze raked down the curve of Areo’s neck and lingered at her breasts. His right hand rose to caress the back of Areo’s neck and spine. Sev roared, unable to restrain himself.

The couple jumped at the sound. Areo spun her seat around and spotted a very large, incensed cat with glowing copper eyes standing by the entrance. The sight transported her back to her childhood—to the many times she had seen Sev lose his temper over her. Her breath caught. She did not dare hope it was because he was jealous of Angel.

“Get out!” Sev hollered at Angel. “Get out, now!”

Angel stared at the dangerous-looking lion. “What?”

“You heard me, blast it. Get out!” Sev stiffly walked toward Angel. “Or by thunder, Angel, I swear I will make you regret you ever laid eyes on me.”

Angel’s mouth fell open. He quickly closed it and left without a backward glance.

Areo remained in her seat, not knowing what to expect next. Sev focused his glower on her. Her thumping heart accelerated.

“You are not to go near him again. Do you hear me? If you need any help or information, you go to Serena or Uma.
No one else.

Areo finally recognized the root cause to Sev’s actions and felt both elated and relieved. He still found her attractive. His jealous behavior warmed her heart just as it had when they were kids.

“Not even you?” she asked, hoping he would answer the way her heart longed for him to.

Sev looked taken aback. “Me?”

“Yes, you.” Areo stood from her seat. She ignored her promise to her uncle and made her way to Sev. Her swaying hips promising sensual ecstasy.

She saw the fire in Sev’s eyes quickly change, and she preferred this new look. He desired her. Her mind swarmed with possibilities. She instinctively purred and paused beneath his chin. Tilting her head back, she waited for his response.

A seductive purr left his own lips. Areo’s soul soared to the heavens at his invitation. It was like someone had opened a pair of draperies and permitted the sun to enfold her in its warm rays.

Her response was too slow. She caught a glimpse of doubt enter Sev’s eyes. Areo sensed he was about to leave, so she moved a step closer, making it impossible for him to turn without touching her. Sev’s gaze landed on her breasts. Her deep breaths made them point toward him; they beckoned him to reach out and touch her. She was disappointed when Sev clenched his fists instead.

Areo observed the snug fit of his tan pants. When they were younger, Sev had been extremely thin. Now he bulged from every angle, and she approved. She spotted his manhood, swollen and trapped in a casing too small. It called to her. Unable to resist, she stared into Sev’s eyes and stepped closer.

Her breasts grazed Sev’s lower abdomen. Sev’s eyes grew brighter. With a growl, he grabbed her shoulders. His dark head swooped down to capture her lips in a sweltering kiss. His tongue slipped inside her mouth and quickly whipped one way, then the other, before twirling around hers.

Areo released a long, sensual, but tormented purr that originated deep within her heart. Her greedy mouth wanted to savor the rare ambrosial taste of Sev, for no man she had ever dated came close to this unnerving feline. After receiving his acknowledgment, her hands traveled over the hard muscles of his stomach and chest. Areo whimpered. She had never imagined that Sev would grow up to be so powerfully built. Her legs grew weak. Years of suppressed longing quickly rose out of control.

Sev eagerly absorbed Areo’s soft sobs. He wrapped his arms around her waist and lifted her against his bare torso. Their heated kiss continued. Neither wanted it to end; neither wanted to release the dream.

Sev felt her fingers rake through his hair. Moaning, Areo pulled his head closer. He responded with a moan of his own and a tighter embrace.

Areo’s scent changed. It became stronger, more potent, and mingled with a perfume vaguely familiar to Sev. It aroused him and made it impossible for him to keep his hands on her waistline.

Sev first lowered his right hand, then his left, so he could cup Areo’s shapely buttocks. Areo snatched his tongue and tugged hard as she wrapped her legs around his waist. Electricity ripped through Sev’s core. His eyes shot open as a great need to absorb this enchantress filled him. Not knowing what it meant, Sev closed his eyes again, opened his mouth wider, and sucked with all his might.

His hips rocked forward. He felt his grip on sanity slipping fast. His hands found their way underneath Areo’s short skirt and massaged her tight bottom. Feeling her wetness made him roar. Ensnaring her lips, Sev hurried them over to the main control console. He placed Areo on the table’s edge and leaned into her. His rigid member gyrated against her heated moisture, seeking entrance.

Sev appreciatively regarded Areo’s lovely face. Finding her near death and watching over her for a month without knowing if she would wake up made time seem fleeting. Without wasting any more precious time, Sev reached for his belt and pulled Areo’s underwear to one side. At doing so, his knuckles grazed her opening. They each groaned with need.

Before Sev could release himself, Areo tightened her legs around his waist. She pulled him down by his shoulders to capture his lips. Sev roared into her eager mouth. He lowered his pants and pulled her underwear further to the side.

His tool made contact with Areo’s sodden sex. He felt like a poker-hot knife had pierced his midsection. He moaned into her mouth and rubbed his member against her. Areo spread her legs wider for him, moistening him completely.

Sev understood her wishes. He slipped his tip inside her. She was small and tight.

“I need you.”

He inched deeper, his longing for Areo so tremendous that it confused him. Sev had never wanted another female like this
before; he had been able to resist the call to mate. However, Areo’s mating call was different. It was more alluring, more intoxicating. And her hot, moist cavity beckoned to be claimed.

Areo’s hips tilted upward. “Take me.” Her mouth closed around his.

The fire in Sev’s core raged more fiercely. He pulled his hips back slightly, preparing himself to claim his first mate.

“Sev! Areo!” The couple was startled at Jugar’s booming voice. “What in the blazes do you think you’re doing?”

Areo automatically pushed Sev’s hips away, putting a slight distance between them. Sev’s emotions turned from red-hot desire to white-hot rage.

His glowing glare zoomed in on the male at the doorway. “Get out! That’s an order!”

Jugar remained where he stood and glowered back at him. Sev viciously snarled, instantly creating a mental list of punishments for the disobedient cougar. Areo’s response made the situation worse. She motioned for him to release her from his embrace. Sev begged her with his eyes not to make him do it, but she ignored his silent pleas. He unwillingly helped her to the ground. With downcast eyes, she straightened her clothes.

Left with no choice, Sev placed his throbbing member back into its confinements. It angered him to see Areo acting demure or obedient toward anyone. For the past six months, she had shown many facets of her personality, and none of them was shy or submissive.

As he secured his belt, Sev scowled at his friend, who was quickly becoming the bane of his existence. “What do you want, Jugar? Isn’t there a lair that needs to be built?”

“Not at the moment, no.”

“I ordered you to leave.”

Jugar met his stare. “I think not.” He switched his sights to Areo. “Have you found what you were looking for?” he asked pointedly.

Areo rushed to the navigation panel and hastily initiated her search. Only then did she respond. “No, actually, I haven’t.”

Sev’s anger surged at Jugar’s clear defiance. He saw Jugar head for the empty chair next to Areo and blocked him midway. “We need to talk.”

“Later. Areo is going to need some help reading those charts.”

Jugar tried to move around him, but Sev stepped in his path again. “She’ll be fine.”

“No, she won’t.” Jugar went around Sev and sat beside Areo.

Sev felt like he was going to kill someone. The question was, who would it be first? Jugar or Angel?

Jugar looked at Areo. In a low voice, he said, “We’ll speak later about this.” He pointed to the star charts. “So, have you learned how to read these?”

Blushing, Areo focused on the maps. “No.”

It seemed Jugar had forgotten Sev’s keen hearing. Sev was not about to allow anything to endanger his relationship with Areo, especially after the explosion he had experienced while holding Areo in his arms. He had received his long-awaited answer when she had responded to his touch. She had verbally confirmed it when she had begged him to claim her.

Sev reached for another chair and placed it at Areo’s left. He leaned close to her and possessively draped an arm over her shoulders. He would clearly define his territory. It was time to let the other men know Areo was off-limits.

“Can you show me exactly where we are?” Areo asked breathlessly.

“We’re here.” Jugar pointed to a spot on the map. “Do you know your planet’s coordinates?”

Areo gave the answer, but it was delayed. Sev was full of surprises. While she sat beside an angry Jugar, Sev dared to finger her nape. His warm breath caressed the small hairs on her earlobe, causing shivers of pleasure to race along her spine.

During her stay, Sev had displayed traits of leadership, respectfulness, and kindness toward his subjects. He enjoyed being in the company of his friends. It was evident in his laughter and playfulness toward them. She also noticed that Sev had retained his shy side. She caught him many times sneaking off alone. He obviously
enjoyed his solitary moments. And since Sev maintained his shyness, it surprised her that he was behaving so boldly.

Areo sat motionless. She knew she should be concentrating on the maps, not on Sev’s firm touch on her neck. She feared Jugar would notice and make Sev stop. She now understood why her mother had said never to allow a male to finger her nape and spine. Not only did it stimulate a feline to ovulate, allowing conception to take place, it also felt insanely awesome. Areo wanted Sev to go on forever.

Jugar keyed in her coordinates, and the computer displayed the results. “Is this it?”

Areo was paying no attention to him. Her eyes were closed. Her small hands were balled into fists. “Areo!” Jugar barked.

Areo jumped and stared openmouthed at Jugar. She overheard Sev’s long, threatening growl. She peeked at Sev and saw his glowing gaze fixed on Jugar.

Jugar sneered and pointed at the monitor. “Is…this…it?”

Areo’s right hand trembled as she passed it through her hair. She studied the monitor and recognized planet Aaren’s star system. Of course, it was the correct location. It was once Jugar’s home. He knew of its coordinates. “Yes. Yes, it is. And where are we?”

“Princess, I need to speak with Jugar this instant. Can you continue on your own?”

Areo felt her cheeks start to burn. “Well…I kind of learned how to fly without acing the navigation course.”

Sev’s glowing eyes dimmed as his expression questioned her.

Areo shrugged her shoulders and explained. “I have a knack for flying ships, like my mother. I basically learn routes by someone teaching me or by trial and error, in a manner of speaking. You’d be surprised at what I use as markers.” She shook her head. “I truly can’t make heads or tails of these freakin’ maps.”

“You have got to be kidding me,” said a dumbfounded Sev. “And you’re supposed to be a fighter pilot?”

Areo scowled. “There’s more than one way to fly a ship, you know. There’s no
stating there’s one set of rules on how to fly.”

“Obviously, since you’ve made it this far,” commented Jugar.

Areo heard the amazement in his voice. “What do you mean, ‘this far’?”

“Have you noticed the distance between our space and yours?” He glowered at Sev. “Apparently not.”

They ignored his remark and jointly asked, “What do you mean?”

BOOK: A Forgotten Kitten (Sea-anan Saga Book 2)
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