A Forever Masterpiece (The Masterpiece Trilogy Book 3) (40 page)

BOOK: A Forever Masterpiece (The Masterpiece Trilogy Book 3)
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I know you can easily and quite possibly may say no, but this is my request. I don't know who else to turn to. You may hate me for thrusting this upon you, unless somehow I've gathered up the nerve to explain to you in person my reasoning. I've also written a letter to whomever may be the one to make the final decision.

Thank you for everything you've done. It's not gone unnoticed. Your visits and genuine concern give me the strength I'll need to get past the next few weeks, but I couldn't let this go without making sure everything is tied up, in case I don't get to see them grow up.


With tears in her eyes, Becca set the letter down. "I want to take them in, Hunter. I don't think I could turn this down, and with Stan's hesitance..."

He nodded. "It's going to be a big adjustment, but I want it, too. From the start, this felt so much like what we went through. If you're ready to embrace the changes and take the kids in, then we'll do it."

Chapter Thirty


Hunter and Becca's wedding day had finally arrived. The weather was crisp and cool, but the sun shone bright. They'd picked the perfect spot, a beautiful garden right near the cliffs where, for years, Hunter and Becca ventured to in order to honor a memory.

The last few months had been full of wedding planning, renovations, and court appointments. They'd assumed the role of guardians to Henry and Miranda, both knowing they couldn't turn those kids away. There had been times Hunter wasn't sure things would go in their favor, especially seeing how things in their lives went the last few months, but with the help of family and friends, the courts honored Cherie's wishes and named Becca and Hunter legal guardians. Within the next year, they hoped to actually adopt the kids, but Henry and Miranda would always know their real parents.

Shara and Beverly stepped in and took care of Miranda during the day, even though Becca said she'd stay home. They urged her to keep her job, since she loved it so much. Beverly loved being at the house with the baby and being there for Henry when he came home from school. He had his struggles, but Hunter understood them and worked with him through the roughest days. He knew trauma and the trouble that followed.

Straightening his tie, Hunter scanned the area, taking in the sights. Soon he'd see Becca come down the aisle in the dress he hadn't seen yet.

Joe cleared his throat beside him. Hunter asked him to be his best man, and he agreed. Hunter carried a photo of his parents on their wedding day with Joe next to them. "I'm so proud of you. Your dad would be, too. Just like they did, you took on a role you never had to. I love you, boy."

Hunter held back his tears. "I love you too, old man." He socked Joe lightly on the arm, then hugged him.

The music began. Instead of the traditional wedding march, Hunter and Becca had chosen a song totally meant for them. As the words to
'Thinking Out Loud'
played, the wedding party began their trek down the aisle. He waited with anticipation to see his beautiful bride. There she was, at the other end of the garden. Jesse stood on one side of her, Todd on the other. Hunter had been shocked when Eva told him what she'd offered to Becca months ago. She didn't have a father to give her away, but Todd stepped in. Becca also asked her brother to give her away, since he'd always been the one to protect her. So there they were, walking slowly down the aisle with Becca in the middle.

Becca's dress was perfect. Her hair fell in loose waves. Their eyes met. She smiled at him, her eyes glistening with tears. Sienna stood at the foot of the altar, still tossing flowers. She loved the attention. Her adorable white dress made her look like a tiny princess, matching her soon-to-be stepmother's princess look. He loved them both.

Todd and Jesse kissed Becca's cheek once she stood at the altar with Hunter, then took a step back.

There they were, side by side. Hunter gently raised the veil. He reached for her hands. His were sweaty, and hers were soft.

"Who gives this bride away today?" the preacher asked.

"We do," Jesse and Todd said at the same time. They took their seats, Todd beside his wife, daughter, and grand-daughter, and Jesse moved to sit with Elizabeth. Friends and family were all here.

"Brought together by a tragedy, these two went through so much in the years they've known each other. But love always conquers all. We're gathered here today to take part in uniting Hunter and Becca in marriage."

It came time to say their vows. Hunter began.

"Love isn't always easy. It doesn't always start with a wink and a look, ready to explore. Sometimes love finds you after something painful and heartbreaking happens. What matters most is that love is what I found with you. I don't care that I can't tell friends or our future grandkids that we fell in love by some magical power, or give them the best first date story ever. I'm spontaneous, sometimes hard headed, and I'm a stubborn fool, but you've been my best friend for twenty years. It speaks volumes for the kind of person you are. I can't promise to be perfect, and I don't want to promise that, but I do vow to give you the best life I can, the one you deserve. We'll have ups and downs as we always have, but with you is where I want to be. I vow to always strive to be the man you deserve." His fingers trembled as he slid the wedding ring on Becca's finger.

"You're my best friend. You've seen me at my best and my worst. I don't know if I can ever give you as much as you've given me, but know that I'll try. I vow to always be by your side, through the best of times, and the worst, because there's no place else I'd rather be. I'll be here when you're scared, when you're happy, or when you're sad. You are my best masterpiece." She stumbled over her words a little at the end, but Becca made it through. Her eyes glistened with tears. "I'm not the best with words. It's not every day a girl gets to marry her hero," Becca whispered. She placed the ring on his finger.

"You were perfect." Hunter cupped her cheek.

Both were in tears as they said their I Do's. Becca's long hair ruffled in the breeze.

"I now pronounce you man and wife. You may now kiss your bride."

Hunter pulled Becca close to him, wrapped his arms around her, and pressed his lips to hers. The moment their lips met, their friends and family cheered. Shutters snapped as photos were continuously taken. Becca deepened the kiss. Hunter closed his eyes for a brief second, taking in the moment. He ran his hand lovingly along her jaw when the kiss ended.

"I present to you, Mr. and Mrs. Hunter Beckman!"

Hunter let out a whoop, which made everyone laugh. Hand in hand, they walked back down the aisle as a married couple, passing the people they cared about the most as the cheers and congratulations continued. When they stopped at the edge of the gazebo, Hunter faced everyone. "We'll see you at the reception in a little while. If you don't mind, Becca and I need to do this next part by ourselves."

"Of course. Go," Beverly gestured. Everyone knew what they planned to do. She kissed Hunter's cheek, then Becca's. "I love you both." She handed them a basket containing flower petals before taking off.

Hand in hand, Hunter and Becca slowly made their way toward the cliffs. His wife. Becca had just become his wife. He would treasure this moment forever.

A brisk wind dragged the salty air around, blowing a mist of water on their faces. Hunter and Becca stood at the edge of the cliffs as they had once each year. This time was different. This time, they would say what they needed to and then that would be the end of this annual trip. The time had come to let go of the island, but they would never, ever let go of the memory of their parents.

Tears streamed down Becca's face.

Hunter drew in a deep breath, ragged with emotion. He held his hand out with the flower petals. As he turned it upside down, only half of the red buds made it down the cliffs to drift upon the water. "In loving memory of Charles and Savannah Beckman. Dad, your decision changed so many things. The last year has been the biggest roller coaster, but thank you. Thank you for being the best father I could have asked for. I just wish I had you longer. I want you to know the beautiful baby you helped save from a terrible fate is now my wife, and I'll continue to protect her. She's amazing, a true inspiration to me, and you would have loved the adult she's become. Mom, I miss you so much. You would have become such a doting grandmother to Sienna. She brings a smile to my face and makes me proud every day. Your courage taught me so much. Thank you for bringing Becca to the Langes. Becca knows where she comes from now, but Rusty and Anne still have a big piece of her heart and always will. I love you. We wanted you to be here on our wedding day. I hope you don't mind if we don't come back here, but now that Becca and I are truly starting our lives together, we have to let this place go. But you'll always be in our hearts. We have Joe, too. He misses you both. Save a time for us to play some basketball when I see you again, Dad. And thanks to your strength and courage, Becca and I have made a choice which will change our lives, but it'll be for the better. There are two little children who lost their mom and dad, and we're going to raise them now." Hunter stopped as his own tears fell. He pulled Becca in for a hug and held her tight. He ran his hand through her hair. "Mr. and Mrs. Lange, I'll take care of your baby. You may not have had Becca the old fashioned way, but we know you loved her. You raised her up, protected her, and gave her everything she needed, until the day you died. I know in your eyes I may not be good enough for her, but just know Becca is my world. She gives me strength and reason to be better every day. Your little girl is in good hands. Ellie, I've always wanted a sister. I'll take care of yours." He cupped Becca's face and kissed her eyelids. Her lashes were wet from tears.

"I had no idea you were going to say all that," Becca whispered.

"Neither did I, but I needed to get it out." Hunter pulled a flower petal from Becca's hair. "I would have said it to them if they were here."

Becca's face glistened from her tears in the setting sun. She held out her hand full of petals and stepped forward. Her dress billowed behind her from the flow of the wind. "In loving memory of Rusty, Anne, and Ellie Lange. Thank you for being the only family I ever knew. I'm sorry about all the losses you had before me. I- I don't know what else to say but thank you for loving me." She broke down, her body shaking with sobs as she dropped the petals over. Hunter slid his arm around her waist to pull her close. He thought she was done talking, then she spoke again. "Thank you, Charles and Savannah. Your son grew up to be a wonderful man. He's caring, gives his all, and he has a big heart. It seems he got it from you, considering how much you put on the line for a child you didn't have to care so much about. Just know your son is loved so much by me, and I'll do my best to make him the happiest man." Then Becca turned to slide her arms around him. "And in loving memory of Rebecca Lange. I'm sorry you never had a chance to show the world what you were made of. You aren't forgotten, sweet baby girl. I never meant to take your place. At least you're together with Mom, Dad, and Ellie now." She cried softly. "I miss them."

"Me too, sweetheart. Me too." Hunter cradled his new bride close. "Remember, there's no forever goodbyes."

"I know." Becca raised her head and planted a soft kiss on his lips. "I love you."

He pulled her even closer. "I love you too, Mrs. Rebecca Beckman," Hunter murmured against her lips before he claimed them with his own. "Let's get back to our family for the reception, shall we?"

Becca nodded. They both stared out at the darkening water. In the distance, a lighthouse light came on just as the last rays of light faded.

Even in the chill of the evening, warmth wrapped around Hunter like a hug. He smiled. It was like their parents sent them a message that all would be okay.

Becca stopped in her tracks. "Did you-?"

So she'd felt it, too. "Yeah. I felt it."

Hand in hand, they headed back to the wedding party of friends and family, people they'd found solace with in the past years. They were really going to be okay.

They'd found forever in the midst of hell and made it through. Hunter had no doubts Becca was his forever.


The next evening, before they were all to leave the island, Becca and Hunter had one more thing to do.

Take a spin in a plane.

He stood before the small plane and had a mix of nerves and excitement run through him. Just another piece of his life he could have back, and he wanted it so much. Hunter felt more than ready to do this.

"Do we get to see you take off?" Henry asked, bouncing with excitement.

Hunter nodded. "You sure do. Just stay with Nana and listen, okay? Next time, I'll take you up there, but for now, it's just me and Becca."

"Okay. It's still gonna be awesome!" Henry gave them both a hug, then ran over to Beverly. Their family moved away to a safe distance as Hunter aided his bride in the plane.

Hunter could pretty much safely say airplanes weren't a trigger any more. And for the first time in almost a year, he'd be piloting one on his own. The best part of the whole ordeal was that he had his wife by his side. Becca clicked on her seatbelt and peered over at him. "Nervous?" He asked.

"A little. Not because you're piloting, but I still get a tad jittery when I get on a plane. I never thought I'd do this again, but the past year has been full of surprises."

"I'd say. How about a kiss for good luck?" He puckered his lips.

Becca laughed. Oh, the sweet sound of her laugh. He loved it. Every day he heard it was a reward for him. Then she gave him a kiss.

Hunter prepared to take off. He'd fly over the ocean waters a bit and get a great view of the islands. He couldn't wait to see Becca's painted version of this.

She'd been selling consistently in Brock's gallery. Her first art show had been a smashing success, and she had another one coming up this summer. Having her family live so close had been beneficial. Becca was so happy. They were both free of the painful past they shared and got to do things as a normal, married couple.

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