A Forbidden Rumspringa (Gay Amish Romance Book 1) (12 page)

BOOK: A Forbidden Rumspringa (Gay Amish Romance Book 1)
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With a smile, David turned the key one notch and pressed a button. The radio dial lit up, and music filled the truck. As David turned the knob, there was static and bursts of music until the number
appeared. David twisted another knob, and there were voices. After a moment Isaac realized it was the monkeys on the screen debating whether or not to share something with the bears. He found himself smiling. “Wow.”

“Cool, huh? You stay here and watch. I’ll get us some snacks.”

“No!” The thought of being alone in the truck in his English clothes watching a movie made Isaac queasy. “I’ll come with you.”

As they walked toward a small rectangular brick building with an illuminated sign that proclaimed it the Snack Bar, Isaac’s cheeks burned. Most people were in their cars watching the movie, but he felt certain everyone was staring. That they
He kept his eyes on the ground.

Inside it smelled deliciously like grease and popcorn, and a youngie girl with her long blonde hair pulled back through a baseball cap grinned.

“Hey, David! Who’s this?”

“Jessica, this is Isaac.”

Isaac nodded. “How do you do?”

She grinned again. “I do just fine, thank you. What can I get you? David, you want the usual?”

“Of course.” David pointed out the menu board to Isaac. “Shorty’s Valley Famous BBQ Sandwich. The sauce is amazing. Or you can get a hot dog—or a chilli cheese dog. Or nachos. Jessica, we’ll get a large popcorn with extra butter too.” He glanced at Isaac. “Pepsi or 7-Up?”

“Pepsi.” Isaac’s mouth watered. “I haven’t had one since I went to Warren the last time.”

“Been a while, then?” David perused the chocolate bars in a glass display case in the counter.

“Three years.”

“I’d say you’re due.”

At least eating and drinking English food wasn’t explicitly a violation of the Ordnung. They just didn’t get much of a chance in Zebulon. “Should I get a hot dog or nachos?”

“Both.” David nodded to Jessica, who took tongs and plucked a hot dog from inside a machine that rolled the meat around.

By the time they made their way back to the truck, they had so much food Isaac could barely hold his share. The first movie seemed to have finished, and words scrolled up the screen.

“The people here are nice,” Isaac noted. “Do they…do they know where we’re from?” He mentally kicked himself for mentioning in front of Jessica that he hadn’t had Pepsi in years.

David settled in behind the wheel. “I’m sure they do, but they’ve never said anything about it.”

“You don’t think it’s dangerous? What if they told someone?”

David snorted. “Who would they tell? It’s not like Bishop Yoder’s going to come to the movies.”

“I suppose not.” Isaac pushed up the sleeves of his sweatshirt and eyed the food resting on the dashboard and the seat between them. “I’m not sure where to start.”

David unwrapped his sandwich and took a huge bite. “Anywhere,” he mumbled.

Laughter bubbled up in Isaac’s chest, and before he knew what he was doing, he dragged his finger across David’s chin, swiping away the red sauce that dripped there. He brought his finger to his mouth and flicked his tongue out to taste. “Wow. That really is good.” He slowly sucked his finger clean, savoring the smoky-sweet flavor. Then he licked his lips.

Staring at Isaac, David swallowed his mouthful with an audible gulp
“Uh-huh.” He didn’t take another bite, and silence stretched out.

A loud noise made them both jump. The sound rolled in a rhythm, and Isaac stared at the radio. As more instruments joined in, up on the screen a yellow statue spelled out
20th Century Fox.
Isaac and David smiled at each other, chuckling. Isaac picked up his hot dog and settled in, ignoring the voice in his head that screamed of these wicked, worldly deeds.

Two hours later, Isaac rubbed his eyes. His belly was full, and he felt as though he’d hardly blinked. The movie on Mervin’s Touch was one thing, but seeing explosions and practically naked women bigger than life on a huge screen was another.

“Did you like it?” David asked. Other cars were pulling away toward the exit across the field, but he didn’t turn the key.

“I don’t know. I…” Isaac exhaled. “That’s a lie. I did like it. It just seems like I shouldn’t! All those people dying, even if they were bad. But it was exciting to watch.” His fingers were sticky with butter and cheese, and he wiped them with a paper napkin, finishing off his Pepsi with a loud slurp.

“I liked it too.“ Eyes alight, David whispered, “Your secret’s safe with me.”

Isaac’s skin prickled, and he felt too warm. “I guess we should get back.”

With a sigh, David nodded and joined the line of cars inching toward the road. “Sorry—it takes a while to get out of here when it’s busy.”

“It’s okay,” Isaac said, finding that even though it was getting late, he really didn’t mind at all.

June’s farmhouse was dark when they drove up, but the light over the workshop faithfully turned on as David parked the truck near it. Isaac had no idea how it worked, but it was a handy thing, this motion detector.
Lanterns do just fine. Don’t go getting carried away after one
night in the world

Inside, Isaac changed back into his clothes with his gaze resolutely on the floor. After a deep breath, he pulled down the zipper on his borrowed jeans himself. He hopped back into his pants, buttoning the flap over his fly with fast fingers. He didn’t bother with the three hooks at the top of his shirt, and shrugged on his jacket over it. He could see David moving in the corner of his eye, but didn’t dare look until he was sure David was dressed.

“Oh, before I forget…” David said, his voice muffled.

Isaac turned to find David bent over and peering into the little refrigerator. His black pants stretched tightly over his backside, and Isaac willed himself to look away as a deep ache set his cock and balls tingling. It must have been an after effect of the movie, or perhaps the huge amount of Pepsi he’d drunk. He just had to relieve himself, that was all.

David pulled out a clear bag holding whole fish. He wrapped them in a cloth before dropping them in a black sack and handing it to Isaac. “For your mother. I’ll tell mine they weren’t biting tonight.”

Isaac took the sack, his fingers brushing David’s. He steadied his breath. “I need…is there an outhouse here?”

“There’s a bathroom in there.” David pointed to a door at the rear of the workshop. “But you can go outside if you’d rather.”

“I’d better. I think I’ve done enough sinning for tonight.” Now that they were returning home, the earlier euphoria was giving way to reality.

David turned away. “Sure. I’ll meet you by the fence.”

After he did his business by a tree, Isaac waited where Kaffi was loosely tied, head bowed and munching away. He stroked the horse’s flanks. When David arrived, his shoulders were tense, and he didn’t look at Isaac as he untethered Kaffi. Behind them, the light on the workshop went out, and they were in darkness but for the moon. Isaac blinked as his eyes adjusted.

“I’m sorry if you regret going tonight.” David’s words were bitten out.

“David, I don’t. At least, I don’t think I do.” Isaac’s heart skipped. “Are you angry with me?”

Head down, David laughed, but it was razor sharp. “No, Isaac. Only with myself.”

“Why?” Isaac touched the sleeve of David’s coat. “I wanted to come. I’m glad you trusted me.”

When he looked up, David’s eyes shone with unshed tears. “I was selfish to bring you here. Please forgive me.”

“What?” Isaac dropped the sack of fish and stepped closer, rubbing David’s arm. He hated to see him upset. “There’s nothing to forgive. You said yourself Mervin and I were watching a movie just last week. We’re all curious. We’re all tempted. The tighter they try to lock us away from the world, the more we wonder. They try to prevent rumspringa, but they can’t stop it. Most of the time I feel like I’m drowning in sinful thoughts. A zipper and a movie aren’t so bad, really.”

A tear slipped down David’s cheek, and he took Isaac’s head in his hands. “Isaac, if you knew what I really wanted—” He broke off.

Was it possible? David was touching him in a way he never had. Did he mean what Isaac thought he meant? His heart thumped, and the dark desire that secretly hummed through him day and night rose to a crescendo like the music at the start of the movie. “I want it too,” Isaac whispered. Oh God, he did. He wanted it. He wanted

David took a shuddering breath, swiping his thumb across Isaac’s bottom lip. Before he could think better of it, Isaac sucked the calloused pad of David’s thumb into his mouth. David moaned low in his throat, and a warm puff of air feathered across Isaac’s face.

He wasn’t exactly sure how it came to be that David’s thumb was replaced by David’s lips, pressing gently. The world tilted, Isaac’s head so light it might float away. He was certain he had to be back in his bed, with his brother’s snoring about to wake him from this wonderful dream at any moment.

Because he couldn’t possibly be leaning into the solid warmth of David Lantz, feeling David’s arms steal around him, their bodies in a tight embrace as they explored each other. He’d never kissed anyone before, and it wasn’t possible that he was kissing another boy—a
the scrape of David’s late-day stubble exhilarating against his skin.

Isaac couldn’t be parting his lips and kissing David more deeply, tasting meat and salt and something sweeter than molasses in the next breath. It was impossible that his hands were roaming over David’s back, touching the firm, trembling muscles, wishing there was nothing in between them—that they could rut together flesh on flesh like the animals in the barn.

Isaac groaned, his body flowing with something that had to be electricity.

Then he woke, David’s warmth ripped away from him with a gasp. Isaac blinked, waiting for the familiar dark shapes of his bedroom to materialize. But there was no chest of drawers or dark clothing hung from pegs on the wall. He was still standing by the fence at June’s farm, his breath shallow, and his mouth wet.

David stumbled back. “No. I’ve done enough. I can’t do this to you too.” He lurched up the fence and onto Kaffi. “We have to go home. Come on.”

Isaac stared up at him, his mind spinning hopelessly. “Wait.” He shook his head. “David…”

But David wouldn’t look at him. “Isaac, get on. Please.” After a moment, he added, “

Once Isaac was on the horse’s back, David urged Kaffi onward almost into a gallop, and Isaac bit back a cry as he clutched David’s waist. They thundered across June’s field into the woods, and as they tore around a group of oaks, Isaac lost his balance, terror twisting through him.

David yanked on the reins, but it was too late. Isaac let go so he wouldn’t take David with him as he tumbled to the grass and fallen leaves. The air slammed from his lungs, and he opened his mouth with a silent cry, blinking at the branches arching overhead. A moment later, David’s face was above him, eyes bright, lips parted.

“Isaac!” Kneeling beside him, he cupped Isaac’s cheek. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry! Are you hurt?”

It took a few moments for Isaac to drag in a breath, and he shook his head. A couple of bruises would likely be the extent of it.

“Are you sure?” David ran his hands over Isaac’s limbs, pushing and prodding. “Did you hit your head? I’m so sorry.”

“No,” Isaac croaked. He took a long, deep breath. “I’m all right. I swear.”

“Thank you, Lord.” David leaned over him and pressed a kiss to Isaac’s forehead. “If you were hurt, I don’t know what I’d—” He inhaled sharply. “And it was because of me.” He shook his head. “Can you forgive me?”

“Of course.” Isaac reached up and brushed back David’s hair.

His face was creased with misery. “You should run far away from me, Isaac. I’ll drag you down. Lead you to temptation.”

Isaac considered his choice—the first he’d truly had in as long as he could remember. It was easy, really. With another deep breath, he tightened his fingers in David’s hair and pulled his head down. “I’m already there,” he whispered.

This time he didn’t hesitate to open his mouth, seeking David’s tongue with his own as they came together on the forest floor. He had no idea what to do, but some kind of instinct spurred him on, and he urged David on top of him, spreading his legs and moaning as David rubbed against him. They kissed deeply, gasping for air and exploring every corner of each other’s mouths.

The ground was cold with impending frost, but Isaac was alight, consumed with fire from the inside out. “Please, David. I need…I need…” He arched his hips, his cock hard as a rock in his pants. It felt so good, and he was desperate for something he couldn’t name.

“Are you sure?” David held himself up on his arms.

He’d traveled the devil’s path all night, and he couldn’t stop now. Didn’t want to stop. Isaac gripped David’s rear and yanked him down, grinding up against him. “Yes.

Groaning, David tugged up Isaac’s shirt and stole his hand beneath it, sending tremors through Isaac’s belly. The feel of David’s long fingers caressing his bare chest and nipples had Isaac bucking up wildly. Everything was taste and sound and sensation, and they panted together in a frenzy.

BOOK: A Forbidden Rumspringa (Gay Amish Romance Book 1)
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