A Fling with the Greek Billionaire (15 page)

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Authors: Marian Tee

Tags: #billionaire romance

BOOK: A Fling with the Greek Billionaire
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She could have had forever with this man, but because of all her lies, she only had one unforgettable summer with him.

Nik broke the silence first, his voice rough as he said, “Perhaps you’re wondering why I’ve come.”

She wanted to tell him he didn’t really need a reason. She loved him, after all. He could come here and be with her

But of course Daria couldn’t say that, so she simply nodded at his words.

At her nod, he continued, “I know I can make this prettier, but the essence would remain the same whatever I say so…”

Hooded eyes met hers. “I’d like to know if you’re inclined to have one last fling with me before I get married.”



Nik’s tension escalated as Daria allowed him entry into her apartment. Had he really expected her to say ‘yes’ outright? Perhaps, the Daria he thought she was – the flighty, impulsive one – would have, but maybe she wasn’t really like that. Maybe the real Daria was this beautiful, composed young woman standing in front of him, her face giving nothing away as she directed them to the small dining table.

Nik waited for Daria to take a seat before lowering himself to the chair adjacent to hers. “The apartment is to your liking?”

Daria swallowed her disappointment at the words. She wanted to hear more about what Nik had said at the door, but she couldn’t quite make herself be the first one to bring it up.

Finally, she said, “It’s perfect.” She meant it. The apartment’s interior had been designed with a feminine flair. The furniture, a pleasant mix of luxurious and cozy, wonderfully complemented the ivory walls and gray marbled floor.

He raised a brow. “Not too small for Magnolia Everest’s daughter?”

Daria bit her lip as she wondered what exactly he knew about her. More importantly,
had he known about such things?

She thought about how all the frogs she had dated had liked to say things about her, and the thought that Nik had heard about those things hurt. She could have put a stop to them spreading lies about her, but she had always been stubbornly romantic. She had wanted her love story to be a grand one, wanted her fairytale prince to know without her saying a thing that all of those things had been lies.

Seeing that Nik was still waiting for an answer, she slowly shook her head. What was the point of explaining now when she knew he wasn’t ready to believe her?

Nik’s frustration grew at Daria’s unwillingness to explain.
This was just another act
, he told himself. Daria Everest was doing it again, using a new strategy to manipulate his interest in her.

Sensing Nik’s disapproval at her unforthcoming answer, she hurriedly changed the subject, asking, “Are you sure I haven’t inconvenienced anyone while I’m staying here? And that I really won’t need to pay anything?”

“You haven’t. This is just one of the serviced apartments owned by the company, and their sole purpose is to provide accommodations for professionals who have expressly flown in to work with us.”

“I see.” Daria was having a hard time adjusting at the way Nik referred to his ownership of multimillion-dollar-apartments with a matter-of-fact tone. It was such a far cry from how she imagined him.

Nik’s gaze narrowed. “You’re looking at me oddly. Why?”

Because…I love you and I know you think I’m a gold digger and a nymphomaniac?
It was a funny thought, but it was also depressingly true.

“N-nothing.” She had to swallow several times, gulping down every urge to cry.
I love you.
She really, really wanted to say that.
I’m sorry, I love you, I won’t ever hurt you again, won’t ever lie, so please take me back.

Nik inhaled sharply. Daria still hadn’t spoken a word, but dammit, the way she was looking at him right now—

All the emotions he had forced himself to bury, all the memories he had forced himself to forget – everything that encapsulated their time in Teleios came rushing back.

And that was when he knew.

“I’ve changed my mind.”

Daria started in her seat.
He had changed his mind.
She dug her nails hard into her palms.
He had changed his mind.
She couldn’t look at him now, knew if she did the tears she didn’t deserve to cry would start.

Lowering her head, she asked quietly, “What about?”

“I no longer want a fling.” Before she could answer, he stated in a hard voice, “I want you to be my permanent mistress.”

Her head jerked up at the words, and his lips twisted at the surprise in Daria’s gray eyes. “Believe me, you’re no more shocked than I am. But I only had to see you now, and I realize that your body’s become an obsession. I want your cunt. I want the exclusive right to fuck it.” The crudeness of his words was deliberate, and when Daria’s gray eyes became dull with pain, he had to remind himself everything he saw right now was just an act.

It had always been an act, always will be. Why the fuck couldn’t he get his mind to remember this?

Leaning back against his seat, Nik gazed at her with cold, dark eyes. “So now it’s your turn to negotiate. What do you want in return?”

Daria desperately clung to her control as Nik’s insulting words echoed in her mind. Her heart battered her chest, beating hard for reasons it was no longer sure of.

Up, down, up, down—

She loved Nik. She knew that now, accepted that now. But God, she hated the way loving him was also making her weak. Any self-respecting girl wouldn’t have let Nik finish speaking. Any self-respecting girl would have thrown Nik out of her place the moment it became obvious he was hell-bent on demeaning her.

Up, down, up, down—

She only had to look in his eyes to know what kind of terms Nik imagined she would demand. It killed Daria to know how little he thought of her now, but she reminded herself of one vital truth – one damn truth that would make what she was about to do acceptable.

It was her fault.

Her choice to lie, to deceive him, to risk making him feel like a fool if he discovered the truth.

It was her fault, and she was paying for it now.

It was her fault, but it wasn’t too late to change, to start over again and prove to Nik that she deserved another chance.

Up, down, up, down—

She made herself meet Nik’s eyes again. “My first condition…” She took a deep breath. “I want a specific schedule from you.”

Nik was bemused. “A

“Yes. I’m sorry if this…if this will make you lie to Miranda…” She paused. Her conscience stung at what she was about to ask, but she told herself all was fair in love and war.

I’m sorry, Miranda. I know you won’t forgive me for this, but I love Nik, and I need one last chance with him.

“I want to be able to expect you to be with me for certain days or time every week.”

Nik frowned as he tried but failed to determine Daria’s angle in all this. “How much time are you talking about?”

Even as she turned red, she forced herself to ask archly, “How many times do you want to make love to me?”

“Every second.” But Nik’s smile didn’t reach his eyes. “But it’s not making love. You and I just fuck.”

Daria’s smile didn’t slip. “My bad.” Dear God, if she had to pay some kind of emotional mechanic for its constant repairs, she’d be bankrupt by now. “How many times do you want to
me then?”

Nik swore in his mind at the way Daria’s eyes had become extremely…
bright. It’s an act, Nik Alexandropoulos. It’s always a damn act

“We meet every Mondays and Fridays.” As soon as he spoke the words, he wanted to change them. Who the fuck was he kidding? Two days a week wouldn’t be enough, not with how much his cock hungered to possess Daria’s body again.

“And I assume you’ll sleep here during those nights?”

Nik knew he should tell her no, just to make sure Daria didn’t feel she had a right to dictate anything. But in the end, he only nodded curtly. He had always thought people who cut their noses to spite their faces were foolish, and he didn’t plan to be like them.

Daria swallowed back a sigh of relief.
Two nights he would sleep in her bed.
That was something, at least. In the back of her head, a small, sensible voice argued that she was selling herself short, but Daria chose to ignore it.

It was like what Alyx said
, she told herself tautly. She had to do everything to get Nik back, and this was one of those things. As long as Nik and Miranda weren’t yet married, she still had a chance.

And if they did marry,
the small, sensible voice insisted.
What then? Did she go on being Nik’s mistress?

“Do you have any other conditions?”

Nik’s question interrupted her train of thoughts, and Daria eagerly welcomed the diversion, deciding then to live for the present and ignore the future for the time being.

Meeting Nik’s gaze again, she said quietly, “Just one more.” She paused, then added almost reluctantly, “And it’s also non-negotiable.”

“What is it?”

“You can make me sign an NDA for this if you want,” she hedged.

Nik’s face became inscrutable. “That kind of condition, is it?”

Daria could only nod, her unease growing at the cold look in Nik’s eyes. It almost made her backtrack, but she told herself she was doing the right thing – the only way she could have a fighting chance to make Nik fall in love with her again.

“What is it then?” Nik asked. “I will make my decision after hearing what you have to say.”

“Fair enough.”
Up, down, up, down
her heart went as if it sensed how vital her next condition would be. “What I have to ask is simple.”
“I just want to know everything about you. I want to be able to ask questions and expect you to answer them honestly.” When Nik stiffened, she added in a rush, “I’m not talking about bank account numbers or stuff like that. I told you, whatever contract you want me to sign, I’ll sign it.” She swallowed. “What I want is just to know who you are…”

When her voice wobbled, Nik slotted in silkily, “And for what purpose, Daria? Or dare I make a guess?” His lips pressed together. “Perhaps you’d like to figure out where you went wrong, and how I’m the only man in the world capable of seeing through your deception and realize the kind of woman you are?”

She thought of correcting his wrong assumption, thought of telling him that the only reason she wanted to know more about him was because she loved him, but she didn’t think he would trust her with the truth.

But in the end, all she said was, “If that’s what you’d like to think.”

what I think because it’s the truth,” Nik snapped.

Her fingers curled more tightly under the table at the fury and distrust in Nik’s gaze. “The reason doesn’t matter,” she said unevenly. “What matters is if you agree or not.”

Instead of answering her, he commented, “You haven’t mentioned anything about money.” Nik raised a brow. “Do you think leaving it last would make you look less avaricious?”

“Not…really,” she said lamely, unable to think of a smart comeback. The truth was, money hadn’t entered her mind at all because it had never been an issue to begin with.

But of course he wouldn’t believe that either.

“You name a sum,” she suggested.

He did so, choosing something particularly low to force her to haggle and show her true colors.

“Okay.” But she was privately shocked.
$100,000? Really?
That was the going rate for mistresses now?

Nik was reluctantly unimpressed at the swiftness of Daria’s concession. She really was strategic. He would give her that. She probably knew his conscience wouldn’t truly allow him to pay a measly figure and expected him to voluntarily increase the amount.

Silence consumed them, and so much time had passed that Daria’s heart had started to sink. “You haven’t said if you agreed to all my terms.”

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