A Firm Hand: 2 (Bound to You) (22 page)

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Authors: Fallon Blake

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: A Firm Hand: 2 (Bound to You)
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Indie told her that Sophia was not only well-known in the art world, but also in the kink community. Apparently Ms. Adler was a very sought-after Mistress with a fondness for crops and young male submissives. The after party ought to prove very interesting.

“I think I’m about done,” Indie said as she put the finishing touches on Gen’s makeup. “Oh I almost forgot.” She slid a small clip through the clasp on the brooch and pinned back the side of her hair just above her ear. “

Gen put on her glasses and peered at the mirror. The woman staring back was only vaguely familiar. The waves in her hair were set in such a way they flowed and curled under just above her shoulders. The rhinestone spider was the perfect touch. Her eyes were shaded in smoky hues and finished with a heavy dose of mascara. Berry lip stain completed the glamorous look.

Indie was a genius.

“Wow, you are really good. I never could have pulled this off. Thank you, for the makeover and the conversation.” She turned around and gave the woman a big hug.

“Sweetie, it was my pleasure. I’m going to have to rush off because I need to get ready myself, but I want to leave you my number if that’s okay. You call me anytime you need to talk. I’m serious. Friends aren’t easy to come by, especially kinky ones. The subs around here have a tendency to be territorial and catty.”

“I believe it,” Gen said with a laugh as she walked her to the door.

“See you soon. Don’t forget to put on lip gloss before you leave. Men are suckers for kissable lips.” Indie winked.

* * * * *


Smiling to himself, Brian set a small gift-wrapped package on the bed next to Genevieve. “Something for you to wear tonight.”

She looked up as she straightened one of her stockings, a curious glint in her eyes. She picked up the box and turned it over in her hands. “What is it? Can I open it now?”

He plucked a cufflink from the nightstand and fastened it to his shirt. “Patience, Genevieve. Finish getting dressed then you may open your present.”

Such a shame she had to put on clothes. Wearing nothing but lacy panties, a garter and stockings, she was exquisite. Her hair and makeup pristine. He had half a mind to skip
, tie her up and play with her until her mascara ran and she begged for mercy. Unfortunately people were expecting them.

She stepped into the garment, slipped her arms into the tiny straps and turned around. Her entire back was bare to the waist. Trailing his fingers lightly along her spine, he changed his mind about the dress. The tease of seeing her naked back all night was going to drive him insane.

“Zip me, Sir?” she asked.

He tugged the zipper up, fastened the button at the top then planted a kiss between her shoulder blades. Anxiety hovered on the edges of his mind, but he refused to give in to it. How long had it been since he’d introduced a woman to his friends? He scoured his memory, unable to recall a single instance since…


Sorrow, unwelcome and unwanted, sat in his stomach like a sickness. He shoved the feeling away with vehemence. Everything would be fine. He’d just have to make them understand that Genevieve would never be anything more than his submissive. The thought didn’t make him feel any better. Deep down he wanted more. He longed to claim Genevieve as his, once and for all. But losing her… No, he couldn’t go through that again. He wasn’t sure he’d survive it a second time.

Shaking himself from his reverie, he slid into his jacket. “Now you can open it.”

Hastily, she untied the ribbon and lifted the lid. Peering into the box, she frowned. He slipped his hand into his pants pocket and depressed a button on the little remote. The box vibrated to life, startling Genevieve.

She put a hand to her mouth and stifled a laugh, but quickly sobered, catching his gaze with wide, disbelieving eyes. “Something to wear… Tonight? I’m wearing this to

“Consider yourself lucky I’m not plugging your ass as well.”

She blanched. “Thank you, Sir. I’ll just be a minute.” She took out the little silicone egg then deposited the box on the nightstand and went to the bathroom.

When she returned, he allowed her to slip into her heels before he gave her a jolt. Genevieve’s small gasp was the only indication he had that the toy had indeed worked. Not a whisper from the device itself; a discreet distraction. He’d need it tonight. He expected she would as well.

“Are you ready?”

“As I can be.” She gave him a secret smile as she picked up her clutch.

From the sparkling spider in her perfectly coiffed hair to her blood-spattered shoes, she was stunning. A more polished version of the girl he knew, but still uniquely Genevieve. He loved that she hadn’t sacrificed her personal style for the sake of the event. Even still, he’d meant what he’d said earlier. She could wear a t-shirt and jeans and he’d proudly escort her anywhere. Clothes were merely trappings. It was the girl inside them who mattered to him.

In the limo, Genevieve repeatedly shifted in her seat and nervously fiddled with the hem of her dress. Her obvious anxiety was catching.

“Quit fidgeting.”

“Sorry. I’m just anxious. We’re not even there and I already feel out of place. What if I trip and fall on my face in front of the cameras?”

He wasn’t too keen on the idea of the media either, but it couldn’t be helped. The opening of
was an important event for Miami and without a doubt Sophia had made sure it would be highly publicized. “You won’t. You’ll be fine.”

“I feel like a geeky girl playing dress-up.”

Feeling guilty for his irritation, he put his arm around her, pulling her closer to him. The tension in her body melted away as she leaned into him. “You really have no idea, do you?”

She frowned. “What do you mean?”

“You are so beautiful sometimes it hurts to look at you, geeky girl.”

The corner of her lips curled into the hint of a smile but she rolled her eyes as if she didn’t quite believe him.

“Just be yourself and you’ll do fine.”

The limo came to a stop in front of the gallery. Brian exited first then helped a wide-eyed Genevieve from the car. Cameras clicked and flashes popped. He placed her hand in the crook of his elbow and led the way, shielding her as best he could. He was never one for playing up to the media. She clung to him as though he were a safety net. Reaching into his pocket, he turned the vibrator on the lowest setting. Her steps faltered, but she recovered quickly, squaring her shoulders and grinning from ear to ear.

He leaned over and whispered, “Whatever you do, don’t come or I’ll punish you severely at Jared’s later. I’ll make everyone watch.”

“Yes Sir,” she replied, with a laugh.

“I’m not joking.”

She sobered a little, a glint of amusement dancing in her eyes. “I understand.”

“Now smile for the vultures.”

She pasted on a grin and slid him a little wink. She was going to be just fine.


The little torture device hummed inside of Gen as Brian led her into the gallery. The media frenzy left her feeling out of sorts. She’d never been exposed to anything like it, but her nervousness had quickly given way to a haze of desire. It settled around her, prickling her skin and tightening her nipples. The sexual stimulation in such a public setting was a strange flux of unease and excitement. Brian was evil. Evil and sadistic and she couldn’t deny that she secretly loved it.

was everything she imagined it would be. The stark white walls, natural gray stone flooring and track lighting were simple yet elegant, giving the true beauty in the room no competition. Soft ambient music provided the perfect soothing background. A low buzz of conversation came from the small crowd that milled about, eating hors d’oeuvres and sipping sparkling wine from crystal flutes.

Brian steered her around the main room, gently caressing her nape. It was possessive and comforting but distracting as hell. Her pussy buzzed with subtle vibrations, not strong enough to make her come, but enough to fill her with unrelenting need. The paintings and sculptures went by in a fog of lust. She didn’t have the presence of mind to appreciate any of it. Brian and her heightened state of arousal consumed every thought.

Melodic laughter drew Brian’s attention to the center of the room. Gen turned to see what the fuss was about. Engaged in conversation with a small group of patrons was one of the most striking women Gen had ever seen. She wore a long corset-style skirt that looked restrictive, but molded to her tall, lithe frame as if it had been made for her. The tight vest and silk tie at her throat combined with her plum lipstick made for an elegant mix of masculine and feminine. Her rich brown hair knotted at the back of her head in a tight chignon, accentuating her icy-blue eyes, slashing cheekbones and porcelain skin. Beauty aside, the woman carried herself with a power and grace Gen rarely saw in the female gender.

Without a doubt, she had to be Sophia Adler.

The moment she caught sight of Gen and Brian her face lit up. “Brian!” she exclaimed. She disengaged herself from the crowd and approached them with confident strides. The gentle hum of the vibrator ceased. Thank god. Gen wasn’t sure how she’d face this woman without all her wits.

“Sophia,” Brian said with a careful smile.

She took both his hands in hers and kissed him on each cheek. “I’m so glad you could come. You’ve kept yourself away for far too long.”

“Sophia, I’d like you to meet Genevieve Hawthorn.”

“It’s an honor to meet you.” Gen inclined her head politely.

Sophia shifted her cool gaze to Gen. There was something in her pale eyes Gen couldn’t quite define—a longing, a hope, an anticipation that seemed strange. “I assure you, the honor is all mine. I’ve heard so much about you I feel as if I know you already. You and I must chat later. We have much to discuss.”

Brian stiffened. The temperature around him plummeted several degrees, but his expression revealed nothing. “Is Jared here yet?”

“He’ll be here soon enough, I’m sure,” Sophia replied.

Brian’s smile was sardonic. “You’ll be attending his little

If Gen hadn’t been paying attention, she’d have missed the fraction of a second Sophia’s eyes narrowed.

“I wouldn’t miss it,” Sophia answered, enunciating every syllable.

“Bringing a pet?” Brian asked.

Sophia didn’t seem deterred in the slightest and met his gaze head-on. “I have so many, I may bring two. Why don’t you both have a look around? There’s plenty of Champagne and little delights to eat. Banner and Indie certainly did a wonderful job with the catering. I need to mingle. I’ll catch up with you in a bit then Genevieve and I can discuss her art.” With that she waltzed into to crowd.

The air around them seemed to depressurize and Gen took a breath. “She’s beautiful and intense.”

Brian plucked two glasses of wine from a server’s tray and handed her one. “She likes her games, but she’s a good friend.”

“How long have you known her?”

“Since college. Sophia, Jared and I all attended the same school. Banner didn’t come into the picture until after Jared settled in Miami. Jared should be strolling in sometime soon. Don’t let him intimidate you. He’ll try. He likes watching submissives squirm.”

“Sounds like someone else I know.”As if to prove her point, the vibrator suddenly came to life with an intensity that almost made Gen spill her wine.

“You were saying?”

Gen swallowed hard. “Nothing.”

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