A Father For Zach (17 page)

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Authors: Irene Hannon

BOOK: A Father For Zach
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Dear Reader,


Welcome back to LIGHTHOUSE LANE!

When I began this series, I only planned to write three books. But after meeting the Clay family, I knew I couldn’t leave Nantucket without telling Nathan’s story.

Starting over is tough anytime, but for an ex-con it’s especially hard. Fortunately, he had a brother and sister who loved him—and a faith that sustained him. But then he had to go and fall in love with a woman who held men with a criminal past in special disdain. Overcoming that hurdle proved to be one of the biggest challenges of his life. Yet along the way, both he and Catherine brought out the best in each other. And isn’t that what love is all about?

I hope you enjoyed the journey to LIGHTHOUSE LANE as much as I did. And please watch for new books from me in the future. Because there’s always another good story waiting to be told!

  1. As an ex-con, Nathan fears he will carry a stigma that will affect the rest of his life. Do you think this is true? Why or why not?
  2. When the book begins, Catherine harbors deep hate for the man who killed her husband. And she doesn’t believe criminals can be rehabilitated. What happens in the course of the story to change her mind? Cite specific instances.
  3. Because Catherine lost the man she loved in a violent crime that took place practically in her backyard, she’s terrified of losing Zach. As a result, she overprotects him. Have you ever done this, or witnessed it in others? What is the potential negative impact on the child?
  4. Zach overreacts to the spaghetti sauce on Nathan’s shirt. Few children go through what Zach did, yet many less traumatic (but unsettling) events have long-term implications for youngsters. Name some situations (one-time or ongoing) that might have a negative influence on a child. How might that influence be manifested immediately—or later in life?
  5. Catherine turned away from God after her husband was killed. Discuss the reasons why. Have you ever felt alienated from the Lord? Why? How did you reconnect?
  6. What compels Nathan to share his darkest secret with Catherine? Does it affect their relationship? How?
  7. When Catherine’s money disappears, she tries to squelch her suspicions of Nathan. But when another customer accuses him of stealing her bracelet, those suspicions return. Did this surprise you? How do you think you would have reacted in this situation?
  8. Nathan sees the doubt in Catherine’s eyes after he’s accused of stealing and is disheartened. Why is trust so vital to a relationship?
  9. Catherine finds solace in her music, just as Nathan finds it in his painting. Why do creative endeavors often allow us to express our deepest emotions safely? What do you turn to when you need a release valve? Or when you want to enrich your life in a joyful way?
  10. Nathan has a very close relationship with his brother and sister. How do you think those connections helped him get through his final years in prison? Do you have a close relationship with your siblings? Why or why not? If not, what actions might you take to strengthen those ties?
  11. Because of Nathan’s record, Danielle’s accusation is particularly dangerous. Without J.C. to run interference for him, Nathan could have ended up back behind bars. Have you ever run into someone who was truly
    vindictive? How did you deal with it? Did it have any long-term repercussions? What does Scripture tell us about this?
  12. Nathan has a very checkered past. He admits he’s done bad things. Yet he’s made his peace with his mistakes and moved on. How does a strong relationship with the Lord allow us to do that? Talk about how we can apply His example of forgiveness to our own lives. Is there someone you need to forgive? What is holding you back? What guidance does Scripture offer?
  13. At the end of the book, Nathan gives Catherine a perfect Valentine’s Day—complete with a proposal! What was your most memorable Valentine’s Day? What made it so special?

ISBN: 978-1-4268-5265-7


Copyright © 2010 by Irene Hannon

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