A Family to Come Home To (Saddle Falls) (18 page)

BOOK: A Family to Come Home To (Saddle Falls)
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“Kiss me.”

Stunned, she blinked up at him, shielding her eyes against the morning sun. “W-what?”

He chuckled at the look on her face. “You said there must be something you can do. There is. Kiss me.”

She swallowed hard. “Jesse, are you teasing me?”

“No, darlin’, I certainly am not. You want to do something, that’s what you can do.”

“Kiss you?” She couldn’t prevent her voice from edging upward in a slight squeak. “Right here?” she asked, backing toward the sheltered protection of the covered back porch.

With a grin, he nodded, following.

She wrung her hands together one last time. “O-okay.” With her knees shaking, she stepped closer, fully intending to give him a chaste kiss on the cheek.

He didn’t give her a chance. He slid an arm around her waist and hauled her into his arms. Her body almost slammed into his, and she felt the world tilt under her feet as Jesse covered her mouth with his.

This time there was no gentleness, no finesse, it was all heat, fire, desire and need.

With a moan, she stood on tiptoe, wrapping her arms tightly around his neck, drawing him closer, feeling as if she was drowning in his taste, his scent, his touch.

Jesse felt the kick of desire slam into him, dizzying him. He’d tried to keep a rein on his emotions, his desires, knowing that things were so emotionally confused he could very easily slip up, make a mistake, hurt someone.

Something he never, ever wanted to do.

But even with all the emotions swirling around and through him, the one emotion, the one need that was clear as crystal was his desire, his need for Hannah.

For the touch of her, the taste of her. He couldn’t seem to get enough. The more time he spent with her, the more his fingers, his hands, his body itched to be with her, on her, in her.

The thought of lying naked with her under him, their bodies joining together in the rhythmic dance of love, caused a flash fire to spread through him, causing his body to ache and harden with need. Pressing need.

When she tangled her fingers through his hair and uttered a soft, low, sexy moan, he hauled her closer, off her feet, pressing her softness against his hardness, trying to ease the ache, knowing it would take much more than one kiss.

His hand slowly drifted from her waist, cupping her breast beneath the thin cotton of the blouse she wore. She was naked beneath, and he groaned as his fingers brushed against her nipples, already hardened, pouting for attention.

She arched against him, into his hand, whimpering his name over and over, softly, like a mantra to his ears. He deepened the kiss, slid his hand down to her waist again, then around to cup the sensuous curve of her buttocks, rubbing his hand over and over, before pulling her close so that her softness, the very essence of her womanhood was pressed against his hardness.

He was going to explode. He was almost certain of it. The warnings in his mind went off, wildly clanging, trying to get his attention, but he ignored them, knowing that he wasn’t interested in anything right now except the woman in his arms.

“Jesse.” She whispered his name against his lips as she drew back a bit so that their lips separated. Their eyes met and she groaned, diving back in, pressing her open mouth firmly against his, accepting the touch of his tongue, warm and sweet as it invaded her mouth, sending a river of shivers racing over her.

“We…shouldn’t…be doing…this.” Breathless, Hannah struggled for composure and forced herself to take a step back. Her legs were so shaky she almost keeled over.

“Can you give me one perfectly good reason why we shouldn’t?” Jesse asked, still shaken himself. He blew out a breath, then dragged a hand through his hair, surprised to find it shaking. Nothing in the world had ever felt so right as having Hannah in his arms.

“Jesse.” She hesitated. She knew there were lots of reasons why they shouldn’t have kissed, caressed. Why she shouldn’t have let her feelings and emotions get so out of hand where he was concerned. But at the moment, she couldn’t think of one. “There’re a million reasons,” she repeated.

“Darlin’, you don’t sound very sure.” He grinned, then ran a finger down her nose, fearing if he did anything more he’d toss her into the backseat of his car, and privacy or propriety be damned.

“No, Jesse, I—” They jumped apart as a car skidded to a halt at the curb.

“Hannah!” Josh called, jumping out of his car. Startled, they both turned to look at him.

“What’s wrong?” Jesse asked immediately, walking toward his brother and laying a comforting hand on his shoulder. Josh looked six shades of white. None of them good.

“Emma’s sick. It’s the flu, I think, but she can’t open the diner.” He turned to Hannah. “Do you think you can go over there and open the place and maybe lend a hand for a while?”

Emma, Josh’s wife, owned the only diner in town. It was a popular breakfast and lunch place and closing down would not only throw the town into a tizzy and leave them nowhere to get their meals, it would also send off alarms that something was wrong with one of the Ryans.

Deliberately, Hannah stepped back and away from Jesse, praying the heat surging through her wasn’t showing on her face. “Of course, Josh.” Hannah frowned. “If Emma’s sick, she’s going to need a cook at the diner.” Her mind was already spinning ahead. “I’ll go over there right now and open the place. I can stay and cook, at least until Riley comes home from school.” She gave a helpless shrug. “I’ve got to be here to meet the bus, Josh.”

“I’ll meet the bus,” Jesse said, “And then I’ll bring Riley over to the diner and we can give you a hand as well.”

“Tell you what, Jesse, bring Riley to the house. Natalie’s got all the kids there, even Brie and Molly. She’s afraid with Emma being sick, the kids might catch something, so she’s herding them over there.” He laughed. “It looks like a nursery school. Tommy’s pitching in as well.” He turned to Hannah. “Riley will love it. All the kids and dogs together. They’ll have a ball.”

She looked concerned. “If you’re sure?”

“Positive. And I know Natalie won’t mind.” He bent and kissed Hannah’s cheek in a brotherly fashion. “Thanks, Hannah, I knew I could count on you.”

He turned toward Jesse. Their eyes met and held. The chasm that had separated them for so many years seemed to close in that instant, and once again they were the two youngest Ryans, close as clams, doing anything and everything for one another just as they had as children.

“Thanks, bro.” Josh stepped forward, then gave Jesse a hug. For a moment, the two men clung to each other, each lost in his own memories. “I always could count on you,” Josh said, drawing back to look at his brother.

“Hell, Josh, that’s what family is for.”

Hannah stood there, her heart overflowing with joy, watching Jesse and Josh, wondering if Jesse even realized what he’d done. What he’d said.

He’d come to Josh and Emma’s aid without a thought, because in Jesse’s mind and heart, that’s what a family did, helped each other in time of need.

Looking at Jesse and Josh, Hannah’s heart filled with hope when she realized Jesse probably hadn’t a clue what he’d just said; or rather, admitted, and perhaps finally, finally had accepted.

“Hell, Josh, that’s what family is for.”

She wondered if Jesse knew it yet, but Jesse Ryan had finally, truly come home.

Chapter Nine

iping her hands on her apron, Hannah swung through the door that led from the kitchen into the serving area of the diner, determined to have a cup of coffee. In the three and a half hours since she’d arrived and opened the diner, she hadn’t sat down once.

It had been a long time since she’d stood on her feet, cooking for this many people. But now that the breakfast rush had cleared, and the diner was blissfully empty for a few moments, and she had a bit of a break before the lunch rush started, and she was determined to take a few minutes for herself. Pressing a hand to her aching back, Hannah poured herself a cup of coffee, leaning her hip against the counter.

Her face lit up when she saw Jesse walking through the door with Riley atop his shoulders.

“Sweetheart.” Hannah set down her cup of coffee and rounded the counter. “You’re home. How was your first day of school?” Her eyes went over her daughter, inspecting every single inch of her in the way only a mother can, wanting to make sure that her child was all in one piece. Riley looked none the worse for the wear, except she had a large smudge of something sticky on her glasses, right in the middle of the left lens.

“Mama, it was so cool,” Riley said as Jesse set her on her feet. She was clutching a large piece of construction paper in her hand.

“Cool?” One eyebrow rose and Hannah and Jesse exchanged amused looks. “I see you’ve learned a new word, sweetheart.” Hannah reached for the piece of paper. “Now, tell me, what’s this?”

“That’s for Uncle Jesse.” She turned and grinned at him. “It’s your picture of Snoofus.”

Not trusting his voice at the moment, Jesse took the paper, pretending to examine it closely. He had to clear his throat before he spoke. “Why, darlin’, thank you. I do declare that’s the prettiest picture I’ve ever seen.” He turned it to show Hannah, love shining in his eyes. “Wouldn’t you agree?”

She looked at the picture carefully, grateful that Riley had already told them what it was. “Yep, Jesse, I have to admit, that is the prettiest picture I’ve ever seen.”

“I made a friend, Mama. His name is Mikey,” Riley said, scratching her nose. “He said we could play again tomorrow. He has three brothers and no sisters. He picks his nose, but I like him.”

Hannah smothered a laugh. “Well, sweetheart, I’m glad you made a new friend. So I take it you liked school?”

Riley bobbed her head, eyeing the plate of doughnuts under glass on the counter.

“Are you hungry, sweetheart?” Hannah asked with a laugh.

“Starved.” Riley rubbed her tummy, then tried to climb up on a stool, before giving in and letting Jesse lift her. “Could I have a doughnut?”

“No,” Hannah said. “But you can have some lunch. And then Uncle Jesse is going to take you to Uncle Tommy’s so you can play with Timmy and Terry and the dogs for the afternoon, is that okay?”

“Yeahhhhh!” Riley set the stool whirling and when it came to a stop, she eyed her mother dizzily. “Are you sure I can’t have a doughnut?”

“Positive.” Hannah grinned, grateful this first day of school had come and gone. She’d made it, she thought proudly, with only a few tears and a few fears. Looking at her beautiful daughter, she could only hope that all new things in the future would be this easy.



Dusk was just settling over Saddle Falls when Jesse pulled into Hannah’s driveway.

“Hannah?” Gently, he touched her shoulder. She was so tired, she’d dozed off almost the moment she’d gotten into the car. “We’re home.”

“Home?” She blinked up at him, lost in the moment of her dream. It had been lovely. Jesse was there. Without thinking, she lifted a hand and touched his cheek. “You are so wonderful, Jesse,” she murmured, pressing her mouth to his. “Just wonderful.”

He kissed her back, nibbling at the corners of her mouth. “Hannah-Anna, if this is the way you wake up all the time, I’m going to start mixing sleeping pills in your coffee.”

Almost fully awake now, Hannah chuckled, then pressed a hand to the back of her neck where a knot of tension had settled.

“Riley?” she said, sitting up and glancing around. “Jesse, we forgot to pick up Riley.”

“No, we didn’t, darlin’,” he said, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear. “She’s spending the night at Tommy’s.” He held up his hand the moment she opened her mouth to protest. “Ditka’s mate is about to drop her litter, and Natalie figured it might be a good learning experience for the kids. So, she’s turned it into a sleepover party. She’s making the kids hot dogs and sloppy joes, and yes, I know, Riley has to go to school in the morning, but I promise I’ll bring her home in plenty of time to get changed and catch the bus.” He pressed a quick kiss to her lips, longing to linger, but aware they were sitting outside in her driveway, in full view. “Fair enough?”

Hannah nodded, stifling a yawn. “Okay.” She was far too exhausted to argue with him or anyone.

“Besides, you’ve had one helluva day.” He smiled, cupping her chin, letting his gaze linger on her mouth again, feeling need rise like a tide, swamping him with desire. “I thought you could use some downtime. A night off, if you will.” His gaze studied hers. “You hungry?”

“Starved,” she said, pressing a hand to her tummy. She turned to him. “I’ll throw something together for us, Jesse.”

“No, you won’t,” he corrected. “You’ve been cooking all day. I think I can handle dinner.”

“You can cook?” she said in surprise.

“No,” he laughed. “But I can do carryout. What’s your pleasure? Pizza or Chinese food?”

She couldn’t help but grin. “I’m so hungry, how about both?”

He laughed. “You’ve got a deal, darlin’.”



“Full?” Jesse asked lazily as he glanced at Hannah who was sitting on the floor next to him, leaning against the couch with legs outstretched in front of her.

“Stuffed,” she admitted, stifling a yawn as she glanced at him. “How about you?”

Patting his stomach, he groaned. “Stuffed as well. Although it wasn’t as good as your home cooking. I reckon I’ll need to climb on a treadmill if this keeps up. Your fabulous cooking must have added five pounds since I got here,” Jesse said, patting his stomach.

Hannah laughed. “Jesse, you don’t have an ounce of fat on you.” It was true, she realized. He was an incredible specimen of a man. Tall. Lean. Slender-hipped and long-legged. The kind of man any woman would drool over, she thought in amusement. Including a woman who thought herself far too practical to be susceptible to a man’s charms. But in the time since Jesse had been home, he’d proven her wrong.

“You think my cooking is fabulous?” she asked with a grin.

“Fishing for compliments?” he inquired with a smile and a lift of his eyebrow.

“Absolutely,” she said with a saucy grin. “A woman never tires of compliments.”

“And I reckon you haven’t had all that many, have you, darlin’?”

Taken aback by the seriousness of his tone, Hannah glanced down, pretending to press a wrinkle out of her shorts. “I’m not complaining, Jesse.”

“I know that, darlin’.” He smiled, reaching out to cup her chin. “But then you never do.” His gaze met hers and she let out a little sigh of yearning. Being this close to him was wreaking havoc with her senses. And her common sense.

“I’d better clean up,” she said, preparing to stand up. He dropped an arm around her shoulder, stopping her.

“It’ll wait, darlin’. Sit with me a minute and I’ll help you later.” He studied her face, letting his gaze lovingly roam over her eyes, her nose, that incredible, beautiful mouth. Dark had descended, but they hadn’t turned on any lights. Instead, Hannah had lit an assortment of candles, which cast a soft, hazy glow across the room. “Do you know this is the first time we’ve ever been alone together.”

She nodded. The same thing had occurred to her just moments before. Perhaps that’s why she was so nervous.

“I know.” She couldn’t look at him, fearing he’d see the desire in her eyes.

“Is that why you’re so nervous?” he asked softly, bending to nuzzle her neck. Her scent was strong here, sweet and enticing. Against his lips, he could feel her pulse scramble.

“I’m…I’m…not…” She had to swallow. It was difficult when his lips were against her skin, warming it, teasing it, making butterflies take flight in her belly. “Nervous,” she finally managed to get out, making him laugh.

“Now Hannah-Anna,” he whispered, tumbling her across his lap and grinning at the look on her face. “Don’t you know you’re not supposed to fib?”

“You sound like Riley,” she complained, trying to force herself to relax as she looked up at him.

“Do I?” He bent and brushed his mouth gently, lightly, over hers in a teasing motion that had her groaning, reaching for him, winding her arms around his neck.

“Jesse.” It was all she could say. His name. Half plea, half prayer as he pulled her closer until they were pressed against one another, his mouth, desperate and needy, clinging to hers, taking them deeper and deeper into the dark abyss of desire where reason fled and only feelings remained.

Panic settled in her mind, her heart, but Hannah knew without a doubt nothing had ever felt so right. So perfect.

“Jesse,” she whispered again, arching against him, letting him take the kiss deeper, to a place where desire licked at her sanity, wiping away any thoughts other than the thought of how wonderful it felt to touch him.

To be touched. It had been so long, Hannah thought. So very long.

With a quick motion of his arms, he had her lying full atop him, his arms anchored around her, holding her in place as his mouth plundered, driving her wild as desire, edgy and fierce, ripped along her nerve endings, causing soft little whimpers to escape.

“You are so beautiful,” he whispered, drawing back to cup her face in her hands. “Hannah-Anna,” he whispered, pressing a light kiss to her bare neck, making her shudder atop him. “So beautiful, my Hannah-Anna.”

She wanted nothing more than to be beautiful for him. To be everything he wanted, needed. But she’d had so little experience with men. So little experience at this. The last time she’d been a teenager and hadn’t appreciated how wonderful, how perfect such a meeting, a mating of two bodies, two souls could be.

With Jesse, she knew what was possible. And it thrilled her as nothing before.

His lips slid from her neck, to her collarbone, as his hands slowly pushed her blouse off her shoulders. Gently, reverently, he pressed a kiss to each. First one, then the other, causing a soft sigh to escape her.

He turned, flipping her onto her back beneath him, leaning up on his elbow so he could see her face in the flickering candlelight. He bent and kissed her eyelids, her nose, her mouth, teasing it until she was moaning softly again, clinging to him. His hands ached to touch her, to feel her skin against his.

Slowly, he unbuttoned her blouse, carefully spreading the material so that the pale golden skin beneath beckoned. He bent and kissed the flat of her belly, letting his tongue circle the small indentation of her belly button. Then let his mouth move upward, nuzzling, tasting, leaving a wicked wet path of desire as his tongue slid upward until it found the hard nub of her nipple. His mouth closed over it, greedily, hungrily, and she cried out, arching against him, her fingers tangling through the strands of his hair.

He suckled gently, laving the tightened bud until her body was arching to meet his, to put out the flames of desire that were flaring brightly out of control.

The locks and bolts that he’d kept on his emotions all these years seemed to come tumbling open and desire slammed into Jesse, knocking him senseless until he couldn’t think, couldn’t reason—only feel.

Desires so long denied demanded to be fed, and he feasted on her, unable to get enough. Certain he would go mad if he didn’t fill her and this unbearable need for her he’d harbored inside.

With a quick flick of his wrist, he snapped open her shorts, pushed them down, kissing a path down the bare expanse of her thighs, making her sigh and groan, as he replaced his lips with his tongue.

“Jesse.” Unable to bear not feeling his skin next to hers, Hannah tore at his shirt, sending his buttons flying. She leaned up, pushing the material away, kissing every inch of exposed skin she could reach, wanting, needing more.

He groaned when she reached for his zipper, twisting to help her free him from the constraint. With a groan of desire pent up too long, Jesse held her face in his hand, let his lips trail over hers as he lifted himself up, then carefully, slowly, entered her.

“Ahhh, Hannah,” he whispered on a low moan. Everything inside him seemed to still and explode at the same time. So many feelings burst through, it was like a kaleidoscopic rainbow after a long drought, brilliant colors, different shades, streaks of feelings. He began to move, slowly at first, then faster as her legs wound around him, clinging, urging him on.

She couldn’t seem to get enough of him. It simply wasn’t enough. It had been so long, and yet she knew it had never, ever been like this. Where her heart felt as if it were melting, melding with his. Where her blood felt as if it were too hot for her veins. She was spiraling higher and higher, feeling, tasting, experiencing things she’d never known existed, never would forget.

“Jesse…” She couldn’t stop saying his name, a fervent whisper against his neck as she clung to him, her body rising and falling with his, faster and faster until she was certain she was going to fall right off the earth.

“Hannah-Anna…” He whispered her name like a mantra over and over, then he lifted his head for one long moment and plunged into her. Plunging them both over the other edge into ecstasy.



Jesse was more than a little shaken as he looked at Hannah, who had her eyes closed and was dozing cozily in his arms. The candles had burned low, reflecting just a hint of shadows and light in the night’s darkness. He couldn’t stop staring at her. She was the most beautiful thing in the world. He was absolutely certain of it.

Just as certain that he was more scared than he’d ever been in his life.

Leaning up on his elbow, Jesse glanced around. Their clothes were scattered on the living-room floor. He felt a moment of embarrassment. She deserved to have candles and flowers and satin sheets and flutes of champagne.

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