A Family For Christmas (43 page)

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Authors: Linda Finlay

BOOK: A Family For Christmas
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‘Of course, if you were to marry someone like Nicco, you'd never have to worry about money,' Jenna whispered, as ever picking up on her friend's thoughts. ‘He's taken a real shine to you, Merry. What with him being set to take over the fish factory when his father retires, if you were to be nice to him, well . . .' She winked outrageously and Merry shuddered. Nicco with his oily black hair and staring eyes gave her goose bumps.

‘Need to concentrate, Jenna,' she muttered, not wishing to be drawn, for hadn't her mother said much the same, only she'd put it more delicately, of course? The one good thing about the pilchards being late was that she didn't have to encounter him. Knit two, purl six and twist the wool, she silently intoned as she began forming the little shells that had become the mark of her work. With fingers flying and their pins clacking, the little group were hushed as they pondered whether to try to meet the extra target or resort to damping down, as Kelys suggested. They all knew what the penalties were if they were to be caught fiddling.

A jab in her side jolted Merry from her thoughts.

‘Look who's coming,' Jenna whispered, jerking her head. As Merry followed her gaze, she saw the ebony-haired Nicco strutting up the hill towards them. Her heart sank. And she'd thought the day couldn't get any worse.

‘Must go,' she muttered, jumping to her feet and disappearing into the warren behind.


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Published in Penguin Books 2015

Copyright © Linda Finlay, 2015
Extract from
The Sea Shell Girl
© Linda Finlay, 2016

The moral right of the author has been asserted

Cover image © Gordon Crabb/Alison Eldred; background ©

ISBN: 978-1-405-92205-0

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