A Family for Christmas (21 page)

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Authors: Irene Brand

BOOK: A Family for Christmas
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As soon as they reached the hall, the crowd broke out into a post-Christmas rendition of “Joy to the World.” Allison only smiled, feeling Brock's grip tighten on her shoulder. It couldn't have been a better
wedding recessional. Joy. Her heart swelled with the emotion she'd never thought would be hers.

With reluctance, Allison handed the child back to Margaret, hoping it would only be temporary.

Brock took the opportunity to turn Allison into his embrace. For several minutes, they simply stood and held each other. By the time they let go of each other, their guests had quietly exited the courthouse door.

“Do you think it will all be downhill from here?” Allison asked.

“Are you kidding? How many couples can say they've had a start like ours?”

A chuckle of happiness rose low in her throat. “Not many, I would guess.”


With that he led her out of the building and into their new life together. There were still things to work out, such as how they could make Allison's mother's house into a home for them and for Joy. Allison knew that creating a home would take time and patience. The most important part was already in place. They'd already created their family together—a family formed by a child in a manger.

ISBN: 978-1-4592-0476-8


Copyright © 2004 by Steeple Hill Books, Fribourg, Switzerland

Copyright © 2004 by Irene Brand

Copyright © 2004 by Dana Corbit Nussio

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All characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all incidents are pure invention.

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