A Family Divided (Dividing Line #3) (2 page)

BOOK: A Family Divided (Dividing Line #3)
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Sorry, I keep forgetting you’re out of the business,” he replied.

Rachel watched as Declan chatted with Martina, who thrust a glass of champagne at him.

“He was at Frank’s funeral, wasn’t he?” she asked Mikey.

Yes, along with his two brothers and their dad.”

She couldn
’t recall seeing the rest of them, she’d been distracted from the other guests by the return of Danny, her prodigal husband, when the family had been torn apart by the war that eventually united the Maguires and the Laws.

Martina insisted on everyone refilling their glasses with champagne in a toast to Declan.

Rachel used to be a hardened drinker, but since having children she’d found her tolerance for alcohol significantly lowered. As the night wore on the drink went to her head. When she gave an over-exaggerated laugh at something Beth said, it was Ryan’s turn to regard her with a raised eyebrow. “Are you drunk?”

I don’t get drunk.”

Yes you do. Not often, I admit.”

I’m fine. Sompletely cober.”

This time both eyebrows went up.

I said I’m completely sober,” she said, colouring slightly.

I think it’s time I got you home.”

I’m having fun.”

Yes but the party’s winding down and we’ve got Beth and Alex’s housewarming tomorrow and you don’t want to be hungover.”

I don’t get hangovers either,” she said indignantly.

We both know that’s a porky pie,” he replied, amused.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him.
“I know your game. You want to get me into bed, don’t you?”

I always want to get you into bed, but I’ve got the feeling you’ll flake out the moment your head hits the pillow.”

That won’t happen.”

We’re off home,” said a voice.

Jez approached with his wife Cathy on his arm.

“You look knackered,” said Rachel.

I am. The first three months are always the hardest,” yawned the pretty blond, running a hand over her very slight baby bump. She was pregnant with their second child and they were hoping for a boy this time. They already had a little girl, Ruby, who was three years old and Jez worshipped both her and his wife.

You look tipsy,” Jez grinned at Rachel.

I’m fine,” she said, slurring slightly.

Yeah, alright.”

I’m taking her home,” said Ryan.

I don’t want to go home.”

I’ll give you a lift,” offered Jez. “I haven’t been drinking, in solidarity with Cathy.”

Aw that’s so sweet,” said Rachel. “You didn’t do that when I was pregnant,” she pouted at Ryan.

I didn’t know I had to.” He frowned when she staggered slightly on her high heels. “Champagne never did agree with you, let’s go before you fall down.”

I don’t want to go.”

If you don’t walk out, I’ll carry you out.”

It was a challenge but a light-hearted one, she could see the amusement dancing in his eyes and smiled, deciding to call his bluff.
“Go on then.”

She didn
’t think for a minute he would. So when he picked her up and threw her over his shoulder she released a squeal of surprise. As she giggled hysterically he marched her over to Martina..

Rachel wants to say goodnight.”

Goodnight Martina,” laughed an upside-down Rachel.

Martina and her friends cackled at the sight.
“Goodnight Love, thanks for everything, its been a great night.”

Ryan kissed Martina on the cheek before patting Rachel on the bottom.
“Let’s go.”

As they left with Jez and Cathy everyone laughed, except for Alex. Why did they always need to be the centre of attention? The hatred shifted inside him. One day he
’d stop them fucking laughing.



To her chagrin, Rachel did wake with a hangover the next morning. By the time she emerged downstairs bleary-eyed, Ryan was already up with the children.

Morning Mummy,” beamed eight year old Leah, racing up to her and flinging herself at her legs.

Hiya Sweetheart,” she replied, hugging her and kissing the top of her head.

As always, three year old Ethan was hot on his big sister
’s heels. He loved running round after her. Rachel scooped him up and kissed him on the cheek then wandered over to the table where Ryan was feeding two year old Aaron. Both boys had their father’s slate grey eyes and dark hair and were going to be heartbreakers when they grew up. Aaron gave her a big gummy smile, revealing a mouth full of weetabix.

Hello gorgeous boy,” said Rachel, kissing him before bestowing a kiss on Ryan.

Urrggh, Mummy and Daddy are kissing,” grimaced Leah.

Sit down and finish your breakfast young lady,” Ryan told her.

I am finished.”

No you’re not. We can’t go out until everyone’s eaten up, including you.”

Yes Daddy,” she huffed, throwing herself into a chair and pouting at her bowl of cereal. Ryan nudged her leg with his toe and gave her a wicked grin, making her smile.

Seeing Ryan Law so domesticated never ceased to amaze Rachel. He
’d done some truly terrible things in his life; she’d seen him murder, torture and beat up many people but that Ryan was in the past. Together they ran their businesses, which could only be described as an empire and he had faithfully stuck to his promise to be legitimate. His brother Jez now ran the Law’s heroin and prostitution businesses and Ryan was squeaky clean. He’d put his past behind him, just like she had. Rachel Maguire was gone too. Rachel Law was a respectable and highly esteemed businesswoman and together they were unstoppable. Ryan was also a wonderful father, patient and doting. Although Leah wasn’t his biological child she was his in every other way. Theirs was a father-daughter relationship and nothing could break the bond between them.

Aaron had been a surprise, they
’d wanted a bigger gap between the two boys but they’d still been happy when Rachel discovered she was pregnant, the result of a wild night after they’d signed the contract on their third city centre restaurant. They planned on having just one more child to complete their family.

Today was a Sunday so there was no school, nursery or work and they were taking the children to Alex and Beth
’s new house for lunch. They’d just moved into a suburb a few minutes drive from themselves. Alex had bought a huge home to accommodate their family after the birth of their daughter.

Any Paracetamol left?” Rachel asked, walking over to one of the cupboards and rummaging around inside. The kitchen was a vast room with an island in the centre and lots of space for the kids to run about. But then again, space wasn’t an issue in a seven bedroomed home. Rachel loved the house, it was her haven, set in its own vast grounds away from people and cars and noise. It was just her and her family and this was where she was happiest.

Feeling delicate are we?” said Ryan, spooning another lump of brown cereal into Aaron’s waiting mouth. The boy loved food and if allowed he would eat constantly.

It was the champagne Martina made me drink.”

Made you drink?”

You know what she’s like, she never gives up. I bet she’s feeling rougher than me this morning.” She picked up the local newspaper and frowned.

What’s up?” said Ryan.

Rather than reply in front of the children, she held up the newspaper so he could see. There
’d been another series of stabbings in a Manchester nightclub the previous evening, the third in two months. Someone was going around the clubs slashing and stabbing at people on the dance floor, not bad enough to kill them, just enough to cause pain and a lot of fear. He only attacked on a Saturday night, hence the media had christened him The Saturday Night Slasher. Last night six people had been injured before the staff realised what was going on and no one had any idea who was responsible.

I don’t want you going to your clubs until they’ve caught him,” said Ryan quietly, so as not to worry the children.

The staff are always okay, it’s the customers they’re targeting.”

All the same, I think it best.”

Don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine and I have to go in sometimes.”

Then go during the day.”

And leave my staff to take all the risk? That’s not how I work.”

I don’t care about your staff, I care about you.”

Well I do and stop fretting, whoever’s doing this wouldn’t have the guts to do it in a club with the Maguire name over the door.”

That name doesn’t make you invincible.”

It’ll be fine, don’t worry about it.”

He didn
’t appear convinced so she planted a kiss on his lips. “I’ll be careful, promise. Now I need a shower before we go out.”

After loading up the children into their big black Range Rover, they drove to the park so the kids could run off some excess energy, the bright sun not helping Rachel
’s hangover. As lunchtime approached Ryan drove them to Alex and Beth’s new home. Although it was a beautiful big house Rachel thought it wasn’t as nice as their own. This was a soulless new build with absolutely no character but Beth adored it.

Come on in,” beamed her friend when she opened the front door to them, cradling four week old Holly in her arms. Leah doted on the baby and paused to kiss her cheek and stroke her downy hair. When she saw seven year old Alfie, her best friend and closest playmate, she raced inside, followed by three year old Archie, Beth and Alex’s second child. Ethan pushed his little legs as hard as they would go to try and keep up but Aaron preferred to remain in Rachel’s arms.

Oh Beth, it’s beautiful,” said Rachel as they got the guided tour, wondering how the cream carpets and white furniture would fare with three children.

Isn’t it? I’ve never lived outside the city before but I like it. It’s so peaceful.”

Alex emerged from the kitchen with two glasses of wine. Rachel regarded hers uncertainly, her stomach churning.

“Go on, hair of the dog. It’ll do you good,” encouraged Beth.

Alright, go on then,” she said.

Ryan?” offered Alex.

No thanks, I’m driving.”

Get a taxi home.”

I won’t if you don’t mind. One of us has to be sober and Rachel’s already suffering.”

You’re not, are you Rach?” grinned Beth. “I remember when you could drink any man under the table.”

It’s since I’ve had kids, I’ve gone soft.”

Rachel Law soft, I don’t believe it.”

They walked through the kitchen into the back garden, which was beautifully landscaped and most importantly, safe for the children to play in. Alfie and Leah were playing badminton, Ethan and Archie running back and forth between them, hands in the air, giggling as they tried to catch the shuttlecock. Aaron wriggled in Rachel
’s arms and she put him down and let him join in.

They found Martina sat beneath the shade of a tree wearing a pair of sunglasses and a pained expression. Rachel knew she must be suffering because normally she
’d have leapt up to greet her grandchildren. Although she was related only to Leah by blood, she classed Ethan and Aaron as her grandkids too.

How are you feeling?” Rachel asked her.

Awful. I think there was something wrong with the champagne at your club Love.”

The only thing wrong was the amount you consumed.”

I couldn’t drink very much. Gary wound up wearing most of it.” Martina managed to give a small smile at the memory. “It was worth it.”

From inside the house Rachel heard a voice heavy with a Glaswegian accent that sent a shiver down her spine. A ginger-haired figure burst into the garden in an immaculate grey suit, sporting his trademark thick black framed glasses.

“Now this party can get fucking started,” he exclaimed, clutching a bottle of expensive wine.

Everyone decided not to chide him for his bad language in front of the children. Frankie McVay did not take criticism well.

“What does he want?” Ryan quietly asked Rachel. “This is a family gathering.”

Rachel just shook her head, feeling very uneasy. Frankie was a ferocious Glaswegian gangster and had been in partnership with the Maguires for a few years now. He never came south of the border unless he really had to, he hated England, so she had no doubt this wasn
’t a social call.

Rachel,” he beamed, making his way over to her.

Oh shit
she thought, despite her welcoming smile. She got to her feet to greet him and he planted a kiss on her cheek. Martina, who was well aware of who he was, appeared appalled to see him so close to her grandchildren. Someone with a fondness for chopping people up with hatchets was the last person you wanted around your family.

You look as lovely as ever Mrs Law. Shit, I don’t think I’ll ever get used to that name,” he grinned. He looked to Ryan. “Alright Pal?”

Hello Frankie,” replied Ryan in his smooth tones. “What brings you to England?”

Just passing through. I’ve been on a bit of business further down south. I thought the north of England was bad but in comparison to that lot down there, Jesus Christ, full of southern poofters.”

Frankie, the kids,” said Ryan, afraid of no one.

Oh aye, sorry. So I thought I’d stop by and say hello.”

This sounded just a bit too sociable for Frankie McVay, thought Rachel. No doubt there was a pressing matter he wanted to discuss with Alex, something which couldn
’t wait and that had to be done face to face, something connected to his trip down south. Who were the main families down there? It depended where he’d been; London, Kent, Essex, it could be anywhere.

She was distracted by Ryan
’s fingers stroking her arm, his face telling her he knew exactly what she was thinking and to stop it, it wasn’t their business anymore. Rachel still found herself prone to bouts of extreme curiosity about the Maguires’ business dealings, despite her determination to stay out of it all. To their mutual surprise, Ryan was the one who went out of his way to keep her out of it, even though he’d been the  most reluctant to give it all up in the first place. She gave him a reassuring smile, dismissing the thoughts from her mind, grasped his hand and settled back in her chair. Frankie McVay was Alex’s problem, not hers. She didn’t need to worry about his presence here.

Frankie could be very charming when he wanted to be and he soon had Martina eating out of the palm of his hand. As the wine flowed she even started to flirt with him.

After enjoying the grand buffet Beth had put on, Frankie gave Alex a solemn nod and the two of them, along with Mikey, disappeared inside, Rachel watching them go.

It’s none of our business anymore,” Ryan whispered in his wife’s ear before planting a kiss on her neck.

His tender caresses soon put all thoughts of the Maguires
’ business out of her head and she kissed her husband.

The three men returned twenty minutes later, Alex and Frankie looking cheerful but Mikey a little pissed off.

“He looks very unimpressed,” said Rachel.

I don’t care,” replied Ryan.

I know, nothing to do with us but Mikey’s like my little brother. I don’t like seeing him upset.”

He raised her hand to his lips to kiss it.
“You don’t need to look out for him anymore.” Ryan’s eyes narrowed. “He’s changed, becoming more grown-up, careworn.”

Rachel had to agree. That cheeky boyishness was deserting him, he even looked older, face harder, eyes steely. He was a man to respect and fear and right then he looked extremely displeased, standing outside the patio doors with his arms folded across his big chest, staring straight at Alex and Frankie talking together.

“Don’t,” said Ryan quietly.

Don’t what?”

Ask him what’s wrong. I know you’re itching to.”

Not at all.”

That innocent look doesn’t fool me Rachel Law.”

She gave him a grin before taking a sip of wine. A loud snort cut through the air and they turned to see Martina fast asleep in her deckchair, mouth hanging open and snoring like a train, causing all the children to burst out laughing.

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