A Family Divided (Dividing Line #3) (13 page)

BOOK: A Family Divided (Dividing Line #3)
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Thank you,” said a relieved Strang, straightening his clothes and retreating to the back of the room. “Now we’ve got that sorted out I want you to leave.”

You don’t get off that easily, you sent someone to spy on us.”

Are you seriously suggesting you’ve never done that to me before?” When neither of them replied he smiled triumphantly. “There we go.”

The door opened and two overweight and out of breath security guards stumbled inside.
“Are you alright Mr Strang? Your secretary said you were being attacked.”

I’m fine thank you, just a little misunderstanding. Mr and Mrs Law are just leaving, you can see them out.”

We’re not fucking done,” hissed Ryan.

Rachel put a hand on his arm.
“We got what we came for. Let’s go.”

We’ll escort you out,” said the sweatiest and most unfit looking of the security guards.

Ryan stood nose to nose with the man, who swallowed nervously.
“I don’t think I’ll let you do that,” he spat. Rachel and Ryan walked out alone.

Ryan drove them out of the city and into the countryside, heading north towards the town of Bury. They stopped at a country pub they were both fond of for lunch, Ryan picking miserably at his lasagne.

“Just when I think my family can’t get anymore messed up, it does,” he said.

Look on the bright side, you have another brother. Actually you have two more and a sister because Cutter had four children.” She thought that ironic because three of Ryan’s brother were killed by the Maguires, it was as if life was compensating somehow.

I know, I worked for him, remember. That’s not the worst part. I had a brief relationship with Lexie, his daughter.”

Oh God, you didn’t…”

We didn’t sleep together thankfully but we did other stuff that a brother has no business doing with his sister. No wonder Stuart warned me off. As soon as he did I dumped her. I was glad of the excuse to be honest, she was very volatile.” He grimaced at his plate and pushed it away. “I feel sick.”

She grasped his hand and he clung onto it.
“You didn’t know.”

Stuart didn’t say one word to me. Why didn’t he tell me?”

Maybe he didn’t want his wife finding out?”

Stuart was always having affairs, he’s probably got kids all over Manchester but it never occurred to me that I could be his son. How did Neil know anyway?”

She shrugged.
“Taylor didn’t say.”

This could all be bullshit, I could be getting myself worked up for nothing. I need to speak to Neil.”

Is that wise? According to Taylor he hates you.”

I need answers.”

They might not let you into the prison, you have a criminal record.”

I have to try.” He kissed her hand. “I’m sorry about this.”

Why are you sorry?”

Because you’ve married into the family from hell.”

That’s not the way I see it. I’ve got the most gorgeous, clever, sexy husband in Manchester who I’m crazy about and whose given me two beautiful boys and is a brilliant dad to our daughter.”

He smiled.
“I’m glad you see it that way.”

I really do.”

He leaned forwards, the intensity in his gaze making her squirm in her seat with excitement.
“And I have the most beautiful, understanding wife who I want to take to our secret little spot just down the road from here and make love to over and over again.”

You mean, the little nook by the river?” They’d been there several times in the past. It was pretty and secluded.

I do. I need to lose myself in you Rachel.”

Eagerly she snatched up her handbag and got to her feet.
“Let’s go.”


Ryan sat opposite his alleged half brother in a private interview room in Manchester Prison. He’d never got used to that name, in Ryan’s head it would always be Strangeways, he’d spent enough time here himself in the past. The authorities had only allowed him to visit Neil in the hope that he could get more information out of him.

Ryan hated to admit that he could see the resemblance. Although Neil
’s eyes were dark brown like his father’s his build was similar, hair dark and thick, cheekbones defined. The two men stared at each other for a full minute in silence, before Ryan eventually broke it.

I’m told you’re my brother.”

Neil didn
’t respond, instead he stared at him steadily, eyes filled with derision and arms folded across his chest defensively.

Is it true?”

Still nothing.

“There’s no point sitting there sulking, we need to get this sorted out.”


Because we’re brothers for God’s sake,” Ryan retorted, attempting to hide his impatience.

No we’re not. My dad shagged your mum. Brothers indicates a relationship and I’ve no interest in that.”

Good because neither have I.” The knot of muscle at the base of his jaw pulsated with rage. “You held a knife to my wife’s throat.”

I panicked, I wouldn’t have hurt her, I don’t like to hurt beautiful things. My mum was beautiful once but Dad beat her until she wasn’t.”

So that’s your defence, is it? I had a shitty childhood so that’s why I like stabbing strangers in nightclubs,” said Ryan sarcastically. “Mine wasn’t exactly a barrel of laughs, dragged up on a sink estate by a poisonous druggie whore with a string of violent boyfriends. Get over yourself, lots of people have bad childhoods.”

Even though Neil
’s eyes were a different colour to Ryan’s, they narrowed in much the same way. “But you got the breaks, didn’t you? Dad paid for you to go to Cambridge. I wanted the same but I got ignored. What was so special about you?”

Perhaps my massive IQ had something to do with it.” Ryan knew he sounded petulant but he couldn’t help it, he was unable to rid himself of the image of this creep holding a Stanley knife to Rachel’s throat.

Neil just gave a contemptuous sneer.

“What was the deal with Strang?” said Ryan.

I overheard Sid on the phone saying he wanted to sell. Everyone knows Strang’s your biggest rival so I went to him with it, told him about Franco Cipriani. I knew who he was right away, his dad was a friend of mine. Strang thought it would be a good way of tucking you up, lumbering you with The Crown and Cipriani.”

Didn’t work though, did it?”

He shrugged.
“Worth a go.”

You hate me that much?”

Dad left everything to you. In his will he left us a pittance while you took over all his businesses, the illegal ones anyway but they were the ones raking in the money. You had all the breaks while I was stuck being a waiter. Those businesses should have been mine, I wanted a piece of that world. Ian and Riley weren’t interested but I was.”

You were only a kid when he died.”

You could have taken me under your wing, trained me up but you didn’t.”

Because I had no idea you were interested. If you’d asked I would have.”

No you wouldn’t, you shared it all out with your other brothers, who were even bigger wasters than you.”

Ryan reined in his temper, he could see how much Neil was hurting and that he was one can short of a six pack.
“How can you be certain we share the same father?”

Because Dad told me when he was dying of cancer. He said it was important to him that we formed a relationship.” Neil leaned forwards, resting his arms on the table between them. “I told him to fuck off, that I hated him and I would never have anything to do with you, a scumbag shat out by a dirty whore. You’re a nothing Ryan.”

Really? I’m the one sat here in Armani with the gorgeous wife and kids and millions in the bank. What do you have to look forward to Neil? The best you can hope for is becoming someone’s bitch.”

You’d know all about that, wouldn’t you? You’ve been inside too.”

Only no one dare lay a finger on me. Can’t say the same for you.” Ryan sighed and folded his arms across his chest. When he realised he was mimicking the position Neil was sat in he unfolded his arms in irritation. This wasn’t going the way he’d planned, he’d decided he would try and get along with Neil, if only for the fact that he was his half brother but the little bastard wound him up. “Cooperate with me a bit and I can make life easier for you in here,” he said in a gentler tone. “Do your brothers and sister know about me?”

I only have one brother now. Ian killed himself five years ago.”

My God, I’m sorry.” Ian had been Stuart’s eldest son. He’d hoped he’d be his successor but he showed no interest in the family business and had wanted to be a musician instead. Another reason why Ryan had thought Stuart took him under his wing, because he couldn’t find his heir apparent among his own children.

Neil shrugged as though it didn
’t matter. “He always was a bit weird, moped around a lot, kept things to himself, history of depression. It wasn’t really a surprise.”

Ryan was surprised by his coldness.
“And what about Riley and Lexie?”

Lexie spends her life travelling, at the moment I think she’s in Goa. We get a postcard from her every couple of years. Riley’s in the army. Neither of them know about you, Dad only told me.”


Because I was the only one there when he died.”

There was something in Neil
’s eyes that turned Ryan cold. “What do you mean by that?”

He just gave a slow smile and shook his head.

“Did you kill him?” Ryan said quietly.

I think I’m getting bored talking to you. I want to go back to my cell.”

Did you kill him?” repeated Ryan, getting to his feet as Neil got to his.

Looks like you’ll never know.” Neil looked to the guard. “I hear it’s jam roly poly for tea. Is that true?”

Forget the fucking pudding, tell me,” bellowed Ryan, his voice bouncing off the peeling bland walls.

When Neil looked back at him his eyes were full of cunning.
“Goodbye Brother,” he said sardonically.

Neil,” he yelled.

But he was escorted out of the room, leaving Ryan seething. DCI Taylor, who had been watching the interview via the CCTV camera, was waiting for him in the corridor outside.

“There’s a possibility Stuart Cutter was murdered,” said Ryan.

We can do an exhumation if one of his children give permission.”

You can’t, he was cremated.”

Great,” sighed Taylor. “Cutter might have been winding you up.”

’s expression was grave. “Somehow I don’t think he was.”



Ryan invited his brother and sister-in-law, his true brother, for dinner that night. Rachel cooked a delicious roast and after eating, while they sat drinking wine in the lounge, the children in bed, Ryan explained about Neil. Jez remained completely silent for a few minutes while he absorbed everything he
’d just been told, leaving Cathy to ask the questions.

Eventually Jez managed to rasp,
“was Cutter my dad too?”

I don’t know, you’d have to have a DNA test. But there’s nearly ten years between us. I don’t think their relationship lasted that long.”

I’ll get a test done, just to be sure,” he said. “What about the others?”

By others, Ryan knew he was referring to their three dead brothers, Adam, Simmy and Jamie, all murdered by the Maguires.
“I don’t know. Neil said his dad only mentioned my name, but you never know.”

We have to find out.”

The only way to do that is to have them exhumed and DNA samples taken. Do you really want to do that?”

I suppose not.”

You don’t even know if this is true yet, do you? This Neil could be making it all up,” said Cathy.

The DNA test will take a few days, then we’ll know for sure.”

How many kids did this Stuart Cutter have?” said Cathy.

Four, three boys and a girl, including Neil, but one of the boys is dead, killed himself a few years ago,” replied Ryan. “There was always a bit of mental instability in that family, from the mother’s side. She was a neurotic mess.”

Rachel thought that it was no wonder she was neurotic if her husband was violent, but she didn
’t say this because it would hurt Ryan. He seemed to revere the memory of Stuart Cutter.

So, you could have more siblings, a whole new family,” said Jez quietly.

Ryan saw the hurt in his eyes. They never used to be close but over the past few years they
’d forged a strong relationship and now he loved his brother.

No, I have my family.”

The corner of Jez
’s mouth lifted into a smile and he nodded.

Only us four and DCI Taylor know about this. I don’t want anyone else to know so please keep it to yourselves. I especially don’t want the Maguires to find out,” said Ryan.

They all nodded in agreement. Rachel felt this secret was something else that could push the two families apart.


When Ryan walked through the front door, Rachel smiled and switched off the television.
“Has Amber settled in then?”

She’s getting there. Mikey’s flapping about her like a mother hen, insisting she doesn’t pick anything up. He seems to be excited about being a dad. I was quite surprised actually.”

Were her mum and dad there?”

Of course. They couldn’t wait to see what sort of place she was moving into. They were impressed.”

And so they should be. That flat is gorgeous.”

Ken seemed a bit pissed off that he’d lost his golden ticket. Mikey’s giving the money directly to Amber. She’s a sweet little thing.”

Oh yeah, taken with her were you?”

No. Far too small and helpless-looking for my taste.” He bent over to kiss her. “I like my women strong and capable of knocking me out with one punch.”

I doubt I could do that. Mike Tyson would be hard pressed.”

I just need to look at you and I’m floored.”

Hoping to get your end away tonight, are you?”

So cynical and yes I am. The kids are staying at Martina’s tonight, God help her, so we’ve got the evening to ourselves. How about we go out for a nice meal, have a few drinks then come home and make mad passionate love in every room in the house.”

Well, the meal bit sounds good, but I definitely can’t do the second thing and the third will have to be gentle love in bed.”

You’re not ill are you?”

No. Just pregnant.”

His face lit up.
“You are?”

I did the test this morning.”

He kissed her hard.
“Did I ever tell you how amazing you are?”

Yes but I never tire of hearing it. I was right, it was that time after Beth and Alex’s housewarming, I’m sure of it.”

Probably, which means you should be two months gone already?”

I think so, and it’s another boy. I’ve got the urge for barbeque sauce.”

I’ll pick some up in the morning.”

Already done it,” she grinned, indicating the bowl sat on the coffee table, full of half eaten cornflakes smothered in barbeque sauce.

That is perfectly revolting,” he grimaced. “In that case, let’s have a quiet night in and celebrate, just the two of us. We can tell the clan tomorrow.”

Sounds good,” she smiled.

They were interrupted by his mobile phone ringing. Rachel watched his expression turn to granite as he listened to the voice on the other end.

“Right, thanks,” he said before hanging up.

Who was that?”

DCI Taylor. They’ve had the DNA results back. Neil Cutter is my brother but he’s not Jez’s.”

Oh. What do you think about that?”

Not much. I meant what I said, I have my family and there’s no room for anyone else.”

Are you sure about that?”

Yes. We’re so happy and I’m not having anything upsetting that, particularly not that bunch of lunatics. If Neil’s anything to go by I have no wish to get to know the rest of them.”

The other two might not be like that, you could be losing out if you don’t make contact.”

No, I’ve made up my mind. I’ve got everything I need,” he said, wrapping an arm around her. “Taylor’s keeping the test results quiet for now but it looks like it’ll all come out in court anyway. Neil’s lawyer is talking about using it as a defence; the shock of learning he was related to a known criminal pushed Neil over the edge and he went on the rampage.”

That’s stupid.”

I know but it’s amazing what some of these slimy bastards can get a jury to believe. Anyway, let’s not worry about that yet, the trial’s a long way off and we’ve got so much more to concentrate on,” he said, running his hand over her abdomen. “This little one is the only new addition to the family I want.”


When Amber opened the door to Rachel Law her eyes widened and her stomach turned over. “Hello,” she said timidly.

“Hi Amber. I was passing and I thought I’d see how you’re settling in.”

“Fine thanks. Err, do you want to come in?”

“Thank you.”

Rachel stepped inside and was pleased to see Mikey had furnished the flat with only the best, everything very stylish and expensive. She was pleased he was taking care of the mother of his child, but then again, she hadn’t thought he’d do otherwise.

“Would you like a tea or coffee?” said Amber, wringing her hands anxiously. Although she’d never met her before, naturally she knew who Rachel Law was and she was scared of her.

Sensing this, Rachel attempted to put Amber at her ease. It pained her that people were afraid of her. Sometimes it could be useful, but not in this case. “Tea would be lovely thanks.”

She waited in the lounge while Amber made the tea and returned carrying a tray with a cute little red teapot covered in white polka dots and matching mugs.

“That’s nice,” Rachel smiled. Everything was cream and white and it was good to see a splash of colour.

“I picked those. I like a bit of colour.” She appeared horrified with herself. “Not that I don’t like this place, it’s beautiful.”

“I know what you mean. Neutral colours can be boring. You know you can change it if you want, you don’t have to keep it this way. It’s yours now.”

“I don’t want to seem ungrateful. Mikey’s done so much for me, not that I deserve it,” she said, hanging her head.

“Don’t blame yourself, these things happen. It was an accident and Mikey’s actually quite excited about being a dad.” She noticed Amber’s eyes slide to the floor, full of shame. “It was an accident, wasn’t it?”

Amber shook her head negatively. She was so sweet natured she couldn’t tell a lie.

“My dad told me to get close to him and sleep with him. He wanted me to get pregnant by him,” she said, lower lip wobbling.

“For money?”

Amber nodded, tears rolling down her creamy cheeks, dripping from her incredibly long lashes. “You’ve all been so nice to me and I don’t deserve it.” She shot to her feet. “I’ll leave now.”

“There’s no need for that,” Rachel said softly. “Sit back down.”

Amber did as she was asked and proceeded to furiously bite her nails. Rachel sat beside her and put an arm around her shoulders. “Try and take it easy, you’ve got to think of the baby.”

Amber took a deep breath and wiped her eyes with the tissue Rachel handed her from her bag.

“We kind of already worked that one out,” Rachel told her. “Your dad’s notorious for his money grabbing ways.”

“I didn’t want to do it but he threatened to throw me out if I didn’t. My parents are skint and they said they didn’t need me burdening them, I’m old enough to look after myself now. I didn’t do well at school, I was bullied and I left before I took my GCSE’s. Without basic Maths and English I can’t get a job, not even the shittiest and I have tried, I want to be independent, have my own money. And now Mikey’s done all this for me,” she said, gesturing to the flat. “He’s been so nice and it’s not fair, he was trapped into this.”

“Have you told Mikey?”

She shook her head negatively. “I can’t, I’m too scared.”

“Don’t be frightened of Mikey, he would never hurt a woman, especially not the woman carrying his child. I know his reputation is fearsome but he’s like my little brother and I can honestly say he’s got a good heart. Did he tell you why he bought you this flat?”

“So I could be free from my parents and raise the baby in peace. And he can visit when he wants.”

“That doesn’t sound like a bad man, does it?”

“No, I suppose not.”

“So why don’t you tell him? It’ll make you feel a lot better. Then you won’t feel like you’re trapping him.”

“I…I don’t know.”

“If you like, I can be here when you tell him?”

She regarded Rachel with surprise. “You’d do that?”

“Yes. I think this baby will be good for Mikey and I think you’ve been manoeuvred into this just as much as he was. I can call him if you like?”

She bit her lip uncertainly, a single tear spilling down her cheek, eyes bright and shimmery. Rachel wasn’t surprised he’d jumped into bed with her, she really was beautiful. No doubt her parents had seen her as a meal ticket from an early age.

“Okay,” she eventually croaked.

“You’re doing the right thing. You’re going to share a lifelong bond and you don’t want that to be ruined by mistrust.”

Amber smiled through her tears. “I thought you’d be scary, but you’re actually very nice.”

“I didn’t used to be,” she said as she dialled, knowing it was Ryan who had changed her for the better. Another reason she loved him like crazy.

Within fifteen minutes Mikey arrived to find Amber and Rachel chatting on the sofa like old friends and he was pleased they were getting along, it was important to him that Rachel liked her. Amber still looked dubious when he entered but Rachel’s presence fortified her.

“Amber wants to tell you something,” Rachel said.

“Okay,” he replied, all seriousness, taking the armchair opposite her.

Amber looked to Rachel, who nodded. Taking a deep breath, Amber turned her gaze on Mikey. “My dad told me to sleep with you. He wanted me to get pregnant so he could get money out of you.”

“I know.”

She smiled with relief. “Why didn’t you say anything?”

“Because it’s not important. You’re pregnant with my baby and that’s all that matters.”

“But I set you up,” she said, incredulous.

“You didn’t force me to have sex with you and I didn’t even consider contraception and that’s my fault. Your dad might have wanted me to sleep with you but I wanted it too.”

“You should know, you weren’t just a prize. I liked you.”

The corner of his mouth lifted up into a smile and Amber smiled back at him coyly. Rachel looked from one to the other, wondering if they could share more than just a child. She thought he’d do much better with someone so sweet rather than a pushy walking mouth like Jennie.

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