A Duke's Scandalous Temptation (2 page)

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Authors: Char Marie Adles

BOOK: A Duke's Scandalous Temptation
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              After his words was a long silence in which the world melted away until it was just the two of us. And slowly, looking into his eyes, I leaned up on my toes and gently pressed my lips to his. As his eyes widened I came back to myself and pushed away from him.

              “Forgive me,” I had cried, hand over mouth, fleeing the room and him with it.

You can’t
, is what I told myself after that moment. I couldn’t fall for a man who only offered me one thing. I must marry a man who could help with my brother’s debts. I would have given all the money Papa had left me to Jackson, however in Papa’s will it said I could not and all the money would go somewhere else if I did. I loved my brother but I had to think of myself first. I was not yet twenty one, the age for a female to own property, but by special grant of the king, which Papa had paid greatly for, it was mine no matter who said what.

              I sighed as I thought of Lord Brenda and Lord Milton setting on the couch across from me noticed.

              “Is there something wrong, my lady?” he asked curiously.

              I smiled at him and placed a hand to my forehead. “I am sorry, but I do believe I have a headache. I am sorry, but I must call this short.” I gave him a sad pout.

              He brightened, patted my hand in standing and said, “Not at all, I thank you for having me and look upon my visit again soon.” And with that he left.

              I went upstairs to Jackson’s office and sat down in the chair across from him. I glowered a bit and then said, “You know I feel like I am using them all.”

              “You are,” he said, having a point.

              “I just don’t feel anything for any of them, they are nice and sweet to be sure, but I want a man who will mean the words he says, not just to say them for the saying.”

              Jackson smiled. “Sister dear, when they are young like Lord Milton, they are like puppies and even if they don’t mean what they say, their feelings are real.”

              I glared at him. “You know that is not what I mean. I want a man, not a boy, but all who have come are either too old, too young, not titled well enough for you, however for me I want just one thing.”

              “And would that be?” he drawled taking a sip of brandy.

              “A man who with care for me and take care of me. As simple as that, however helping you have put that dream in a bit of a twist,” I huffed.

              Jackson’s eyes gleamed. “Then just give me the money I need.”

              Standing I shook my head. “I can’t do that and you know it. If I  do then I lose everything.”

              “Don’t be selfish,” he quipped.

              Feeling as if he had struck me I whispered, “What?”

              “You heard me,” he stood, “quit being selfish Darcee and help me out, this is all I have ever asked of you.”

              My famous temper came to head. “Selfish?” I screamed. “You are calling me selfish? You ran away a year after Mama died, and then you left me alone for four years on that estate after father died! Calling me selfish when all you have ever done is whatever you wanted at the expense of the family? Me, selfish for keeping the family afloat with money father gave me while you traipsed over the world on your ship?” I picked up the closest object which happened to be a bust and lobbed it at him.

              “Me who even tried to help you while you gambled, drink and whored away Papa’s hard earned money? I can’t believe you would say such a thing.”

              I felt the burning of tears threatened and I watched as my brother rounded on me.

              “Yes, because it is your duty to do so!”

              “No!” I wailed, “It is not! I was going to give up my life and freedom to a man to help pay for you and your debt! Well you know what?” The tears began to fall and hit the burgundy carpet, “Go find yourself a rich wife, I will have no more part in this!” And with those famous last words I slammed out of the room calling for my servant. I was packed within an hour all of my stuff loaded onto the royal carriage my Papa had had made for my mother the year before she died, with our family’s noble coat of arms upon it, and was off. I went to the only place I could think of.

              When the carriage had pulled out in front of the gated grand manor and its grounds on the outskirts of London a few hours later, I ran from the carriage still crying and pounded on the front door. It was flung open and stout older man peered down at me from his extreme height.

              “May I help you, my lady,” he asked startled.

              “Where is he? Where is Brendan?” I asked desperately.

              A dark shadow passed across his face. “Now you go on and get out of here, His Grace want no trouble from the likes of you. Go on.”

He tried shooing me away from the door. But I grabbed onto his hand and pleaded.

“You don’t understand! I need to see him now, without him I have nowhere else to go tonight!” My breath was starting to come in gulp and my tears poured so much I could no longer see the man’s face. “Please,” I wailed as loud as I could, hoping someone else within the house would hear.

Someone else did indeed hear.

“What is that god awful racket going on, on the front step Johnson?” asked a deep voice from the other side of the closed door.

The big man who opened the door looked to his right and said, “It’s a girl, sir, but she won’t quit till she’s had a word with you-”

I stopped my wailing then and there to call out, “Lord Brendan!”

Quick feet came and then Johnson was pushed out of the way until there stood Lord Brendan, in a dishelved looking shirt and quickly pulled on leather breeches.

Upon seeing me he gasped my name then asked, or more like yelled at Johnson for not letting me in. A shaking Johnson stood to welcome me in and I was shown to the parlor where I was place with a small glass of sherry until Lord Brendan came in looking a bit tidier. His long hair now tied back away from his face so I could see the horrible damage to his face, but he was still beautiful no matter the mark upon his face.

He looked angry however that I was sitting in his home as he leaned back in his chair to gaze at me.

“Why have you come here is late at night?” he asked brow raised.

I looked at him through blurry eyes. “I had a fight with my brother and I have cut ties with him. I need a place to stay for the night.”

he asked leaning forward, shock evident on his face. “Did he kick you out if so I swear-!”

“No,” I said quickly, “he didn’t, I left on my own. I refused to marry to help him pay his debts any longer. All he has left is that damn house, he can marry himself to get the money he needs!”

Brendan sat back, but he was not smiling. “Where will you go from here, do you even have a place to go back too?”

I nodded. “Papa gave me the country estate as my dowry and a sum of money from his will that can’t be touched by my brother no matter how much he shall try. I am tired of his games, I was just too stupid to think I could help him. I will go home, I wasn’t meant for society anyway.” I sniffed and looked at him, smiling softly. “Please? Will you let me stay for the night?”

He closed his eyes looking as if he were in pain and I flew to his side, hands flitting about not sure where to put them.

“Does it hurt? Where can I help you? How can I help you?”

He shook his head. “Every day is a bit painful, some more than others, there is not much that can be done about it, my body is to badly damaged. Just coming down the stairs to see you at the door were over doing it. Blast that leg!" he growled.

I came over and sank down beside him on the floor and asked, “Which leg is it?”

“The left,” he gritted out.

I reached out, hesitant to touch him so intimately, but with firm hands I began working his tight muscles.

“No! Don’t touch me!” he roared.

I jumped at his angered yell, but kept up my work and said quietly, “Mama used to have weak legs, as she got older when I was little I started to notice she limped a bit. I found out when I was around five she had a disease that ate the muscles in her legs, the only thing that worked for her pain was to have her legs rubbed. I think in the end it was the pain in her legs as much as my father’s betrayal that made her died.” I rubbed a little bit harder over one of the long thick scars I felt under his breeches and he clenched his hand on the chair’s arm tightly.

Soon though his hand had relaxed and I moved on to his calf.

“You have wonderfully muscled legs,” I said dreamily and gasped at what had come out of my mouth.

He opened his eyes and grinned down at me. “Well thank you, my lady, but they are not as good as they seem. For you have not truly seen them and I have too, every day.” He leaned his head back against the chair, closed his eyes and sighed.

“Does it help?”

“It helps greatly, painful at first but it feels better than it has in a long time. I have seen many doctors and none could help with the pain other than giving addictive drugs I refuse to take. I would rather live with the pain then be drugged out of my mind.

“You however came up with the perfect solution to my problem.” He looked at me again, “You may stay here.”

I beamed at him, “Thank you Lord Brendan, I promise I will not trouble you longer than I have too. I shall be out of your hair by morning.”

He shook his head. “I would that you trouble me more in fact,” he said softly his face gentling. Then he realized how that sounded and rephrased with a flush, “For my leg, surly none other than you would know how to do it right. Maybe if it was treated as a treatment, my leg could recover more mobility. I should like that, to be able to walk more than a few yards and have to stop then start again.”

I beamed up at him. It was the perfect chance to discover my true feelings for the man.

“Of course, anything I can do to help, there is nothing pressing me to go home right away.”

“And where is your home?” he asked curiously.

“Papa and Mama’s country estate in York. It is more of a castle really, but only serves thirty or so rooms. Ten small on the top floor, ten medium on the middle level and ten large on the floor before the house’s main level. It has eight hundred acres of farm land and forest. Its peaceful there.”

Brendan reached out a patted my head softly then pulled his hand back. “I think you have done enough, the leg feel rather good considering. Thank you Lady Aston.”

I puffed up with mock anger. “Don’t call me that! Anything but that dreadful name, call me Darcee, call me Dar, or Darling like my Mama used to, but anything but Lady whatever.”

He considered for a moment and smiled slightly, “I think I shall call you Darling, just for the fact that it fits.”

“Fits,” I echoed, “how does it fit?”

“Because you fit that image in my mind, now before I go mad, woman hie yourself upstairs and pick a room.”

I went towards the main stair case but glance warily at the seep long case. “Do you need help?”

“No, I can make it, I shall see you up there before you nod off,” he said with determination.

I nodded, smiled, rushed over to give him a quick kiss on the cheek in thanks but tripped on the rug and took us both down. I landed on top of him and he gave a painful grunt.

I leaned up on his chest a little and breathed a little, “Sorry.” And instead gave into impulse and kissed him quickly on the lips instead. Quick as I could I got up help pull Lord Brendan up and ran for the stairs, blushing like fire.


Chapter Three




Two weeks passed of me spending most hours with lord Brendan, neither of us mentioned the kiss again and I felt a growing struggle within, for I wanted to talk about it and do much more of the same however I feared he saw me as little more than a younger sister, but today would be the day I ask him. I didn’t like having to sit still so I made him walk till it hurt, then a short break to massage his leg then off again. He was showing great improvement, and he was always gentle with me, but he was too kind about it.

              Frowning I walked down the stairs for breakfast after walking up rather later and a strange sight greeted me on the stair. Lord Brendan was slumped over on the last few stairs at the bottom at an odd angle and then I spotted the blood. I flew down the steps and cradled his head in my arms. There was a deep gash on his temple and more blood still coming from it, it looked as though he had been there for a while.

              “Johnson!” I screamed, “Somebody help!”

              But no one answered. So instead of panicking I took and deep breathe and decided with I would have to do. Somehow I needed to get him back upstairs and into his room, but first I had to staunch the bleeding. Seeing no other means I ripped cloth from my hem and put a wad to his head and wrapped a few strips around his head to tie it in place, with that done it was time to get him moved.

Slowly I slipped us to the main floor and then places one of each of his arms around my neck and left him best I could onto my back. He was too big to carry like a child but with taking it one slow and painful step at a time I made us both up the stair s and to the room I knew to be his.

              Placing him upon the bed was not graceful but it worked and I wiped the sweat from my brow and went in search of the thing I would need.

              The wound was cleaned, dressed and now that I look down at him I myself became tired after a few hours and rested my head upon the edge of his bed for a nap.



A groan shook me out of my sleep and I glanced up at him quickly.

              “What happened?” he asked.

              “A bit of a nasty bump to the head I am afraid. What were you doing? There was no here to help, if I hadn’t of found you-!” the last ended on a sob.

              “Shhh,” he said quietly and smoothed a rough palm down my cheek. “I’m alright now see? You saved me, but,” he frowned, “How did I get back to my bed.”

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