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Authors: Lena Black

A Dominant Man (43 page)

BOOK: A Dominant Man
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Hunt huffs and lets out a HA!

“What?” I ask with a tone.

“Don’t mind me
. I had something in my throat.”

I glare at him over my shoulder.

“So, you see it, too?” Maya asks Hunt. “How Chase doesn’t have eyes for anyone but her?”

“I knew I wasn’t the only one,” Hunt comments victoriously under his breath
, as he takes a sip of chicken noodle soup.

“Oh, shut up, enough of this malarkey.” Hunt pinches my shoulder. “Ow!”

“What happened?” Maya asks, giving me a concerned, inquisitive look.

“The mug is still hot.”

“Be careful, klutz.” Maya smiles at me then at Hunt. “Hey! Would you like to join us? It’ll be fun. Plus, with you there, Chase can’t hang on Ellie all night. Ellie, you can distract Julie, and I’ll keep an eye on Chase. Please? Throw a girl a bone.”

I shake my head and giggle into my mug.

“I wouldn’t want to impose.”

“You wouldn’t,”
Maya ensures.

“Then allow me to set up the arrangements.”

“Fabulous. Julie and Sloan should be here soon. We can do the girl thing.”

“Yay,” I reply apathetically.

“Gee, thanks,” Hunt murmurs.

“Oh. No. I’m not big on the girl thing. I’ve perfected looking my best without actually trying too hard. With
Jules and Sloan, getting ready is always a production. They take forever and always end up turning me into a life-size Barbie doll.”

“You know you love it,”
Maya says with a roll of the eyes.

“Ehhhh, I don’t wanna,” I whine.

“Oh, come on. It’ll be fun. We can blast some tunes and have a drink while we get ready.”

“I guess it doesn’t sound like total torture.”

Hunt chortles lightly in my ear. I nudge him in the side, and he jerks. Suddenly, there’s banging on the door. Jules and Sloan are hollering for us to let them in, chanting and giggling. Maya jumps up and rushes to the door. They come in screaming and hugging, as if they were in high school, simultaneously gushing and chatting at a rapid pace.

Hunt reluctantly removes his arm so I can rise to greet them, and they spot me.

“Ellie. Oh, Ellie,” They taunt in unison, “Time to play dress up.”

I crinkle my nose, and they giggle, giddy and ready to experiment on their guinea pig. I stare back at Hunt
, as they tow me toward the bedroom, and mouth, “Help me.”

He lounges nonchalantly on the couch, arm draped along the back, legs crossed, ankle resting on his knee. He’s laughing, amused by my current predicament, shaking his head in response to my urgent plea.

Bastard. You would think he enjoys the idea of me being punished.

I’m yanked into my room, and the door slams shut behind me. I’m trapped. I have nowhere to run and hide. They plop me in front of the
vanity, and I make an attempt at rising, but Jules and Maya hold me down. Sloan walks over to my highboy and pops her iPod into the portable speakers, choosing Sky Ferreira’s ‘You’re Not the One’.

The girls swarm me, prodding and pulling at me with every device known to torment a woman.
Sloan smears goop on my skin, applying evenly all over my face while Jules and Maya brush, blow-dry, and tease my hair. I think a curling iron is involved, definitely hairspray as a cloud of fumes is forming around my head.

They turn me away from the mirror, and
Sloan disappears for a few moments. Jules keeps at my hair while Maya rifles through a selection of clothes they brought with them. I pray its nothing too revealing. Sloan returns with a martini in hand.

“Here, this will calm you. Just a tini martuni. Drink up.” She hands me the glass, and I take a few
sips. “No, no. The whole thing. I need to finish your make-up.”

“Ok, but not too much foundation, please.”

“No prob. I got you, girl. I kinda do this for a living. I’m pretty sure I know what I’m doing.” She reassuringly pats my shoulder while I down the rest of the delish martini. I know I shouldn’t second-guess her since she is one of the premiere make-up artists in the city maybe the country, but I’m finicky about too much make-up. It’s as if I’m wearing a mask.

” Maya squeaks, “This is the one.”

“Oh, that’s perfect.” They gush, and when I swivel my head to sneak a peek, they quickly turn it back.

“Don’t look!” Julie snaps.

Damn it.

“Please, take it easy guys. I don’t want to look ridiculous.”

“Oh, shut it, Hyde,” Julie orders. “
Trust us. We’re going to make Damian drop to his knees when he lays his eyes on you.”

ey don’t allow me to see myself or the ensemble they have decided on. About fifteen minutes and two martinis later, I’m standing fully dressed, dumbfounded by what I see in the full-length mirror.

My hair hangs in long, lush waves, teased a bit on top for added height. My make-up is flawless, with dramatic cat eyes and matte nude lips. The knee-length bandage dress is black, formfitting, and sexy as sin. The neckline goes straight across my plump, trussed up bust line. A thick halter strap loops about my neck, scooping back down under the girls, cupping and pushing them up. Adorning my feet are platform fuck me pumps with straps crisscrossing over the arch of my foot and clasping around the ankle. I appear to be ready for a night of bondage and kinky debauchery.

Holy crap, it’s bondage Barbie.
Hunt will definitely love this.

“Well, hello, Miss Bardot. Vava Voom,”
Sloan chimes in, and I flush all over.

There’s a light rapping at the door and Damian’s voice on the other side.

“Everyone attired?”

“Yes!” they cry out.

He walks in with his hand jokingly shielding his eyes.

“Open them and look at your woman,”
Maya blurts out.

He removes his hand, and
his eager green eyes scan the room until they finally set sight on me. Hunt’s mouth goes slack, chest heaves, eyes are aflame with lust and a sexual darkness I crave.

“Ladies, could you give us a moment, please.”

They giggle and trot out of the room hastily. Hunt closes the door slowly as he attentively focuses on me with dark hunger. He prowls to me like a predator stalking their prey. He is the ravenous wolf, and I’m the petrified doe welcoming his carnal consumption. I can only gape at him as he creeps nearer, my lead feet firmly welded to the floor. My heart hammers against my chest plate, breathing’s erratic, and muscles clench.

He clutches me tight, hauling me into him,
and plants a body-trembling lip-lock on me. My body melts into his touch, and I meet his pace. I’m breathless when we break, yearning his body on mine.

“You look like a fantasy, my fantasy. I’m going to fuck you so hard tonight.” I groan at his dirty promises, desperate for him to take me. “You’re a Siren calling to my depraved soul.”

He cups my face in his hands and strokes my cheek with his thumb.

“I’m pleased you like it.”

“Like it? That generic word doesn’t express how I feel about this sensuous look. You’re the sexiest creature I’ve ever seen.” He grabs my hand and thrusts it onto his thick, long, rock-hard cock. “That won’t be going away until I fuck you senseless, over and over…I want to try something tonight, and I hope you’re game.”


He releases his grip, and I remain latched onto his magnificent solid hunk of manhood.

“Be patient,
Hyde.” He stares me in the eye. No looking down required with the stilts clamped to my feet. We’re almost eye-to-eye. I lean in and kiss him, using my tongue to gently coax his lips open, and he enters my mouth with a forceful tongue.

I should get ready,” he mumbles through the sensual oral caress, “Your friends…are waiting…on us.”

“Let them. I need you. This is torture.” He pulls away reluctantly and sighs. “I’ve gone without you inside me long enough. Claim me. I’m mad with desire.”

“Patience seems more like a pain in the ass rather than a virtue. Still, you shouldn’t leave them hanging, and I want to be ready before loverboy arrives. Why don’t you go spend time with your friends while I shower and dress?”

He grazes his finger along the length of my nose
, and I sigh, content. “Don’t take too long, Hunt. Being away from you is utter agony even for a moment.”

“I wouldn’t dream of tormenting you.”

I raise a brow and pucker my lips, scanning him questioningly. “Oh, wouldn’t you?” 

Chapter Twenty-two


Playing with Dolls


t’s seven thirty, and Chase hasn’t arrived yet. I make a round of martinis and pass them out to the girls, placing Hunt’s on the coffee table for a pre-dinner cocktail. I’m on my third, and with only soup in my stomach, I feel a teensy tipsy.

selects Fitz & the Tantrums on my iPod. A fun, upbeat number called ‘Out of My League’. We move over to a clear area and start to dance and sing along, belting out the words off key. Fits of laughter come roaring out as we sound more like howling monkeys.

We spot Hunt leaning on the doorframe to the hallway with a huge grin on his glorious face, observing us act like dorks. We rush him, and
his palms fly up as we surround and force him over to the ‘dance floor’.

Hunt ch
ortles and goes along with it while we dance and bellow out the song around him. I’ve never seen him laugh so hard. He pleads for us to stop, tears streaming down his cheeks. It’s sweet and unshielded and heart stopping.

Maya waves toward the front door with a huge enthusiastic grin plastered on her lovely face. We turn to find Chase coming through the door, keys in hand.

Maya greets him, skipping to his side.

The other girls follow suit and give him a barrage of kisses and hugs. I stay near Hunt for two reasons. One, I know if I go to
Chase, he would be terribly jealous. Two, he has a pretty possessive grip on my wrist, keeping me from doing so. I smile over to Chase, and he gives me an overwhelmed one in return.

“You should always keep your door locked, Elle,” Hunt lectures softly.

“I do. Chase has a key,” I respond, knowing perfectly well he wouldn’t like hearing it.

“He can get in here at any time? Unacceptable.”

“Yes, well, it is what it is. If you want to discuss it further, it will be done later at the penthouse where my friends can’t hear.” I lightly tug my arm from his protective grasp and head for Chase who welcomes me warmly. I don’t know where this ballsy confidence is coming from, perhaps the dress, but I like it.

I notice how nice he looks dressed in a deep red button-up and dark jeans with chucks in place of his normal slip-on Vans.

I give him a huge hug and whisper in his ear, “I’ve missed you. There is a plan to keep us distracted and away from one another, but if you find a window, I would really like to talk.”

“What plan?”

“I’ll tell you later.”

We break, and the girls swarm him once again. Out of the group of girls, he seems to favor
Maya’s attention the most. He smiles at her and slinks an arm about her shoulder as she asks him about his day. They would make a charming couple. I would love for him to be my brother-in-law one day. He could always be in my life.

I stand off to the side
, admiring them, and begin thinking about the future, what it would be like. I picture our children growing up together, weekends at the vineyard, barbeques in the backyard, Hunt by my side. What a wonderful life it could be.

My reveries are shattered by Hunt’s a
rm clinging to my waist and warm, soothing breath on my ear. “Have I told you how fucking delectable you look?”

“In so many words, yes. Have I told you how fucking cum-worthy you look?” I whisper back in his ear. He’s dressed in a charcoal gray V-neck sweater,
black slacks and leather square-toed dress shoes. He looks amaze as usual, and he’s all mine. I’m going to ravage his ass as soon as I get the chance. Maybe, I’ll ravage him at the club or in the car. I won’t make it until later this evening. I haven’t felt him inside me since this morning, and its making me sick with lust.

I clasp my arm about his waist and kiss him on the cheek, no tiptoes required. He gives me one on the side
of my head in my hair and lingers, inhaling me slowly.

“Mmmm, coconut,” he murmurs from my hair, and I close my eyes, comfortable and completely in love with this sensually dark man.


e dine at a restaurant Hunt owns called The Gate, which is perfect because it sits atop a tall building overlooking the Golden Gate. Hunt and I can’t keep our hands off one another all through dinner. We greedily fondle the others thigh beneath the privacy of the table.

The meal is superb, which is
expected from an establishment owned by Damian. We drink expensive wine, talk loudly, and enjoy one another’s company. Hunt even seems to really enjoy himself, talking it up with everyone including Chase. The gesture both shocks and pleases me to no end.

After dinner, we head to a nightclub, Damian’s of course, and we’re se
ated in the upstairs VIP lounge where we are the only occupants. There is a huge glass wall, giving us a view of the dancing patrons down below. It’s much quieter in here than down with the thumping music and screaming crowd.

The décor is modern, sleek, inviting, with black couches, white throw pillows, dark wood floors and a long rectangular stone fireplace in the center of the room. It’s very much like Prey or Damian’s penthouse.

We settle in and order our drinks from the waitress assigned to attend to us all night. Hunt orders a few rounds to start us off.

Sloan blurts, “I invited that guy from the bar. I thought it would be a good idea to do the casual group thing instead of a formal date. He just texted that he’s outside, and I was hoping he could come hang here with us.”

I give Hunt a look, and he takes out his cell to make the call.

“What’s his name?” he inquires.

Shane Cooper,” she responds with an enormous, thankful grin on her glowing face.

Damian says a few swift words and hangs up the call.
Shane’s tall, lean frame strides through the door no more than two minutes later with a drink in hand.

He has his dark chocolate, almost black, hair slicked back, and incredible hazel eyes like
Sloan. He’s wearing a plain black T-shirt and dark skinny jeans with worn-out boots. The look isn’t that appealing on most people, but on him, it works. He looks like a punk Elvis Presley.

He comes up and shakes our hands confidently, thanking Hunt for the golden ticket. Damian smiles and tells him it was his pleasure. He walks over to
Sloan and takes a seat, slinking a tatted arm around her waist, culling her in as if they’ve known each other intimately. I realize they just may.

looks perfect next to him, with her fire engine red hair and sexy tight silver mini. His little punk princess. She has a few tattoos, but none I can mention.

He whispers into her ear, and she giggles sweetly. He goes in for her neck and nibbles, making her squirm and push at him playfully. He reaches into his
shirt pocket and pulls out a huge joint.

Sloan cheers.

holds it up so Hunt can see it, looking for approval. When Damian nods his head, yes, he lights it up and passes it. Sloan takes a hit passing it on. Each guest takes a draw and circulates it about the room until Maya hands it to me. I glance over at Hunt and wait.

He reaches past me and plucks the joint out of her hand, placing it to his lips and in
haling deeply. I watch the smoke slowly billow out from his sensual lips, and I can’t keep the shocked look off my face. He passes it over with a cocked brow and a sly smirk.

I take a hit
, relaxing into the soft throw pillows, and pass it back to Hunt after a few more draws. He goes to hand it back to Shane, but he motions for Hunt to keep it and takes out another.

I scoot over into my nook, easing into him, and we cuddle while we finish off the rest, lounging and caressing
one another as the subtle high sweeps over us.

“I didn’t know you still smoke.”

“On occasion I do. I didn’t know you partook.”

“I was a chimney in college. I smoke socially every now and then.” I chortle. “I’m still in shock at the sight of the J in your mouth.”

“I thought this was a celebration.”

“It is. I’m not saying it’s a bad thing, obviously. That would make me a hypocrite.”

He kisses me on the crown and glides a finger down the side of my face. I roll my head back against his shoulder and close my eyes. He combs his fingers through my hair, gently twirling the ends. He pets, tickles and kisses me tenderly as I drink in the moment, sighing.

I turn my attention to
Jules sitting on the other side of Chase while he engages in a deep conversation with Maya. She doesn’t appear pleased so I sluggishly rise and walk over to her with my hand extended out.

“Let’s go shake our fucking asses.”

She smiles up at me weakly, snatching my hand. We start to walk out when the drinks arrive, and we grab two shots off the tray on our way through the curtained entryway. We carefully make our way down to the dance floor, throwing back the shots and setting them on a table en route to the dancing crowd. As soon as our feet hit the floor, our bodies start swaying in time with the Hip-hop beat of M.I.A’s, ‘Bad Girls’. It’s great for dancing, and I let it take me away.

I sing and bump along to
the hard pounding of the bass as it pulsates through me. The stress melts from her face, replaced with a slow spreading grin. Once it fully invades her lips, I spot Jules there, my Jules. I see the girl she was before Nicholas’s suicide, happy, vibrant, full of life, and I’m genuinely happy for the first time in a long while. Thanks to Hunt. I think about my love for him and his for me, how he protects me, cares for me, fucks me. Dear god, the skills this man has in the bedroom and out of it.

I look up toward the tinted glass wall above us, and even though I cannot see him through the darkness,
but I know he’s there watching me, wanting me, my body. I decide to put on a show like the first night we met. I sway and swivel my hips in a leisurely, sexual rhythm, dipping and bending, running my hands up and down my aching body, imagining they were his eagerly roaming me.

I feel him, he’s near, and then his hands are on me, encompassing me in him. His hands slide along my body, kneading hungrily over my swaying form, tummy, thighs, collarbone, and ass. I reach my hands around and clamp onto his firm rear, pulling his solid cock into my gyrating rump. He growls in my ear and nips at the lobe. My head slumps back against his broad chest as we dance, erotically grinding into one another.

We don’t care who sees our inappropriate groping. We’re desperate for each other, for our bodies to entwine passionately. It’s been too damn long. I pine for his carnal touch, his cock thrusting violently into me, his hands giving pleasure and pain. I want it all, and I want it now.

He reads me like a book and spins me around, taking my mouth with a vengeance, pro
bing his tongue deep inside, quickly flicking it with mine. I meet him, and we cling to one another as people dance about us. He lifts me up and attacks my mouth with a fury that causes me to lose my breath and myself. The sensational tingling in my slit takes charge, and I ravage him as if it were the last time I ever would.

He strides us off the dance floor and up the stairs, never taking his lips or eyes off me. He sets me down just outside, disappearing into the room. A moment later, everyone walks out with drinks in hand, heading down to the action. They don’t even seem to notice me as they pass. I duck in, and Hunt mentions to the two guards at the door to wait downstairs, that no one was to come up until he gave them the go-ahead. They nod and take off to their post.

The song spins into another by Queen of Hearts called ‘Black Star’. It’s a rough, sluggish beat for slow dancing and hard fucking. Hunt shuts a hidden, milky-glassed sliding door and locks it. He turns and saunters over to me, eyes boring into mine with a sexual grin planted on his face.

“Have I been patient?” I ask seductively, eyelids
heavy, tongue gliding over my lips. I lie on the couch and wait for him to claim me.

“Yes, you have.” He adjusts his hefty length. “I’ve been waiting to pound that tight cunt of yours all day. I’ve never wanted you so bad. I honestly think I’ll die if I don’t have you, my oxygen. Let me breathe you in deep, baby.”

He strides over to me, lifts me up in his arms, and sets me on my feet. He yanks the hem of my constricting dress up around my waist and rips my panties off, literally.

“At this rate, slick, I won’t have any panties to wear,” I breathlessly comment.

“I’ll buy you more,” he growls, “But I’ll probably tear those off, too.” He claims my mouth for a long, urgent oral caress, grasping onto my thighs and rear while my arms wrap around his large torso. He fucks my mouth so good, I nearly convulse from the sheer skill of his tongue.

He creeps his lips across my chin and down the center of my neck, causing my head to
involuntarily tilt back and give him free reign. I thrust my hands into his hair and tug roughly, hoping to evoke Hunt. He heeds the call and growls deep in his throat, nipping at mine. I sharply gasp at the sudden delectable sting and moan when it sends an arousing sensation down my body.

BOOK: A Dominant Man
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