A Dominant Fallen (A Dominant Series Book 2) (47 page)

BOOK: A Dominant Fallen (A Dominant Series Book 2)
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I want to convince her of the lunacy of this archaic idea, but she gives me that look, that motherly look that stops me right in my tracks.

“That will be fine,” Hunt states, and I glance over at him with a crinkled nose. He places his hand on my lower back, rubbing it with his thumb.

“That will be fine, Gabrielle,” he says in a way as to tell me not to push the issue.

“Yes,” I grumble, “that will be fine.”

Hunt kisses me on the temple and takes his bag to his room. I do the same, heading up to the lonely room at the top of the stairs, like some fairytale princess taken captive and sent to live alone in the tower. When I make it to my room, I start to unpack and refresh myself, dreading a night without Hunt sleeping by my side.


fter lunch, we head out to the back, to the whimsical, semi-transformed garden, for the rehearsal.

Sitting on the huge lawn off to the side of the garden, there’s a white tent constructed of sheer white draping, which is still a work in progress. It’s embellished with ornate chandeliers, white Chinese paper lanterns, and a plethora of tables covered in antique lace tablecloths, with a massive dance floor already setup in the center. Only the cutlery, chairs, and centerpieces of white and purple lilies need to be set out.

I can’t wait to see it all finished and lit up bright, buzzing with guests and music, to dance our first dance as man and wife on that dance floor, to walk down the aisle toward the man I’m going to spend the rest of my days with.


ehearsal went well, though, knowing my father won’t be walking me down the aisle and giving me away, made it hard to make it through without fighting back tears. I wish more than anything that he could be here on my wedding day. There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do short of leaving or harming Hunt to have him next to me, walking me toward my future.

As we all head back into the house, Hunt and I trailing behind, he grips my hand and pulls me over to the side of the enormous Victorian.

“Tonight, I will come up and see you…I won’t spend a night without you either.”

I knew he wouldn’t just give up, I knew the idea of being away from me made him as miserable as it made me.

He leans in and grazes his lips against mine, wrapping his arms about my waist.

“I can’t wait,” I whisper into his mouth, and he moans, going into kiss me.

“What are you doing?” A small voice asks.

We break away from each other and find Catlin watching us with her head tilted curiously to the side.

“Nothing you need to worry about until you’re older,
older,” Hunt replies, and she giggles, shaking her head at him.

“You’re weird,” she states and runs away.

“I’ll say this, the kid is observant.”

I slap his arm and shoot him a look.

“You’re not weird…Now, let’s get back before people come looking for us.”

I grab his hand and lead him to the house. I can feel his amused grin burning into the back of my head, but I can’t bring myself to look back and check.


made her specialty, saffron chicken with jasmine rice and mixed veggies, fresh from her garden. It’s absolutely divine. We sit at the large table in the dining room, Damian beside me with a firm hand on my knee and Maya on the other side, pretending she doesn’t notice.

About halfway through the rehearsal dinner, Hunt rises and says, “If you’ll excuse us, Gabrielle and I have something to attend to, but we shouldn’t be too long.”

He holds his hand out to me, and I take it, happily, pleased that I can have a few moments alone with him. I rise and follow him into the dark living room next to our chatting guests.

Suddenly, he turns to me and kneels down, taking me back for a moment. He lifts his hands up into my skirt and wraps his fingers into the sides of my panties. I grab onto his hands, halting him.

“What are you doing?” I whisper, afraid someone will hear.

“I’m going to fuck you, Gabrielle, fast and hard, against that wall, with everyone in the next room. Just as I promised you I would.” I remember him promising this that sexually enlightening night at the pier. “It’s been far too long since I’ve been inside you and I won’t wait another second to have you.”

I let go of his hands, and he yanks my panties down around my ankles. I step out of them, and he palms them, rising up.

“Since I don’t want you making any noise,” he says, holding up my panties. “Open wide, angel.”

I hesitantly open my mouth and he shoves them inside, unzipping his fly with the other hand. He grabs onto my rear and lifts me up into him, pressing me against the wall. I enfold my arms and legs about him, and he adjusts his hips, plummeting into me rapidly, filling me up until I burn. He goes at me rough, fucking me so hard, I savagely bounce up and down on his quickly pumping cock.

He pushes me back against the wall and yanks one side of my dress down, taking the bra with it. My heavy breast falls out under its weight, bouncing from his rowdy pace, tempting him. He cups it with his large hand, lifting it just enough so the hard nipple grazes his lips. There’s a low growl deep in his chest before he takes it into his warm, greedy mouth, causing my back to arc drastically and my exposed breast is forced further into his mouth’s skilled grasp.

I cry out, but the makeshift gag and the loud laughing and chattering from the next room muffles much of it. He rips his mouth from my aching nipple, replaced with his long fingers, masterfully pinching and rolling.

Keeping at me, he tilts his face into my ear, nipping at the lobe, and utters with a breathlessness, “I bet you taste absolutely delectable.”

Again, I moan through the panties jammed into my mouth and fling my arms about his neck, pulling my face into his shoulder.

“You need to be quiet or everyone’s going to hear you cumming, angel.”

I sense the devilish grin on his face, pleased by what he does to me. If I didn’t know any better, I would swear he wants everyone to hear me, as his ruthless drives pummel me, pushing me closer to the edge. My fingers claw at his neck and my head flies back as he finds a particularly tantalizing rhythm, rolling his hips between my clenching thighs.

He buries his face in my neck, his hot, silky breath brushing over my shoulder, and he lets out a stifled groan, releasing himself inside me. The sensation of him ceasing up in my arms and deep in my womb is more than I can handle, and I cum, every muscle trembling with overwhelmed delight as the electrical surges rush through me.

He lifts his face and plucks the panties from my mouth, shoving them in his gray slack’s pocket. He stares into my heavy eyes and places his hands on both sides of my face, holding it in place. He slowly tilts his face into mine and kisses me tenderly all over. He bathes me in soft caresses and loving pecks, stopping on my forehead where he pauses for a moment before pulling away from the wall and setting me back down. He keeps an arm about my waist to ensure I can stand on my own two feet.

He adjusts me into my bra and shifts the strap back onto my shoulder, trying to make me look presentable. I run my fingers through my hair and smooth out any wrinkles on my dress.

“Did you enjoy yourself,” he whispers.

“Yes, I missed you,” I reply, smiling up at him.

He cradles me in his arms and replies, “I missed you, angel…I’ll sneak up to your room as soon as everyone has retired for the evening.”

“I can’t wait.”

He takes my little hand in his and lifts it to his lips, gently caressing and kissing my knuckles.

“Until then,” he murmurs against my fingers, and I nearly swoon.

Chapter Twenty-Nine




fter everyone says goodnight, I head to my room, excited about my secret rendezvous with Hunt. I undress quickly, throwing on a long, lavender silk nightie, and brush my hair, which is a mess after the exhausting day.

I’m walking out of the bathroom when I hear footsteps on the stairs, and my heart starts to pound, nearly beating its way out of my chest when I spot chocolate-hued hair.

“Ellie?” Brooke’s voice calls out for me, and my heart sinks a little. She finds me by the bathroom, and the other girls come charging up the stairs, giggling and talking.

“Are you ready?” Jules asks, holding a huge case up.

“Ready for what?” I inquire, totally confused about what’s happening.

“For the slumber party, silly,” Aubrey chimes in, showing me the bottles of champagne in her hands.

“I…” I want to argue, but they see right through me.

“Oh, no, missy, you aren’t talking your way out of this,” Keira states, shaking her head.

Sloan walks up beside me and flings an arm over my shoulder. “We have to get you all prettified for your big day.”

“I was just going to hit the sack,” I attempt to convince, but it won’t work on them. They just ignore me and continue setting up and pouring glasses of champagne and talking like schoolgirls.

“Ellie, you’re doing this whether you like it or not,” Maya says insistently. “This is your last night as a single woman, and we are together, just us girls.”

I’m starting to think they were sent up here to keep Hunt and I from breaking our promise. I check the clock and notice it’s almost eleven. I sigh, giving in with hopes that the sooner we do this, the sooner it’s over.


actually have a great time. We drink and talk and do all the girlie things that would normally drive me mad, but I enjoy myself. Though, I am still anxious about Hunt, checking the clock to keep track of the time. I’m surprised he hasn’t tried to come up, or he did and heard the girls with me, deciding not to enter the girl sanctuary. I’m kinda hoping he didn’t see me as I look like some hideous, green-skinned creature from the old horror movies.

We are all wearing goopy facemasks, toilet paper between our freshly polished toes, and our hair thrown up into big, sloppy buns atop our heads. We look an absolute mess, but we’re having a blast.

We look through beauty magazines, dance, sing, eat junk food, and tell stories of our best moments, laughing and throwing pillows when someone told a particularly unflattering story of us.

We talk about boys…a lot! I don’t think Aubrey and Keira like hearing about their brother, but they’re good sports, listening and giving advice about him. Maya tells everyone that Chase asked her out, and they’re official. I thought Jules might be upset, but she is genuinely happy for them, which means she really has moved on from him. No man, or boy, has ever been able to sway her feelings about him, but Liam seems to have broken that spell.

The only part I could say wasn’t too pleasant was when Sloan attacked my legs, underarms, and eyebrows with a brutal waxing. I was quite relieved that I had my who-ha waxed earlier in the week. I was simply going to shave elsewhere, but they insisted on it.


inally, around one, the girls start dropping like flies, falling asleep on the floor around my bed. Once Brooke passes out, the last to do so, I wait a few minutes, making sure I have the all clear. When I’m sure everyone is in Lala land, I toss my covers off and carefully creep out of bed, meandering through the maze of girls lying on the floor about my room. I step over Maya, pressing my weight on the floorboard, and it lets out a groaning creak, which causes her to stir. I freeze, terrified that I’ll be found out like some rebellious teenager sneaking out of the house afterhours, but when she settles, I make a quiet break for it.

I cautiously tiptoe down the stairs, holding my breath until my foot touches the last step at the bottom. I open the door, sneak down the hallway, making it to the last set of stairs, and descend them quickly. I cross the house and head toward Hunt’s room, which is at the back, facing the garden.

I notice there’s no light coming from under his door and second guess my decision to come downstairs, turning around to head to my room, when I’m suddenly yanked back. It startles me until I realize I’m in Hunt’s dark room, cradled in his arms. His sweet breath brushes across my lips as his creep closer, finding them tenderly in the dark. It becomes rougher, his hands roaming and grasping all over my body, my ass, my back, my neck.

Abruptly, he spins me around, pressing his hard chest and abs into my back while his hands run over my body. They move down my thighs and clench at my silk nightie, sliding it up my legs, my tummy, my breasts, and then, finally, over my head. He disposes of it carelessly, letting it land where it may.

I feel his warm, velvety breath on my ear then his soft lips nibbling on the lobe, working it with a mastered touch. His hands clasp at my hips, pressing my bare rear into his solid cock, which is still clothed.

“Gabrielle?” he whispers into my ear.

“Yes, Hunt?”

“How do you want me?” he asks, nipping at the lobe.

“I want to fuck,” I reply crassly, grinding into him.

“That’s what I thought.” He goes in for my neck, sensually attacking it with his aggressive lips. He reaches his hands through my arms and grasp hungrily onto my breasts, pinching and rolling my hardening nipples with his competent fingers. My back bows, forcing them further into his grasp, and I groan loudly.

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