A Desperate Wager (25 page)

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Authors: Em Taylor

BOOK: A Desperate Wager
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“Can you bring over my chair?” Sarah asked Nate, who was moving to lift her. After the happenings of the evening, she wanted to regain some of her independence. The hurt look in his eyes made her want to allow him to carry her. But she resisted and thanked him when he pushed the gouty chair into a position that allowed her to swing herself into it.

Good night,” she said to her motherin-law.

Good night, Sarah. Sleep well,” Nate’s mother replied. “Nathaniel, may I have a quick word with you?”

The dowager obviously waited until Sarah was out of earshot to speak to her son, but Sarah cared not. She was tired and desperate to get to sleep. She just hoped Nate would join her and not sulk in his own room. If he did, she would go to him.

“Tilly, I shall help Her Grace undress tonight and I shall braid her hair, if Her Grace does not mind of course.” Nate’s voice from the doorway made her jump, and it clearly had the same effect on Tilly who squeaked, but quickly gathered herself, bobbed a curtsey, bade her mistress goodnight and hurried out the door.

You scared the poor girl half to death, Nate,” Sarah chided.

I will apologise to her in the morning. You are my concern tonight.”

I am fine, Your Grace. What did your mother want to say to you?”

She wanted to tell me to take care of you but not to coddle you.”

You would do well to heed her advice.”

Sarah looked up to his face and stilled. The hurt in his eyes stabbed through her like a knife. She had not used his title in weeks except in jest and he knew very well when she did it was because she was trying to push him away.
“Nate, I am sorry. I am not trying to push you away. I…”

And with that
, she burst into tears. Nate was at her side immediately, his arms around her, comforting words, a hand rubbing up and down her back. The fear and stress of the past few hours had caught up with her and her concern for her baby was overwhelming.

When he sobbing eased, Nate rocked back onto his heels, removed his handkerchief from his pocket and wiped her eyes.

“Tomorrow it will be finished. Lady Trotter will either be in Bedlam or on a ship bound for America.”

What if I have lost the baby?”

What makes you think you may have lost it? Are you bleeding?”

How would I know if I was bleeding? I require a maid to tell me when I have my courses.” She was nearly hysterical now, and she hated herself for it. But Nate was calm, placed his arms around her and lifted her to her feet. He held her as he bent forward and examined the back of her black bombazine gown. He straightened—smiling.

There seems to be no blood on your gown, but just to be sure, we shall get you undressed and I shall examine you. Then I shall brush and braid your hair so Tilly does not scold me when I apologise to her in the morning.”

She smiled, more certainly this time, and in quick succession she was unclothed and lying on the bed, her legs over the sides. Nate quickly and efficiently checked her most intimate placed and assured her there was no blood to be found. He sat on the bed and brought her into his embrace.

“Our babe is fine and still in your womb, by the look of things. You can relax.” And she did.

Soon he was climbing into bed beside her.

“Are you sure? I cannot believe I shall sleep tonight and I would not want to disturb you.” Nate chuckled and pressed a delicate kiss to her lips.

Then we shall lie awake, sleepless together.”

Thank you for saving me.”

I think the thanks lie at Lord Eversley’s door. He was the one who saw you being spirited away and came to inform me.”

Then we shall have to think of a way to repay him. Perhaps we could make him the baby’s godfather.”

Well he is a decent chap and neither of us have siblings. I do not see why we cannot ask him at least.”

Good. That is settled. But thank you for beating the blaggard up.”

You, my love, are more than welcome. I would beat up Gentleman Jackson himself in defence of your honour and to save your life.”

I know. I wish I could repay the compliment.”

My love, you have saved my life already. I was on the road to destruction. I would more than likely have drunk myself to death. It is I who should be thanking you.”

Sarah didn’t know how to respond to that. She would have to think about it and discuss it with him in the morning. For now, she would glory in the heat and strength of his body beside her and hope that if she did slumber, the memories of the evening’s events would not disturb her dreams.

Chapter Sixty-Two

Sarah knocked on the library door and entered before Nate could call for her to enter. Caesar plodded in by her side. The yellow Labrador had become her constant companion and followed her everywhere inside the house. When they were in London, the dog was near her was most of the time. Nate seemed to be a bit put out by the dog’s faithlessness at first, but he had grudgingly accepted it now.

Nate was sitting at one side of the desk and Lord James
Eversley was on the other, having arrived back in the townhouse just moments before. Sarah eyed the bottle of whisky sitting on the desk. Nate was paying it no attention as both he and James got to their feet at her entrance. James took her hand and bowed over it, wishing her a good morning.

Thank you, James. Though I am sure you are not here to discuss the weather.”

James, be a good chap and tug on that bell and we shall have tea, assuming my duchess is in agreement.”

Of course. Tea would be perfect.”

James dutifully pulled the bell.

“I think you need a good strong drink, Kirkbourne.” Sarah flinched but Nate barely missed a beat.

God, no. It is far too early for that. Besides, I’m still a little delicate from last night. Had a fair few when I returned.”

Ah yes,” replied James, “bad business.”

It gets worse, I am afraid. Lady Trotter committed suicide last night. Poisoned herself apparently. I had some trouble managing to speak to Miss Amelia Trotter. Obviously she was somewhat overset.”

Sarah swallowed as she tried to recover herself. How awful. As Nate had spoken, a cold hand seemed to curl around her gut. Her sympathies lay not with Lady Trotter but with her family.

“Were you kind to her? Miss Trotter, I mean. She is not responsible for the actions of her mother.”

I was, until she told me her mother was only doing what any mother would do for her daughter. Though she had seemed rather shocked initially when I explained the goings on in the months since our marriage. Then she recovered herself and became the self-serving Miss Trotter we all know.”

Let us not be too harsh on her for now. She has had a terrible shock. What will happen to her mother’s body? She cannot be buried in consecrated ground.”

I am afraid she still must be buried at a crossroads.”

Sarah gasped. Nate turned to her and she could tell from his disturbed gaze that he knew she understood the words that had not been uttered. She would be buried at a crossroads with a stake through her heart.

“I suggested she use the crossroads at the boundary between our estates. I thought it would be a neighbourly gesture. Do you mind?”

Not at all. Poor Amelia. She will be shunned by society.”

Probably.” Nate did not seem particularly sympathetic.

Sarah, she said some… umm… quite uncivilised things about you. I could put it down to grief, but she has always been a rather nasty creature. Do not concern yourself overly much on her behalf.”

Sarah sighed heavily. She knew Miss Trotter was not the most pleasant person in the world but having not long ago suffered the death of her own father, she could feel for the turmoil of emotions that Miss Trotter must be enduring, especially since her mother had taken her own life.

“It is what it is, my love,” Nate said simply. She smiled. He was right, of course.

Well I for one shall not give her the cut direct if I should see her in a

That is because you are an angel from heaven above, Freckles,” stated James, his cheeks turning slightly pink as they both turned around and gazed at him. “I mean… She’s far too forgiving…but in a good way. I think that is my cue to leave.”

Oh are you not staying for tea?”

Ah no, thank you. I think I shall head to White’s so I can report back with the gossip. Shall I leave this here?” He indicated the bottle of whisky.

No. Thank you, Eversley but really, just the sight of the stuff is making me queasy this morning.”

Understood, old chap. I would not want to be responsible for you casting up your accounts. Stick to tea until you are better.”

I will. And thank you for all your help last night. Come around for dinner tomorrow with your parents and Rebecca, if you are free.”

I will speak to Mama and see what her plans are.” He lifted Sarah’s hand and pressed a delicate kiss to the back of it. “I will bid you good day, Your Grace.

Goodbye, Lord Piggie.”

James snorted as he bowed to Nate and took his leave. Sarah watched as he bounded down the steps of their townhouse, bottle of whisky in hand and walked past the library windows en route to his own house next door, his blond curls moving in the summer morning breeze.

Nate turned to her as the footman brought in a tea tray. He indicated to the desk and the footman laid down the tray, bowed and made a hasty retreat.

How do you feel?”

If I am honest, I am afraid I do not know. It is as if Lady Trotter has escaped punishment for her crime and yet I have to live with what happened. My arm is still painful, I had a dreadful dream last night where I was being kidnapped and I am none too keen these days in riding in carriages.”

That will fade my love.”

As your nightmares about Crosby have faded?” she asked her eyebrow raising to show her scepticism.

I have many fewer nightmares about that day now than I did when it happened. And as you saw, I no longer drink strong spirits. I also spoke to Crosby’s brother. I met him the other day at Tattersall’s. We were both examining the same black gelding. Nice piece of cattle, I must say. Anyway, Crosby told me he no longer blames me for Crosby’s death. He said that his brother was a reckless fool and it had only ever been a matter of time. He knew I was better with the ribbons than he but insisted on racing me. I shall always feel partly responsible for Crosby’s death but being forgiven at least feels good.”

Oh Nate.” Sarah wheeled her chair around to his side of the desk and threw her arms around his neck, almost launching her off the chair. He chuckled and eased her onto his lap, accepting the embrace and nuzzling at her neck. She felt her gown loosen. “Nate, not here. Not in front of the windows out onto the street.”

Nate pulled back, his grin wicked as he toyed with her nipple through three layers of clothing.

“Are you sure you do not want to do it here, my love?”


Very well. He caught her under the legs and behind her back, stood and walked out of the library and up the stairs to her bedchamber. He dumped her unceremoniously on the bed and proceeded to disrobe. Once completely naked, his arousal jutting out proudly in front of him, he strode over to her like a predatory cat. Within seconds he had her unclothed and was climbing atop her.

I love you, Nathaniel,” she whispered, marvelling at the sunlight which steamed through her window glinting off his dark hair.

Oh God, Freckles, I love it when you call me Nathaniel.” He bent his head and captured her mouth in a sensual, needy kiss.


Sarah smiled as Nate and little Beatrice came slowly into the room. The midwife and a maid hurried past them with dirty linens, apologising in undertones. Nate’s chest seemed to be three times its normal size.

Sarah lifted the small swaddled bundle in her arms up to her husband, a tired smile crinkling her eyes.

Your son and heir, Your Grace,” she said simply. Nate took the sleeping bundle in his arms, his eyes glistening slightly as he looked down at the son who, all things being equal, would become the fifteenth Duke of Kirkbourne. She placed her hands down to her four-year-old daughter and scooped her up onto the bed beside her.

Beatrice!” Nate said, scowling at the child.

Oh hush, I lifted her onto the bed. Do not be such a grouch. You have your heir now.” She smothered a laugh at the look of a chastised schoolboy on his face.

If the baby is Papa’s son and heir, am I his daughter and heir?” asked the precocious girl. Sarah chuckled.

Sadly, my beautiful little lamb, it does not quite work that way. If you are very lucky, perhaps your papa will not wager your hand in marriage to some grumpy old duke.”

I am not old,” grumbled Nate, the curve of his mouth betraying his amusement.

We need a name for him,” said Sarah. “What should we call your brother, Beatrice?”

Caesar,” cried the little girl excitedly.

But that is the dog’s name. We cannot name your brother after the dog.”

Caesar is a nice dog.”

Yes, he is so best not upset him by giving his name away to someone else.”

Beatrice nodded her agreement.

“I thought perhaps Benjamin Nathaniel John Spencer, Marquess of Westgate. Or do you have a name you prefer, Nathaniel?”

No, I think that is an excellent name. Benjamin is a good solid name.”

Sarah smiled wearily.
“Nate, sit down on the bed. I do not care that it is convention for you all to leave me in peace. I want my wonderful family around me.”

Nate frowned but did as his wife commanded, sitting beside her, his back against the pillows, his son nestled in his arms.

“Why am I not the Marquess of Westgate?” pouted Beatrice.

Only boys can be Marquesses but you are Lady Beatrice, and Benjamin can never have the title of Lady.” Nate guffawed and got an elbow in the ribs for his pains.

If Benjamin is now your baby, does that mean I am not your baby now?”

Bright eyes, the colour of Nate’s looked up at her as Beatrice’s lip trembled.

“Oh Beatrice, you will always be my baby, even when you are quite grown up. Papa and I love both you and Benjamin very very very much.”

But it is not fair. Benjamin is an heir and I am not.” Sarah knew the child had no clue what an heir was. It was probably best to keep that information to themselves for the time being. Soon enough their four-year-old would know the unfairness of life.

No, it is not fair, my darling, but it is what it is. Besides, when you are old enough, you will have a come out, which Benjamin will not have. And you shall have a dowry.”

Really?” said the child, her chest puffing out at the idea, despite having no more knowledge of what a come out and dowry are than she’d had of what an heir is.

Sarah lifted her mouth to Nate’s for a light kiss then rested her head on her husband’s shoulder and hugged her daughter as they all watched the newest addition to the aristocracy blow a milky bubble in his sleep.




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