A Desconian Happily Ever After (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (7 page)

BOOK: A Desconian Happily Ever After (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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Still wearing a smile, Ally removed her shirt and placed it neatly on the dresser. She did the same with her pants. Kallum grinned at the sexy outfit she wore underneath. Traditionally, Desconian women didn’t wear underwear, but human influence was making the practice more common. Considering the new “lingerie” businesses popping up all over the city, it seemed an ancient human tradition—with a sexy twist—that Desconians were willing to embrace. Kallum certainly couldn’t argue with the way the soft lace hugged Ally’s beautiful body.

“It’s okay,” she said again as she stepped closer to both of them. “Honestly, I’m not going to freak out.”

“You can’t know that,” Kallum said before he could take the words back. Traumatic memories were very powerful, often affecting a victim without warning.

“Maybe not,” she said, stepping closer to wrap her arms around his waist and lay her head against his heart, “but I know that neither of you would ever hurt me. I know that without the slightest doubt in my mind.” She trembled slightly in his arms and he instinctively held her closer.
was the one who almost freaked out when he realized what he was doing. He nearly pushed her out of his tight embrace.
. The last thing a rape survivor needed was the feeling that she couldn’t get away, or the feeling that she was being rejected. He’d never been so uncertain in his entire life.

Kallum wasn’t quite sure how to react when Drew stepped up behind him and pulled them both into his embrace. “It’s going to be okay, Kal,” he said as he stroked his hands over both Kallum and Ally. “Ally’s going to do all the work. Isn’t that right, sweetheart?”

“Absolutely,” she said softly as she lifted onto her toes and then pressed a lingering kiss to Kallum’s lips. “But to quote a rather wise man, you seem to be a tad overdressed.”

“That he is,” Drew said with a soft chuckle. “Would you like me to take care of that for you?”

“I think I’d like to take care of that myself,” Ally said with a broad smile. She slid her fingers down the front of Kallum’s shirt, the material falling open as she released the magnetic fastenings. Leaning closer, she pressed a soft kiss to his pectoral muscle, his skin quivering as her warm breath bathed his hypersensitive flesh. He could feel Drew’s cock pressed hard against his ass, memories of the earlier days in their marriage—before Drew had gotten ill—surging forward in his mind, the sweet reminder making him groan as Ally dropped her hands to his pants and carefully lowered them past his rock-hard cock.

Her warm hand closed carefully around his erection, Ally’s soft touch bringing him embarrassingly close to the brink of orgasm. He gasped when strong arms lifted him up and carried him to the bed. As Drew lowered him to the mattress Kallum could barely breathe.

“I’d forgotten how strong you were,” he said, truly looking at his husband for the first time since his illness. No longer was his face gaunt with pain or his muscles wasted from the drawn-out, frustratingly undiagnosed illness. He was fully recovered and quite possibly even stronger now than he’d been when they met.

It seemed almost ridiculous that Kallum hadn’t noticed. He’d grown so used to caring for his husband’s every need that he truly hadn’t noticed that Drew no longer needed his help.

“Can you forgive me?” he asked quietly.

“What for?” Drew asked, seeming truly puzzled.

“For being overprotective. For fussing over you when you no longer needed me to. For—”

Drew cut him off by placing a hand over his mouth. “I love you. I thanked the goddess every day that I was sick that you were in my life. It’s natural for you to still worry for me, but I’m fine now and it’s about time I got back to taking care of you as well.” Drew lay down beside him and encouraged Ally to lie down on Kallum’s other side. “This marriage is a two-way street, my love.” He glanced at Ally. “Make that a three-way street.”

Ally giggled happily. “I don’t think a three-way
would work, but I know what you mean.”

“Good,” Drew said, leaning over Kallum to grasp Ally’s hand, “because from now on we all support each other. Give and take. Love and cherish. Protect and…hmmm…serve?”

Kallum laughed at his husband’s deliberately silly pun. He knew the man well enough to know he was trying to help Kallum relax. Fortunately, it was working—as it always did.

“Ally, my sweet, why don’t you lower that pretty lace so that Kallum can suck on those deliciously hard nipples?”

Kallum’s heart thumped really hard as Ally smiled and did what Drew asked. Her breasts were beautifully rounded, the nipples drawn in to tight points, the faint silvery lines of stretch marks a lovely reminder of her motherhood. She moved over him, letting the hard peak of one breast brush against his lips. His tongue darted out instinctively to lave over her. She moaned, pushing closer, pressing her breast harder against his mouth.

“That’s right,” Drew said, caressing her other breast gently with his fingertips. “Can you feel your pussy tingling, Ally? The soft flesh swelling, growing slick with your juices, your body readying itself for Kallum’s possession?”

“Yes,” Ally said on a long, breathless sigh. She shimmied out of the rest of her lacey lingerie and then crawled over Kallum more fully, her pussy pressing against his thigh, rubbing against him as her arousal grew.

“Lift up,” Drew said as he grabbed Kallum’s hard cock in his hand. “Take your time, sweetheart.”

Kallum’s eyes nearly crossed as Ally slowly took him inside her body, the slippery heat of her pussy enveloping his cock, making his heart pound harder. He marveled at the smile on her face, at the brave step forward that she took into a whole new world.


* * * *


Ally couldn’t believe how incredible it felt to cradle Kallum’s cock inside her. It was hard not to compare this experience to the only other times she’d known, but there was no denying that this felt right, that she felt safe, and cared for, and truly loved. She was choosing to be with Kallum and Drew in this way, and the thought made her powerful. This was her choice.

She gasped as it hurt just a little, a thread of panic twanging in her mind, but she forced herself to remain calm. She wanted this. She wanted to be whole.

“Good girl,” Drew whispered as he stroked his hand soothingly up and down her spine. “Lift up slightly and then slide a little lower. It’ll make it easier.”

She did as he said, surprised to realize that her body accepted Kallum more easily on the second try.

She could feel the muscles in her pussy pulsing, the unexpected reaction both rather pleasant and a tad frightening. Was that normal? She’d watched some of the educational videos since moving in with Kallum and Drew, but many of them had involved lusty screaming. Even though she’d tried to assure herself over and over that the women were having fun, she hadn’t been able to watch them the whole way through before dark memories overwhelmed her.

Drew had been truly wonderful, supporting her emotionally as she worked her way through the near panic. He’d even gone as far as contacting the makers of the educational videos to suggest something more sensitive for women who’d experienced what she had. Sadly, it seemed more and more of the women on each refugee ship had suffered trauma of the same kind. Whatever was happening on Earth was truly terrifying.

Every day she still worried about David. Where he was. How he was coping. If he was still alive.

It took a moment to realize that Kallum and Drew were both watching her worriedly.

“It’s okay,” Drew said quietly. “We don’t have to do this today.”

Ally blushed furiously. She could feel the heat scalding her face as she shook her head. “No. No, I’m good. Really. I just…” She hesitated. It probably wasn’t appropriate to be thinking about another man when she very literally had Kallum inside her.

“You were just thinking of David,” Kallum said, raising his hand to cup her cheek lightly. She felt tears well in her eyes.

“I’m sorry,” Ally said, feeling completely wretched.

“No, baby, it’s okay.” Kallum gently urged her to lie down on top of him and then held her close. “It’s natural for your thoughts to wander to David at a time like this.”

Ally tried to hold back the soft sob, but it escaped her control anyway. She’d been so lucky to find these two men.

“I’m still sorry.”

“Kallum’s right,” Drew said, lying down beside them as he brushed the hair away from her eyes. “David is entwined with all the good memories. From everything you’ve told us he’s an amazing man and we’ll always be grateful to him for sending you to us. Hopefully one day we’ll be able to thank him in person.”

“I hope so,” she said, praying fervently that David was safe.

“In the meantime,” Drew said as he helped her back into a sitting position, “we have a few ideas on how to distract you.” Drew adjusted her slightly, his hand sliding down her belly and pressing lower to her clit. She knew from the educational videos what a clit was and its function, but none of that prepared her for the incredible feeling Drew’s soft touch evoked. She moaned, almost shocked to realize Kallum’s cock was still hard inside her.

“That’s it, baby,” Kallum said as he caressed her breasts gently. “Stop thinking for a little while and just feel.”

She moaned again as Kallum pinched her hard nipples, the slight sting seeming to send an arc of electricity straight to her clit. “Wow,” she whispered breathlessly.

Drew laughed softly and then leaned over to press his lips to hers. “You look very beautiful like this,” he said as he continued to caress her clit. It was weird, but she felt beautiful. She’d never given much thought to her appearance. Survival on Earth had been priority number one, but now that she was safe, now that she was loved and cared for, she actually felt beautiful.

Kallum traced a finger lightly over her upturned lips. “We love you,” he said again as he lifted his hips slightly. Her pussy pulsed around his cock, caressing the hard shaft and sending more bolts of lightning streaking through her body.

“Do that again,” she ordered, blushing when she realized how rude that must have sounded.

“My pleasure,” Kallum said with a wide grin. He lifted his hips up, pushing more of his cock into her before sliding away a little and then thrusting up again.

She mouthed the word “wow” but couldn’t seem to find enough air to say it out loud. Her body seemed to be tensing, but in a good way, in a way that made her want to go wherever it was leading. She nodded, hoping Kallum understood that she wanted him to keep going. He slid his hands under her thighs, lifting her slightly as he pulled his cock partially out of her and then thrust back in.

“Okay?” he asked, sounding almost as breathless as she felt.

“Yes,” she managed to say in between gasps for air. Drew moved closer, one hand on her lower back, the other still moving over her clit.

“Let it happen, sweetheart. Come for us.”

That was exactly what she wanted. It was what was supposed to happen. She knew it from the instructional videos, but she had no idea how to do it.

But then something strange happened. Suddenly her body was no longer her own. She was no longer in charge. Every muscle started to quiver, the feeling similar to panic but somehow not, somehow far more appealing.

Her hips started to move by themselves, her movements making both men groan. And then it happened. Almost like something finally clicking into place. Wave after wave of liquid heat washed over her, the incredible sensation making her moan in delight. Kallum joined her, moaning as well as he moved faster, lifted her just a little higher, pushed his cock into her just a little harder, held her just a little tighter.

“That is the most beautiful sight,” Drew said as he caressed them both. Exhausted, unable to stay upright, Ally fell forward, resting her face against Kallum’s chest as twitching little aftershocks worked their way through her body.

She breathed deeply, slowly coming down from the delicious high, her mind a mess of warm, fuzzy thoughts. But just as her orgasm finally ebbed, a surge of elation burst through her.

She’d done it. She’d finally been brave enough to reach for what she wanted and she’d come out whole. She wasn’t silly enough to think this one experience would solve all of her problems, but it was a major step in reclaiming her life.

Ally wriggled, giggling breathlessly as Kallum and Drew watched her. They both wore wide smiles and it was obvious they were as happy as she felt.

“I want to do that again,” she said triumphantly. She was probably acting like a fool, but she couldn’t contain the huge satisfaction she was feeling. And, even as her pussy pulsed and Kallum’s cock slipped from her body, she was able to hold on to that incredible feeling.

“Soon,” Drew promised, “but we don’t want to hurt you. Your pussy is liable to be a little tender for a while.”

The accidental reminder of how sore she’d been after being raped stilled the breath in her lungs. She ground her teeth together, letting the thought play out, letting the memories she usually fought to avoid seep into her mind. She’d spent a long time trying to forget everything that had happened, but right now, for reasons she couldn’t quite explain to herself, she felt it was important to face them. To take away the power they had over her. Held securely in Kallum’s embrace and being stroked lovingly by Drew, she finally found the courage to let the past come back to her.

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