A Demon's Wrath (14 page)

Read A Demon's Wrath Online

Authors: Alexia Praks

Tags: #sexy romance, #paranormal fantasy romance, #paranormal romance series, #sexy warriors, #sword and magic, #multicultural and interracial romance, #royalty and aristocrats, #paranormal romance action adventure, #paranormal romance demon, #historical paranormal romnance

BOOK: A Demon's Wrath
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She turned on her side and hit a fist
against the soft pillow. “You disgusting demon!” she whispered
softly between her lips. “How dare you kiss me? I am Lady Cecelia
Van Zandt.”

Even as she said that, her heart ached. Aye,
she yearned for him to kiss her again. She longed for something
else as well, something deeper and hotter that burned within her
core. For the first time in her life, her nether space hungered
with a heat she’d never experience before, making her utterly

She lay there for a long time, thinking
about Drake and his kiss, her dead father and the destroyed
Rosevalley Island, and her brother Brian and her ailing mother,
until she eventually drifted off to sleep.

She woke again with a start a few hours
later, her heart pounding. She sat there for a few moments, trying
to calm down. Once she’d gotten her bearings, she saw it was fully
dark and all was quiet within the castle. She quickly got out of
bed, dressed herself in one of the maid’s uniforms she’d stolen
before dinner, and slipped her father’s dagger into the under
sleeve for protection. She decided to leave her long hair down, as
she wouldn’t be recognized as Brian if she were to be seen in the
dark. Whomever chanced upon her would simply think her nothing more
than one of the serving girls working within the palace, going
about her chores this late at night.

She took a candle and then slid her slim
frame out into the corridor. Inspecting across the dimly lit
length, she found the place was deserted and silently rushed
through the maze of hallways toward the library. At last, she found
the room she was looking for and slipped in. She thanked the gods
it was deserted.

Holding the candle in front of her, she went
in search of the recipe book for the Pearl of Life, her fingers
frantically touching each thick volume in turn as her eyes hastily
scanned shelf after shelf. After a long while of fruitless
searching, she wondered if she would be able to find the precious
item this night, as the library was a big place with thousands of
books. Where had Julius put it after they’d left the library
yesterday morning?

She turned, looking up to the balcony where
Julius had descended from yesterday.
It must be on the second
she thought and hastily ran up the spiral stairs. She
noted there were hundreds of books along the shelves here, too, and
her heart sank at the thought of going through all of them.

No. She mustn’t give up, she told herself
firmly. Thus, she went to the end of the shelves and started there.
Thank the heavens, for it wasn’t long before she found it. The book
wasn’t stored like the rest. It was sitting alone in a secured
glass box at the end of the room. She rushed to it, her legs weak
at the sight of it.

She started fiddling with the glass door,
her hands shaking uncontrollably. Miraculously, it opened. She
wondered if Julius had forgotten to lock it up yesterday. Whatever
the reason, she was glad she was able to get into it.

Once she got the glass case opened, she took
the book out and hastily flipped to the index pages. She scanned
down until she found the HEALING OF LIFE POTION. Page thirty-two,
it read. She turned to page thirty-two and started reading.




The Healing of Life Potion is used to heal
life-threatening poison such as the Westwick Poison from the north,
the Naga Poison from the southeast, and the Green Snake Poison from
the east.



1 Pearl of Life

10 Cups of Water

1 Cup of Honey (to taste)

Handful of Lavender (flower and leaves)

Handful of Rosemary (flower and leaves)

Handful of Sage (leaves only)



Put water and Pearl of Life in a pot. Bring
to boil. Then add honey, lavender, rosemary, and sage. Stir until
liquid thickens. During this time, the powerful essence of the
Pearl of Life will infuse into the liquid mixture. After half an
hour, take out the Pearl. Then drain the liquid into a jar, leaving
only flower and leaves of Rosemary and Lavender. These leftovers
can also be used to wrap skin wounds. Drink one tablespoon of
potion three times a day for eight days.


Cecelia was excited. She scanned through the
book two more times to commit the recipe to memory.

Just then, a door slammed shut with a bang.
Cecelia jumped, her heart pounding hard and fast within her chest,
wondering who’d just entered the library. She hastily shut the
book, her hand shaking. She rushed over to the other side of the
small room and peeked out. In the distance below, she saw a dark
shadow in the form of a male. He was heading toward the stairs to
where she was. Panic seized her and she started to tremble.

She bit her lip and told herself to think of
something fast before whoever it was caught her red-handed. She
took another peek and saw he was coming closer and closer.

Think, Celia, think!

She held her breath as he came up the stairs
and called out, “Staying up so late studying, Julius? How very like

Cecelia swore silently in dread once she
heard that voice. Drake McNamara, the demon king. What was he doing
here in the library this late at night? More importantly, what
would he do to her if he found out the person in the library wasn’t
Julius, but her, Cecelia, here to steal a recipe?

A deep laughter followed, and then he said,
“Perhaps you will ease my boredom tonight, Julius. Accompany me to
the city, why don’t you? That boy Brian really unsettles me.
There’s something about him that doesn’t fit. He frustrates me,
both in body and mind.”

Cecelia was sure her heart was going to pump
out of her chest any moment now if Drake didn’t turn back and leave
the library this instant. Oh God, he was coming closer and

What should I do?
she questioned

When he came around the corner, Cecelia knew
she had to make a run for it before she got caught. Without further
ado, she turned on her heel and dashed back.

Drake was quick. He saw the slight shadow
sprinting around the corner away from him and knew instantly the
person wasn’t Julius. He went after the culprit and, in the flip of
a second, caught Cecelia by her slender arm.

He pulled her around, but was caught off
guard when Cecelia swung her dagger against him with her free hand.
The blade flew across Drake’s chest by mere inches as he dashed
back. Within seconds, he pounced on her again, caught her wrist,
and twisted her hand. The knife dropped to the floor with a clang.
Cecelia swung her free arm around and managed to bash her puny fist
on his massive chest. Drake let her go in response. Cecelia took
the opportunity to take off through the opened door. Drake was
after her in an instant.

Cecelia ran through the maze of corridors,
her heart pounding hard and her mind searching for a way of escape.
He was still hot on her heels, chasing her as if as she were a
criminal. She supposed she was, trying to steal a jewel and a

Finally, she found herself running toward
the back door of the castle, and then she was out in the cool
night. She couldn’t see much, though the moon did provide some
guidance in her surroundings. She sprinted even faster, knowing her
hunter was still behind her, and it wasn’t long before she found
herself in the thickness of the woods that surrounded the castle to
the northwest.

It was here that Drake roared out with
laughter, as if he were thoroughly enjoying himself, which
frightened Cecelia witless. She stumbled, felt her arms caught by
his strong hand, and found herself in his arms. He pinned her back
against a tree with his large, warm body.

He lowered his face to hers in the darkness.
Though she knew he couldn’t quite see her and she prayed to the
gods he didn’t recognized her, this didn’t put her mind at

Her heart was still racing when he said,
“Who are you and why were you in the library?”

Cecelia sighed in small relief. She took the
advantage by not answering him, and that was when he laughed, long
and loud. She could feel it rumbling out from within his broad

He lowered his head so his nose and lips
were now almost touching hers. “Were you by any chance waiting for
someone in there?”

Cecelia thought for a moment. Anything to
get out of this. Thus, she nodded.

“Ah, I see. Gerick, was it?”

Nay, Cecelia wasn’t waiting for Gerick, but
she nodded anyway.

Suddenly, Drake stroked her long hair and
whispered into her ear. “I’m sorry, sweetheart. But Gerick is
already with another tonight. ‘Tis fruitless waiting for him.
Perhaps I can help you?”

Cecelia blinked. His closeness was making
her weak and too warm for her liking. And the meaning of his

“Nay, sire,” she said quickly.

Drake cocked his head to one side. “Ah, so
you know who I am, then?”

Cecelia caught herself and silently cursed.
“Nay,” she whispered just as quickly.

Drake laughed again. “No one refuses a
king’s offer, sweetheart. What should I call you?”

Cecelia bit her lip and stayed silent.

Drake said, “No name, eh? Very well, I shall
have to give you one. What about Selene? For it is beautiful and
bright tonight. Though, I’m eager to see your face, Selene. Should
we move into the castle?”

“Nay, sire, please. I must go,” she

“Leaving so soon? Were you not here to have
some company tonight?”

“Nay, sire, I’ve changed my mind.

Cecelia was cut short when his lips brushed
against hers briefly and gently. That smallest touch did amazing
things to her, and she groaned softly.

Drake was quite pleased that he didn’t have
to venture into the city to find himself a woman after all. This
one was presented to him on a silver platter, and within the
thickness of these woods of all things. Aye, she might have come
here to spend her night with Gerick, but with that handsome demon
too busy with another interested party, Drake was only too glad to
step in.

He was also quite pleased that it was dark,
and this slender, soft young woman couldn’t see his face. He had no
doubt she’d fear him the moment she saw him. Most females did. Even
some younger, newly recruited soldiers feared his scowl. Tonight,
he didn’t want to seduce a frightened, witless female.

Drake wrapped his hands around the back of
her head, his fingers interlacing through the strands of her long
hair as he whispered softly into her ear, “Will you allow your king
to make love to you tonight, or will you refuse him, Selene?”

Cecelia shivered deliciously at his query
and closed her eyes.

“Tell me now, my sweet. Don’t prolong this
torture on your king.” He brushed his lips against the sensitive
spot of her ear and then lower, his hot tongue licking the side of
her throat. “I’ve never forced myself on any female before and am
not about to now. Give me your word, sweetheart.”

All Cecelia could feel was his closeness and
warmth and the smell of his unique scent. Aye, she wanted him. That
much she knew. All thoughts of the book and the pearl scattered off
into the breeze as her core burned with a frenzied heat, needing to
be touched and cherished by this particular demon.

Slowly, she nodded and whispered softly,
“Aye, sire.”

The moment she uttered those words of
acceptance, Drake felt a rush of hot desire searing through his
being. His lips claimed hers in a scorching kiss.

Cecelia whimpered deliciously as his firm,
warm lips grazed against hers, and a moment later, his tongue
slipped into her mouth. She’d never felt anything like this before
as he explored her, his tongue playing and stroking her own. When
he moved back, she was marveling at his harsh features that seemed
even more foreboding than normal. Oddly enough, it made her blood
run hotter, wanting him even more.

Drake gave her little kisses along the
length of her slender neck and then lower to her breast. There, he
easily pulled down her dress and claimed a nipple in his hot mouth.
He kissed and suckled the little pink bud, sweetly torturing it
until it was fully engorged and glistening wet.

Cecelia groaned softly, her mind screaming
at the delicious torment and the pleasure he bequeathed her with
his practiced tongue. Her inner core was burning with an inferno
that desperately wanted to be filled and then release.

It was then she found herself on the ground
amongst the tall, soft grass, and he was on top of her. His hands
were under her gown, caressing and stroking her bare skin. Cecelia
caught her breath at the back of her throat at the exquisite
sensation his bare hands gave her, for she felt delightfully
lightheaded. Her midsection was begging for more, wanting more of
his touches and caresses.

Drake chuckled in approval and whispered,
“Have I pleased you, sweetheart? I will make you think of only me.
Forget about Gerick. He doesn’t deserve your attention tonight for
leaving you behind. Tonight, you shall be mine.”

Cecelia heard his words and could only smile
at his remark. Aye, she wanted to be his and only his. She wrapped
her arms around his head as he wonderfully tormented the sensitive
peak of her other nipple with his hot mouth, teeth, and tongue,
suckling her and then kissing her and nipping at her. She bit her
lips, trying very hard to stop herself from screaming out in

So this is lovemaking,
she thought
with wonder. The secret topic the maids in the castle back home had
always whispered about? The wonderful nights with the warriors they
craved? And now Cecelia understood why. It was heaven. There was so
much pleasure as one allowed her body to be touched and caressed
and stroked and kissed.

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