A Demon's Dark Embrace: An Elite Guards Novel (6 page)

BOOK: A Demon's Dark Embrace: An Elite Guards Novel
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Of course, he’d been very selective of the pussy he accepted; most had to enjoy what Humans referred to as kink, and be willing to give him total control. They also had to be okay with him giving all pleasure and taking what he wanted.

He had a feeling that she wouldn’t do that, ever. Based on what he witnessed tonight, she really wouldn’t know what to do with a cock, even if he gave her step-by-step instructions and walked her through it intimately, which surprised him. With all of the romance books she had, she should know at least the basics, as the things were pretty much a step above a how-to guide! He needed to find a female, and fuck her until he sated this hunger for a simple, but beautiful, librarian. Maybe he could get Danu to glamour herself into a sexy librarian, so he could fuck his need for this one out of his system.

Chapter Seven

The Demon awoke to a gentle humming sound, his eyes scanning the room until they landed on the female, who seemed to be up and already dressing for work. He was cramped from his tall frame having slept in the corner of her bedroom.

He stood and stretched his arms, easily touching the ceiling. He turned and found the damned cat still watching him.
Who the hell named their cat Kit,
he wondered? She had personality, that was for sure, even if she
a mouse. She was sitting on her bed as she rolled on thigh highs, which was a sight that was too damn sexy for this fucking early in the morning.

He’d just about murder the cat for a cup of coffee. He could thank Synthia for resurrecting his obsession with the shitty brown substance, which tasted of heaven. He’d given Syn hell over it, then Darynda had worked her magic and brewed him a cup blended with chicory that had almost made his cock stand up in a one-eyed salute.

He tore his eyes from Olivia as she hooked the little black disc into the stockings she wore, and he smiled as she slid on shoes that had little sexy heels. It was a fucking fantasy of a lifetime, turning a little mouse into a fucking nymphomaniac.

Following her into the bathroom, his eyes scanned her small make-up kit. No muss, no fuss kinda girl. She dabbed some gloss onto her already rose-colored lips and then used a touch of mascara before she left the room and called to her pussy.

He gave a crooked smile as he remembered her clumsy attempt to get her own pussy off. At least it showed she had general knowledge of where a cock went, and what it was supposed to do. Damn, if his dick didn’t twitch at the memory.

He watched her as she bent over to place a handful of cat food in the bowl, and then quickly washed her hands. She scanned the room and then moved past him; his nose danced with her rich, flowery scent. He loved jasmine flowers and their enticing scent.

He followed her as she walked towards the front door, stopping to pull her phone off the docking station. She powered it on, thumbed on the speed dial, and asked to be connected to Elder Cyrus.

His heart beat erratically as he considered what she’d say. He didn’t get a chance to overhear any conversation, as she was told he was already out of his office.

“Can you let him know that I called for him, Janet? I’ll be at my desk in about twenty minutes. He can call me there,” she said into the receiver before she used a soft cloth to wipe it clean, and slid it into her pocket.

She stood in her front room, and he went completely still as she sniffed the air. Her eyes looked around as if she knew she wasn’t alone.

“God, girl, get a grip. He’s so far out of your league,” she whispered to herself.

He slipped out the door as she opened it and headed for a vacant apartment to hopefully dunk himself under some chilly water in an attempt to shed the protruding boner which was, even now, growing harder for her.

What the fuck was his problem? He didn’t like sweet and innocent; he liked girls that he could bring his inner freak out to play with. This girl? She was the sweet, white picket fence, and two-point-five kids, with a cat named Kit kind of girl. That wasn’t him. Now if he could just convince himself that he didn’t really want her, or maybe come up with a mantra to repeat in his mind, he would actually believe it.

He paused with his hand on the doorknob and decided to just head home. It was time to check on Synthia anyway, what with her time nearing, and he’d bought her a little present that he’d been itching to give her.

He walked outside, still cloaked in invisibility, and waited until he was a good distance from the Guild before he sifted to the mansion located just out of Spokane, which had been previously used as their home base when in the Human world. It had been completely rebuilt after the Mages had destroyed it not too long ago. It was now being used as a staging point for operations that the Horde was running to shut the Mages down while tracking the remaining relics.

He quickly made his way to the portal that would take him into Faery, straight into the Horde kingdom. He could make a portal of his own, but he was already feeling a bit drained from using glamour and the camouflage spell as long as he had. As he entered the portal, he was stopped in his tracks by Darcy, or, rather, Danu currently wearing a

Darcy” glamour. He could see her ever-changing eyes through Darcy’s sweet, brown ones.

“Danu,” he said as she pushed him into an empty room. She twirled Darcy’s blonde hair, and then lowered her hands to squeeze the plump breasts of the body she’d taken over.

“Demon,” she said, as she began to remove her shirt, revealing rose-tipped nipples that were already hard and begging to be tasted. “I need release,” she ordered.

“I needed it yesterday,” he countered as he crossed his branded arms over his massive chest, which strained against the charcoal V-neck shirt he now wore. “It’s all about what
need, and it’s getting worse. Something going on that I should know about?” he demanded suspiciously, and watched as something passed over her face before she could stop it.

His heart clenched, and he got a twisting in his gut that made him feel sick. “If it pertains to the Horde…” He let his words trail off as she slid to her knees and started undoing his belt buckle.

He braced his arms on the wall and watched as she freed his cock. Yeah, that shit was loaded and hard as a fucking rock after watching his little librarian.
My fucking librarian?
  He groaned as she used her tongue to stroke the sensitive fleshy underside of his cock, using long motions until he thought he’d spew his load prematurely.

Danu loved to make him lose control, and she’d throw it back in his face after she’d succeeded. It only made him more determined to outlast her. He lowered his hand and grabbed her hair as he pulled her head back and he enjoyed the surprised hiss that left her parted lips as he pulled hard. He used his other hand to grip her chin, forcing her mouth to open as he pushed his fat tip past her rosy lips.

“Take it all,” he demanded as he rocked his hips, giving her time to accept his rock hard member without hurting her. “That’s my girl,” he moaned as he slipped further into her throat. He wasn’t going to last long, and at this point, he didn’t care.

He rocked his hips faster, enjoying the strangled sounds she made as she choked on his cock. Her eyes watered as he watched her, his own mouth opening to dish out encouragements as she accepted even more down her tight, lovely throat.

He exploded before either of them knew what was happening, and when he pulled out of her mouth, she stared at him in wonder, then looked around in confusion.

“Ristan,” she whispered as he watched her wipe a small dribble of come from her perfect lips. “How did I get here?” she finished.

He wanted to strangle her; not Darcy, but fucking Danu. It wasn’t glamour this time; it was a total hijacking. She’d done this shit too many times now. Many times she had taken over his bedmates during fucking, only to leave as soon as she got hers, which made a few of the women think him a lazy fuck. As if; he was a beast in the sheets and damn sure gave his partners a ride they’d never forget.  Other times, she’d take control of them in the beginning, only to leave him to explain how he’d end up with his cock balls deep with a partner who hadn’t known he was fucking her.

“Pull up your skirt and bend over, Darcy. I’ll make it worth your while,” he promised with a lopsided grin, and watched as she hurriedly did as he bid her. Yeah, he had an image to uphold, one that many females sought him out to experience. He’d be damned if he didn’t live up to it now.


Ristan walked through the halls, his hand holding Bob, a battery operated baby that he’d gotten for Synthia.  He was halfway down the corridor when Zahruk asked him to come to the armory through their mental link.  He sighed as he started to glamour the doll away, only to catch Darynda as she moved in the same direction he was headed.

“Hey,” he said as he moved towards her with purpose. “Can you give this to Synthia? I’ve been trying to remember to give it to her for days. His name is Bob,” he said with a smile as Darynda looked the doll over and raised her eyes back to him.

“I can,” she whispered, and her eyes rested on him. “Am I beautiful?” she blurted with an uncertain look in her sparkling bluish green eyes. “You’ve never tried to be with me.”

“You’re very beautiful,” Ristan replied, uncertain where she was going with that statement. “Why do you ask?”

“Out of everyone here, you and your brothers have never tried to take me into the common rooms,” she replied.

He caught the look of hurt in her eyes, and he flinched.

“The common rooms, where we fuck women who want to be shared; those common rooms?” he asked, and decided this was a slippery slope, one he wasn’t going to slide down anytime soon.

“Zahruk was there last night, and when I asked him… Never mind, I shouldn’t be discussing this with you,” she said, and started to move away with the doll, but he stopped her with a gentle hand on her wrist.

“The women who enter those rooms become women we all share. Some of us share them a few times a day, if not more. Darynda, never enter one of the common rooms alone. If my brother hasn’t invited you, be glad for it,” Ristan replied with a soft shake of his head. “It’s a sign that he isn’t ready to share you. He’s different with you; take it as a good thing.”

He moved past Darynda and watched Ryder approach him slowly. He must have been on his way to summon Synthia, but paused as he caught sight of his brother. “Ryder,” Ristan said as he moved to him.

“Send Synthia to me; I’ll be in the throne room,” Ryder ordered and moved down the hallway, leaving Ristan to watch his broad frame as he continued on, as if he didn’t have time to walk the five steps to her bedroom door.

“Well, fucking hello to you too, brother,” Ristan murmured as he sent a silent message to Zahruk that something was up with Ryder. He shook his head, and wondered how Synthia would react to the nipple clamps and dream medallions he’d given to Ryder the day before.

His gift to them had been vibrating nipple clamps and dream sex. Seemed like something everyone should experience at least once in their lifetime, right? He smiled and shook his head; it was the least he could do for them. Synthia had been upset about the sex between them, mainly because she’d wanted Ryder to handle her like she wasn’t made of glass. This would stop the issue, and he had planned to enjoy Ryder’s reaction, which would have to wait now if Ryder was in a bad mood, since it was hard enough to get the guy to speak openly even when he was in a good mood. 

He left the hallway and sifted to the armory, where Zahruk was creating new weapons with the God Bolts that a Changeling had used on Synthia before Ryder ended his pathetic existence. Ristan was fairly certain he still had a touch of recurring heartburn from that particular soul. 

“Hey, what’s up?” Ristan asked, taking in Zahruk’s dark blonde head before he lifted his piercing blue eyes to meet Ristan’s.

“Fucking women, that’s what happening,” Zahruk grunted. “Ryder is giving Synthia and her little Human-ish opinions too much freedom. It’s becoming a bitch to keep her protected and safe in her delicate state.”

“You and I both know that he is testing her. She has to show them the stone balls she’s carrying around, or we will end up fighting our own people to protect her. She can’t show them weakness, and neither can our brother. We both know that is why he’s hiding his feelings about her because we know how our father was. Those he’s allowed inside our doors would use it to take advantage, and use her against the newly-crowned Horde King.”

“You know I don’t give a fuck about politics, and I’d protect her. We all would,” Zahruk said as he held out his hand and Ristan absently handed him the mallet that had been beside him on the bench. “What’s going on with the old man? Has there been any news or progress on the relics yet?” Zahruk asked as he started hammering the bolt flat, not even watching his progress.

That was why he was the weapons expert, and the deadliest of the brothers—excluding Ryder, who was the Horde King and could become a creature with wings that had razor sharp tips which could easily kill immortal beings. Zahruk spent much of his downtime in this armory, improving weapons to protect them from the Mages, as well as other enemies.

“I need you to order those archives we talked about from the Guild, and check into the activity in New Orleans. I’m starting to think there’s more going on than we suspect. Something is off, and there’s been more movement and chatter in Spokane. Also, I killed a Skinner the other day that made his dislike of Ryder known just before I took its life.”

“A Skinner in Spokane, really? Shit is getting hairy. Rats bailing off a sinking fucking ship,” Zahruk said as he resumed pounding on the God Bolt with the mallet.

“That about sums it up. I need to go, brother. Got a doll to watch,” Ristan agreed with a smirk and sifted out in time to watch Synthia receive her present.  He entered the room and stood at the door, watching her silently at first, but his mirth over her reaction gave away his presence.

“A baby doll—this is a joke, right?” Synthia asked, confusion stamped on her beautiful face as Darynda handed her the newborn-sized doll, which started shrieking with an ear-piercing cry the moment she held it. “How the hell do you shut it off?” she shouted over the wailing thing, which she held up by its leg.

“Try cuddling with it, Flower,” he challenged. Synthia turned a horrified look up at him. He smiled and shook his head as he watched her, horror replaced by a soft frown.

“You ass,” she growled as she tried comforting Bob with an awkward cuddle.

“Here, like this,” he said as he sifted to the bed and took hold of the doll. “Gentleness is universal. Even Fae babes love a cuddle to feel secure; smart little things also like breasts.”

She lifted a brow at Ristan as he swaddled the doll with a blanket, which he’d glamoured. He held the doll in his arms and rocked it gently, smiling as it stopped crying and started mewling.

BOOK: A Demon's Dark Embrace: An Elite Guards Novel
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