A DEATH TO DIE FOR (18 page)


Authors: Geoffrey Wilding

Tags: #Biography & Autobiography, #Nonfiction, #Personal Memoir, #Retail

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Photograph that Andy took just before Kate left for New Zealand and as we are today




This book is a series of facts linked together in such a way as to assist the reader to make sense of them, everything you have read is true however due to the fact that we are now eight years on from the actual events the time line may be slightly askew which is not surprising as no-one was keeping an actual diary of events at the time.


Many people visited me while I was in both the Hereford and Birmingham hospitals however in writing this book I had to be careful not to present visiting times as a list of names and therefore I have tended to concentrate on the main characters, for this reason I apologise to anyone who feels that they have been overlooked, I can assure you that your visit was greatly appreciated at the time and has not been forgotten.


I still live in Herefordshire with the lovely Helen who has now retired.


Kate and Gary still live in New Zealand with Ruby and Ivy and three years ago they presented us with a grandson called Harvey.


After his ‘A’ levels Jim went for a six week holiday to New Zealand to pick grapes and liked it so much that he stayed.


Alex and Ian have recently moved from Shropshire to live in Herefordshire.


Albert passed away in October 2009.


I have not sued the NHS for misdiagnosis


I still drive a Shogun [Sport]


I would like to thank John Charles for acting as my literary mentor when writers block struck.


Life goes on.


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