A Deadly Love (11 page)

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Authors: Jannine Gallant

Tags: #romance

BOOK: A Deadly Love
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“I have no idea.” He ushered her toward the door and out into the chilly night. They crossed the parking lot, and walked down to the beach. Dillon pulled out his cell phone and pushed a couple of buttons.

While he talked to the sheriff, Brooke sat on a huge driftwood log and watched the waves roll onto the shore. She breathed in the salt air and closed her eyes, listening to the baying of the sea lions. Dillon shut his phone and sat down next to her.

“What did Harley say?”

“He’ll contact the Crescent City police and let them know Tricia was seen after her disappearance and where. He has your statement from the night you arrived, so you don’t need to talk to the police again.” He picked up a piece of driftwood and tossed it into the tide. “There’s been no word on her recently.”

She shivered, and he wrapped his arm around her. “What can we do?” she asked.

“Not a damn thing.” His tone was harsh. “She’s not in the woods. We spent the last few days making good and certain no one is out there.”

“I’m scared, Dillon.” Her voice was a whisper on the ocean breeze.

He squeezed her hard against his side. “I am, too.” Standing, he pulled her up off the log. “Let’s go home.”

In the truck, she leaned against the seatback and stared out the window. The headlights illuminated the thick forest as Dillon navigated the twisting turns of the road. Somewhere out there, two women were missing. Another was dead.

“Do you think the man who killed Cybil has them?” she asked, breaking the silence.

“I hope to God not. It doesn’t make any sense.” He slammed his fist on the steering wheel. “What could a movie star, a real estate agent, and a waitress possibly have in common that would make someone take them...” He let out a deep breath.

“You think he’s holding them somewhere, that he’ll kill Tricia and Marnie the way he did Cybil?”

“That’s what I’m thinking. I pray I’m wrong.”

“Is it what Harley thinks?”

“He didn’t say much. He was too busy swearing.” Dillon turned off the highway onto the road leading to Woodvale and inclined his head toward the dark forest. “Knowing Tricia was out there on the run hit him pretty hard.”

“Why? I thought she left town years ago.”

“Harley and Tricia dated in high school. There was some talk of an engagement, but then she moved away and he joined the Navy.” He slowed as they drove through town. “I think he’s been in touch with her, trying to convince her to leave her boyfriend. The guy is an asshole, quick to use his fists when he’s drinking.”

“You never dated her?”

His head snapped around. “Who, Tricia?”

She hunched her shoulders beneath her coat. “Earlier you asked what the three women had in common, and I know you were involved with both Cybil and Marnie.”

He pulled into his driveway and cut the engine. The ticking of the motor as it cooled echoed in the silence. “You think I had something to do with it?” His voice sliced through her.

She sucked in her breath. “No. God, no! Dillon, that’s not what I meant.”

He stared at her, his eyes stony. “What did you mean? And for the record, I never dated Tricia.”

“I didn’t mean anything. I was just thinking out loud, trying to put it together. With Cybil and Marnie both victims, it almost seems like someone is trying to hurt you.”

“If someone wanted to hurt me, they’d go after Zack or Jesse, not my old girlfriends.”

“You’re right, and it really isn’t surprising you dated two of the women involved. After all, Woodvale is a small town.”

“Yes, it is.” He closed his eyes and rubbed his forehead. “I get that some twisted pervert might want to hurt Cybil because she was famous, but Marnie and Tricia are just average women who have never done anything out of the ordinary. What motive could someone possibly have to take them away from their families and friends?”

She laid her hand on his arm. “Maybe no one has them. Maybe both Marnie and Tricia have good reasons for taking off without telling anyone.”

“And maybe Zack will start picking up his clothes without being asked. It’s possible, but it certainly isn’t likely.” He let out a long sigh and met her gaze. “There’s not much point in discussing it further. Do you want to come inside? The romantic mood we had going is shot.”

Brooke nodded and slid across the seat after him as he opened the car door. She pointed across the yard. “Check it out. Grandma didn’t even leave the porch light on for me. I think she was hoping I wouldn’t come home tonight.”

He slid his arm around her waist. “How very progressive of June.”

“I don’t know about that. She’s probably pulling her old wedding dress out of the attic as we speak.”

Dillon stopped abruptly on the front walk, and his face lost some of its color. “Seriously?”

“Of course not, you idiot.”

His smile looked a little shaky as he unlocked the door of his house. “I nearly had a heart attack.”

“At least I gave you something new to worry about.”

He pulled her into his arms. “Should I be worried?”

She touched the back of his neck and stood on her toes to kiss him. “No, Dillon, you don’t need to worry.” Her lips brushed his cheek, and she nibbled the tight skin over his jaw. “This is about tonight, not picking out china patterns.”

His breath came quickly as he leaned against the wall. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

“You won’t.” Her tongue swirled around his ear. “I think we both need a little distraction.”

He lifted her off her feet, and she wrapped her legs around his waist. Her long skirt trailed behind her. With one arm tight around her hips and his hand tangled in her hair, he climbed the stairs, his lips fused to hers. Brooke held his face between her palms and explored his mouth with her tongue. He tasted of coffee. One of her shoes dropped in the hallway, the other as they entered the bedroom. She yelped when he suddenly let her go. She fell backward and landed on a firm mattress.

He snapped on the bedside lamp and stared down at her. Desire burned in his eyes, and his hands shook as he fisted them on his hips. “Are you sure about this? I didn’t intend to rush you.”

Her eyes dropped away from his golden gaze and traveled downward. His broad chest rose and fell with his breathing. His hips were slim, and there was an interesting bulge in the front of his pants. She licked her lips and swallowed. “I’m sure.”

He sat next to her on the navy comforter and pushed her hair away from her face. His fingers touched the faint scar on her forehead left from the cut, and he ran his hand along the side of her jaw. “You’re so beautiful. But you’re also funny and sweet. Every time I pick up Zack, I look forward to seeing you. This isn’t just about sex. You mean more to me than that.”

She smiled, warmed by the concern in his eyes. “We can make love and still be friends. I like you, too. I love your honesty and your devotion to Jesse. I appreciate your willingness to play catch with your son even when you’re tired. Your eyes melt my heart when you smile.” She ran her finger down the row of buttons on the front of his shirt. “And sometimes when I watch you walk away, I just want to rip your clothes off.”

Dillon drew in a breath and grabbed her hand, pressing it hard against his fast beating heart. “You’ve convinced me.”

Her voice was full of irony. “Glad I could talk you into it.”

“Smart ass.” His hand strayed from her face, down the side of her neck, and across her collar bone. When he cupped her breast beneath the soft material of her sweater, she gasped.

Sitting up, she pulled off her coat and tossed it on a nearby chair. “We’re both wearing way too many clothes.”

“I couldn’t agree more.” He shrugged off his jacket and unbuttoned his shirt, dropping them on the floor. Standing, he kicked off his shoes and went to work on his belt buckle. The sound of his zipper lowering sent a wave of heat flashing through her. She lifted her arms and pulled off her sweater.

“Let me.” His big hands deftly worked her bra clasp. He pulled aside the scrap of nylon and lace and stared at her breasts. He touched one sensitive peak, and her nipple tightened. His smoldering gaze met hers. “You are truly beautiful.”

Brooke glanced down. His tanned hand covering her breast made her squirm. She raised her gaze. “You’re out of luck if you’re a boob man. They aren’t exactly centerfold material.”

“They’re better. They’re real.” He leaned forward and ran his tongue across the crest of her breast before taking it into his mouth. The wet suction tugged at something deep within her, triggering a response so intense she gasped.

With care, he unzipped her skirt and slid it down her legs. The silky fabric cascaded off the side of the bed and landed in a heap on the carpet. She lifted her hips, and he eased her pantyhose down her thighs, his hands pausing to caress the soft skin behind her knees. He kissed her stomach, and her muscles clenched.

“I want you now,” she said, reaching for his boxers. She tugged downward on the waistband, and his erection sprang free. She sucked in a breath. Her hand shook as she touched the velvety tip and ran her finger down its length.

Dillon closed his eyes and gritted his teeth. “My God, Brooke.” Exhilaration surged through her as he struggled to regain his composure. He opened his eyes, and his golden gaze met hers. “My turn.”

Her panties disappeared in an instant, and she lay before him completely naked. He drew a line across her quivering stomach muscles, inching downward until he touched her intimately. She gasped and reached for him, her hands closing over the hard muscles of his shoulders. His skin was warm and smooth as he lowered his body to cover hers.

“You’re sure?” he whispered.

She nodded. “You make me feel beautiful and seductive.” Her voice caught. “I need that.”

He kissed her, his lips moving along the side of her neck, sending shivers down her spine. “Your ex was an ass. You don’t need me to make love to you to know how incredibly desirable you are.”

“I want you to make love to me.”

Leaning across her, he pulled open the bedside drawer and took out a condom packet. She sat up as he ripped it open and rolled it down his turgid length.

Her gaze met his. “Do you know how much I want you?”

He stroked the wetness between her thighs. “Thank God, because I’m ready to explode.”

Smiling, she tugged him down, and they rolled together. Their lips clung, and his tongue thrust into her mouth at the same time he entered her. She gasped when he settled more fully inside her. Raising his head, he looked into her eyes, pulled out and pushed deeper still. His passion mirrored hers, unfocused, beyond reason or control. The edgy sensation built, stroke by stroke until she couldn’t stand it any longer. She cried out, her body tensing as he collapsed on top of her.

Brooke drifted, a smile curving her lips, her heartbeat slowing beneath his weight. She touched his chest. A sheen of moisture slicked his skin. Exhaling deeply, he rolled to his side and pulled her tight against him.

“Sorry, I was crushing you.” His hand cradled her head against his shoulder.

She stretched, her legs tangling with his hair-roughened ones. “I didn’t mind. That was unbelievable.”

His lips quirked. “You’ve ruined me for lesser women. What are we going to do about that?”

She smiled against his chest, her nose pressed into the light dusting of hair. “I guess it’ll be my job to keep you satisfied.”

“Seems fair to me.” Dillon opened his eyes, heat smoldering in them. “As long as I can return the favor.”

She raised her knee, drawing it up the inside of his thigh. “You know what they say?”

His hand stroked her breast. “What?”

“There’s no time like the present.”

Chapter Seven

Zack scratched furiously, his face contorting as he tried to reach a spot high on his back. Dillon stared at the red spots on his son’s chest, unable to believe his eyes. “I don’t see how he got chickenpox. I know he was vaccinated.”

“Did he have his second booster shot?” Brooke asked.

“I don’t know. I’d have to look at his medical records.”

“He probably hasn’t. I think he’s too young.”

He turned to look at her. Brooke’s jeans hung low on her hips, and a strip of bare skin was visible between her waistband and the bottom of her shirt. He swallowed. “What do you know about chickenpox?”

“I have friends with kids.” She shrugged. “They talk.”

He shoved his hand through his hair. “I have a meeting at ten this morning.”

Brooke smiled at Zack. “You can hang out with me. We’ll make hot chocolate and play Monopoly.”

Zack stuck out his lip and scratched his chest. “Monopoly is too hard.” He looked up at his father. “Am I in trouble?”

“No, of course not, buddy. I’m just trying to sort out my schedule with you home from school today.”

“We’ll play Chutes and Ladders instead.” Brooke met Dillon’s gaze. “Really, I don’t mind.”

He took a deep breath, the pressure in his chest building. “Have you had chickenpox?”

“Sure, and if Grandma hasn’t, we’ll hang out over here. It’s not like I can paint the house today. It’s pouring rain.”

Dillon nodded. “It would be a tremendous help. I’ll come home as soon as my meeting is over.” He lifted his son off his feet and scowled ferociously. “No scratching or I’ll be forced to take drastic action.”

Zack giggled. “What are you going to do about it?”

He dropped him on the couch and tickled him under his arms. The boy shrieked with laughter.

“Promise me you’ll be good for Brooke.”

“I promise.”

Dillon headed for the front door. She followed and laid her hand on his arm. “What’s wrong?”

He opened the door and stared out at the deluge of rain. “What isn’t?”

Her fingers trailed down his arm. “Last night was pretty great.”

“Yeah, it was. It was more than great, but it wasn’t reality. Reality is Zack having chickenpox and Jesse jumping at his own shadow. I don’t know what his problem is, but he was definitely upset this morning and refused to say why.”

“Maybe he’s afraid of waking up with spots tomorrow.”

“Maybe. He brought Zack home shortly after you left and barely said two words to me. Something is bugging him.” Dillon took a rain slicker off the rack by the door and glanced over at her. “Did you come back for a reason?”

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