A Dangerous Arrangement (23 page)

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Authors: Lee Christine

BOOK: A Dangerous Arrangement
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He held the condom between his fingers like a cigarette. ‘This time.'

Fire consumed Marina's body, moisture pooling between her thighs. She kissed his chest, hands tracing his pectoral muscles, his heart pulsing beneath her fingertips. Then his hands were on her face, setting her head to just the right angle before once again fusing his lips to hers.

He groaned, hand slipping down the back of her knickers to caress one rounded cheek.

Blood thundered in Marina's ears.

She broke the kiss.

Took his hand.

Walked backwards until the bed was behind her knees.

He gave her a gentle push and she fell onto the mattress, bouncing a little. She laughed, turned away and crawled over the king-sized bed towards the bedhead. He stalked her on all fours, coming over the top of her like a lust-filled male lion.

She fell on her back against the pillows, breathing hard, every nerve ending electrified. She watched as he came up on his knees and ripped open the condom packet. As he sheathed his impressive length, she wriggled out of her knickers and tossed them aside.

She didn't bother with her sandals, didn't have time, for the next instant he was pressing her into the mattress. Flames engulfed her body in an upwards rush, and she parted her legs so he could settle between them.

And then his hips aligned with hers.

He stilled.


Throbbing at her entrance.

Marina's heart pounded, her mouth dry with anticipation.

She couldn't think.

Couldn't breathe.

Couldn't wait.


‘I'm here.'

And then he was.

He thrust into her and she cried out, gripping his hips so she could take all of him. He stilled again, this time throbbing inside her, waiting until pure need made her whimper. A second thrust put an arch in her back and wrenched a groan from his lips. A third sent them over the edge. She screamed, heard him roar his release. Then he was sliding through her sensitised flesh, hitting every sweet spot and erogenous zone she didn't know she had.

And then their breath mingled and their mouths met, their tongues tangling in an erotic dance, their bodies moving and stretching in perfectly timed sexual harmony.

It had been quick, hard, and fast.

What she needed.

Perfect for their first time.

Marina finally breathed, and after a while, Dean pushed himself up on his hands and withdrew from her body. Marina moaned, her internal muscles so relaxed she couldn't have kept him there if she tried.

He rolled over, powerful chest rising and falling, and when he pulled her into his arms she snuggled against him with a contented sigh.

‘That was way too quick,' he said.

‘That was
! Don't you dare apologise.'

Under her cheek, his chest vibrated with silent laughter. ‘
! I came like a teenager.'

‘You don't make love like a teenager.'

‘I hope not.' He turned and looked at her. The tension was gone now, his eyes alight with good humour. ‘You screamed like a porn star.'

Marina's mouth fell open and she shoved him with her shoulder. ‘I did

‘You did.'

She buried her face in his shoulder. ‘I did, didn't I?'

He guffawed with laughter.

‘Do you think anyone heard?'

‘Only that guy you woke up on the clipper three miles away. Sound travels over water, you know?'

‘Shut up.' Marina laughed, hard. ‘How embarrassing. I hope the others didn't hear.'

‘Who cares? It's my boat.'



She propped herself up on her elbow and reached down to unbuckle one shoe. ‘These were totally porn star.'

‘I noticed. No way was I stopping to take them off.'

She removed the second shoe, dropped them both on the floor with a clunk, then cuddled back into him. ‘I feel great now. Sex is such a stress reliever.'

He tightened his arms around her. ‘You'll feel even better when I take my time with you.'

She pressed her lips to his warm chest and traced a finger along his stubbled jaw. ‘Tell me what happened. Danika brought me in something to eat. She'd been crying.'

He let out a sigh and kissed the top of her head. ‘Okay. Hop up so I can use the bathroom. I won't be long.'


A few minutes later Dean recounted what had taken place in the saloon.

‘So, he was gathering information for months before?'

He nodded, stroking a hand down her smooth back and enjoying the weight of her head on his shoulder. ‘We assumed he'd acted autonomously, after working in the office and learning what the designs were worth. But it's clear now I was specifically targeted.'

She shivered. ‘That's scary. It sounds almost personal, like someone's out to destroy you.'

‘I agree. We're now considering the possibility Li was recruited to do it.'

She propped her chin in her hand and brushed a lock of hair away from his forehead. ‘Do you have enemies?'

‘Not that I know of, but it's a competitive industry, for sure. I've been trying to think which companies are doing it tough, who might have paid him to steal the designs.'

‘Maybe it's something you'll never know.'

to know. I'll get to the bottom of it, no matter how long it takes.'

‘Then the sooner he calls me, and the police arrest him, the better. Maybe they'll get a confession out of him.'


They were quiet for a few moments, and Dean closed his eyes and thought how right Marina felt in his arms. He'd love to have her on board under different circumstances, though he doubted she'd be interested. She belonged in the Opera Houses of the world, not fighting seasickness in the middle of the ocean. She'd be miserable as hell. She wouldn't even be here now if he hadn't cast off with her on board. And he didn't do long-distance relationships.

He'd do well to remember that.

‘Anyway,' he said, taking hold of her left hand and running his thumb over her wrist. ‘Let's not waste this little moment in time talking about Li Chen. If luck's on our side, we'll have him tomorrow or the next day.'

‘This little moment in time.' She repeated the words softly. ‘I guess that's what this is, isn't it?'

She sounded so sad he pressed a kiss to her injured wrist. ‘You have an international music career to get back to, remember?'

‘You say it like it's a bad thing.'

‘It's an
thing. What's bad is a long-distance relationship.'

And then because she looked so crestfallen, he went on. ‘I saw it happen to my parents. My dad was a naval commander, away at sea for months. I loved him, and he had an admirable occupation, but being separated for long periods took its toll on my mother.'

What on earth had possessed him to start telling her this? They were hardly at the stage where they were considering a relationship. They hadn't known each other a week!

‘Did she leave him?'

Images flashed in Dean's mind. His mother's body being brought up on deck. Rask's arm around his shoulders. His father's face when he learned the news later that day.

Leaving would have been good, staying alive would have been better.

‘Something like that.'

She closed her eyes briefly. ‘I'm so sorry.'

No overly emotive display of false sympathy, just a sad acknowledgement of something in his life that had caused him pain.

He liked that.

Dean shifted a little, trying to ease the ache in his heart. ‘Well, it was a long time ago.'

‘It doesn't matter how long ago it was, those things still hurt. They shape us.'

Suddenly, he had an overwhelming desire to know what had shaped her. He turned on his side, so he could look more fully into her eyes. ‘Tell me. What shaped you into becoming the queen of the violin?'

She blushed, looked taken aback for a second, as if she were surprised he'd asked.


A surprising answer. ‘Parents?'

‘Father, mainly.'

‘Are your other siblings high achievers?'

‘I'm the one with the talent.'

She gave him a hard-on when she said things like that, without apology or a hint of false modesty. He'd had a similar reaction in Venice when she'd said
It's all about the tone Mr Logan, though I wouldn't expect you to understand.

‘My brother and sister showed no inclination to go beyond junior high. I was the first person in my family to go to college. It was a big deal.'

He remembered her saying any extra household money had gone towards violin lessons. Her parents hadn't even bothered to have the kids taught to swim.

Dean bristled inwardly. If there was one thing he believed in, it was teaching every young person on the planet how to save their own life and possibly the lives of others in the water.

‘Of course, you never want to let your parents down, especially when they go above and beyond the call of duty and invest so much in you. And I adored playing. It wasn't like I was made to do it against my will.'

And she must have had one hell of a will to get where she was.

‘My mother loved that Vivaldi piece you were playing this morning,' he said. ‘I do too, by the way.'

‘It probably reminds you of her. Music has the capacity to do that. I find aroma's take me back. I'm sure every time I smell lemons from now on, I'll be reminded of our bike ride in Taormina.'

He kissed her then, pressing his lips against her creamy throat and taking her by surprise. She sucked in a harsh breath and curled her nails into him, her reaction putting a smile on his face and a rod in his groin.

He couldn't help himself. She was irresistible, forthright and strong in a feminine way that filled his senses to the brim. Her hair flowed like a river of silk against his chest, her fragrant skin velvety under his lips.

He moved lower, exploring her body at leisure this time. Today he'd caressed her curves under the water, and minutes ago he'd taken her hard in a lust-fuelled haze. Now it was time to pluck and play with the strings of her body, building her desire to a rousing crescendo until she screamed for him again.

Smiling, he kissed his way downwards, breathing deeply of some coconut body lotion she'd applied after her swim. He dipped his thumb into the hollow at the base of her throat, skimmed the side of her breast with his fingertips before brushing long strokes over the soft, sensitive undersides.

She murmured his name, a blush staining her chest while her nipples stiffened into hard little pebbles.

Just begging to be licked, he thought, stroking his tongue across one. She gasped, placed a hand on either side of his head to hold it in place. He licked the nipple again then blew air on the wetness, and this time when she moaned he sucked hard.

Her back arched, one breast straining towards him, her expert musician's fingers searching for her other nipple.

He bumped her hand out the way with his head, switched to her other breast and gave it the same sweet attention.

She moaned with relief, drew in a deep breath and slid her fingers back into his hair. Then she cradled his head while he kissed and licked and sucked her nipple into a rigid little bud.

After a while he moved lower, kissing a trail down her stomach and dipping his tongue into her bellybutton. He smiled when he earned himself another lusty moan.
she was beautiful, and thankfully her fear of the water didn't extend to sex.

Her hips began to rise and fall, like the yacht on a gentle ocean swell. He slid lower down the bed, fingertips stroking her inner thigh, lips trailing kisses down her stomach until he reached her ‘part European, almost Brazilian'.

Heart pounding, dick so hard he feared he wouldn't last, he gently angled his body until his shoulder was positioned under her left knee. Then, with a gentle push, he coaxed her silky thighs wider, treating himself to a better view.

Mother of God, she was beautiful, he thought, honing in on the sensitive bundle of nerves at the junction of the thighs.

Her hands dragged on his hair, her body tensing like a taut string as she sucked in sharp little breaths.

Too much too soon.

He eased off, bringing her down, transferring his lips to the soft skin of her inner thighs until she relaxed again. Eventually he moved back, moving more slowly this time, swirling his tongue in soft circles until her hips began to rotate and she tossed her head on the pillow.

‘Please … Dean!'

Her words were coming in short little pants and she half sat up, taking his head in her hands and trying to shift him.

‘Don't deny me you, Dean. Don't deny me

It was enough to have him reaching for the second condom he'd left on the floor beside the bed. He ripped it open, conscious of her watching his every movement as he applied it.

‘You have sexy muscles,' she said, reaching out and curling her fingers around his bicep. ‘They're natural, not the type you get from taking banned substances, drinking protein shakes and lifting weights in a gym.'

He laughed then, coming over the top of her, and bracing himself on his hands.

Marina's heart began to pound as he slid his hands underneath her and took a firm grip on her bottom. And then he was sliding into her, filling her, the feeling so exquisite Marina caught her breath and let her eyes drift closed.

They moved in unison, savouring every slow thrust and counter thrust, learning the feel of each other's bodies. It was a slow build this time, now the edge was off, and she stroked his back and he murmured compliments in her ear—how good she was, how beautiful she was, how much he
being right where he was.

Marina smiled, arching beneath him, her arousal increasing. He picked up the tempo, effortlessly shifting gears so her body kept humming, seeking, climbing. His skin was slick under her fingers, his hair damp at the edges, his breath hot on her cheek.

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