Read A Cursed Bloodline (WG 4) Online

Authors: Cecy Robson

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #New Adult & College, #Vampires, #Werewolves & Shifters, #Coming of Age, #Genre Fiction, #Paranormal, #Romance, #Witches & Wizards

A Cursed Bloodline (WG 4) (42 page)

BOOK: A Cursed Bloodline (WG 4)
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Makawee’s chin touched her chest. “As Omega to the Squaw Valley Den Pack, I also give my blessing.”

Martin and Makawee waited, their demeanor more serious than I’d ever seen.

When the council remained silent, Martin took a breath and spoke, his deep baritone echoing over the expanse of the auditorium. “Aric Connor and Celia Wird’s love for each other has overcome tragedies that would have ended the lives of most. While the current laws in place are for the benefit of our kind, it would be erroneous of me to necessitate them of Aric Connor.”

“Do you expect our
race to die out, then?” Omar asked Martin.

“I cannot speak for your decision on all purebloods. I can only speak for Aric. Had it not been for Celia’s determination and Aric’s strength we would have lost the son of Aidan Connor to moon sickness. It’s only because his mate fought to save him that he stands before us now.”

Gasps and urgent whispers swept around the room. Evidently not everyone had heard of Aric’s miraculous recovery. Destiny actually “ooh-ed” with delight.

Despite his intentions, Martin’s argument worked against us. Omar smiled smugly. “To have a
possess the virility to recover from a bloodlust curse
mutilate an Elder leeching the magic from four Packs is a gift, Martin. And such a gift should be passed on to his children—with another pureblood.”

Another of Omar’s advisors leaned toward him. “Think of how formidable we can become. The world will only benefit through Aric’s continued lineage. Mark my words, a new breed of more powerful
will emerge.” They were ignoring us at this point, talking mostly among themselves. I felt like I was in vampire court all over again.

Aric gritted his teeth. “Those who have found their mates know what they ask of me is impossible. I will have no other but Celia.”

Omar growled. “To deny your obligations as one of the highest-ranking purebloods is disgraceful. You shame your father and his name.”

I clutched Aric’s hand tighter as he fumed, but it was Eliza who responded to the insult. “How dare you pretend to know my Aidan? Aric has never brought anything but pride to his family.”

Omar leaned forward against the podium. “You forget yourself, Eliza Connor.”

“And you forget that if my Aidan was here you wouldn’t be the one on that throne.”

A wave of turmoil erupted around the room. Eliza had just majorly pimp-slapped the President of the North American Were Council. Gemini and Makawee took a firm hold on Eliza’s arms. Aric whipped around and whispered tightly in her ear. “Mom, please, calm down. You gave me your word you’d let me deal with this.”

My hearing took in the most subtle noises around me while my tigress paced anxiously inside me, waiting for the next slur, the next threat. Taran flexed her fingers, Shayna reached in her pocket for her toothpicks. Emme delicately placed her back against mine. In their actions, they promised to protect me and strike against those who endangered my safety. I sensed it, and so did the guards tightening the circle around us. The wolverine locked eyes with Bren. Bren smiled and blew him a kiss, daring him to make a move.

Martin raised his voice. “Celia herself possesses a formidable and fierce beast. Any child conceived through their union might very well surpass their combined powers.”

Aric and I tensed. Martin had phrased his words carefully so the
couldn’t sense a lie. The President and his council hadn’t been made aware of my pregnancy loss or the irreparable damage to my womb. I stole a glance at Tye. If he knew, he hadn’t told them, and I sure as hell wasn’t going to volunteer any information.

The wolf to Omar’s left nodded. “It’s possible they may bear powerful offspring. But it’s also possible they’ll have only humans.” He looked at me. “As potent as she may be, Celia Wird is not one of us. I oppose Aric Connor’s request for the good of the world’s future.”

Another female wolf spoke to Aric. Out of all the
in the council, she was the only one to demonstrate a spark of compassion. “Would you consider making her one of us? It will make the likelihood of producing

Aric worked to beat back his fury. “No. I will not risk Celia’s life.”

waved away his remark. “If she’s as strong as you all claim, then she should survive the
and withstand the pain that accompanies the metamorphosis.”

Aric’s growls rumbled in his chest. “I will not harm my mate just because you expect me to breed!”

Omar righted himself. “Then what should we expect of you?”

“The same loyalty and commitment to keep our world safe from evil—just as my family has done since the dawn of time.”

Omar angled his heavy brows. “That’s not good enough. You cheat your race by not continuing it.”

Aric met his eyes. “Then I forsake my pureblood status and all the privileges that entails.”

When I was in high school, glares and taunts greeted me every time I stepped into that damned building. The kids hated me because they knew I was different. Some poured paint into my locker, others wrote disgusting things about me in the bathroom, a couple of girls even managed to toss gum into the back of my hair. At that moment, I really missed high school. In high school, I could beat the snot out of anyone who messed with me. I was stronger, faster, tougher. Here, I was a preternatural creature among many, and these packed ammo.

The entire audience lost their shit, taking Aric’s decision as a personal insult and attack. Disgusted growls erupted at an alarming rate. A female
rushed from her seat with her nose in the air and her bejeweled crown placed perfectly on her head to spit at Eliza’s feet. If it hadn’t been for Eliza’s grip on our arms, both Aric and I would have jumped her. Our loved ones encircled us to face the guards, although their backs were to us as they attempted to hold back the angry mob.

Omar flashed Tye a knowing smile. He didn’t see me notice him over the rising chaos. But I did. I also noticed Tye’s lack of enthusiasm at his father’s behavior.

Omar roared over the crowd and stared down at Aric with so much superiority, it sickened me. “You’re aware of the new laws that have recently come to pass.”

exchanged seething glances, but it was Martin who responded in a low, furious voice. “Do not tell me you still honor the laws suggested by a madman.”

Omar crossed his arms over his ridiculously bejeweled chest. “He might have been a madman, but his reasons for the laws passed were just ones. Furthermore, he didn’t act alone. Members of
council also provided their input and amended the laws to be fair.”

Martin’s remaining patience melted away, his rage forcing my claws to protrude. He pointed his finger at me. “The evil one tortured this innocent woman for weeks using
magic!” His entire body shook with his need to fight. “He took the most sacred of our power to do his bidding. His goal was to rule the entire
nation by commandeering your position. And yet you uphold the laws conjured to help him achieve his aspirations? That’s idiocy!”

Omar narrowed his eyes. “I’m neither weak nor a fool. Had the evil one attempted to release his malevolence in my presence he’d have felt my jaws crush his heart.” It took all the
on our side to hold Martin back. Omar ignored them to address Aric. “Do you still wish to deny your birthright?”

I clutched Aric’s arm to try to stop him, recognizing the malice sizzling in Omar’s irises. Something dreadful was about to happen. If I hadn’t been so weak and fragile, he wouldn’t have kept me blind to the potential danger. But I was too late. He answered Omar without hesitation.

“Yes. I relinquish my title as a Leader and a pureblood.”

Omar’s stare set like stone. “So be it. Aric Aidan Connor, you are hereby stripped of your supreme status of Leader.” Aric kept his eyes trained on the podium. “You will no longer enjoy the comforts of pureblood status and will relinquish your funds, property, possessions, and those of your mother to the North American Were Council.” Silently Aric and Eliza removed their capes and crowns and turned them over to an intern who’d remained quietly in a corner. It was so hard not to cry; they didn’t deserve this disgrace.

Omar continued, enjoying himself. “And in accordance with our new laws you and your mate are sentenced to a year of hard labor in our maximum-security

Taran couldn’t take it, she started screaming and cursing. Violent blue and white flames blazed and crackled around her. Instead of trying to soothe her, primal growls erupted from Gemini. I froze, too astonished to move. Emme cried, large angry tears, ready to launch her
at anyone who approached me.

“You call this a just rule!” Koda growled.

“I call it our law,” Omar growled back. “Watch yourself.”

Shayna stepped in front of me, converting the seven toothpicks in her hands into long gold needles. “No way, dude. No freaking way are you sending my sister to prison!”

Aric placed his hand on her shoulder. “I’m the only one going.” He faced Omar again. “The new law also states that as the offending pureblood I can carry out any sentence for both myself and my mate.”

I lurched forward. “No! This is how you planned to take care of things?”

Aric gripped my waist, his eyes taming when they met mine. “I hadn’t expected the judgment to be so severe. But if two years away from you will guarantee us a lifetime together, I’ll do it.”

I sobbed into my hands. “No, Aric. You can’t do this. It isn’t right.”

Eliza wept in Makawee’s arms while our remaining group exploded in audible protests.

“Aric, your chivalrous offer is duly noticed and accepted.” Omar’s response was simply stated. He was ready to move on.

The wolf who’d regarded us with sympathy cleared her throat. “Sir President, in order for the offending
to take on the punishment of his mate, the mate must be deemed worthy of a pardon from a member of the North American Were Council.”

Omar’s upper lip curled. He obviously hadn’t expected anyone to bring this to our attention. He should have, though, if he really wanted me punished.

The wolf surprised me by not cowering at his feet. “Is there a member present who can speak on Celia’s Wird’s behalf?” she asked the audience.

“I’ll speak for Celia.” Tye glanced at his father, not bothering to hide his fury while he prowled to my side. The guards parted and allowed him to stand beside me. “Celia is honorable. She doesn’t deserve to be sentenced to prison and neither does Aric.”

A loud murmur spread throughout the crowd. A plume of pink feathers popped up as Destiny jumped out of her seat and onto the auditorium floor. The guards stepped away from her, too, more out of fear than respect for her position, I imagined. She pointed her finger in my direction. “Sir President, the lion is supposed to mate with the tigress. I have seen it.” She thought about her choice of words and let out a giggle. Her face flushed pink, clashing hideously with her hot pink glitter eye shadow and fuchsia lipstick.

“I am well aware of your prediction, Destiny.” The edges of Omar’s mouth curved into a pleased smile. That’s when I realized his intentions. He was sending Aric away so his son could fulfill Destiny’s prophecy.

I hissed with all the force of my anger. “You can’t lock Aric away just because you expect me to breed with your son!”

The crowd whispered feverishly. Omar glared, resenting me for calling him out. “Aric has broken the law, he will be punished. And there is nothing you can do about it.”

“Yes, there is.” I
Aric out of the room. The whole damn place was a giant rock. No way could they stop me.

I surfaced near the entrance as the entire hall erupted in turmoil. My loved ones clashed against the guards, urging us to escape. Aric broke from my grasp. I leapt to grab him but he pulled away. Each time I tried, he dodged my hands, averting his pained expression from mine.


He bowed his head. “No, love. This will only make matters worse.”

Aric allowed himself to be taken by the guards who rushed us. I watched, unmoving as they hauled him before Omar. Another
appeared behind me. I felt his presence, but didn’t fight him. He didn’t grant me the same courtesy and threw me against the stone wall. I cried out in agony from my still-healing body.

The guard abruptly released his hold. I stumbled away from the wall, hunched over in pain. Aric had him on the ground by his throat.
“You may take me, but you will not harm my mate!”

Aric rose slowly and placed his hands out in surrender. Two more guards arrived as the one on the ground slowly staggered to his feet. Another marched up to me and motioned me forward with his assault rifle, careful to keep his distance when Aric glanced back. “This way.”

Almost all of our party had been restrained, including Tye. They stopped struggling, when Aric stood by Omar and heard his words. “I accept my punishment willingly. My only request is a moment to say goodbye to my mate.”

Destiny jumped in the air, shaking her arms and feathers. “The lion will mate with the tigress!”

Omar ignored her. “You may bid her farewell, but make it quick. You’ve already wasted enough of our time.”

The guards stepped away from us. Aric gathered me in his arms. “I’m sorry, but this is the only way.”

“But the lion is to mate with the tigress.” Destiny’s voice held a strong note of confusion, as if no one could understand her.

My tears ran so fast I could barely see him. “Please don’t do this. You haven’t done anything wrong.”

“Forgive me, my love, for failing you once more.” Aric kissed me until he was wrenched away at Omar’s request. His sad and beautiful brown eyes stayed on me as the guards escorted him toward a small door in the corner of the room. I fell into Shayna’s and Emme’s arms. After all we’d endured, why was this happening to us?

BOOK: A Cursed Bloodline (WG 4)
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