A Curious Mind (27 page)

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Authors: Brian Grazer

BOOK: A Curious Mind
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Millard “Mickey” Drexler:
CEO and chairman of J. Crew, former president and CEO of the Gap

Jack Miles:
editor, author, Pulitzer Prize winner, MacArthur Fellowship recipient

Marvin Mitchelson:
celebrity divorce attorney, pioneered the concept of palimony

Isaac Mizrahi:
fashion designer

Tim Montgomery:
Olympic runner stripped of his world record after being found guilty of using performance-enhancing drugs

Robert Morgenthau:
lawyer, longest-serving district attorney of Manhattan

Patrick B. Moscaritolo:
CEO of Greater Boston Convention & Visitors Bureau

Kate Moss:
supermodel, fashion designer

Lawrence Moulter:
former chairman and CEO of the New Boston Garden Corporation

Bill Moyers:
journalist, political commentator, former White House press secretary

Robert Mrazek:
author, former congressman

Patrick J. Mullany:
former special agent for the FBI, pioneered FBI's offender profiling

Kary Mullis:
biochemist, Nobel laureate in chemistry for his work with DNA

Takashi Murakami:
artist, painter, sculptor

Blake Mycoskie:
entrepreneur, philanthropist, founder and chief shoe giver of TOMS shoes

Nathan Myhrvold:
former chief technology officer at Microsoft

Ed Needham:
former managing editor of
Rolling Stone
and editor in chief of

Sara Nelson:
cofounder of the public interest law firm Christic Institute

Benjamin Netanyahu:
prime minister of Israel

Jack Newfield:
journalist, author, former columnist for the
Village Voice

Nobuyuki “Nobu” Matsuhisa:
chef and restaurateur

Peggy Noonan:
speechwriter and special assistant to President Ronald Reagan, author, columnist for the
Wall Street Journal

Anthony Norvell:
expert on metaphysics, author

Barack Obama:
president of the United States, former U.S. senator from Illinois

musician, music producer, founding member of Wu-Tang Clan

Richard Oldenburg:
former director of the Museum of Modern Art, New York City

Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen:
actresses, fashion designers

Olu Dara & Jim Dickinson:
musicians, record producers

Estevan Oriol:
photographer whose work often depicts Los Angeles urban and gang culture

Lawrence Osborne:
journalist, author of
American Normal: The Hidden World of Asperger Syndrome

Manny Pacquiao:
professional boxer, first eight-division world champion

David Pagel:
art critic, author, curator, professor of art history at Claremont College specializing in contemporary art

Anthony Pellicano:
high-profile private investigator in Los Angeles

Robert Pelton:
conflict-zone journalist, author of
The World'
s Most Dangerous Places

Andy Pemberton:
former editor in chief of

David Petraeus:
director of the CIA, 2011–2012, retired four-star U.S. Army general

Mariana Pfaelzer:
United States federal circuit court judge, opposed California's Proposition 187

Jay Phelan:
evolutionary biologist, professor at UCLA

Ann Philbin:
director of the Hammer Museum of Art, Los Angeles

Mark Plotkin:
ethnobotanist, author, expert on rainforest ecosystems

Christopher “moot” Poole:
Internet entrepreneur, created 4chan and Canvas websites

Peggy Post:
director of the Emily Post Institute, author and consultant on etiquette

Virginia Postrel:
political and cultural journalist, author

Colin Powell:
U.S. secretary of state, 2001–2005, former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, former national security advisor, retired four-star U.S. Army general

Ned Preble:
former executive, Synectics creative problem-solving methodology

Ilya Prigogine:
chemist, professor at the University of Texas at Austin, Nobel laureate in chemistry, author of
The End of Certainty: Time, Chaos, and the New Laws of Nature

musician, music producer, actor

Wolfgang Puck:
chef, restaurateur, entrepreneur

Pussy Riot:
Maria Alyokhina and Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, the two members of the Russian feminist punk rock group who served time in prison

Steven Quartz:
philosopher, professor at California Institute of Technology, specializing in the brain's value systems and how they interact with culture

James Quinlivan:
analyst at the RAND Corporation, specializing in introducing change and technology into large organizations

William C. Rader:
psychiatrist, administers stem cell injections for a variety of illnesses

Jason Randal:
magician, mentalist

Ronald Reagan:
president of the United States, 1981–1989

Sumner Redstone:
media magnate, businessman, chairman of CBS, chairman of Viacom

Judith Regan:
editor, book publisher

Eddie Rehfeldt:
executive creative director for the communications firm Waggener Edstrom

David Remnick:
journalist, author, editor of the
New Yorker,
winner of the Pulitzer Prize

David Rhodes:
president of CBS News, former vice president of news for Fox News

Matthieu Ricard:
Buddhist monk, photographer, author of
Happiness: A Guide to Developing Life's Most Important Skill

Condoleezza Rice:
U.S. secretary of state, 2005–2009, former U.S. national security advisor, former provost at Stanford University, professor of political economy at the Stanford Graduate School of Business

Frank Rich:
journalist, author, former columnist for the
New York Times,
editor at large for
New York

Michael Rinder:
activist and former senior executive for the Church of Scientology International

Richard Riordan:
mayor of Los Angeles, 1993–2001, businessman

Tony Robbins:
life coach, author, motivational speaker

Robert Wilson and Richard Hutton:
criminal defense attorneys

Brian L. Roberts:
chairman and CEO of Comcast Corporation

Burton B. Roberts:
chief administrative judge, New York Supreme Court in the Bronx, model for a character in Tom Wolfe's novel
The Bonfire of the Vanities

Michael Roberts:
fashion journalist, fashion and style director at
Vanity Fair,
former fashion director at the
New Yorker

Joe Robinson:
speaker and trainer on work-life balance and productivity

Gerry Roche:
senior chairman of Heidrick & Struggles, a business executive recruiting firm

Aaron Rose:
film director, art-show curator, writer

Charlie Rose:
journalist, TV interviewer, host of PBS's
Charlie Rose

Maer Roshan:
writer, editor, entrepreneur who launched
magazine and

Pasquale Rotella:
founder of Insomniac Events, which produces music festival Electric Daisy Carnival

Karl Rove:
Republican political consultant, chief strategist for George W. Bush presidential campaign, senior advisor and deputy chief of staff during the George W. Bush administration

Rick Rubin:
record producer, founder of Def Jam Records

Ed Ruscha:
pop artist

Salman Rushdie:
novelist, author of
Midnight's Children
The Satanic Verses,
winner of the Booker Prize

leader of Wu-Tang Clan, musician, actor, music producer

Charles Saatchi:
cofounder of the advertising agency Saatchi & Saatchi, cofounder of the advertising agency M&C Saatchi

Jeffrey Sachs:
economist, professor at Columbia University, director of the Earth Institute at Columbia University

Oliver Sacks:
neurologist, author, professor at New York University School of Medicine

Carl Sagan:
astronomer, astrophysicist, cosmologist, author, professor at Cornell University, narrated and cowrote the PBS TV series

Jonas Salk:
scientist, developer of the first polio vaccine, founder of the Salk Institute for Biological Studies

Jerry Saltz:
art critic for
New York

James Sanders:
scholar of the Old Testament and one of the editors of the Dead Sea Scrolls

Shawn Sanford:
director of lifestyle marketing at Microsoft

Robert Sapolsky:
neuroendocrinologist, professor at Stanford School of Medicine

John Sarno:
professor of rehabilitation medicine at New York University School of Medicine

Michael Scheuer:
former CIA intelligence officer, former chief of the Osama bin Laden tracking unit in the CIA's Counterterrorism Center, author

Paul Schimmel:
former chief curator at the Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles

Julian Schnabel:
artist, filmmaker

Howard Schultz:
chairman and CEO of Starbucks

John H. Schwarz:
theoretical physicist, professor at California Institute of Technology, one of the fathers of string theory

David Scott:
Apollo-era astronaut, first person to drive on the moon

Mary Lynn Scovazzo:
orthopedic surgeon, specialist in sports medicine

Terrence Sejnowski:
professor, directs the Computational Neurobiology Laboratory at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies

Marshall Sella:
journalist for
GQ, New York
magazine, and the
New York Times Magazine

Al Sharpton:
Baptist minister, civil rights activist, talk-show host

Daniel Sheehan:
constitutional and public interest lawyer, cofounder of the Christic Institute and founder of the Romero Institute

Mike Sheehan:
New York City police officer who became a news reporter

Yoshio Shimomura:
consultant on Japanese culture

Ronald K. Siegel:
psychopharmacologist, author

Michael Sigman:
former president and publisher of
LA Weekly

Sanford Sigoloff:
businessman, corporate turnaround expert

Ben Silbermann:
entrepreneur, cofounder and CEO of Pinterest

Simon Sinek:
former advertising executive, motivational speaker, author of
Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action

Mike Skinner:
musician, music producer, leader of English hip-hop project the Streets

Slick Rick:
musician, music producer

Anthony Slide:
journalist, author, expert on the history of popular entertainment

Carlos Slim:
Mexican businessman, investor, philanthropist

Gary Small:
professor of psychiatry at UCLA Medical School, director of UCLA Center on Aging

Fred Smith:
founder, chairman, and CEO of FedEx Corp.

Rick Smolan:
cocreator of the Day in the Life book series, former photographer for
National Geographic, Time

Frank Snepp:
journalist, former CIA agent and analyst during the Vietnam War

Scott Snyder:
comic book and short-story writer

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