A Crying Shame (37 page)

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Authors: William W. Johnstone

BOOK: A Crying Shame
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Really? How quaint.”
What are you going to do after you pick up Ms. Breaux?”
Return here. I intend for us to stay out here.”
Sheriff Saucier looked at Jon as if the man had lost his mind.
The hell you say! Man, are you nuts?” He waved his hand toward the swamp.
Those ... things out there are going to be mightily pissed-off. Seeking revenge, probably. And you and Ms. Breaux are going to stay out here, alone? Crap. No way!”
How do you propose to stop us?” Jon smiled.
Well ... I'll speak to Ms. Breaux.”
I already have ... at your office. She agrees: we stay out here. This is her home. I am fully capable of withstanding any attack the Links may mount against this home.” Spoken with that almost-mocking, knowing smile that never reached the man's eyes.
I assure you of that, Mike.”
Sheriff Saucier looked at Badon.
Exactly what do you have in the trunk of your car?”
It's a very large trunk, Mike.”
I repeat: what do you have in the trunk of your car?”
An AK-47, a .458 Cape Buffalo rifle, double-barreled which fires a nitro-express load, a case of grenades, several coils of det-cord, a shotgun.” And several other articles he chose not to mention.

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