A Cowgirl's Pride (8 page)

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Authors: Lorraine Nelson

BOOK: A Cowgirl's Pride
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“By enlisting the help of a friend at the club.”

Leah returned with the photo, passing it to

“That’s Roddy on the left. The other man is his
club manager, Raoul Etienne.”

“Thanks. Can I borrow this?”

“You can have it, Michael. I never want to see
his face again.”

He placed it between the pages of his notebook.

“Our Crime Scene Unit should be here shortly.
Technically, I’m off shift at eight, but I’ll take the squad car back to the
precinct and return in my own vehicle. We know he’s found you and issued a
death threat. I’ll be camping out here for the duration. Any questions?”

“Yeah. What do we tell Dad?” asked Leah.



Chapter Five


“I think we’d better tell him the truth, Leah,”
said Luke, “before he hears it from someone else.”

“But, his heart? I wouldn’t want him to suffer a
setback because of me.”

“He’s doing fine. I think you should tell him,”
Michael said. “I wouldn’t want him showing up here unprepared in the face of
what just happened to

“Oh, my God! I never thought of that. I’ll call
him now.” She picked up the receiver and dialed. “Hi, Winnie. Is Dad there?...no,
that’s okay…I’ll talk to him later…bye.”

“He’s not home?” asked Luke.

“Yes, but he’s out plowing snow. He’ll probably
call when he comes in.”

“Do you think it likely that Kendall and his
friends would stop in there?” asked Michael.

Her gaze flew to him in alarm. “I don’t know. I
suppose it’s possible. If he had someone check out my family, he’d know where
to find them. What can we do?”

“I’ll check in on my way back to
find a picture of Vic and fill him in, if that’s okay with you?”

“Yes, Michael. Please do. I don’t want anyone
else hurt.”

“Would you like to come with me?”

She breathed an agonized breath and pushed her
hair back behind one ear. “Yes, I suppose I should tell them myself and get it
over with. I’ll get my coat.”

“What do you want me to do?” asked

“You might as well tend to the evening chores. The
rest of the plowing can wait until morning,” answered Luke.

stood, and Leah glanced his way. Their eyes met, and she saw the
worry etched in his, but there wasn’t much she could do to reassure him. “Luke,
maybe you should keep an extra man in the house. You can’t be everywhere.”

“Good idea, at least until I can get back,”
Michael agreed.

“You okay with that,
? I can call Pete in if you’d rather
oversee the chores.”

“I’m fine here if you need me, but I’d rather be
armed in case those guys come back.”

“I’ll get the rifles,” said Luke.

“Be careful, you two. I wouldn’t want to see the
good guys up on charges,” Michael warned.

“No problem. It’s only a precaution,” assured
Luke. “But I will use it if I have to.”

“Understood. We’ll be back soon.”

Leah took one last, longing look at the room and
its contents, its inhabitants, afraid she might never return. An eerie
foreboding settled on her shoulders and, try as she might, she couldn’t shake

Michael held the door open, and she walked
quickly through. “Come on. Something’s wrong. We have to get to Dad’s.”

“I feel it, too.” They ran to the squad car and
jumped in. He started the enginereversed the car and headed out the driveway,
then hit the switch for the lights as they reached the main road. Static came
over the car’s radio, and he picked up the mike. “Grayson here. What’s up?”

“That Audi has been spotted at a diner in
Claresholm. What do you want to do?”

“Call in back-up and approach with caution.
Those men are considered armed and dangerous. I’m on my way.”

Instead of turning south toward Granum and her
father, Michael turned north on Highway 2 and accelerated to an alarming speed
on the straight stretches. All she could do was hold on and pray they made it
safely. She wasn’t looking forward to confronting Roddy, but it seemed she had
no choice.

“Sorry to have to drag you along, but we need to
act fast.”

“I know, and I hope you catch him without anyone
getting hurt.”

Static again. “Back-up hasn’t arrived, and the
Audi is leaving. Four men inside.”

“Call ahead to
. Advise them of the situation and
have them set up a roadblock. Tell our man to tail him but hang back.”

“Roger that.”

Dread rose to engulf her spirits, dragging her
down. She’d brought trouble home, big trouble.
Please, God! Don’t let anyone get hurt.

Michael spotted a patrol car at the side of the
road as static blared again.

“What happened?” he spoke into the mike.

“Scott was following, but they shot out his tires,

“I’m there. Is he okay?”

“Yes, he’s fine.”

“Good. Call a tow truck for him. I’ll keep going
and try to pick up the Audi.”

“Roger that, Chief.”

They drove until they reached the
roadblock with no
further sign of the Audi. Michael pulled to a stop at the side of the road.

“I’m going to talk to the officers. Wait here.”

She nodded and watched him walk to where an
officer stood. Two patrol cars were parked sideways, blocking the road. As Michael
spoke, another officer left his vehicle and started walking toward her.

She recognized him! Fear had her reaching over
and laying on the horn, never once taking her eyes off the evil intent headed
her way.

Michael must have realized what she tried to convey.
He turned in her direction, drawing his gun, and shouting an order. The man
he’d been talking with also drew his gun, but raised it high, intending to club
Michael over the head. She tooted another warning and climbed behind the wheel,
putting the car in gear and rushing to Michael’s aid. Michael swiveled around
in time to disarm the other cop and knock him to the ground, but now he was
getting to his feet and the second one fast approaching.

She spun the car in a circle, stopping right
beside Michael. He jumped in, and they took off at breakneck speed, the other
two cars soon following.

“Where did you learn to drive like that?” Michael
asked as he buckled himself into the passenger seat.

“Big brother Luke.” She laughed. “We used to get
into a lot of trouble for tearing up the pasture.”

“I’m glad you did. Thanks for the warning back

She glanced at him for a quick second and
smiled. “No problem. As soon as I recognized the cop coming toward me, I knew
we were in trouble.”

“Yeah, so much for the roadblock. I need to call
this in.”

He pulled out his cell phone, dialed a number,
and asked for Constable DuShane. “Yeah, Michael Grayson here,
Blake Northrup informed me that you’re the man I can trust in an emergency…yes,
sir. I had your department set up a roadblock to catch a murderer, but it seems
the officers were his friends and let him go…yes, they attacked us, but we
managed to get away. They are in pursuit…Just a sec.” He put a hand over the mouthpiece
and turned toward her. “Think you can get far enough ahead to pull another U-ey
and head for

She nodded and floored the gas pedal.

“Yes, sir. We’ll turn back…look forward to
meeting you.”

The road widened and she went into action—one
swift tug on the emergency brake, her hands fast on the wheel as the car
skidded around, headed toward their pursuers. She drove straight at them, even
though one had pulled into her lane. Oh, how she’d loved playing chicken as a
teen. Even now, the rush of adrenalin pumping through her veins had her
speeding forward. At the last minute, both cars moved toward the ditch on
either side and allowed her clear passage.

She laughed aloud and rolled down her window to
give them the finger.

“Lady, you are one seriously crazy driver.”

She’d forgotten about Michael and glanced in his
direction, only to see his face wreathed in smiles and his eyes twinkling
brightly. “You loved every minute of it.”

“Darned tootin’! Yes, I did, but it’s a good
thing I’m riding with you and not behind you or I’d have to pull you over.”

Merriment settled inside her, much preferable to
the dread that had consumed her earlier.

“Too bad you can’t see what I can in the
rearview mirror. Those two idiots almost rammed each other pulling U-turns.”

He shifted to look and started laughing. “Guess
I missed the fun, but I can picture it easy enough.”

“Michael, can you send someone to check on Dad?
I’m worried.”

He thumbed the radio to life. “Grayson to base.”

“Yes, Chief?”

“Any cruisers out near Granum?”

“Yes, sir. Charlie just picked up Scott. They’re
on their way back.”

“Have them stop in at my place and check on
things. If everything’s all right, tell them to visit until I can return.”

“Roger that, Chief. What’s your

“I’m heading north to
but as soon as my rendezvous ends, I’ll
be on my way back.”


“The Audi got through the roadblock. Seems this
guy has friends everywhere.”

“Roger. I’ll notify Charlie.”

Michael sat back in his seat. He appeared
relaxed, and she wondered what he was thinking.

“Penny for them.”

He grinned as he looked her way. “I’m wondering
how much razzing I’ll get when the men find out
. Plus, how
am I supposed to explain you driving the squad car?”

She chuckled. “That’s definitely worth the

“Glad you think so. There! The roadblock’s up

“I see it. Should I slow down?”

“Not yet, but give yourself time to stop without
hitting anybody.”


She slammed to a stop in front of the roadblock,
then quickly unbuckled as they jumped clear of the car and hid behind the
barricade. Sure enough, the oncoming car hit broadside, and the second car
slammed into him from behind.

cops from the roadblock immediately surrounded the patrol cars and arrested the
two men amid brutal protests. Leah stood beside Michael, laughing until her
sides ached.

“Grayson? I’m Patrick DuShane. Who’s your

The voice, coming from right behind her,
startled Leah into a quick step sideways. She hadn’t been aware of the man
approaching until he’d spoken.

“Leah Manning. Thank you for coming to our
rescue,” said Michael.

“Thank you for uncovering two leaks in our

“No problem.”

“How many more Mannings are there? You fellows
seem to attract trouble,” he said, smiling as he extended a hand and took hers
in his large, warm one.

“I think you’ve probably met the lot of them,
from what I’ve heard,” Michael said.

“Except Uncle Cameron. He’s away traveling
somewhere,” said Leah. “Luke thinks he might be home for Christmas.”

“I’ll alert the troops.”

DuShane’s comment led to a round of shared laughter.

“I don’t think you need to worry about Uncle
Cam. He’s the most practical and reserved of all of us.”

“Good. What’s this about a murderer riding
around in an Audi, and how does Miss Manning figure into it?” he asked Michael.

“Roderick Kendall is the man who owns the Audi.
Leah lived with him in

“Who did he kill and when?”

“Alexander Stanton, his best friend, a little
over four years ago,” Leah answered.

“Some friend. Did you report it then?”

“No, sir, I couldn’t. He threatened me with the
same fate if I told.”

“I see. Grayson, you have her complete statement
on record?”

“Yes, sir.”

“And do you believe her story?”

“Yes, sir.”

DuShane paused and looked at her, almost seeming
to see right through her, but she stood her ground. Michael believed her, and
she held onto that thought.

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