A Cowboy's Charm (5 page)

Read A Cowboy's Charm Online

Authors: Brandi Michaels

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: A Cowboy's Charm
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Rylan avoided being alone with Callie for the next week. She was helping with household chores, doing most of the cooking and taking an interest in Molly’s garden. That kept her close to the house. He stayed outdoors and worked from daylight to dark. They were civil but kept a safe distance or a lot of people between them. Even though he couldn’t sleep for wanting her lush body, he considered himself lucky to stay out of her clutches.

His luck ran out the following Friday afternoon. He and Chuck were near the barn, moving a water trough, when she sauntered across the driveway to join them. She was dressed in a snug blue tee shirt and tight-fitting jeans. Neither did much to conceal her shapely figure. As usual, she moved with a slow, long-legged grace that made him as restless as a stallion. His cock stirred in interest.

“Hi, Callie!” Chuck greeted warmly. His brothers had accepted her into the household with pleasure. “Did you come out here to help?”

Her gaze met his with just a touch of defiance and Rylan steeled himself. He could tell she’d decided she didn’t want to be avoided any longer. She was restless and ready to cause trouble.

“What exactly are you doing?” she asked, directing her gaze to Chuck.

“This water trough sprung a leak so we had to spot-weld a patch on it. I’m gonna fill it to make sure it’ll hold water.”

Rylan took off his hat, ran a cooling hand over his damp hair then replaced his hat. “I think you can manage to fill the tank all by yourself,” he told his brother.

Chuck gave him a broad grin. He’d already connected the hose and started filling the tank. “If Callie wants to help I can always find something else to do.”

“I’ll bet,” said Rylan. The sun was high, the day was hot and Chuck wanted to go swimming with his girlfriend Jessie. He had permission to leave as soon as they’d finished with the trough.

“I don’t mind helping,” Callie insisted. “I’ve exhausted all the chores near the house but I figured you could always use help.”

She was right but Rylan didn’t want to accept her offer. He didn’t need the constant temptation. The best way to discourage her would be to give her the hottest, dirtiest chore he had yet he didn’t really want her mucking stalls with him in the barn. He thought of another hot, stinky job to test her mettle.

“The old storage shed needs cleaning.”

Rylan saw Chuck’s quick, surprised glance in his direction but ignored it. Callie noticed the exchange and her expression grew suspicious yet she didn’t back down. She glanced toward the shed behind the house then crossed her arms over her chest and eyed him warily.

“What exactly needs to be done?”

“It needs the trash cleared out of it. Mostly a collection of old newspapers and aluminum cans, nothing heavy. No spit-shine, just a little cleaning.”

She held his gaze a few seconds longer and then turned toward the house. Rylan watched the sassy sway of her backside until his stomach muscles clenched. He clenched his teeth and shifted his gaze to Chuck.

His brother was shaking his head from side to side. “Boy are you in for it if she meets up with the residents of that shed,” he insisted with a grin. “She’ll be hoppin’ mad.”

Rylan watched as Callie went into the house then came back out with a broom, dustpan and trash bags. She headed toward the shed a few hundred feet across the drive from him. He glanced at Chuck and returned his brother’s grin.

“Think she’ll have a run in with old mama skunk and her family?” he asked.

Nobody had been near the shed since the polecats took up residence last winter. They needed to be relocated but he and Brad hadn’t gotten around to it yet.

“No doubt about it,” offered Chuck.

They were momentarily distracted as Brad’s truck pulled in the drive and stopped a few feet from them. He shut off the engine and climbed from the cab. They exchanged a little news about his workday and finished filling the trough.

Then they heard Callie scream. Brad started in the direction of her voice but Rylan grabbed his arm. “She’s all right,” he insisted.

Callie let out another ear-splitting scream. There was no doubting the cause was temper, not fear.

“She just met mama skunk and her brood.”

Brad’s eyes flicked back and forth between his brothers’ grinning expressions. It didn’t take a genius to figure what they were up to. The tension eased from him and a matching grin split his face.

All three of them turned to watch Callie stomping angrily toward them across the driveway. Her eyes blazed with fury and every last bit of it was directed straight at Rylan.

“You low down dirty dog!” she yelled. “You knew that shed was full of skunks!”

When she was close enough for them to get a whiff of her, Rylan and Brad took a couple steps backward, moving closer to Chuck and the water trough. Callie stood her ground and continued to glare at Rylan.

“You don’t smell too good,” Brad commented. “Mama must not have been the only one that let loose some spray.”

Callie speared him with a black glance and then turned her fury back on Rylan. Propping her fists on her hips, she continued to rail him.

“That was a totally vile, despicable thing to do!” she hissed. “I can’t believe you set me up like that. You disgusting ingrate!”

“You said you wanted to help,” he reminded, battling to keep his tone bland.

“Pig!” she snapped.

“I’d watch who you’re calling pig,” he taunted. “You don’t smell too great yourself.”

To add insult to injury, they all convulsed into laughter. Rylan watched as her temper soared a few degrees higher. Her cheeks were stained with hot color, her eyes blazing with the threat of retribution. Her hair was a wild tangle of curls, she was shaking with righteous indignation and he’d never seen her look more gloriously beautiful.

“Too bad if you don’t like the way I smell,” she snapped, moving closer.

Rylan threw out a hand to ward her off, laughing harder than he had in years. Brad and Chuck were doubled over with laughter. He could tell it made her even more furious. He continued to watch her through watery eyes and noted the change in her expression, the instant she decided how to get back at him. Excitement and exhilaration whipped through his body. His balls tightened and his cock pulsed with anticipation.

“I’ll be glad to get rid of the stink too.” She slowly reached down to pull off a shoe. “These clothes are totally ruined.”

Without warning she hurled the shoe at Rylan’s head. He dodged as it whizzed past his ear. Then he and Brad ducked as she aimed the other in their direction. All she accomplished was making them laugh harder.

Next she pulled off both her socks and folded them into a ball. He dodged when she wound up for a throw. She balked and then let her missile fly, faking him out and knocking his hat off his head.

“Take that, you jerk!” she snapped. “I’ll never be able to use any of these clothes again! And these
my favorite jeans!”

The men roared and Callie’s expression promised retribution. She stood perfectly still for a few minutes, hands propped on her hips, until their laughter calmed to chuckles. Then the gleam in her eyes issued a different warning. Rylan watched, intrigued, as one of her hands slid slowly toward the waistband of her jeans and flicked the snap.

“I can’t even wear them into the house they smell so rotten,” she insisted, her voice taking on a whole new note of defiance.

Determination glittered in her eyes. His gaze dropped to where her fingers were steadily sliding down the zipper of her jeans, tooth by tooth. His libido kicked into high gear and suddenly their exchange became more personal, more intimate. He didn’t figure she needed any more of an audience.

Without taking his gaze from her, he threw an order at Chuck. “Go swimming.”

“Aw, Rylan,” the younger boy groused.


His brother obeyed but not without a parting shot of disgust. Rylan ignored him and sent a glance of dismissal at Brad. The battle between him and Callie was about to turn real personal.

“The hell.” His brother crossed his arms over his chest and refused to budge.

Callie did a great imitation of a stripper as she slowly wiggled her hips and then each leg from the denim. Rylan’s body tightened even more at the sight of each long, sleek limb. The tiny blue thong panties she revealed had his temperature soaring and his cock at full staff.

“Not so funny now, big guy?” she taunted, then tossed the jeans in his direction. They didn’t make a direct hit but they landed with a thud and stirred up the dust at his feet.

“Ready to apologize for being such an ungrateful swine?” she challenged.

Rylan couldn’t contain the grin that creased his face. “Tomato juice is supposed to help get rid of the stench,” he taunted.

Callie’s eyes blazed and her hands went to the hem of her tee shirt. Rylan saw a flash of a lacy blue bra as she pulled the shirt over her midriff. The sight of all that smooth, bare skin kicked his pulse into overdrive. By the time she had it tugged over her head he was grabbing her around the waist. She tried to cram the smelly shirt in his face. While she struggled with it he picked her up and carried her toward the trough.

“I think you need to cool down.”

Without further warning he unceremoniously dumped her into the icy cold water of the trough Chuck had just filled. Callie’s eyes and mouth opened wide with shock as she sank beneath the water.

Brad was doubled over with laughter again. Rylan joined him until tears ran from their eyes. They kept a close watch on the tank, expecting Callie to come bouncing out, spitting and cussing. Anticipation of her next move was almost as fun as teasing her.

But she didn’t resurface as soon as they thought she should. After a long minute with no reaction at all, their laughter eased.

“She didn’t hit her head or something, did she?” asked Brad, wiping his eyes.

Rylan looked into the tank. The water was crystal clear and Callie’s features were totally still. Her hair floated softly around her face and he felt an instant of panic. He grabbed her by the waist and pulled her out. She reacted swiftly and fiercely, spitting a mouthful of water into his face and soaking him with water.

He gasped as the icy water hit him along with a wave of relief. Damn the woman for always keeping him off balance. Tightening his hold on her, he jerked her clear of the trough before she could do more damage. She was as smooth, slippery and wiggly as a fish so he pulled her closer against his chest.

“I guess it’ll take more than a dip to cool you off,” he decided, struggling to hold on to her wriggling form. “I’d better take you straight to the shower.”

Tossing Callie over his shoulder, he headed for the house. She hissed and spit like a wildcat, thumping his back and buttocks with her fists while she called him a few more choice names. The thought of their last shower together had his cock throbbing against the denim of his jeans. The feel of her hands on him made his blood sizzle. He assured himself that all he wanted from her was sex. She had a hot body and wanton talents. Just an itch he needed scratched, nothing more.

When she wouldn’t hold still he smacked her wet, squirming rear end. What he really wanted to do was cup her tight ass cheeks in both hands and bite her sweet pussy. Instead he warned her to hold still or he’d drop her. She stilled a little but then tugged sharply on the back pockets of his jeans and gave him a wedgie. He grunted, did a little squirming himself and smacked her bottom a couple more times in retribution.

When they entered the back porch she went limp for an instant and stopped grumbling. The next thing he knew she was tugging his tee shirt from the waistband of his jeans. She used it to wipe her face and then sop some of the moisture from her drenched hair.

Damn she was something else.

She smelled like a wet skunk but she was all woman in his arms. Her skin felt like satin. Her legs were damp and smooth, her hips were pressed against his jaw and he could feel the tight buds of her nipples pressing against his back. She was one dangerous package.

The climb up the stairs had Rylan panting yet not from physical exertion. Having Callie at his mercy and rubbing against him made his pulse pound. The gnawing need for her had been constant since the last time he buried himself deep inside of her.

Callie didn’t offer any resistance when he carried her into the bathroom or when he stepped far enough into the shower stall to adjust the water faucets. But when he slid her down his body and tried to let go of her she suddenly twisted, throwing him off balance. Before he could regain his footing and untangle himself his neck was caught in the vise of her slender arms.

Then her mouth was on his, hard and demanding. All her passionate anger got redirected. Rylan swiftly forgot everything but the taste and feel of her. He thrust his tongue into her mouth and savored her small moan of pleasure. His cock throbbed with impatience and he followed her as she stepped into the shower.

Water streamed over them yet neither made any attempt to move. They clung to each other, arms and legs tangling as they strained to get closer. Her nipples stabbed his chest and he felt a deep, savage need to suck them but he was too busy sucking her tongue. She tasted like forbidden fruit and he couldn’t seem to get his fill.

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