A Controller's Destiny (Unit Matched #3) (2 page)

BOOK: A Controller's Destiny (Unit Matched #3)
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“Graham, you’ve never wanted to be Matched to anyone,” I reminded him.

His head fell back on the headrest. “But I’m here now,” he mumbled.

“I never thought I would be Pushed Back so quickly.” I crossed my arms to protect my heart.

“I didn’t say that I was doing that, did I?” His voice was stern.

I shook my head. “No, you didn’t, but you have been very vocal about Matched traditions and ceremonies.”

He took a deep breath. “I am, but if I didn’t want to be here, I would have left Unit.”

“Then why are you here?” I barked at him. “I mean, I can already see that you don’t want to be here.” I turned to look at him. In the moonlight, I could see his dark, shiny eyes as he stared me down.

“Gia,” his voice was calm. “How about we take this one step at a time? Now, please stop jumping to conclusions, and let’s start this conversation over.”

I hung my head. He was right. I could tell he was telling the truth. I shouldn’t be this way. “Okay, I’m sorry.”

“Don’t apologize, Gia. Let’s have a date night and get to know each other better. I mean, I know we’ve been around each other forever, but I don’t have clue about you.”

“I agree. When would you like to go out?”

“Tomorrow? I should be done from work around five or so.”

“That’s fine.”

He nodded and drove me back to my house. He walked me up to my door. For a split second, I thought maybe I’d be getting my first kiss; however, I quickly shot that out of my head. I didn’t want to have a panic attack right there.

“I’ve never noticed that.”

“Huh? What?” I had been thinking about not passing out and hadn’t heard what he said.

“I never noticed how short you were,

“I guess.” I sigh. I’ve always been the shortest and they always let me know it, too.

“Well, I’ll see you tomorrow night, Shorty. Don’t be afraid; everything is going to be fine.”

I nodded and opened the door. Graham stood there until I was inside, and I watched from the window as he drove away.

Mom was sitting on the couch waiting for me. “How was it?”

“It was fine.” I sat next to her on the couch. She’d had already changed out of the elaborate ball gown that she’d worn.

“I hope that it works out. Because… you know…” her voice trails off.

I nodded. “I know.” I kissed her cheek and headed up the stairs.




The water in the tub begins to cool as I get out and head to bed. Graham and I had chosen a king size bed. However, he’s never slept in it. Since the first night we moved into our house, he’s only been in the bedroom a couple of times and never near the bed.

I slip on a T-shirt and flannel pants and crawl into bed. This room always feels empty to me. I’m not scared to be in here, but it’s too big for just me.

I try to clear my head and stop the roller coaster of emotions and drift to sleep.

Chapter 2

Triple Date Night


Since I’m currently unemployed, I make sure that I’m up early enough to have Graham’s breakfast ready and his lunch packed. I’m not a 1940’s housewife, but since I’m not bringing any money into the house right now, I’m trying to do my part.

“Shorty, you don’t have to do this every morning. Haven’t we had this discussion before?”

I turn to see Graham, in his work uniform, grabbing the orange juice out of the fridge.

“It’s nothing big.” I shrug, putting the pancakes and bacon on the plate. I put it on the table. When I turn, I slam right into his chest.

“Sorry. Sorry.” I scurry away from him.

“Gia.” His voice is firm. “Stop apologizing every minute.”


He glares at me. Before I say it again, my phone rings. I look at the ID and see that it’s Mrs. Parker from the Middle School.

“Gia, how are you?”

“I’m well.” I couldn’t tell by her chipper voice if this is good news or not.

“I wanted to let you know that you’re now the new Math teacher for Unit Middle School.”

As much as I should be jumping up and down at this moment, I didn’t because I hadn’t gotten this job on merit.

“Now, Gia, because we are shorthanded, we need you to start right away.”

“That isn’t a problem; when do you need me?”


My eyes grew wide. Today is Friday. Well, I guess no time like the present.

“Sounds fine.” I try to hide the panic in my voice.

“Great. Come by this afternoon and fill out the paperwork. I can give you the lesson plans. The King said that you’ll be able to handle everything quickly.”

Of course he did. “Great,” I mimicked her voice. “I will be there.”

After making arrangements for the time to meet, Mrs. Parker disconnects the call.

“Everything okay?” Graham looks at me suspiciously.

“Yep. I got the job. I need to go over later this afternoon and sign some papers and then I start on Monday.” I stare at the cell phone.

I can never fathom how fast life can change in the blink of an eye. An hour ago I was unemployed, and now I’m starting my career in a couple of days. I shake my head in disbelief.

“Hey,” Graham comes over to me. “What’s wrong?”

I shrug.

“Shorty, if you don’t want the job then don’t take it. You can look for something in the city if you want.”

“No, it’s not that.”

“What is it? Talk to me.” He steps closer to me.

“It’s nothing, I swear.” I look up at him and stare into his dark eyes. His hair is a little longer than when we were first Matched, and it falls softly on his forehead. It’s as dark as his eyes. I inhale his scent. It makes my knees a little weak as the hint of spice and cinnamon sweeps over me.


“Graham, it’s fine. I’m fine. I’ll go today and get everything done, and I’ll start on Monday.”

He cocks one eyebrow at me knowing that I’m merely appeasing him.

“If that’s how you want to play, Gia, then everything is
.” He glances at the clock. “I need to go, but how about you and I go out tonight and celebrate?”

I nod.

“All right. See you later,” he says before he turns and leaves.

I stand in the house and listen to the silence. I decide to call my mom and let her know that I got the job.

“That’s great, sweetie. I’m proud of you,” she coos over me.

“Thanks; I’m a little nervous.”

“Don’t be. Tell me, how are the girls? Anything exciting happening? Is Amaya pregnant yet?”

Mom is always asking me about my Pairs and I know that’s because she wants to make sure that everything is okay in my life.

“Xaviera is still the only one pregnant. Everything with the girls is fine.”

“What about you? Are you and Graham…” she trails off waiting for me to finish it.

“No. Everything is still the same here, too.”

“Oh, Gia,” she takes a deep breath. “I hope something happens soon so you can enjoy the experience before-”

“Yes, Mom I know,” I cut her off. “I need to go and get ready. Love you.” With that, I hang up and decide that it’s time to start the day. I will focus on getting my career started; maybe it’s better not to worry about anything else.




After I finish filling out my paperwork at Unit Middle School and walk through my classroom, I head over to Xaviera to check in on her. When I walk in I see Amaya with her.

“How excited are you?”

She seems to be more excited than I am.

“Come on, Gia, or should I say Mrs. Centers,” Amaya jokes.

“I’m happy. I am.” I put on my fake smile. “Graham is supposed to take me out tonight to celebrate.”

“Are you going to get lucky?” Amaya wags her eyebrows.

“Ugh,” I roll my eyes. “I highly doubt it.”

“Still nothing, huh?” Xaviera touches my arm.

“Do I look like a girl having sex?” I smart off at her. “Sorry.” I instantly shake my head.

Xaviera takes my hand. “I’m sure that you two will work it out soon.”

“You know what you should do? Hide his Xbox, and jump his bones when he isn’t looking.” Amaya suggests.

“Right, Amaya, because I want my first time to be with someone who doesn’t want me.” 

“Hey, I have an idea,” Xaviera chimes in. “Let’s all go out tonight. We’ve never been out together and we all should be there to celebrate your job. Come on.”

“Er…I don’t know.” I definitely didn’t want the spotlight on me tonight.

“No, it’s perfect, and maybe Xaviera and I can figure out what Graham’s deal is,” Amaya smiles.

“Don’t you dare say anything to him.” I point my finger at her. “I meant it.”

“I wouldn’t do that to you.” Amaya solemnly swears.

“Gia, you know that we won’t do that. However, I do agree with Amaya that this will help us figure out what’s going on with Graham.” Xaviera lovingly squeezes my hand.

“Fine, but if either of you say anything, I’ll never talk to you again.”

“You’re so lying right now.” Amaya shakes her head. “However, if it makes you feel better, then okay.” She gives me a quick hug before she leaves the house.

“It’ll be fine.” Xaviera nods at me. “We’ll see you tonight.”

I get up and head home. When I pull into the driveway, I don’t get out right away. I listen to the wind and the noises outside. I know the girls wouldn’t embarrass me especially if I asked them not to. Although Amaya is loose cannon at times, she loves me like a sister.

I figure that everything is going to be fine and I need to shake these feelings away. I’m about to go out on a triple date. I need to hang out with my friends and have a good time.

I hop out of the Ford and head into the house to get ready.




I didn’t even hear Graham come home until I heard him coming up the stairs.

“Shorty, you up here?”

“In the bedroom,” I yelled.

Graham stands outside the door. “Are you decent?”

“Yes.” I’m putting my silver hoop earrings in.

“The guys texted me and said they were coming, too.” He leans against the doorframe.

“Is that okay? The girls suggested it today when I went over there.” I turn to him. “I can cancel.” Graham’s eyes are as wide as a silver dollar. “What is it?”

“You…um…” he points his shoulders.

I look down.


I hadn’t put my jacket on. I had a long black cotton skirt, with a purple tank top. However, I forgot to slip into my dark green jean jacket.

“I’m sorry.” I hurriedly put it on and button it up. “I wasn’t thinking.” I try to not show any skin when Graham is around because it makes him comfortable. Actually, it makes me the same way at times, because no man has seen me that way before.

“It’s fine, and it’s fine that everyone goes. I need to go get ready.” He rushes away from me.

Maybe he thinks I’m ugly. I’m a tiny Controller and I bet that he wants to be Matched to another Protector.

Great, I am going to be with him for the rest of my life, and he doesn’t like me.

I take a deep breath and head downstairs. No part of me wants to celebrate right now. I should call and cancel everything and then curl up with a book. At least, fictional men like their fictional women.

I sit down on the couch and look over at Graham’s Xbox controller. Maybe I should take Amaya’s advice. Not about jumping Graham, but about hiding his Xbox. At least then, when the sun goes down, he’ll take to me.

What does it matter, anyway?

He won’t even sleep in our bed. Heck, he won’t even talk to me when night falls and he could easily do that.

I close my eyes and push the fact that Graham doesn’t like me away and focus on my new job Monday. I will have five math classes with nine girls in each class. I will be teaching the sixth graders. It’s weird to think that it wasn’t that long ago when I was in that same class with Xaviera and Amaya.

“Thaddeus said he knows an Italian place in the city. Do you want to go there?” Graham jogs down the stairs.

“That’s fine. I know Xaviera has been eating a lot of pasta lately.”

“It’s your night, Shorty; if you don’t want to go there then we won’t.”

I look up at him and gasp. He’s wearing a dark blue shirt and matching tie, along with a pair of gray slacks. I can see the muscles outlined under the perfect tailored outfit.


“No, it’s fine.” I stand. “I don’t mind, and I’m sure the place is lovely.” I put on my fake smile.


I stop him. “It’s fine; let’s go.”

He doesn’t argue anymore. “We’re going to follow Thaddeus and Oliver. Want to take the Ford so you don’t have to climb into the truck?”

I nod just as a horn blows outside. I grab my purse and scarf and Graham opens the door for me. Thaddeus’ Audi and Oliver’s Escalade are sitting in the middle of the street. We hop into the Ford and follow them out of Unit.

Graham discusses his day and is excited to get two new customers this week. Apparently, they are big projects and will help the company gain more exposure. He asks about my day and I give him the abridged version of my meeting with Mrs. Parker.

“Wow, forty-five girls. That’s going to keep you busy.”

I nod. I’m hoping that it does and it’ll keep my mind off of everything at home and life.

“It’ll help you when we have kids someday, too.”

I whip my head around so fast to look at him that I almost knock myself out with my long black hair. Was he absent on the day they discussed how babies were made?



That’s never going to happen. Unless Mother Nature drops one off on the doorstep.


I didn’t say anything to Graham, but continued to stare at him in disbelief.

“Shorty, what is it?”

“You want kids?”

“Sure, don’t you?” he looks confused.

“Yes, but,” I stop before I blurt out that we need to actually touch each other for that to happen.

“But what?”

My mouth hangs open as Graham parks the car next to Oliver’s.

“But what?” he repeats.

I start to tell him that he doesn’t even sleep in the same bed I do, but Amaya knocks on the window and I stop.

“I’m hungry,” she announces through the glass.

I open the door and try to wrap my head around the conversation that just happened. I can’t believe that he wants kids; I never thought that he would want them.

Graham takes my hand. He always holds my hand when were in public together. He has since our first date. It never goes any further.

The restaurant is packed, but Thaddeus knows the owner and they promise to get us a table quickly. They escort us to a private bar on the other side of the restaurant. We find three empty stools, and the guys stand behind us as we sit. I order a cranberry juice and sprite while the other two order water. Each of the guys orders gin and tonics. I have seen Graham have the occasional beer, but never more than one. He would rather have a glass of Pepsi.

I look over at Thaddeus and Xaviera as he has his arms wrapped around her shoulders. Oliver is whispering something in Amaya’s ear causing her to giggle. And here I sit, twirling my straw in the glass.

“Whatever you’re over thinking, stop it now.” Graham’s voice is low and tickles my ear. “This is your night and I don’t want you looking depressed the whole time. I’m sorry I brought the kid subject up. I know that we’ve never talked about it. I shouldn’t have blindsided you like that. If you don’t want to have a kid, that’s fine.”

I turn my head to look at him. “That’s not the point,” I whisper back.

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