A Controller's Destiny (Unit Matched #3) (13 page)

BOOK: A Controller's Destiny (Unit Matched #3)
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I nod. “I’m sorry for saying all those things.”

“Don’t be sorry, Gia. I hate that you can’t have all of that. You can’t keep these feelings bottled up in you. You need to let us know how you’re feeling. You can let the world rest on your shoulders. That’s what we are for. The six of us are in it together. We all love you and we all will figure this out. We’re a team.” Amaya wipes my face.

I nod again and stand. “How mad is Graham?”

Amaya takes a deep breath. “He’s not mad. He’s worried. He loves you, but you have to talk to us. You can’t go running off in the woods. Let’s get you home before Graham tears up Unit looking for you.”

We slowly walk back to my house and she keeps her arm around me. At times, Amaya seems like this careless, heartless person, but that’s not her at all. I knew that if ever came down to her or me, she would jump in front of a speeding bullet for me. She’s like my sister.

She is my sister.

Amaya and I go into my house and I stumble when Xaviera tackles me. She’s crying.

“Where were you?”

“I went for a run.” I try to joke with her.

“Don’t you understand how worried I was when Graham called?”

“I know, I know.” I soothe her and take away her worries and fear. “I’m here. It’s okay, now. I just needed to have a nervous breakdown.”

Xaviera nods and steps out of my arms. “We’re here for you. Please remember that. I don’t know what you’re going through, but we’re in it together.”

“Did you both practice this speech?” looking between her and Amaya.

Amaya and Xaviera laugh.

“No, we didn’t. We love our Paired. We love our sister.” Xaviera hugs me again.

I can feel how tired she is and she’s in her pajamas.

“Go home.” I look over and see Thaddeus and Oliver standing next to Graham. He looks exhausted. I shouldn’t have made him worry. “Please, everyone go home. I’m fine. I was having a little fit. It’s over now.”

Thaddeus and Oliver look at Graham and he nods. Like always, they slap his shoulders and come over to the girls.

“Rest, Gia. You need it.” Xaviera gives me a sad smile.

Once they have left, I turn to look at Graham. He hasn’t moved from the couch. He looks like he’s aged ten years. I didn’t think I had been gone that long. But, apparently it had been a few hours.

“Shorty,” he stands and walks over to me. “Please don’t run away from me again. Talk to me.”

“I’m sorry. I mean it, too. I was over thinking again and all my thoughts got jumbled in my head, and I lost control. I’m sorry.”

“You can lose control. That’s fine. Hell, I expect it, but talk to me.”

I nod. “I need a shower. I need to rest.”

“Shorty.” He tries to stop me, but I stop him.

“Let me rest; we can talk tomorrow.”

Finally, he nods and I go to my bedroom.


Chapter 15

A Normal Day


Waking up without Graham in the bed is possibly the worst feeling I have felt in a long time. He didn’t sleep with me last night. I know that because I was awake most of the night.

Amaya, Xaviera, Graham, they’re all right. I can’t keep it all inside. I need to talk. We all know what’s going to happen in the end.

I think back to time when I was in denial. That’s the stage that they’re in now, and I need to remember that, too. Now, I need to figure out a way to apologize to Graham. I need him. He’s my Matched. He doesn’t deserve to be treated like he’s nothing and that’s what I did.

I decide that today is going to be Graham’s day. I want to make it up to him. I quickly get ready and head downstairs.

I can hear him moving around upstairs as I make his favorite breakfast. I made sure that it’s all ready when he comes into the kitchen.

“What’s this?”

I smile brightly at him. “Peace offering.”

Graham looks at the table that holds pancakes, eggs, hash browns, bacon, and a tall glass of Pepsi.


“Last night,” I drop my head in shame and embarrassment. “I acted like a child and shouldn’t have made everyone worry about me like that.” I look up into his dark eyes. “So, for me to make it up to you, we’re going to have a Graham Day. We’re going to do everything and anything you want today.”

“Shorty,” he groans. “You don’t have to make it up to me. I’m concerned about you because I love you and you’re my Matched. I want you to talk to me.”

I don’t know what it is, but every time he says that he loves me, my heart skips a beat. Even though I wished for my Matched love me, it’s different when they actually say the words right in front of you.

I call for the courage and step closer to him. I stand up on my tip-toes and place my hands on his cheeks. “I love you and I vow, from now until the end, to be honest and open with you about everything and anything.” I gently place a chaste kiss on his lips and step back.

Graham gives me a small smile and pulls my chair out. “Let’s have breakfast then.”

I sit down and dig into the warm food. I don’t think of myself as some great chef, but I know that I’m a master at cooking breakfast.

We don’t talk about much as we eat because we can’t stop eating long enough to have a real conversation. We clean the kitchen up and I smile up at him.

“What are we going to do today?”

“Shorty, I told you.”

“No,” I grab his arm. “Today is Graham day. Now, what are we doing?”

“You’re not going to let this go, are you?” He narrows his eyes at me.

I cross my arms. It’s not like I’m really that intimidating, but I’m trying to get a point across.

“Fine. I need to go into the city and get new work boots. Happy?”

I smile. “Good. I need to pick up some items for our New Orleans trip. I’ll grab my purse.”

As he drives us into the city, he tells me about another two projects that he was able to get. I can feel how proud he is that he’s accomplishing so much at his dad’s business. I know that when he takes it over he’s going to be very successful.

Our first stop is a store that sells men’s work apparel. I’ve never been big on shopping like Xaviera and Amaya, but I knew that Graham hated it more than I did.

We walk into the store, head straight for the back wall where all the shoes are, and he stares at it for a moment. About a minute later, he finds a pair, quickly tries them on, and says he’s ready to go.

“That’s it?”

“Yep, these will do.” He nods at the box in his hand.

“Are you sure?”

“Yep, they fit fine and black goes with everything, right?” he winks at me.

For the first time in a while, I giggle at him. “I guess. I’ll give you fair warning that I might be a few more minutes with my purchases.”

“That’s fine.” He pays for the boots and we head to the mall.

Graham holds my hand as we stroll through the crowded mall. It’s a nice day. It isn’t as cold as usual. Although there’s still snow on the ground, you can feel the season beginning to change.

“I’m excited about this trip.” I told him as I flip through the first rack of clothes that I find.

“I am, too.” He leans against wall closes to me.

“Have you ever traveled?”

“Not really. Been up to O’s cabin a lot. New York with my mom a few times. My dad, brother, and I went to Maine and did some hunting, but nothing else.”

“New York City is as far as I’ve gone.” I pick up a couple things. “I’ll be right back.”

Graham nods and I head off to the dressing room. The two tops that I picked are more revealing than I wanted. I walk back out, a little disappointed, and look through more racks. Of course, I find nothing.

“Can’t find anything?”

I shake my head. “Not unless you want me in a string bikini or a top low enough to show everything I have.”

Graham smirks and I notice his cheeks turn a little red. “Well.”

I lower my gaze from his as I feel the blush growing on my cheeks.

“Come on, let’s go to another store.” Graham takes my hand and we head to the next.

I go through more racks and a couple more stores and I’m able to find a few tops and a couple pair of capris. Graham never complains this was supposed to be
day. He even carries my bags.

“I think you tricked me.” I frown at him.

“How so?”

“This is Graham’s day not Gia’s, but somehow you turned the tables.” I point at him.

He chuckles. “It’s still my day because I wanted to spend it with you.”

I playfully roll my eyes at him. “Fine.”

“However, since it is
day, I do know where I want to go to lunch.”

“Really, where?”

“The Steakhouse.”

“Somehow, I already knew that,” I laugh. Graham eats there any chance he gets.

“Do we need anything else while we’re here?”

I shake my head. “Let’s go eat.” He takes my hand and we head to the other side of the mall.

As we’re walking, I take in the fact that, for a moment, this is a normal life. We are a Matched couple, shopping for an upcoming vacation, and off to have lunch together. This is what I’ve wanted.

I bite my lip to hold back the smile spreading on my face. Graham is giving me normalcy. He’s giving me what I want. How does one thank someone for that?

If Amaya were to answer she would say, sex.

“What are you giggling at?” Graham stops and looks down at me.

“Nothing.” I keep my head down so he can’t see my blush on my cheeks.

“Okay,” he says, but I know he doesn’t believe me.

Once we reach the restaurant, we are quickly seated near the bar. Graham seems to have his eyes locked on the TV screen where a hockey game is playing, when the waitress comes over to take our drink order. Of course, Graham orders a Pepsi and I have water with lemon. I notice the waitress keeps batting her eyes at Graham, who isn’t paying attention.

I can feel the jealously begin to flow through me. However, I remind myself that he’s my Matched and he doesn’t have a wandering eye.

“What else do you have planned for tonight?”

“Well,” he leans back in the booth and smirks at me. “We could go to a movie, or go home and watch a movie, or…” he tails off.

“Or?” I push.

“Or we could call everyone over and have a relaxing night together as friends?”

“Is that what you want to do?” I knew that we had been hanging with everyone a lot, but it’s been to go over battle plans, and I didn’t want to do that tonight.

He shrugs.

“You do realize that this time, next week, we’ll be locked in a van with them, driving over twenty-four hours to New Orleans, right?”

Graham nods. “Okay, then my vote is for a relaxing movie at home, with my Matched.”

I smile at him. “You pick the movie and we have a deal.” I stretch my hand out across the booth for him.

His large hand engulfs mine. “Deal.”

The waitress comes back and we place our order. She continues to stare at Graham and sticks her chest out a little more. I can feel myself becoming madder by the minute.

“Stop,” Graham says once she leaves.

“Stop what?” I pretend that I don’t know what he’s talking about.

“I can feel it. You’re jealous. Trust me when I say that she isn’t my type at all. Just like those girls at that other restaurant.”

My heart slows from the jealously, but still beats hard from his words. “Who is your type?” I bravely ask.

He places his elbows on the table and leans in. “Someone exactly like you. I guess, it’s a good thing we’re Matched then, huh?” his husky voice is a low whisper and sends a shiver down my spine.

I hang my head, letting my hair shield my face so he doesn’t see me blush. It’s not like that he can’t figure out what was happening.

“Look at me, Shorty.”

I slowly lift my head.

“I have no interest in anyone but you. Okay?”

I nod, feeling his love wash over me. It’s soothing to me and my soul, knowing that he cares that much for me.

The waitress comes back, but Graham’s eyes never leave mine the whole time. I cast a quick glance at the waitress and she seems to be getting the point. I smile before I have time to stop it, and Graham chuckles.

Our meal was peaceful and very filling. We we’re finished and paid for everything, we both decide that it’s time to get back to Unit and relax at home.

Just the two of us.

Once the gates of Unit open, I realize that I am back to reality. I’m back to being the Super Controller that’s supposed to save Unit.

Graham unloads the bags and we head into the house. I look around the house; this home that we have made together. I know that I had thought before that it wasn’t my
, but so much has happened to show me that this my home and my life.

This is the life I wanted and imagined I’d have.

“Graham,” I touch his shoulder as he sits the bags down. “Thank you.”

“For what?”

“Today. It’s meant a lot to me.”

“How so?”

I shrug, feeling my throat closing up from the lump of emotions.

“Shorty, what is it?”

“It felt like a normal day. I didn’t worry about Zane, or the prophecy, or anything today. It was nice and I have you to thank you for that.”

“Shorty,” Graham cups my small face with his large hands. “I love you and I’m glad that we had today, too.” He gives me a chaste kiss on my lips.

He pulls back a little and stares at my eyes. I lick my lips again as he closes the distance one more time. Graham releases my face and drops his hands to my hips, gripping me tightly.

I moan at our connection, opening my mouth wider for him to slip his tongue inside. I run my hands through his dark hair and rest them on the back of his neck.

We continue our kiss until the bravery takes over me, and I push off his jacket letting it fall to the floor. Graham does the same to mine.

I’m not sure who moved first, but we both make our way over to the couch. I lay down, and he covers my body with his. We’ve never been in this position. We’ve never been this close to each other.

I know I do not want to push him, but I want to touch his skin. I want to feel it against me. I let the bravery continue to take over my logical thinking and I drag my nails down his back until I reach the bottom of his T-shirt. I tug it up enough to lay my hands on his back, never removing the shirt itself.

Graham groans loudly against my mouth and breaks the kiss. When he pulls back, I can feel how swollen my lips are and see the same with his.

For a second, I think that he’s going to get up and leave me there wanting more, but he doesn’t do that. Instead, he leans down and kisses the nape of my neck. I moan, causing my body to rock against his.

Before I realize it, Graham pushes my shirt up a little and touches my skin. I gasp. No one has ever touched me like his.

It seems like a tiny touch, but to me it meant so much more. Graham and I have been Matched since September, had our ceremony in December, and now it’s March and this is the first time he’s touched me this way.

And I like it.

A lot.

I bite my lip and lightly caress his back. He lays his forehead on mine. With the bravery still controlling me, I pull his shirt up more.

I never take the lead in anything and especially something like this. However, Graham is following me, as if I’m giving him permission. He pushes my shirt up more. Our bare stomachs are now touching each other and we’re staring at each other.

I can do this.

I want this.

I want my Matched.

“How far do you want this to go?”

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