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Authors: Claudio Pavone

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H. S. Hughes,
Consciousness and Society
, New Brunswick: Transaction, 2002 [1958], p. 18.

On the first point, see D. Fossa, ‘Il Partito e le Generazioni', and G. Pini, ‘I nostri giovani', in
XXI: 2 (February 1942), pp. 59–62, and XXII: 6 (June 1943), pp. 192–3. The latter piece resolved the question with a peremptory claim that ‘there is no young people's question'. On the second point, see the 2 March 1944
Il Regime fascista

I seicento giorni
, p. 68. From research concerning one Emilian village – too restricted in scope to allow for generalisations (there being only 2,000 inhabitants) – it emerges that it was primarily men under twenty-four or over forty years of age who signed up for the Partito Fascista Repubblicano, thus missing out the age group that had the greatest presence in the Second World War. D. Gagliani, ‘Ma chi erano i fascisti repubblicani?', in
X: 34 (January–March 1989), pp. 28–32.

Chiaramello sarcastically remarked on ‘the revolutionary ideas our Ada has got into her head', on account of her discussion of internees, prisoners, the homeless, schools and the families of those victimised because of their politics (Gobetti,
Diario partigiano
, pp. 342–3: 14 April 1945).

La vita indivisibile
, p. 158 (24 March 1944).

Letter from Marcello Frullini to Aligi Barducci, Florence, 5 July 1934. Note the preceding letter, 24 May. The formation of an example of what Mannheim terms ‘generational units' shines through in the comments Barducci, doing his military service in Messina, made to Frullini: ‘It is with pleasure that I hear that you have discovered a
of ours' (2 August 1934; the letters are in G. and E. Varlecchi,
, pp. 118, 114, 123). When the present author, then a second lieutenant, reached a border guard unit in 1941, an anti-fascist officer, Carlo Martinenghi, said to this
of his – even before any exchange of their secret political views – ‘One of our own has arrived'.

Giovanni Contini interviewing Bruno Banchelli, a Communist cadre in the Florence Pignone plant, 29 April 1980. G. Contini, ‘Operaismo e innovazione. Militanza politica e alfabetizzazione imperfetta', in
Problemi del socialismo
2–3 (1988), pp. 212–13.

La guerra dei poveri
, p. 124.

D'Angiolini's testimony, in conversation with the author.

, p. 176 (23 February 1944) and p. 59.

‘Ai partigiani' editorial of
Lungo il Tanaro
, newssheet of the 10
GL Alpine Division, April 1945.

Appeal published in
Virtù e Lavoro
(in the municipality of San Vito al Tagliamento). Comrade Sante's reply is from 20 March 1945 (IZDG, envelope 272, folder IV/A).

The Modena Fascist paper
Valanga repubblicana
, 8 October 1944, quoted in Gorrieri,
La Repubblica di Montefiorino
, p. 201. One issue of the paper was seized from the newsstands, and its director, the young officer Rino Lavini, relieved of his duties.

‘Umanità e cultura', initialed ‘L.N.' in
(‘Notebooks of political discussion among the youth, free voice of the Associazione universitaria studentesca'), July–August 1944 (a typescript in my possession). One young woman (Franca Gronda, from Milan), though approving of the substance of the text containing this and other statements, noted in the margin ‘The style is too extravagant for any sincerity to come through!'

Appeals of the ‘Comitato studentesco di agitazione' (‘Student agitation committee') and ‘Comitato di difesa degli insegnanti aderente al Fronte della gioventù' (‘Committee in defence of teachers attached to the Youth Front') – notable, here, that just like women and peasants, university professors had to be ‘defended', and at that by students (
Attività clandestina
, pp. 11–12).

Box ‘Ai giovani', signed ‘faber',
Il Segno
, 1 March 1944.

See ‘Il nostro posto', in
(Rome), 1 May 1944. Another article, ‘Vent'anni di ineducazione', was very critical as regards bad educators, professors, men of culture etc.
, which said it had emerged on 25 May 1943 – in memory of the Unione Goliardica born on 23 March 1924 – ‘supported the Partito liberale'.

Nuova Goliardia
, organ of the students of the Fronte della gioventù, Genoa, 1 October 1944 (
Saggio bibliografico
, n. 2839).

, ‘Paper of the Socialist youth', June 1944 (the article is signed by ‘a young man').

Rome edition of
, 30 December 1943, with a page devoted to the killing of Mario Fioretti by a Fascist (‘La figura del caduto').

I refer, here, to R. Zangrandi,
Il lungo viaggio attraverso il fascismo
, Milan: Feltrinelli, 1962 (a more succinct first edition was published in 1947).

This type of passage from Fascism to anti-Fascism is judged harshly in the article ‘Peccatori contro lo spirito', appearing in the liberal Piedmont paper
, 14 January 1945. On the Fascist left's early hints at a rapprochement with socialism – mainly among students – see the letter from Lucio Luzzatto to Giuseppe Faravelli, November 1936 (in Merli,
La ricostruzione
, pp. 743–4).

One fine example is the obituary that Eugenio Colorni – soon before himself being killed – wrote of Giuseppe Lopresti, shot at the Fosse Ardeatine (copy in the author's possession).

Testimony of Teresa Cirio (Bruzzone and Farina,
La Resistenza taciuta
, p. 30). On the novelties in the lives of young people in the 1930s, see the food for thought given by Victoria de Grazia in her aforementioned discussion with Luisa Passerini (p. 24), as well as the same author's
The Culture of Consent: Mass Organization and Leisure in Fascist Italy
, New York: Cambridge University Press, 1981). On the differences among the older and younger generations of incarcerated women, see Mariani,
Quelle dell'idea

See Mosse,
Masses and Man

Azione democratica
, 31 January 1944.

‘Note in margin',

‘Autorità e abulia',
Rinascita giovanile
, 24 May 1944.

‘Pregi e difetti della nostra generazione',
, 10 November 1943.

See the pamphlet
Orientamenti programmatici
, p. 12 (
Quaderni del Risorgimento liberale
, 4).

, Rome edition, 12 January 1944.

‘La Generazione vittima', article signed by ‘Stilcone',
Il Segno
, 18 May 1944. Ronconi also suggests reading the differences among the upper and lower clergy in generational terms, in
Note sui rapporti fra il clero toscano, la Repubblica sociale italiana e le autorità d'occupazione tedesche
, p. 137.

‘I giovani parlano ai vecchi', signed ‘Uno del '22' (i.e. born in 1922) in
Il Popolo
, Rome edition, 23 January 1944. It is probably a response to ‘Posizioni di giovani', an article published in the 12 December 1943 edition signed ‘Uno del '19', which raised the alarm over the fact that ‘young people view the men of the pre-Fascist period – no use denying it – with little trust'.

‘La Democrazia Cristiana ai giovani', poster printed in Bologna just after Liberation (MRB, Raccolta Adversi).

Open letter to Piccioni, ‘Il problema dei giovani', in
Il Popolo nuovo
, 14 April 1946.

Demofilo, ‘La parola dei democratici cristiani', in the 12 December 1943 issue. The article was then republished as a pamphlet in January 1944, which can now be found, under the title ‘Rinascita della Democrazia cristiana. 1.' in A. De Gasperi,
I cattolici dall'opposizione al governo
, Laterza, Bari 1955, pp. 477–91. In the early post-war years, a group of young Catholic intellectuals set up the magazine
Terza Generazione
, their number including Gianni Baget-Bozzo, Barto Ciccardini (its director), Leopoldo Elia and Baldo Scassellati. The name ‘Third Generation' meant the generation of the editors themselves, after the ‘first', pre-Fascist generation and the ‘second' generation, the anti-Fascists. See, too, G. Tassani,
La terza generazione. Da Dossetti a De Gasperi, tra Stato e rivoluzione
, Edizioni Lavoro, Rome 1988, in particular Chapter 10, ‘Fuori dalle parti: “Terza Generazione” '.

‘Relazione generale' of the 4
Daniele Manin Brigade (Piedmont), 5 November 1944 (IG,
, 04456).

‘Relazione di Antonio su una ispezione a Monforte', 18 December 1944 (
Le Brigate Garibaldi
, vol. III, pp. 107–8).

Extract of a letter from the office of the political commissar of the unified command (Sesia Division – Ossola Division), sent to the commissar of the Volante Loss Brigade, undated but from winter 1944–45 (IG,
, 06560).

‘L'Alba', giornale dei prigionieri italiani in URSS
, p. 340.

Refer back, here, to the text ‘Ai giovani', published in the July 1944
La Rinascita
, where young people – on whom ‘it is too easy to lay … blame that is not theirs' – were called ‘victims' and ‘made a mockery of' by fascism (Togliatti,
, vol. V, pp. 52–4). See, too, the report to the cadres of the Naples Communist organisation, 11 April 1945 (ibid., p. 35).

Torino operaia
, p. 19. On these movements within working-class families, see Guidetti Serra,
, and
A voi cari compagni

See Casali,
Il movimento di liberazione a Ravenna
, I, p. 51 (this undated poster is probably from January 1944).

‘The kind of thing that gives you goose bumps', the Communist who recounted the episode commented, on 21 April 1945 (quoted in Gibelli,
Genova operaia
, p. 294).

Giovanni's report from Turin, 22–24 August 1943; an anonymous, undated report from Brescia (December 1943?); a report by ‘comrade Silvio' on the provinces of Terni and Perugia, 25 June 1944 (all in IG,
Archivio PCI
; the former is partially reproduced in Secchia,
Il PCI e la guerra di liberazione
, pp. 90–2, and the latter in the 23 June 1964
). A member of the Rome military organisation of the PSIUP, a FATME worker whose thirtieth birthday had been and gone, asked the present author – being the young man that he was – how on earth he had gone along with the Socialists and not the Communists. His face bore an amazed, distressed and stern expression.

Letter from the PCI federation to the PSIUP federation, 21 October 1944 (ISHR,
Archivio del triumvirato insurrezionale dell'Emilia-Romagna
). In 1919, the PSI had won some 60 percent of votes in Modena province, but in 1947 received 26 percent as against 44.2 percent for the PCI (see Gorrieri,
La Repubblica di Montefiorino
, p. 701).

On 23 March 1945, in a letter to Pertini, Basso showed his pride in having been able to substitute the old members of the Party with young people (see Salvati,
Il Psiup Alta Italia
, p. 84). In December 1937, the Socialists' ‘internal centre', in correspondence with the Austrian party, described its illegal groups as being formed of ‘the young and very young', above all intellectuals, while ‘working-class elements are generally of more advanced years' and ‘the old guard of the Party … is not activist, with some exceptions'. See, too, the report from Erba to the national council, 3 December 1938, and the letter from Curiel to the PCI leadership of 15 May 1938, in which he displayed his respect for the tired old members (see Merli,
La ricostruzione
, pp. 790, 810–12, 800).

Report on the meeting of 18 March 1945 (
Le Brigate Garibaldi
, vol. III, p. 494). In the constituent assembly votes of June 1946, the Socialists obtained 4,758,129 votes (20.72 percent) and the Communists 4,356,686 (18.6 percent). See C. Ghini,
L'Italia che cambia. Il voto degli italiani 1946–1976
, Rome: L'Unità – Editori Riuniti, 1976, p. 34.

Motion by the Milan section, just after Liberation (ISRT,
Partito d'Azione
, envelope 15, folder 4, Stampa, subfolder
Non Mollare
). See, too, the ‘Presentazione' in
, Rome, 1 March 1944.

See De Luna,
Storia del Partito d'Azione
, in particular p. 41. Again on 14 July 1946, Tristano Codignola, in a letter to Enzo Enriques Agnoletti, lamented the fact that the Action Party had not seized the reins of the Socialist Party, towards which it showed a blunt disrespect (ISRT,
Carte Enzo Enriques Agnoletti
, envelope 1, folder 13, subfolder
Carteggi vari

Editorial, ‘Dopo il congresso di Bari. Il problema del potere', in the 18 February 1944 Lombardy edition.

United States and Italy
, p. 135.

R. Romeo,
, in
Enciclopedia del Novecento
, IV, 1979, p. 632.

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