A Christmas Worth Billions (Countdown to Christmas Book 4) (14 page)

BOOK: A Christmas Worth Billions (Countdown to Christmas Book 4)
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His heart dropped when he saw the closed sign on the front of the diner. He stopped and climbed out, knowing he was going against what he’d told Ann. Inside was chaotic as Lily and Ann pulled decorations off the wall and boxed up the food.

“What’s going on?” he asked, his voice echoing through the diner.

The women stopped and turned. Lily climbed off the chair and came over to talk. Ann glared from where she stood.

“We didn’t have any choice. We had to sell everything in order to pay the creditors.” Lily wiped her hands on a towel.

“Why didn’t you just let me help? You know I would have paid everything off for you.” David noticed the anger on Lily’s face, but he didn’t care. “You can’t just keep pushing people away like this. Especially when they’re trying to help you.”

Hurt and anger marred Lily’s beautiful features. “It's the only thing I can do to protect my family. I can’t risk them getting hurt.”

David took the last few steps toward Lily and pulled her into an embrace. He kissed her hard, trying to put all of his feelings behind it. The thought of losing her was like a knife to his heart. “You’re about to push away the man who has fallen so desperately in love you that he’d give up everything just to have you. You and your kids mean the world to me. Don’t you realize that?”

He stormed out of the diner and almost stopped when he heard the sobs from behind him. The need to help and protect her was strong, but he ignored it and climbed into his truck. He had one day left at work before Christmas, and he wanted to get ready for next season.

The fog was still thick as he drove, so he had to be careful of other cars. It didn’t lift until he was almost to the city, and he could make out the large buildings in front of him. He pulled into his parking space and waved at the paparazzi as they took pictures. The police would have to be notified once he got inside. The press wasn’t supposed to come anywhere near the building, and that included the parking lot.

Employees smiled and some waved as David walked by, but he just kept walking. He opened the door to his office and shut it behind him, wanting privacy. A few minutes later, Peter knocked and opened the door.

“Word is not to mess with you today. What happened?” Peter sat in the chair on the other side of the desk.

“Lily.” David turned on his computer and typed in his password.

Peter shook his head. “Figures. I thought she’d be perfect for you, man.”

David ran his fingers through his hair in frustration. “She is. She’s just too stubborn to realize it.”

“She does know you’re worth over a billion dollars, right?” Peter asked, surprised.

“I think that’s the problem, actually. Did you need something? I want to get these numbers sent to my accountant and look through the ad campaigns coming up after Christmas.”

Peter set down the newspaper he’d been holding and walked to the door. “Your party was a hit. Your stock flew through the roof, and we’ve had several submissions for advertising roll in since this morning. Oh, and Mr. Walker has called about five times this morning, so I suggest you call him back.”

“Thanks. When’s your flight?” David grabbed the paper and opened it.

“I’ll leave shortly after lunch. Thanks again for the tickets. My wife has done nothing but rave about you since Saturday. I’m almost jealous.” He winked and left the office.

David laughed. Peter’s wife, Rebekah, and Sarah had been best friends. David had been afraid of her reaction when he started dating Lily, but she’d been thrilled to meet her at the party.

The article was full of pictures from the party—submitted by David’s own photographer—and snippets about the gifts that were given out. David smiled at the joy on the faces of his employees. Peter’s reaction had been priceless when he learned he’d be a partner. The photograph captured his stunned expression perfectly.

David put the newspaper in his briefcase to take home and got to work. The accountant would only be in for another hour because of the holiday. Peter and a few other members of his team had already gone through everything, so David just had to glance at the numbers and send it on.

The submissions that came through his email dealt mostly with the Super Bowl, so he sent several on to the agents who worked with sports commercials. He could have let Erin and Debra take them, but he needed them for the more complicated ads. Smithson Jewelers would only work with Erin, and they wanted to get started on Valentine’s Day ads.

When all the upcoming contracts were sent on, he checked on the commercials that would be playing over the next week. New Year’s Eve was also huge, and he was happy with the ads they’d come up with. He shut down his computer and left his office. Most of the building was empty by that time, and he made sure to wave at those who were left as he headed out to his truck.

Reporters sat outside the parking garage, and their flashes started going off as soon as they recognized his truck. As much as he loved it, David knew he’d be getting himself a new one for Christmas. As far as he knew, they hadn’t found his house yet, and he’d like to keep it that way.

After meandering through the streets of New York, he made his way home, checking now and then for anyone following him. The Christmas music on the radio was upbeat and happy, contrasting the mood he was in. It had been easy to push away his feelings while he went through numbers, but the loss of Lily’s smile and the hugs from her children came crashing down. He’d finally started looking forward to Christmas morning, and now it was worse than before he’d met her.

It was nearly dark when David finally made it back to town. He drove past the diner and saw that the lights were still on, and people were working inside. As much as he wanted to stop by and help, he continued to the church. There was nothing waiting for him at home, so he wanted to avoid it as much as possible.

The church organ welcomed him when he opened the large doors to go inside. There wouldn’t be another sermon for a few hours, so David had time to sit and think for a while. He pulled out the Bible and went through some of his favorite verses, but nothing seemed to pull him out of his mood.

“You seem down.” Reverend Smith sat in the pew in front of David. “Tomorrow is Christmas Eve. Surely it’s the time to celebrate.”

David leaned forward and rested his elbows on his knees. “No, not this year. I had Sarah taken from me, and just when I thought I could move on, Lily walked away as well.”

“Ah. I’m sorry. I could see how much you cared for her. And how much she cared for you.” Reverend Smith stared off into the distance. “I assume you saw that she’s closed the diner?”

“Yes. I offered to help her keep it open, and that just made things worse.” David sighed. “Maybe I’m cursed.”

Reverend Smith chuckled. “Not cursed. You’re just trying to find your way. Sometimes we feel like everything will work out, but that doesn't necessarily mean it will. We have to remember that others have their free will too.”

David nodded. “I’ve noticed that.”

“You’ve done a lot of good in these past few months. I saw the newspaper—your wife would be very happy with you. Don’t look at the bad when these things happen. Trust that things will get better. Right now, Lily is dealing with a lot of trials. Give her some time, and maybe she’ll realize what she’s lost.”

David rubbed his eyes. “I hope so. Thank you, Reverend.”

The pastor nodded and stood. “Excuse me. I have a few things to go over before tonight’s sermon. Feel free to stay as long as you’d like.”

“Thanks.” David stood and walked around the church, looking at the different scenes depicted in the stained glass. Different events played out in the windows. The Creation, Christ’s birth, His ministry, and so on. A peace settled on him as he walked to the last window.

When it was time to ring the bells, David went up and played
Far, Far Away on Judea’s Plains
. He left shortly after, and drove through the silent streets. He walked from his garage straight to the kitchen, avoiding the living room with the tree. 

Dinner consisted of a peanut butter sandwich and grape juice. He curled up in bed, and wrote out the goals he had for the next year. His computer sat next to him, and he stared at it for a moment before picking it up.

The real estate pages for his town were short, and he was able to find the diner. The price was fairly low, which didn’t surprise him. He sent an inquiry to look through the property, then closed the laptop and turned off the lamp.


* * *

David stared at his phone for several minutes before he finally picked it up and dialed a number he hadn’t called for months.

“Hello?” The familiar voice on the other line almost made David hang up.

“Hi, Mom.” David could hear his mother gasp. He hadn’t called since Sarah had passed away, and he'd avoided taking any of her calls as well. “I was wondering if you were still planning dinner for tonight.”

His mom’s voice shook as she spoke. “You know we never miss. You’re coming?”

David closed his eyes before answering. “Yes. But I can’t stay long. I have a job at the church, so I need to be back.”

“You’re working at the church?” There was a pause. “This is David, right?”

“Yes, Mom. I’ll be there around four.”  David hung up and climbed out of bed. He’d need to leave soon so he could grab gifts on his way to his parents’ house. He dressed and ate some breakfast, then headed out.

Just before he got inside New York City, he stopped at a dealer and traded in his old beat-up truck for a newer version. It hurt to drive away from the truck, but he wanted something no one would recognize.

Once he pulled into the parking lot of his favorite shopping center, David made sure his hat was down low and his scarf covered his mouth. The air was biting, so he fit right in with every other New Yorker on the street.

Shopping on Christmas Eve was a nightmare, but David had decided sometime during the night that he needed to visit his family, and he didn’t want to go empty-handed. It was fun picking out gifts for them, but the lines were long, and the customers were cranky. If he’d taken off his hat, he could have been served pretty quickly, but he didn't feel like calling attention to himself.

As David passed a window, he stopped to see a sculpture that sat in a glass case. It was a woman with her arms around two children. It brought tears to his eyes. He walked inside and had it wrapped up in layers of paper.

By the time he got back to his truck, David’s arms were full of gifts for family and for a few people in town as well. He loaded up the backseat and climbed in, headed for Sands Point. It took longer than normal because of the traffic, and he pulled in behind the other cars.

It looked like David’s dad had gone all out with Christmas lights again this year. Every tree and bush was cover in lights, and a large star sat on top of the house. David sifted through the gifts and pulled out the ones for his family. The door opened before he got to the step, and his mom squealed.

“You did come! Oh, David. I’m so happy. We have the whole family together again.” She hugged David and led him inside. “Dinner will be ready in a few minutes.”

“Sounds great. I’m sorry I didn’t call sooner.” David slipped off his shoes and took the gifts to the tree. When David turned, he found his mom standing there with tears in her eyes.

She held out her arms, and David walked into them. “I’m just glad you’re here. It’s been too long, sweetie.”

“I know. I'm sorry.” And he was. He shouldn't have blocked them out of his life. David pulled away and looked around. “You’ve repainted. It looks great.”

“Your dad gets so bored now that he’s retired. He’s always changing something. Speaking of which, you should go find him. He’s in the study.” His mom headed into the kitchen, and David went to find his dad.

He knocked on the door to the study and poked his head in. “Hey, Dad.”

“David. When Mom said you were coming, I didn't want to get my hopes up.” He stood and hugged David tightly. “It’s good to see you, son.”

“I’m glad to be here.”

His dad lifted up the newspaper on his desk. “I’ve been keeping up with you through the press. Well done with the party.”

“Thanks.” The pride in his dad’s voice felt good. He’d worked hard to keep up with the success his dad had as the president of the company.

“Who is this girl? She’s beautiful, David.” His dad motioned toward the picture of Lily.

David cleared his throat. “She owns a diner near my house. Beautiful, sweet, and very protective of her family.”

His dad sat back down in his chair. “I take it things aren’t going well?”

“No, she’s uncomfortable with getting help, and apparently, I overstepped my bounds.” David picked up the paperweight on the desk.

“Some people love money. Others are scared by it. Be patient. She’ll come back.” His dad winked. “Let’s go see if dinner’s ready.”

David sighed as he followed his dad to the dining room. If he was told to be patient one more time … He pasted a smile on his face as they sat down. David’s sister, Elayna, and her husband were already seated with their son between them. David’s other sister, Julie, walked in with a pot of potatoes, followed by his mom with the turkey.

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