A Christmas Tail (21 page)

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Authors: Trinity Blacio

BOOK: A Christmas Tail
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The children held onto her men as they stepped into the room frowning. “They are called
We found they make great protectors. They can detect many things and certain other  creatures.” Barry said as the boys gathered around it. “It seems this one was meant to be ours. They are very intelligent animals and usually pick their own families.”

“Ouch,” Jordon said, sticking his finger into his mouth. “It has funny teeth.”

Barry smiled when the
did the same thing to each of the children taking a sample of their blood bonding with them. “Come on Betsy, give him your finger.” Barry said, waiting as the animal seemed to be.

She sighed and knelt down next to them both. “Fine, but if we all get sick or something, I’m going to kick your butt.” The animal not only took hold of her finger but crawled into her lap which had her falling backwards. The little thing was heavier than she thought.

“Well, isn’t that something. Not only is he bonded to you, he’s chosen you as his keeper. In other words, you are the one person who he’ll protect to death.” Barry stood and glanced to the left. “It seems we’re not the only ones to get one. Every family found one in their rooms. I guess they are a gift from the

Betsy pushed the thing off of her and quietly made her way towards the bathroom. “Oh, and Barry, you get to clean the boys. The girls can take care of themselves,” she said before shutting the bathroom door and locking it. “I’m taking a nice hot bath.” Betsy mumbled and turned on the water. She loved a nice hot bath and the hotel had the best bubble bath.

“I do love baths too. There’s no reason why we can’t share one,” Davis said, behind her, making her jump and almost fall into the tub, but he caught her before she could.

“Damn it, , don’t do that. If you’re taking a bath with me, there will be no sex. You can wait until tomorrow.” She stripped out of her clothes.

“I don’t think so, kitten. In our world, we are already married and I’m not waiting,” Davis snarled, lifting her up and stepping into the tub. “I need to connect with you, to touch and hold you.” He said, sounding like he was going away or something.

She looked back at him, frowning. “What’s wrong?” she turned on his lap and stared at him. Of all her men, he was the quiet one, who kept things inside.

He brushed her hair back away from her eyes. “I’m just worried something is off and I can’t see it.” He lifted her up and turned her so she was facing him, sliding his cock into her pussy as he lowered her down. “I’ve been waiting for this all day.”

Dirty or not, Davis made slow passionate love to her showing her how much she meant to him. By the time the orgasm pushed through, her tears slid down her cheeks. “I don’t know what’s wrong, but if you leave me, I’m going to find you and cut off your balls. Now, give me the soap so I can get clean.” She nipped his lip and he smiled, dunking her backwards almost allowing her head to be submerged in the water.

“I will never leave you, kitten. I might have to go away on assignment, but I’ll never leave you.” He said staring into her eyes.

“No!,” she squirmed away from him snarling. “When?”

Davis sighed and leaned back. “Anthony, Warden, Marquis and I have been ordered to go to a plant next to the
planet and see what we can find out. We leave one week after we get back to the United States.”

Betsy grabbed the soap and scrubbed her hair and body quickly, trying not to fall apart, but the thought of Davis out there without them made her light-headed.

“Come here and let me rinse your hair. I’ll be fine, kitten and I’ll be back before you can miss me.” He said carefully rinsing her hair and kissing her every chance he got.

“No, Davis you are wrong,” she stood and stepped out of the tub. “I already miss you, because, you see, you’re not here with me. You’re already thinking of what needs to be done. You made love to me like you’re not coming back and I don’t like it.” She spun around only to run into Barry’s chest. He was clean and frowning.

“Kitten, we have no choice when we are chosen for a mission. We are still warriors. Davis must do what he has trained for. We should cherish our time with him while he is here,” he said and she snarled.

“Listen here, bud. I can understand the duty, but don’t you even start with this cherish crap. I want him here with me as if he wasn’t leaving. I don’t want to cherish him while he’s here, he’s not gone. I want my...” She turned and glanced at him as he stood. “I want the master that took me that first night. The one who showed me the dark loving. That’s the Davis I want wrapped around my body.

“Now, if you’ll excuse me, I get to inform the children one of their fathers is going on a mission.” She stormed out of the bathroom, slamming the door.




Chapter Fourteen


Barry stood down at the bottom of the staircase along with Davis and Orion. His children were coming down the stairs in their formalwear, the girl’s were dressed as flower girls and the boys were ring bearers. The lobby and banquet room was packed, candles lit all around them and there were flowers of all kinds.

Barry couldn’t forget the night they had found Betsy outside crying and had to carry her to bed. Last night they had woken to find her gone and he had almost destroyed the room when he remembered she was with Dorothy and the other women until their wedding.

Earlier he had given Hale and Candy a gift to take to their mom. On his planet, it was customary for the man to give the woman of his heart a single flower from his world. This flower was to bring peace, hope and show how much respect her man had for her.

Would she wear the flower he had given her? He glanced at Davis who seemed still furious at himself. They both had understood her feelings and hated that they had hurt her. The three of them had agreed that the next week they would carry on like nothing was wrong, but one thing would change, their loving.

He touched the arm wrap they had purchased for her. Not only would she get the wedding ring she was expecting, but their kitten was going to be given the wrap of his people right there in front of everyone.

The wedding march song started and he watched as Lacey and Betsy came around the corner, with their chosen sisters coming down the stairs first. Each of these sisters was dressed in a long silk green dress.

But his attention was on Betsy as she made her way to the stairs with Lacey. While Lacey’s dress was white as snow, their woman’s was red and he swore he’d never seen anything so beautiful in his life. Her hair hung in ringlets down her back, and in her hair was his flower, but there was something different about her.

He held out his hand for her as she descended the stairs and that’s when he noticed it. On her shoulder was a tattoo of Davis’ name. It was just like that of older times, when a warrior went to war and his woman marked herself to make sure everyone knew who she belonged to.

Their woman knew what the ancient gesture meant to Davis and had done this for him. But she wasn’t the only one who had done this, Lacey too now carried Anthony’s name on her shoulder and if he wasn’t mistaken, he’d bet Maya and Dee had done the same thing.

Yes, their women surprised them each and every day.

The ceremony seemed to fly by as they each said their vows to her that they had written, but her words to them would always be etched in their hearts.

“Warriors of old, I give you my heart, soul and body as any woman would, but today I also offer something more.” Betsy took the small knife Dee brought to her and made a small incision on her wrist, stepping up to Davis.

“My gift to you my husband, lover and friend. I give you a part of my heart to take with you as you go off in the face of danger. Knowing I will be there to hug and hold you when you need me.”

Tears rolled down Davis’s face as he took the gift of blood from her as Anthony did the same from Lacey. Behind them, the sisters of Lacey and Betsy started to sing,
Your the Inspiration,
but what really surprised him, and he knew everyone else too, was when Lacey, Betsy, Maya and Dee started to sing different parts of the song to their men.

He swore there wasn’t a dry eye in the place. If he wasn’t mistaken, Barry felt that a couple of the
appeared up above them watching and listening, another rare treat, but one the women wouldn’t appreciate since the last time they had shown up, they had given orders.

As soon as the song was over, Barry stepped up to Betsy, surprising her as he moved her hair aside. “We also decided to add something to the ceremony. This is for you, kitten.” He held the wrap out in front of her. It was made of gold and diamonds that were plentiful on Orion’s planet but there was also a cat claw made of ruby in front. “This wrap is another custom in my world. It is our promise to always be the men you need and the claw is to remind us that our kitten might be small but she is has claws like that of a tiger.”

Laughter erupted from the room as he kissed the side of her neck and rubbed where he would put the warp. “Do you accept your gift, kitten?
And know we would never take our possession of you to the level your sister needs. As she needs control 24-7, we know you wouldn’t stand for it.”

She snorted before ducking her head. “I’d be happy to wear your wrap as long as you are aware I’m not afraid to use the claws anymore,” she teased, causing another bout of laughter from everyone.

“Kiss me, you kitten, before I paddle you here in front of everyone,” he grumbled and she smiled, touching the wrap.

“Thank you for giving me my family, Barry. The three of you have made my dream come true.” She lifted her head as he bent down, covering her lips with his. She fell against him, her arms wrapping around his neck. His tongue caressed and danced with hers before he heard Davis and Orion telling him to hurry up because they wanted their kiss.

He winked at her as he kissed her nose. “Love you, special lady.” He turned her around to face Davis, whose gaze was heated.

“Be warned kitten, tonight there will be no being nice and no slow loving. Tonight you get the full master,” Davis twined his hand in her hair and pulled her head back. “You’re ours and I will fight to death to come back to you.” His kiss was one of possession and love.

Barry turned and nodded to Isaac who also had noticed those above him. Just as Davis was pulling away, Betsy gasped and grabbed at her chest as did Lacey. He rushed to Betsy’s side, while Isaac ran to Lacey’s.

Your mates are special and we recognize them and the beings inside them.”
The words were sent to him and his family, knowing now that Betsy contained some kind of gift.

“Wow, that was something,” Betsy shook her head. “I think I like gifts in boxes better,” she teased them, and Barry snarled.

“You scared the crap out of us.” Orion pushed him out of the way, lifting her up and kissing her hard. Her lips would be bruised and swollen when he got done.

Cheers and shouts went up as they faced their family and friends. Even Akaos and Isaac seemed to acknowledge each other without growling or snarling. Children ran about and the champagne was flowing when Barry felt some tugging on his tux.

He looked down to see Jordon with Doug and Marty. “What time do you think Santa will come?” they asked, and he smiled, kneeling down next to them.

“Oh, he won’t come until all little kids are asleep in their beds. Did you put out the reindeer food and the cookies?” All three boys nodded.

“We even made him a Christmas card just in case,” Doug said.

“That was very nice of you, now go play while you can and don’t get your clothes dirty.” He shouted as they ran off.

“You are going to be an amazing father,” his mother said, coming up with his father and hugging him.

“I hope so, because we’re sure going to have a big family and I can’t wait.” He glanced down at Betsy who was yanked out of his arms as his father hugged her tight.

“You, my daughter, make me very proud.” His father said stepping back and staring at her. “My son is a very lucky man.”

“Yes, I am and I will treasure her always.” Barry kissed her nose as she came back in his arms.

“Well, we better go find those two beautiful girls so we can get their things for tonight.” His mother looked around, spotting them. “We’ll see you four tomorrow morning and Betsy, don’t you worry about your children. They will be protected tonight.”

“Yes, they will,” Davis’ mom said, nodding to Barry’s mother. “I can’t wait to have the boys stay with us tonight. It will be like old times. I miss when my boys were young.” She leaned over and kissed Davis’ cheek. “You be careful and make sure to contact us whenever you can.”

After the hugs and kisses from everyone, Barry lifted Betsy up in his arms and made way for the elevator with Orion and Davis behind them. “Are you ready for tonight?” he asked as the doors closed.

“Yes,” she whispered placing a kiss on his chest.

“Davis bought a new toy for you to try tonight.” He said stepping into their room and stopping. “What?” Barry looked around at the room. Gifts filled their little tree and around it.

“Let me down. I have something I want to give you.” She wiggled out of his arms and went under the tree, pulling three boxes out. “These are my wedding gifts to you.” She grinned and handed them each the oddly shaped boxes.

Barry opened his, as did Davis and Orion. “On our world men also wear rings, but I knew that wouldn’t be practical, so I had these made by the special material that Isaac swore you would like.” Barry stared at the knife in the box, but it wasn’t just a knife. He could feel the magic in it as he lifted it out of the box.

“I’ve worked with Opal and we have protected each knife with a spell to help you in your time of need. I had each one engraved with your names.”

The weight of the knife was perfect for his hand. “Come here, kitten,” her eyes flashed and she shivered as she stepped forward and knelt down at his feet. His cock hardened to the point of pain. “Davis, get the table out now or we won’t be playing tonight. Orion get the toys out and you, kitten, will strip and hand me your dress so it does not get ruined. I believe Hale wants your dress for her wedding.”

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