A Charge of Valor (9 page)

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Authors: Morgan Rice

Tags: #scifi, #epic fantasy, #juvenile, #Adventure, #teenage, #dragon, #Magic, #Series, #Fiction, #teen, #Fantasy, #Science Fiction, #fantasy series, #YA, #sword, #sorcerer, #action, #Monsters

BOOK: A Charge of Valor
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You saved my life today,” she said. “On the battlefield. I don’t know how to thank you.”

He remained expressionless.

Though it appears, from the vial you hold, you will be dead soon enough,” he responded coolly, disapproval in his voice. “Was it all for nothing then?”

Gwendolyn blushed, feeling guilty.

It is never for nothing,” she said. “Whether in this life, or the next, I owe you a great debt.”

The debt you owe me is to live,” he answered.

Gwen furrowed her brow.

I still do not understand,” she said. “How did you do it? I thought you can never intervene in human affairs? That sorcerers are forbidden?”

You are correct,” he said, walking slowly to the far window. He looked weary as he went. “What I did was forbidden. I broke the sacred sorcerer’s vow. It was the first and only time I have ever done so, the first and only time in a thousand years that I have interfered in human affairs. I violated our code, and for that I must pay a very dear price. What I did sapped my powers, and I will have to sleep a long time. You will not see me again for quite a while. At least not in the way you once did.”

Gwendolyn felt overcome with emotion.

I am sorry that you did that on my account,” she said. “And touched that you would do such a thing for me, of all the kings and queens you’ve ever known.”

You are different than all of them,” he said. “You have a bigger heart. You are more pure. More courageous. You are noble. You are a leader. And that his how I know you will not drink from that vial in your pocket.”

Gwen flushed.

Would you leave me at the mercy of Andronicus, then?” she asked, indignant.

Even in death, you must set an example,” he said. “It is not about whether or not you die. It is about
you die. That is what lives on for others.”

How can I live after what he has done to me?” she asked, pained. “Even if nothing more happened?”

You can live just as easily as anyone else,” he said. “There is no shame in what happened to you. There is only shame in being too much of a coward to carry on. In not realizing that
what happened
to you is not
What happened
is not the same as
who you are
. Your body and spirit and soul are distinct from the events in this world that happen to you. You are looking at the world now through a very narrow, physical lens. But the world is not only physical—it is also spiritual. Looking at things physically is the lowest form of all.

Do you think you entered this world through the physical alone? You were also conceived spiritually. That is the highest level in which we all live. And that is why physical occurrences to the body do not mean a thing. They do not touch, and cannot reach, our spirit, our essence. It would be the same if you scraped an elbow, or lost a finger. You, Gwendolyn, have not changed.”

She flushed, embarrassed. She knew there was truth to what he was saying, but it was hard to take it in right now. She was finding herself feeling defensive.

I am not a coward,” she said, bunching her fists.

I know you’re not,” he said. “And I also know that you pay your debts.”

Debts?” she asked, confused.

Don’t you remember, that day, when you begged me to save Thor’s life? I told you it was not meant to be, yet you insisted, you said you would give anything. I told you you would pay a debt, you would die a small death. You have now paid that debt. That was your small death. A small death of the spirit. But not of the body. And not of the soul.”

Gwen remembered it all, and hearing his words gave her comfort. It gave meaning to the horrors she had endured. Now it all made sense, at least.

You should be grateful,” Argon continued. “You are still alive. You have your health. You have Thor’s child, within you. Would you sacrifice the child to kill yourself? Just out of cowardice? Are you that selfish?”

I am not selfish,” she said defiantly, knowing he was right.

Right now, from where you are standing, it seems in your eyes that the future will only bring you more pain, more sadness,” Argon said. “It seems in your eyes that you have suffered a humiliation from which you can never recover. But your vision is limited; you look at time from only one perspective, and it is a very narrow one. This is the lens of all who have been through suffering. And it is a distorted lens. The future will surprise you; it may just be bright, brighter than you ever imagined. And what happened to you today will fade in your mind, fade so much that you may never even remember it, as if it never was. Life is not just one life: it is many lives. And your new lives will wash away whatever pain and regret there was in the old ones. When we have tragedy in life, we get stuck, like getting stuck in the mud. When we are in the mud it feels as if we can never get out. But these come to us as great life lessons: it is up to us to pull ourselves out of the mud. Not just once, but time and time again. This is your moment to pull yourself out. To show life that you are bigger than your fears. Unless you are too afraid.”

I am
afraid,” she answered, determined.

Argon smiled back, the first time she had ever seen him smile.

It is not me you must convince,” he said. “It is yourself.”

Gwen turned and paced herself, walking slowly back to the window, breathing deep, feeling better. She felt that maybe everything he said was right. But there was still one thing bothering her.

But what about Thor?” she asked. “After what has happened to me, Thor won’t love me anymore. I will be lowered in his eyes.”

Do you think so little of Thorgrin?” Argon asked. “He may love you even more.”

Gwen hadn’t considered that.

He may,” she said, “but deep inside he might feel differently. I don’t want to put that burden on him. I don’t want him to feel that he
to be with me. I want him to
to be with me.”

Argon slowly shook his head.

You vastly underestimate our friend Thor,” he said. “His love for you is as for himself.”

Gwendolyn lowered her face and felt a tear roll down her cheek. As he spoke the words, she felt them to be true.

So what now?” she asked. “I can’t stay here. I will be captured. Do I just surrender?”

Argon sighed.

You are well-read,” he said. “Do you remember what women would do in times of old if they were attacked? Where they would go?”

Go?” she asked, puzzled. As he said it, she was dimly aware, and it began to come back to her.

The Tower of Refuge,” Argon said.

As he said it, she began to recall.

At the southern end of the Ring,” she said, remembering. “A place where women go to heal. A monastery. They take a vow of silence. Some return to society, some don’t.”

It is a sacred place,” Argon added, “a place where you cannot be touched by anyone. Not even Andronicus. Take time to heal, to reflect. And then make a decision. Better to go there, and retreat from the world, than to die.”

As Gwendolyn pondered it, she looked out of the window and watched Andronicus’ troops closing in. It slowly came back to her, stories she had read of the Tower of Refuge, the place where women fled in ancient times, to regroup and heal themselves. The more she thought about it, the more it felt like the right thing to do. Her people did not need her now. What they needed was for her to survive.

But what if—” Gwen turned to talk to Argon, but he was already gone.

She searched the room, baffled. But he was nowhere to be seen.

Gwen knew it was only a matter of minutes now. She took out the vial and examined it once again, struggling with herself.

Suddenly, she came to a decision. Argon was right: she was stronger than that. She would never give in to cowardice.

Gwen reached back and hurled the vial, smashing it into the wall. The liquid stuck to the wall with a hissing noise, then dripped slowly down it like tar.

Steffen!” Gwen called, hurrying towards the door.

In moments Steffen arrived, rushing into the room, looking at her with panic in his eyes.

The secret tunnels you told me of. Do you know them?”

Yes, my lady,” he said in a rush. “Srog instructed me. He commanded me to stay by your side, and if you ever needed them, to show you the way.”

Show me now,” she said.

His eyes lit in excitement.

But my lady, where will you go?”

I will cross the Ring, to the South, to the Tower of Refuge.”

My lady, I must accompany you. It is not a journey you should make alone.”

She shook her head, anxious, hearing the footsteps of the soldiers outside the gates.

You are a true friend,” she said, “but it will be a perilous journey and I will not endanger you.”

He shook his head, adamant.

I will not show you the way unless you allow me to accompany. My honor forbids it.”

Gwendolyn heard the distant footsteps of the approaching men, and she knew she had no choice. And she was, as ever, grateful for Steffen’s loyalty.

Okay,” she said, “let’s go.”

Steffen turned and fled the room and she followed him down corridor after corridor, twisting and turning, until they came to a hidden door at the end of a hall, camouflaged in the stone. Steffen opened it, and she knelt down beside him and peered in.

It was a tunnel of blackness, cold and dank, insects crawling inside, a chill running through her at the feel of the draft. They exchanged a worried look, and she gulped at the thought. But she had no choice. It was that, or death.

As the soldiers’ footsteps grew ever louder, the two of them hurried inside and began the long, hard crawl towards freedom.




Thor opened his eyes and felt a sense of content and peace that he hadn’t known in a long time. He felt rested, rejuvenated, and he lay on his back in soft luxurious grass, cool breezes caressing his face. He sat up and looked all around, wondering if this were all a dream.

The early morning light spread over the desert, illuminating the oasis in which Thor lay. Slowly, it all came back to him. His dream, his mother, seeing Argon, then awakening to find that man, the desert dweller, who had led them here. He had been in and out of consciousness, and he immediately looked around, making sure the others were with him.

He breathed a sigh of relief to see that they were. They all lay comfortably on the grass, by the edge of the lake, sleeping contentedly and looking better than he had seen them in a long time. All around them were palm trees, laden with fruits, swaying slightly in the cool morning breezes.

They had been saved by these desert dwellers, Thor realized, and he turned and looked for them, to thank them. He spotted the group of them, seated beside the waters, holding out their palms, eyes closed, chanting in some sort of ritual. Their image reflected off the still waters, and it was a beautiful sight. The soft sound of their chanting lifted and carried on the air, making the place feel even more surreal.

Beyond the perimeter of the oasis, in every direction, there was desert. Yellow, baked desert, sprawling endlessly, cruelly, to the edges of the horizon. It was too early in the day for the heat to be rippling, but Thor knew it would be soon enough.

You have awakened,” came a voice.

Thor turned and saw one of the desert dwellers, the one who had saved him, standing over him, looking down with kind, compassionate eyes.

You slept a long and fitful sleep.”

Thor wracked his brain, trying to remember. Thor looked around and saw his brothers rousing.

I owe you a great debt,” Thor said. “We all do. You saved our lives.”

The man shook his head.

You owe us nothing,” he said. “The debt is ours.”

Thor looked back, confused.

You see,” the man said, “our legend tells of you. It tells of this day. The day when you would pass through here. We have been waiting for you for generations, waiting for this moment to help you on your journey. Your quest is not just for you—it is one that will free us all, even here in the Empire.”

Waiting for me?” Thor asked, confused. “I don’t understand. You must have me mixed up with someone else.”

But they shook their heads.

The others crowded around, and Thor felt Krohn rubbing against his leg, and reached down and stroked his head.

Where are we?” O’Connor asked

You are deep in the Great Desert,” the man answered, as his people finally rose and joined them. “Right in the center. No human being has ever made it this far. Those of us who live here know this oasis. The desert is an unforgiving place. You are lucky to be alive.”

I warned them,” Indra said, shaking her head.

We are on a quest,” Reece responded.

For the stolen Sword,” O’Connor chimed in.

We were told it is being taken to Neversink,” Elden added.

The desert dwellers turned and looked at each other, eyes wide in surprise.

It is just as the prophecies foretold,” said their leader, turning and looking at Thor.

Can you lead us there?” Thor asked.

Of course,” the leader responded. “We must. It is our duty. Follow us closely. And grab as many fruits as you can carry,” he said, as they all lowered their hoods, raised their staffs and began hiking, “it will be your only source of life.”

Thor and the others turned and examined the thick yellow fruits hanging from the swaying palm trees and they each picked as many as they could carry, then turned and hurried off after the desert dwellers, who were moving surprisingly fast, already becoming obscured in the morning mist.

As they all fell into line, Thor marching beside his brothers quickly to keep up, Thor raised one of the yellow fruits out of curiosity and bit into it. As he did it exploded with water, water gushing down his face, his chin, his throat and spilling down to the desert floor. He tried to catch as much of it as he could in his palm, upset that he wasted it.

You must be more careful,” Indra said. “Waterfruits are delicate. They are mostly water, and just a tiny bit of skin. Inside is not just water—it is a special water, which gives you energy. More energy than food.”

Thor drank the water, which was sweet and gave him a burst of energy. It also tasted a little bit tart. He looked at the fruit with a new respect.

You must bite into them slowly and carefully,” Indra added. “You have already wasted one.”

Thor leaned over and put the remainder of the fruit to Krohn’s lips, allowing him to lap from it. He drank it greedily, eager for more.

Thor and the others walked closely behind the desert dwellers as they weaved, following some sort of inscrutable path that Thor could not detect. As they trekked, the sun grew higher and hotter in the sky, and Thor could feel himself breathing heavily. It didn’t help that every now and again a cloud of dust blew through; Thor raised his hands to his eyes, trying to keep the sand out. The desert dwellers merely lowered their long hoods, and seemed immune to these distractions.

When Thor got thirsty, he bit into another waterfruit, slowly this time, and was so grateful for the liquid, which he shared with Krohn. All around him, his brothers were doing the same. Unlike their first desert trek, this fruit gave him the energy to keep him going. At first, when he had gathered them, he had resented the extra weight—but now he was so glad he had them. He actually feared how light he was getting, as he ate more and more of them.

Hey, more fruits!” O’Connor yelled.

Thor turned and saw, to their side, a sole swaying palm tree in the middle of the desert, filled with low hanging red fruits. O’Connor headed towards it, when suddenly a desert-dweller grabbed him roughly by the shirt, and yanked him back.

Thor and the others exchanged looks of wonder, not understanding.

Let me go!” O’Connor yelled.

But then, suddenly, the earth opened up beneath a tree, into a massive and spreading sinkhole, swallowing the tree and everything around it.

O’Connor stood there and stared at it, wide-eyed; if he had taken just one more step, he would be dead.

The desert is filled with its own seductresses,” the desert dweller said to O’Connor. “As I said, stick closely to our trail.”

They continued trekking, O’Connor shaken, all of them with a new respect for this place, following the trail of the desert dwellers as closely as they could.

They marched and marched, silently, deeper and deeper into the desert, until their legs and feet grew weary. It was feeling more and more like a pilgrimage.

Hours passed, and Thor needed a break in the monotony; he ambled up and fell in beside the lead desert dweller.

Why do you dwell here?” Thor asked.

Like you, we want to be free. Free from Andronicus’ long reach. Our freedom is more dear to us than where we live.”

It seemed to be a recurring theme that Thor was hearing throughout the Empire.

If you can defeat Andronicus, you would free not only yourselves, but all of us,” he added.

But this desert seems like such a hostile and unforgiving place,” Thor said.

The man smiled.

The Empire is filled with hostile and unforgiving places,” he replied. “It is also filled with places of unimaginable beauty, abundance, prosperity. Ocean cities. Cities made of gold. Stretches of green, of farmland, as far as the eye can see. Waterfalls that have no bottom. Rivers packed with fish. These are the places Andronicus’ has claimed. One day, still, they may be ours again.”

They trekked and trekked, Thor’s feet throbbing, until the second sun already fell low in the sky. Their waterfruits were long ago exhausted, and Thor did not know if he could make it any longer. Just as he was going to speak, up ahead, in the rippling waves of heat he saw the outline of something. He blinked several times, wondering if it was another mirage. But as they neared, he realized it wasn’t.

Neversink,” Indra called out.

Thor’s heart soared with relief.

Yes,” the leader said, “the Lake borders the desert. It is where one terrain ends and another begins.”

Rejuvenated, they marched until the sand gradually gave way to grass, until they reached the edge of the desert, the grass becoming thicker and greener. There, perhaps a hundred yards in the distance, surrounded by grass, sat Neversink. On one side it was framed by a tall wood, and on the other, rolling green hills.

This is where we leave you,” the lead desert-dweller said, stopping and facing Thor.

I don’t know how we shall ever repay you,” Thor said.

Find your Sword,” he answered. “Defeat Andronicus. That is repayment enough.”

He leaned forward and embraced Thor, and Thor embraced him back.

Remember us,” the man said.

With that, the desert dwellers all turned, covered their faces with their hoods, and headed back into the desert. Thor and the others watched them go; they had not gone far when a desert storm kicked up sand, enveloping them, making them disappear.

Thor and the others exchanged a look of wonder, then all turned and surveyed the bottomless lake before them. Neversink. It was larger than Thor had imagined, seeming to stretch miles in each direction. It glowed a light blue, and Thor could sense an intense energy coming off of it. It did not seem like a normal lake.

Thor looked every which way for any sign of the Sword, of the thieves. He was on guard, as were the others, grasping the hilts of their swords, bracing for a confrontation. If they had beat the thieves here, they could arrive at any moment.

But as much as Thor scoured the shorelines, he could not see a thing, no evidence that they were here. He only prayed that they had not been too late.

Maybe we were too late,” O’Connor said. “Maybe they already cast the Sword and left.”

Or maybe they haven’t arrived yet,” Reece said.

If they did come and cast the Sword, there’s no way we can check the waters,” Elden said.

If the Sword is in there,” Indra said, “then it has sunk to the bowels of the earth. Your only hope is if you have arrived here before they and can stop them before they cast it.”

We must find out if they were here,” Thor said. “If they were here, they left a trail. We must find it. We must know for sure what has happened. Let’s check the shoreline.”

As one, they all set off, trekking along the white, sandy shores of the lake, scouring the shoreline for any tracks, any sign of disruption. Thor took off his shoes and walked with bare feet in the grass, then along the sand, dipping his feet into the icy waters; it felt good, cooling him, especially beneath the shade of the towering trees. The others did the same.

They walked for hours, nearing the far shore of the lake, its waters glistening, when Reece called out: “Over here!”

They all turned excitedly and followed Reece as he pointed to footprints in the sand; they were the prints of a large group of people. They all stood there, studying them.

They came from the wood,” Reece said.

That means they have beat us here,” Elden said.

Thor’s heart dropped as he looked up and saw the trail of prints in the sand. It did not bode well.

They all followed the prints along the white sands, following the contours of the lake. Suddenly, abruptly, they ended.

They all stood there, scratching their heads, looking down at the sand, then out at the waters.

The water is darker here,” Reece said.

This must be the deepest part of the lake,” O’Connor said.

It is,” Indra said, stepping forward, peering into the water. “If they were to cast the Sword anywhere, it would be here.”

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