A Changed Life (9 page)

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Authors: Mary Wasowski

BOOK: A Changed Life
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Jumping up and down, Bailey couldn’t contain herself. “Yay! You two are finally official! I am so happy for you. Oh I can’t wait to tell Alexis, let me call her right now, she’s shopping with Jameson and he’s going to freak.”

“Bailey, slow down. This is not why I asked you over.”

“Come on, Nicolette, this is big news.”

“Bailey, you can tweet your heart out later about it, right now I want to ask you something.”

“Ok, what’s up?”

“Why does Simon and Michael hate each other?”

Bailey, dropped her smile.

“Come on Bailey, do you know the reason?”

“Yes, I know. Everyone knows, Nicolette, but it’s not something we talk about. I shouldn’t have even mentioned it to you yesterday. It’s none of my business and you were right to call me out on it.”

“Ok, so it’s about Jennifer, Simon’s girlfriend who died, right?”

“Ugh! Come on Nicolette, if you want to know ask Simon.”

“I can’t Bailey, whatever it is, he doesn’t want to talk about it and he practically shoved his tongue down my throat earlier to halt my questions. Not that I minded of course, I love it. Anyway, that’s beside the point. What’s the story?”

“After the formal, we all attended a party at the Beach Club. Jennifer was drinking and partying hard. Simon didn’t like it, and warned her several times to slow down. She didn’t care and strayed away from our group and joined Michael.”

“He was there with his friends partying just as hard as Jennifer was. They began dancing and were putting on quite the floor show.”

Now this is beginning to make sense to me. Simon hates Michael because he was involved with Jennifer.

“How did Simon react when he saw Jennifer and Michael together?”

“It wasn’t pretty, Nicolette. Simon was so angry and embarrassed by how she was acting. She was so wasted and she was all over Michael. What a scene she was making on that dance floor for everyone to see! Michael was licking her neck with his tongue, and his hands were all over her body. Simon pulled Michael off of Jennifer and then lunged at Michael, sending the both of them to the floor. Simon began punching Michael, and then Michael managed to get him off and hit Simon right in the face. Oh my God, it was a mess. By the time it was over, Michael and Simon were bloodied and banged up, and Jennifer was throwing up in the bathroom.”

“I get it now. Why would Simon want to relive this?”

“Nicolette, it’s still painful for him. He told you about Jennifer, but I think he blames himself for what happened to her.”

“Bailey, Jennifer was the one that made the decision to drive drunk and get high on drugs. Simon, did the best he could for her. How is any of this his fault?”

“It’s not, but if he would have brought her home himself and not put her in the cab, maybe she would still be alive.”

“Was Jennifer cheating on Simon with Michael?”

“Rumors were circulating around school that Jennifer was sleeping with Michael while she was with Simon. Simon never knew the real truth until after she died. Nicolette, even before Jennifer, Simon and Michael never got along with each other. Fighting over Jennifer wasn’t the first time they argued and came to blows. Simon and Michael never got along. Michael was a senior when Simon transferred to our school. Simon was a hit from the minute he stepped onto our campus, he became popular right away, and of course Michael wasn’t having that.”

“What should I do, Bailey? Do I try to talk to Simon about this?”

“It’s up to you, it’s Simon’s story to tell. You need to have patience and trust him to tell you when he’s ready too.”

Ice cream cures everything. I helped myself to a heaping bowl of chocolate fudge brownie while I waited for mom and dad to get home. My cell phone was ringing, ugh! Hope it’s not Michael again. I look down at my phone and it’s Uncle Jack! I brighten right up.

“Hey Uncle Jack, what’s up?”

“Hello Nickel! I had a few minutes, and wanted to check in on my favorite niece.”

“I’m your only niece, Uncle Jack.”

“Well, that’s why you’re my favorite. So tell me what’s new in your life? How is your first week going at school?”

“It’s only my second day, but I’m doing well. You will be happy to know that I have chilled out on my complaining about California. I’ve met some new friends and I have a…”

“You have a what? Nicolette.”

“Ok, twist my arm. I have a boyfriend, Uncle Jack. His name is Simon, and he is amazing.”

“Well, he better be, because you deserve someone special. How are your parents doing?”

Rolling my eyes, “All good. You know how they are once they begin writing new material. While talking to Uncle Jack, my phone beeps with a text message from, guess who? Michael. Hey Uncle Jack, I have to go.”

“Is everything okay, Nicolette?”

“It will be once I take care of something. It’s a long story; can I talk to you over the weekend?”

“Sure no problem, say hi to mom and dad for me. Nickel, remember if you need me for anything, please call me day or night.”

“I will Uncle Jack, and don’t worry, I’m fine. I’ll talk to you soon. Give Aunt Sara a hug from me, miss you both.”

“Right back at you honey, we miss you too!”

Checking my phone, I have one missed call and one text message from Michael. What do I do? I can’t avoid him forever. He is just going to keep calling me until I talk to him. I need some more ice cream to help me deal with Michael. I can simply text him back, but then if he is not happy with my answer he will probably just call me. I fill my second bowl and get comfortable in my favorite oversized chair. The house is so quiet right now with no one home. Sitting in the media room, I turn on the television and hit play on the DVD player. “P.S. I Love You” is in the machine,
the movie I need right now. I click it off and sit in silence while I finish eating my ice cream. My thoughts are loud enough thinking about Michael and how to deal with him. He wants my answer about going out. This is ridiculous at this point! I am driving myself crazy over someone I hardly know, this shouldn’t be this complicated. I’m going to pull the band aid off and just text him. Who cares if I piss him off? He will get over it. I take my dish into the kitchen and sit at the breakfast nook to text Michael.

Hey! Not going to be able to see you this weekend. I have plans with my boyfriend.

I hit send and now I wait. My message was pretty blunt, but needed to be. My phone pings with his reply.

Boyfriend? Since when?

So much for being blunt. Now what do I do? I’m about to text him and he has beaten me to it by calling me. I take a breath and answer my phone.

“So you’re available this morning when I asked you out, and now you have a boyfriend? Wow! You move fast, don’t you?”

“Hello to you too, Michael.”

“You didn’t answer my question, Nicolette.”

“No, I didn’t Michael, and I really don’t see how this is any of your business. I am a female, we have been known to change our minds from time to time. Yes, I do have a boyfriend, and I never promised you anything.

You caught me this morning when I wasn’t even really thinking about anything beyond the rest of my day. I never said yes to going out.”

“That’s not how I understood it at all Nicolette. I think your boy Simon knew that I had a chance with you, so he swooped in and got to you first.”

Counting silently to ten before answering him, “Seriously, Michael? That’s what you think? That Simon only asked me to be his girlfriend because you’re interested in me. I hate to break it you Michael, but you give Simon too much credit. He’s not thinking about you at all.”

“Ouch Nicolette, that one hurt. You surprise me; you really know how to pull out your claws when you want to.”

“Michael, whatever you are thinking or have thought about you and me, it’s in your head. Can we just be friends and put all of this behind us? Our parents work together. I really don’t want things to be awkward between us.”

“Go out with me and they won’t be.”

“Oh my god! You haven’t heard a word I have said! I have a boyfriend!” I’m ready to pull my hair out with this stupid conversation with Michael and it has gone on longer than I wanted it to be. “Listen I have to go.”

“Nicolette, wait a minute. Ok you want to be friends? Then let me take you to a concert this weekend as friends.”

“I can’t do that Michael, and you know why. Simon is my boyfriend and he won’t appreciate me going anywhere with you.” Silence, complete silence. “Um…hello?” Michael hung up on me. What a jerk! Now I can hope he will back off.

“Nicolette, we’re home.” I hear my dad call out to me. Still seated at the breakfast nook, I haven’t moved since my phone call with Michael. I shake it off and go greet my dad. He walks into the kitchen and I give him a big hug. “Hey daddy, how are you?”

“I’m good. Have you eaten yet?” Lying just a bit, “Nope, waited for you and mom.” I helped mom set the table as Dad opened some wine. We sat down in the dining room, and Mom had asked me about my day.

I was a little nervous about telling them about Simon, but excited at the same time. I opted not to mention Michael at all. As Mom began passing the dishes around, I blurted out. “So I have news. Simon asked me to be his girlfriend today, and I said yes.” Silence. Mom and Dad are looking back and forth at each other. Maybe this wasn’t a great time to bring this up. Mom takes a sip of her wine, as Dad stops eating and looks up at me.

“Nicolette, don’t you think you may be rushing into things with this boy? He’s very nice, but you’ve only have known him a short time.”

Letting out my breath, his reaction wasn’t so bad. “Dad, it’s not a short time, I’ve known him for a couple of months now, and I think that’s enough time to know if I like him or not.” Turning to my mother, “Simon is great Mom. I really do like him and he likes me too.”

“I believe you honey, if you and Simon share the same feelings for one another, and he treats you with respect, than I’m fine with it.”

“Nicolette, as long as Simon behaves himself, I don’t have a problem with it. If he steps out of line with you, Simon has ME to deal with. You’d better reiterate that to the boy.”
only my father knew, I’m the one that can’t keep her hands to herself; Simon has actually been amazing with me.

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