A Chance for Charity (The Immortal Ones) (6 page)

Read A Chance for Charity (The Immortal Ones) Online

Authors: S.L. Baum

Tags: #romance, #vampires, #vampire, #paranormal, #young adult, #supernatural, #witches, #witch, #teen, #shapeshifter, #shape shifter, #immortal, #shifter, #immortals

BOOK: A Chance for Charity (The Immortal Ones)
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My board needs some
action,” Rusty was almost giddy.

Mine’s trashed, time for a
new one” Burke said.

I tuned them out as they continued on with
their talk of snowboarding. My thoughts turned to Link. Our
“friendship” had stalled. I hadn’t heard from him since a brief
phone call a few days after our movie outing. He wanted to let me
know he was leaving town for Thanksgiving. He promised he would
call me as soon as he returned. I couldn’t help but wonder where
he’d gone and was confused by my need to see his face again. I
could count the number of times I had spoken to him on one hand.
Why did I form this strange attachment to him so soon?

I needed to get my mind off of Link. As soon
as school was over I planned to visit James, over at the medical
center. With his work schedule and my school schedule, I just
didn’t get to spend as much time with him as I liked. I decided I
would stop by the Chinese restaurant first and order some Orange
Chicken to go. It was James’s favorite.

Later that day, as I waited
in the restaurant’s alcove that faced the street, I looked across
the way at
A Step in
. Catherine stood, just across the
street, fussing with an outfit on a mannequin. She pulled at the
skirt and readjusted the belt, striving for perfection. I told the
guy behind the bar that I’d be right back and exited the

Aunt Rachel,” I called out
as I carefully made my way across the street. There was a
combination of slush, ice, and snow forming a line that trimmed
each side of the main road.

Hi, Emily, how was
school?” Catherine was always so good at assimilating into our

Oh fine, I’m getting Uncle
Jason some Orange Chicken do you want me to get you anything before
I head over to the medical center?”

No, I’m good. Give him my
love and ask him to show you what he’s been working on in the lab
lately... if the opportunity arises. It’s very interesting,”
Catherine sounded cryptic.

Okay,” I answered, a
little confused but would definitely ask now that my curiosity was
piqued. “See you at home in a few hours,” I waved goodbye and made
my way back across the street to pick up the food.

When I arrived at the medical center James
was in his office filling out paperwork. He probably spent just as
much doing that for as he did actual doctoring.

Hi, Uncle Jason,” I smiled
at him as I entered the room.

Hello, Emily. I smell
something good,” he brightened as the sweet, spicy aroma of the
Orange Chicken reached his nose.

Favorite dish for my
favorite uncle,” I sang as I held up the bag from the

Gee thanks,” he smiled at

So, I bet the good bone
breaks are just around the corner. I heard at school that they’re
finally opening the lifts this weekend. Betcha can’t wait for some
action,” I teased.

I never wish hurt upon
anyone. I’m just glad that I am able to help when I am needed,”
James responded a little too seriously.

I was just kidding and stammered, “I-I know,
I-I didn’t mean that you ...” I was interrupted by Mrs. Paxton.

Dr. Johnston, I just
brought Sammy Tyler to Room One. He fell down the steps outside his
home and landed on a broken bottle. The cut is pretty deep, it’ll
need a few stitches,” she informed him.

Thank you Sheila, I’ll be
there in just a moment,” he answered her and she hurried away.
“Emily, come with me. I’m sure the Tyler’s won’t mind if you

We walked back to Room One where Mr. and
Mrs. Tyler were sitting. Mrs. Tyler held little Sammy on her lap,
his arm was wrapped in blood soaked gauze. His dirty, tear streaked
face showed the pain this little boy was truly in. His parents’
faces were filled with anxiety and fear. Their tension visibly
eased when James smiled at them. He had such confidence, and a way
of reassuring those around him.

After introducing himself, and explaining my
presence to Mr. and Mrs. Tyler, James turned his attention to
little Sammy.

Sammy, looks like you’ve
got a huge owie there. I’m going to take a peek at it. But don’t
worry, you can stay with Mommy while I do it. All I want to do is
take that big white band-aid off your arm. Is that okay with you?”
James looked directly in Sammy’s eyes. His mannerisms almost
immediately brought calm. I had never seen it duplicated by any
other person.

S’not a ban-aid, see cod
it gaaz,” Sammy sniffled and pointed to
, Nurse Paxton.

Well you are so right, it
is gauze. Let’s take off the gauze. You hold your arm real still
and I’ll be very careful.”

K,” Sammy looked into
James’s eyes, no longer afraid.

James leaned over and gently pulled the
stained gauze from the gaping wound. I took a silent intake of
breath as I stared at the three inch long gash in this tiny boy’s
forearm. The edges of the wound were farther apart than they should
be. I knew, from years of watching James in action, it meant
meticulous stitches would be needed and not just the staples that
could so easily close smaller wounds.

Mr. and Mrs. Tyler this is
going to need quite a few stitches. I’ve found from experience that
sometimes it is easier for a child if the parents are not around.
You see, at times, a parent’s anxiety can transfer to the child. If
it is alright with little Sammy here, I’d like to finish fixing his
arm while you two finish your paperwork,” James turned to Sammy
urging compliance with his eyes.

Sammy’s parents’ eyes opened wider. I could
immediately perceive their fierce disapproval of James’s plan. They
wanted to stay with their son. But before they could open their
mouths to protest, a little voice broke through the silent

S’okay Mommy, you go an
be back soon,” Sammy smiled.

The Tyler’s still looked completely unsure
of this plan but Sheila Paxton tried to reassure them.

I know you are
apprehensive, but I gotta tell you that Dr. Johnston is the best
I’ve seen. As you well know, I’ve been here almost fifteen years
and he’s the best. Just come on now. If Sammy wants you back
sooner, then Emily here will come get you. Won’t you,

Right away, I promise,” I
answered with sincerity.

The Tylers left and James turned his
attention to Sammy.

I’m going to wipe your cut
with a red medicine that will take away the pain and help me fix
it,” James said.

Sammy just nodded his little head, his eyes
still held no fear. James took a chain out from under his shirt
that held two keys. The first key opened a locked drawer, from
which he extracted a small metal box. The second key unlocked the
box. From inside the box he removed a two inch square, sealed
packet that resembled an antiseptic wipe. I knew exactly what it
was, the second he tore open the packet. I could immediately smell
the blood, James’s blood, mixed with something else though. I
couldn’t make out the other aromas that fused with the distinct
fragrance of James’s blood.

Now turn your head Sammy
this will hurt less if you don’t look while I am doing it,” James
instructed the boy.

He took the wipe and gently worked it up and
down the length of the cut. Sammy took an audible gulp of air as
his open skin registered the pressure. But his shoulders soon
relaxed and his face remained calm as the substance being wiped on
his arm severely dulled his sense of pain. I watched in a stupor as
the edges of the wound grew closer together. James opened another
wipe and again rubbed the gash. The edges came even closer. By the
end of the third application there was a dark pink line of a scar
where just a few minutes before existed a tragic injury to this
little child.

All done Sammy, you are
the bravest boy I have ever met!” James praised, as he wrapped the
arm snugly with fresh gauze and taped the edges shut. “No more
falling, Okay?”

K,” Sammy solemnly

When the Tyler’s came back in the room,
Sammy was all smiles. He ran to hug his mom first and then his dad,
who scooped him up into his arms.

Keep the dressing clean
and dry for a week. If you feel it needs changing before that time
then please bring him in to see me and I will change it. I used
self dissolving stitches that will disappear into the skin. He
should be all healed up by the time you remove the bandage,” James
instructed them.

The Tyler’s thanked James and left to take
Sammy home. He was in desperate need of a bed. The poor little guy
had passed out on his father’s shoulder within moments of being
picked up.

So, that’s what Catherine
wanted me to see,” I whispered to James when we were back in his
office with the door securely closed behind us.

She mentioned that to
you?” James questioned.

No, she just mentioned
that I should ask you to show me what you were working on. What was
mixed with your blood? I couldn’t place the scent.”

Oh, a number of things.
I’ve been working for some time to find a solution that would
effectively combine with my blood without completely diluting its
healing powers. I’ve tried various chemicals and elements in
nature. Some solutions wouldn’t mix, the blood would separate. Some
were too thick and pasty and when diluted were useless. I think
this one is pretty good. It only took three applications for the
wound to heal. I’d like to lessen the dosage,” James’s face came
alive, his mind already planning his next full day in the lab at

I’d never tried to heal anyone with my
blood. Catherine had done it a few times, but clearly James was the
one with a passion for it. He was pretty sure my blood would work
similarly to the way his did. But I was unwilling to try. The one
time I had used a knife to pierce through my skin, to draw blood,
was the one time I had given up all will to live. I was still
ashamed that I had done such a selfish and foolish thing. The
memories of the events leading up to that moment still haunted me.
I shook my head to push the memories away, into the corners

I left James to his work and walked out to
the parking lot. I needed to go home. I had a math test to study

The SUV chirped as I pushed the button on my
keypad to unlock the doors. A second chirp echoed the first, and I
scanned the parking lot in anticipation. There it was, Link’s
doppelganger of a vehicle, and there he was, waving. I ran over to
where he stood, forgetting the recent weather change. My shoe
caught a slick patch of ice, and there I was... falling.

chapter five



Gotcha,” Link exclaimed as
he reached out to grab me before I hit the ground.

Thanks, I
didn’t notice that ice
patch,” I grimaced as I steadied myself. “When did you get


Where did you

I drove down into Mexico.
I don’t do well with holidays. There’s no Thanksgiving

Too many

Yeah, I just didn’t want
to smell roast turkey and mashed potatoes and then be reminded of
family dinners,” he admitted.

You’ll have to start
making new ones that’s all. You could have had dinner with us.
Friends make good holiday partners too. We are still going to be
friends, aren’t we?” I questioned. His sudden absence had caused me
to wonder.

Yes we are. If you still
want to be. On the other hand, I am kinda old to be hanging out
with a little girl like you.”

Get over it. I’ll get you
a cane so you don’t hurt yourself old man,” I kidded him. “In about
two months I’ll officially be an adult. Will you feel better then?
You could just avoid me until February.”

I’m not sure I could do
that,” Link looked at me, his expression sober.

I don’t think I would like
it much either,” I admitted.

What should we

I’m not sure.”

How about skiing? Friends
ski. The trails will be open in a few days. Ski with me,” he

Can’t ski. Some kids from
school are going this weekend, but I bowed out. I didn’t want to
spoil their fun.”

You – can’t – ski?” he
emphasized each word as he spoke.

Nope,” I said.

That’s a

What should we

I’m teaching you. You, me,
base of lift four, Saturday, nine o’clock sharp,” he

We could wait until
Meadows is open. Everyone keeps saying that’s the easiest green,” I

Nonsense, Village Bypass
is a green. So is Lower Boomerang,” he paused as I stared at him,
completely lost in his ski trail name rattling.

I’ll show you a trail map
later,” he responded to my confused look, and then teased, “I won’t
let you tumble down the mountainside.” Link flashed his brilliant

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