A Chamber of Delights (27 page)

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Authors: Katrina Young

BOOK: A Chamber of Delights
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She looked at him hard, uncertain as to whether he was being facetious or polite, but his smooth face showed no laughter. The dark eyes looked down warmly, and his mouth remained quite straight. The smile
which often churned her stomach wasn’t there. Was his challenge finished as she’d feared? Perhaps he thought he’d won. Would there be nothing more between them in the future but polite exchanges as she gave him orders for the garden?

Sophie stamped about the kitchen when Gael went in for breakfast. Where was the rapport they’d had? The time when Gael had sat and sucked the siren’s breasts and they had whispered naughtily over croissants, seemed long past.

Time dragged until the doorbell rang. Gael headed Sophie off and reached the door before her, but the housemaid hovered sulkily, pouting as she looked to see the caller. When she saw Fiona, she turned and stomped back to her work.

With ginger hair shining in the evening light, Celine arrived soon after with Mandy, the fourth girl for the fantasy. Gael had chosen Mandy very carefully. Her antics at the party when she’d had four young men together on the stairs had been the best credentials she could have. Blonde and very beautiful, Mandy was quite stunning as she flashed her clear, blue eyes and pursed her lips.

Gael took them quickly to the chamber, where she gave them strict instructions. Their eyes were wide as they viewed the room with all its opportunities for fun.

‘You can play later,’ Gael said sternly. ‘For now, just get undressed. He should be here at any time.’

On cue, the doorbell rang.

Gael scampered up the basement steps. Sophie had gone home and the house was very still.

Bradwell Ainsely-Jeaves was tall. He towered over Gael as she took his hand and kissed it. His grip was firm – too firm perhaps, and his look was somewhat hard. She saw a glint of lustfulness in his dark and searching eyes. They discussed his fantasy in minute detail, then she led him to the basement. Outside the
chamber door, she showed him all the garments she’d obtained to meet his needs. Then she went in on her own.

The other three were eager to get started so Gael turned down the lights. Only the spotlight above the ornate chair was left.

They waited tensely in the darkness. Fiona held Gael’s hand. ‘How old is he?’ she whispered as if he might hear.

‘Late thirties, maybe,’ Gael whispered back, the tension getting to her too. She needed this fantasy to be successful. As someone in the high court, Jeaves was an influential man.

‘Is he a brute?’ Fiona asked. Then before Gael could reply, she added, ‘I like a brute between my legs when I’m in the mood.’

‘And are you in the mood?’ Celine hissed over her shoulder.

Fiona gave a tinny little laugh. ‘I’m always in the mood for a really horny dick. Aren’t you?’

‘Make that two really horny dicks, and I’m all ears,’ Mandy joined in, with a giggle. ‘In fact, make it three or four, and I’m anybody’s.’

Gael frowned. ‘Shhhh, ladies. Try to take this seriously.’

‘But we’ve only come for the fun, darling,’ Fiona whispered hoarsely.

The exchanges were cut short as the door swung open. The dark-eyed man moved to the spotlight by the chair. He sat and peered into the darkness, his face set hard, his eyes alert.

‘The court is now in session,’ he boomed fiercely, and banged a wooden gavel on the chair. ‘Let the first defendant come forward and plead her case.’

Gael looked with pleasure at the result of much hard work hunting around theatrical costumiers. Dressed in scarlet robes, a long wig to his shoulders, Bradwell Jeaves looked like a judge presiding at his court.

Nobody stood forward. Then Gael pushed Fiona. Dressed in long, black stockings, a pair of skimpy panties and a bra, she faced the ‘judge’.

‘You stand accused of being a wanton hussy,’ he growled and scanned her closely as she stood a few feet from his chair. ‘How do you plead?’

‘Guilty, your honour,’ she smirked.

Gael poked her hard in the back to make her be more serious.

‘And what have you to say in your defence?’

‘Nothing, your honour, except that I like the feel of a strong, hard cock in my sex. I can’t help it if I get the hots when a man drops his pants and thrusts it out at me. It makes me go all funny. I suppose I’m just an addict, your honour.’

‘Then I sentence you to be chastised, my girl. You will have your hands tied. Your knickers will be taken down and your naked bottom will be soundly spanked. Stand down.’

‘Yes, your lordship. Thank you for your kindness, your lordship.’ Fiona smirked, did a little curtsy and retreated from the light.

‘And ten hard slaps for impertinence,’ he growled into the blackness.

Gael pushed Mandy forward, wearing nothing but a black thong and stockings high up her thighs. The thin strap of the thong was tight between her buttocks making them swell out. Gael could imagine how it rubbed on Mandy’s anus and pulled deeply between her legs, stimulating her with every long-legged stride.

Mandy thrust her breasts out at the man. Gael hadn’t seen them before. Well proportioned but very large, they ballooned above a slender waist, her belly brown and freckled. Her pubis was prominent, her bottom firm. A bush of golden hair frizzed out between her legs.

‘And how do you plead?’ the judge asked, peering down intently at her breasts.

Mandy pushed them out at him and rubbed the nipples. ‘If having big tits is a crime, m’lud,’ she said in a husky voice, pouting her lips at him, ‘then I’m guilty. Do you want to suck them? You can rub your prick between them if you want to.’

He scowled. ‘I shall reserve judgment when I strip you naked to examine you more closely. Then I shall decree a suitable punishment.’

‘What kind of punishment, m’lud?’

‘What kind of punishment would you dislike the most, you siren?’

‘I hate the taste of cock, m’lud,’ Mandy piped up brightly. ‘I tremble when some fellow puts it in my mouth.’

‘Then I sentence you to suck my penis until you see the error of your ways, girl. Stand down.’

Celine stepped eagerly into the searching light. The coppery hair of her mons shone through the hole in crotchless panties. Her pure-white bra had holes for the nipples to poke through. This made the nimbuses look swollen. She pushed her hair behind her head, and pouted at the judge.

‘You are accused of tempting men, girl. How do you plead?’ He stared down at her crotch as she pushed her hips at him. Then his gaze rose to her nipples, poking through her bra.

‘I plead not guilty, your worship.’

‘And what is your defence, girl?’

She shook her head, the coppery coils sweeping her slender neck, her breasts swinging to the motion. ‘I’ve got the biggest pussy most men have seen, your worship. Is it my fault they want to fuck it as soon as they get a glimpse of it?’ She turned and pushed her bottom out at him, the lips of her vulva pressing through the crotch hole of her panties.

He stared between her legs and licked his lips. ‘That’s no defence, girl. And stop trying to influence my
judgment with your lascivious behaviour. Turn around and face me.’

Celine turned, looking at him coyly.

‘Now explain something to me,’ he said, standing so they caught a glimpse of his stiff shaft through his robes. ‘Tell me how men could possibly see your – your . . .’

‘My pussy, m’lord?’ she giggled.

He coughed. ‘Yes – how could they see that if you were properly dressed?’

‘They lift my skirt and pull my knickers down, your worship. No one can resist it when it purses its lips at them, but it really isn’t my fault.’

‘That’s a very serious accusation, girl.’

‘But it’s true, your honour.’

‘I’ll be the judge of that. I remand you in custody for inspection of your . . .’

‘My pussy?’

He cleared his throat. ‘Quite so.’

‘But how will you inspect it, your worship? I don’t drop my panties lightly.’

He scowled. ‘You will be restrained first. Then your knickers will be removed.’

‘And if I don’t let you take my knickers down?’

‘Then they will be ripped off, girl.’

‘And if I resist the inspection?’

‘Your legs will be held apart ready for my inspection. And for trying to influence me so wantonly, I sentence you to a sound spanking to run concurrently with the inspection.’ He peered into the darkness to locate Gael. ‘Custodian? Step forward.’

Gael did as she was ordered.

‘Take these women and prepare them for their punishment. I shall retire and return shortly to investigate their – their cases further. The punishments I have decreed will then be carried out.’ He rose and swept out of the room, his robes flowing out behind him.

The three ‘convicted’ women laughed aloud. Gael
silenced them with a scowl. ‘Come on. We’ve got work to do. Don’t stand here tittering.’

She pulled forward the wooden framework she’d had made. It was a pillory – a board with three sets of holes for neck and hands fixed just above waist height. The three had to bend deeply as Gael clamped them in. Now they were captive, unable to move their heads or arms. They were forced to thrust their bottoms out and place their legs apart. Gael had set three spotlights to highlight each straining crotch and three lights on their faces.

They started to giggle, but Gael stopped them just as Bradwell Jeaves entered imperiously. The red robes wafted apart showing that he was naked underneath. His belly was taut, his cock hard. She turned up the lights on the women’s faces. From the blackness where she stood to oversee the scene, Gael thought she saw his penis swell as he walked along the line.

The captives tried to look up, but they could only see him from his belly down, his cockshaft rearing just before their faces.

Gael quickly focused the lights so that their mouths were lit brightly. Everything else was in complete darkness.

With Mandy in the centre, he faced her squarely. ‘Ah yes. I believe it’s you who has a dislike for sucking on a man.’

‘Yes, m’lud,’ she sniggered. ‘I hate the way his cock swells in my mouth.’

He flexed his shaft and pulled the foreskin tight. ‘Then I’ll punish you, you wicked creature.’ He placed his glans against her lips. ‘Open your mouth, girl.’

Unable to retreat, Mandy opened her lips just wide enough to let his helmet in. He pushed, easing the thick shaft between her lips. She sucked it, gobbling on it eagerly. He smiled as he pushed and felt her heat.

She closed her eyes. She savoured him. She sucked his
penis slowly and with passion, making it glisten in the light. The he pulled it out of her mouth and made her lick his balls. He held them hard against her face and flexed his knees.

She licked him lasciviously in long, full strokes.

As he went behind the frame, Gael switched the lights. Now all the man could see was a trio of female bottoms bending in a line, the twin lips of their vulvas pursed and proud inside their panties.

He took a flail with leather thongs and flicked Fiona’s crotch, her black hair showing clearly through the lace of her panties.

She whispered, ‘Yes,’ and pushed her bottom out.

He flicked her harder. ‘Quiet, girl, or you’ll be chastised until you cry for mercy.’

‘Oh yes,’ she whispered hoarsely, pushing out her bottom even harder.

Now he came to Mandy, bands of soft, pale flesh showing where her stockings met the V shape of her thong. The pink lips of her sex were plain beneath the see-through lace. The curly hair which fringed them bristled out.

He whisked her bottom and her thighs, making her squirm with the pleasure that it gave her.

Now he reached Celine. The hole in the crotch of her panties showed the moist lips of her sex, shrouded in ginger hair. Gael thought he tarried longer at Celine as he scanned the insides of her thighs. He whisked her with light strokes, making sure that the tails of leather caught the hollows of her loins. Her labia swelled and pulsed, moistening more and more. He whisked again, reddening the pale pink of her bottom.

She moaned again and spread her legs.

Gael took a deep breath and slipped a hand between her legs. She could feel the warm leaves of her purse, slippery as she moved. She wanted to take her panties off and show him her quim as well. But that would not
be fitting. She was the fulfiller of his dreams, not his toy to play with. Even so she wondered just how long she could keep up a neutral position. As she studied the three bottoms and the sexual parts between the spread-out legs, her heart beat like a drum.

The judge now paced along the line, whisking at each bottom, making his captives squirm with sheer delight. He felt the soft cheeks of Fiona’s buttocks, running his hand over them and between them. He slipped his fingers down between her legs and stroked her. Tight in the see-through panties, her labia were firm. Gael imagined how they would be pulsing, needing to feel the coolness of fresh air.

Now he touched up Mandy, running his hand up the inside of her legs until it reached her crotch. She wriggled as he spanked her hard. He stroked her really slowly, palming her sexual purse, feeling its sultry heat as he pulled his foreskin gently with his other hand.

He moved then to Celine, the lips of her vulva bare. He ran his finger through them to see how moist she was. Then he took his finger to his nose to smell her with a long, deep breath. Slowly, he eased her knickers down. He bared her inch by inch. She set her legs together as he drew them slowly off then stepped out of them quite daintily. Widening her stance again she worked her vaginal muscles very slowly.

His eyes lit up as her vulva opened and then closed. ‘Ah – I believe this is the one who said that she had the largest . . .’

‘Pussy – m’lud?’ She giggled again.

He murmured with approval and divided her vulval lips, studying how they quivered to his touch. ‘But size is comparative, my dear,’ he whispered as he spread them wide. ‘How big is your pussy compared with the other two?’ He lay his shaft against her cleft, parting her ginger hair. Then he moved along to Mandy, in the middle of the three. Slowly he eased her knickers down,
leaving the paleness of her bottom stark against the blackness of her stockings.

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