A Case of the Heart (15 page)

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Authors: Beth Shriver

BOOK: A Case of the Heart
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Alex just smiled and took her coat then walked back to the entry closet. He got caught up in a tangle of nieces and nephews coming in to attack him.

He fell on the floor amidst shrieks and giggles, letting them bounce on him and sit on his stomach while he tickled them. She couldn’t help thinking that he would be a good father. It wasn’t the first time she had the thought, and it was always something she’d appreciated when they were on calls together. Kids always warmed up to him.

Chris introduced Liz to the entire family, nieces and nephews included. And it was no surprise that all Alex’s brothers were very charming. The spouses felt at ease and were very much included. Most of them had dark hair and blended in with the rest of the family. The exception was Alyssa’s husband, who stood out like a beacon with his blond hair and green eyes.

Alex showed up in time for Liz to meet his parents. His mother, a petite woman with olive-toned skin and long gray hair braided down her back, was delightful. “Welcome to our home, Liz. We’re so glad that you’ve come.” She hugged her once, then again.

“Thank you for having me, Mrs. Demas.” Liz couldn’t tell if this was her normal hospitality, or if she was just really happy that Alex had someone with him.

After meeting his father, there was no doubt where the boys acquired their debonair traits. He was handsome and gracious but not a tall man, making her wonder where Alex acquired his height. He went out of his way to make her feel at home.

He brought Liz into his den and showed her pictures of himself and his sons together, all in their police uniforms. The four sons stood from eldest to youngest with their father standing in the middle of them. Alex, of course, was the most handsome.

Liz went into the kitchen to help with the meal, which she hesitated over due to her lack of cooking skills, but Alex’s mother patted her cheek and put her to work. His sisters were talkative and busy bustling around after children and helping with the food.

They both held the Demas characteristics. Alyssa, the shorter of the two, chatted incessantly, while Barbara, the oldest of the bunch, worked side by side with her mother to get things done.

The energy that came from the dining room as they entered was refreshing. They each found a place next to their significant others at a long oak table made for eight, but today it squeezed in fourteen. The children’s table was set up in the kitchen.

They had a wonderful meal and lots of conversation, many all going on at the same time. Alex and his brothers were loud talkers, trying to outdo each other with their stories and jokes.

Her eyes scanned the faces of everyone seated at the table and stopped when her eyes met with his mother’s. She gave Liz a thoughtful smile. Liz felt it was a good opportunity to praise her cooking. “You’re a wonderful cook, Mrs. Demas.”

Mrs. Demas held her napkin up to her mouth and smiled warmly. The rest of the family chimed in with their compliments, then the conversations continued.

Alex nudged Liz and winked. “You’re doing very well with this craziness. But don’t worry, we won’t stay long after we eat.”

“I’m fine, really. We don’t have to rush off.”

Alex stared at her in disbelief, his knife and fork frozen in his hands. “Really?”

She shrugged. “You’ll understand when you go to my parents’ house.”

“You’re scaring me.” He tried to look scared but couldn’t pull it off. She laughed and took another bite of chocolate cake.

Alyssa leaned over closer to Liz. “You can stay awhile, can’t you Liz?”

Liz nodded, wondering if they didn’t usually have visitors stay around very often. Liz felt Alex’s stare on her and wondered if he wanted her attention or was just observing as she talked with Alyssa. He kept tabs on her throughout the rest of the evening to make sure she was comfortable.

The guys settled in to watch a game on TV. Alex started to walk in the room with them but then stopped and caught her eye. He pointed and lifted his brows in question to get her approval to join them. She nodded and continued to visit with the women in the kitchen as they finished the dishes. The kids had quieted and taken over their grandparents’ TV in the bedroom watching cartoons.

It felt good to be a part of this big, happy family, and Alex was so glad to have her here, they all were. The importance of her being there made her wonder just how serious Alex thought their relationship was. Maybe the ride home would be a good time to find out.

Alex came up behind Liz a few minutes later and whispered in her ear, “Ready to go?”

Goose bumps tickled down her neck.

Liz turned to him as she dried a platter and placed it on the counter. “Let me finish up here first.”

He grabbed a towel and helped her dry. His mother glanced over at him. The corners of her mouth curved, and then she looked at Liz and gave her the same gentle smile. Alex didn’t see the tender gesture. Liz was glad that she had. And returned it with a smile of her own.

“So you know my Alex from work?” His mother handed a clean plate to Barbara.

“Yes, we’ve been working on a case together. We make a pretty good team.” She grinned at Alex who chuckled his response.

“She makes me tired, Ma.”

His mother shook her head. “Ahh, she makes you work...that’s good for you.”

Liz laughed and handed Alex a platter to dry. “Yeah, here get to work.”

He scowled at her and took the platter.

As they were leaving, all of his family came up to them to say goodbye. Liz went to Alyssa. “You give the best hugs.”

“Thanks for coming, Liz. And come back, okay.”

There is was again. The pleading for Alex to come with a girl. “I’m counting on it.”

She gave more hugs as she made her way back to Alex and thanked everyone

When they got to Alex’s truck, he backed Liz up against it and gently grabbed her by the collar of her coat with both hands. His eyes searched hers as he moved forward.

“I hope you’re not going to kiss me right now,” she teased, looking over his shoulder.

He took a step back and chuckled. “Why?”

“Because your brothers are spying on us.” She pointed to the large window in the front of the house.

He turned to see Damon and Chris looking out the window, all smiles. He shook his head, mumbled something and waited for Liz to get into the truck.

He leaned forward and put his lips to her ear, causing a rush of sensation on the left side of her body. The warmth of his breath swept down her neck.

“Thanks for coming with me tonight.”

She gave a one-shoulder shrug. “It was fun. But I can see why some people might not feel that way,” she said sarcastically as she watched Chris and Damon walking away.

He shook his head as he glanced at them. “It wasn’t too much for you then?”

“Nope, I might even do it again sometime.”

He touched her cheek tenderly. “I’m counting on it.” He shut her door and got in his side. “I think I’m going to have to call in my marker to get that kiss.”

She drew her brows together, not understanding at first, and then understood what he was referring to. “You mean because I

He nodded with a silly grin on his face. She shook her head and grinned back at him.

“That might be what it takes,” he said with childish frustration as he put the key in the ignition and started his truck.

The chill of the night caused the roads to become icy making it more than the regular hour’s drive, but it didn’t feel like it was half that long. They talked about the evening’s events, and Alex filled her in on more family stories. Now that she knew the family personally, his stories were more interesting, and she enjoyed hearing him tell them.

He spoke highly of his family and his childhood. “We didn’t have much money, but we really cared about one another. All the boys were terrors, and Alyssa was a bit mischievous too. Barbara, being the oldest, took on a more parental role, and to this day, she can look at us with that one certain expression and we jump.”

Liz envisioned that look on Barbara’s face. “I think I would too.”

They rolled into the driveway, and walked up to her house. She rubbed her hands together, making the cold run up and down her fingers. She let out a breath, causing white puffs of air to circle around her face.

She realized how late it was and turned to him to say goodbye. He cupped her face in his hands. She tingled everywhere his hands touched her. His eyes swept along the curve of her neck, up to the line of her jaw, then to her lips.

His touch was entrancing, and she found herself fighting the urge to lean closer. His fingers moved through her hair, following through its length.

Realism fell on her like a weight. If things fell apart, she couldn’t handle it, not with him. She slowly pulled back. They held each other’s gaze for a moment.

“See you bright and early.” She tried to sound chipper, but her voice was soft and low.

He let out a long breath with a nod. “Good night, Liz.”

She walked in and shut the door behind her. As she stood by the picture window, she stopped to see him standing on the porch looking at her. He hadn’t moved.

His hands were in his pockets, his shoulders hunched against the cold. He held a serious expression, but his eyes looked soft and content. She caught the gleam in his eyes as he turned and walked to his truck.

Moonlight reflected off the untouched snow in the yard, and the streets were still. She brought her hands up and crossed them over her arms hugging herself. For the first time in a very long while, Liz truly felt lonely.


Chapter Nineteen

The doorbell rang, waking Liz. Not just one ring but consistent ringing.
Ding, ding, ding
...she sprang out of bed, with the feeling she was in a fire drill.

She ran to the door and threw it open.

“Alex!” She ran her fingers through her tangled hair and tried to rub the sleep from her eyes. “What time is it?”

“Almost nine o’clock. We said eight, remember?”

She held her hand over her mouth, gasped and adjusted her flannel pajama bottoms. “My alarm didn’t go off, and I haven’t packed yet.”

Alex shook his head in jest. “I guess I’ll just have to help you.” He glanced at her, looking at her red, white and black flannel shirt and matching pants. “Do you always wear
kinds of pajamas?” He stepped inside and took off his boots and then proceeded into her bedroom.

“Yeah, do you like them?” she teased.

He snorted. “Absolutely, just like Mom used to wear.” He stood in her room studying it, like a cop. She opened the closet and took out a suitcase.

He sat down on her unmade bed, looking around the room. “This room suits you. Big pillows, squishy down comforter, everything warm and fluffy.”

He looked comfortable, maybe
comfortable. The fact that they knew each other so well made things less formal, which made this new relationship between them puzzling at times.

“Help yourself to some coffee or anything you can find to eat.”

He sat up straight. “What coffee?”

“The coffee you’re going to make for us,” Liz said as she started toward the bathroom.

He shook his head and walked into the kitchen.

After a speedy shower, Liz put on makeup and towel dried her hair. She slipped into her comfy faded jeans and sweater, then started packing.

Alex walked in handing her a cup of coffee.

“You made the bed and the coffee? You come in handy.” She smiled at him over her cup, cradling it in her hand for warmth.

“Just trying to pick up the slack.” He grinned and took a sip from his steaming mug.

She sat down on the floor next to the suitcase. “I’m sorry. I had every intention of getting up early to pack and to have coffee and donuts ready when you got here. I guess your family wore me out more than I knew.”

“That I can understand.” He sat down next to her stretching his arms behind him and his legs out front. “We don’t need to hurry. Take your time packing, and I’ll check the weather. It’s supposed to snow again today.”

Her cat, Monte came out from under the bed and rudely walked over Alex’s lap to get to Liz, as cats do. She put him in her lap and proceeded to pack.

“I didn’t know you had a cat. What is he, an alley cat? He looks tough.” He reached for him and held him up.

Monte hung there like a sack of potatoes and Liz laughed. Alex put him down and walked into the family room with Monte at his heels.

She wondered how it would feel, going on a trip with him considering they had just started spending time together socially. But since they had known each other for so long, it seemed like just another adventure.

She finished packing and took her bag out to the family room. Alex insisted on taking his pickup instead of her Honda and she agreed considering the weather. Alex methodically packed the truck and acted as if they were going on a two-week vacation.

As they drove they spent the time sharing their ideas about treatment plans for clients and different calls they had been on together, especially lately. They would get off track and talk about everything taboo, like politics and how bad their salaries were. It felt good to have uninterrupted time to talk. And the more she found out about Alex, the more she cared for him.

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