A Case of Love (8 page)

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Authors: Wendy Stone

BOOK: A Case of Love
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"Yeah, but you can't blame a girl for trying, can you?"

"No,” he said, glancing at his watch. “I've got to run. We're still on tonight?"

"Definitely,” she said, lifting her cheek for his kiss.

"Okay, see you then.” He turned and walked toward the elevator, glancing back at her as he waited for the door to open. She seemed lost in thought, staring after him. He raised his hand in a wave goodbye and then walked into the elevator.

Kenzie slumped down into her chair. Her life had just grown all that more complicated. “Dammit it,” she growled, picking up her phone and punching in the numbers she knew by heart.

"We aren't here right now so please leave a message at the beep,” she heard after three rings. “Damn,” she growled. She waited for the beep. “Dillon, I'm a big girl now, call off the watch dog.” Without another word, she hung up.


"It's coming Ron!” she snapped, smacking her mouse so that the screensaver disappeared.

Quickly ending the piece, she sent it off to Ron before grabbing her purse and heading for the elevator.

She went home, and kicking off her shoes dropped her purse onto the small table by the door. Going into her fridge, she found a bottle of wine that was half empty, opened it and poured it into a wine glass. Carrying it with her, she went into the bathroom, filling up the huge claw-foot tub and adding scented bubbles.

She found the remote to her stereo, turned on some soft music and stripped out of her clothes. With a sigh of relief, she slid into the hot water, leant back and took a sip of the wine as she tried to think of absolutely nothing.

It wasn't easy, snippets of conversations played through her mind, Dillon and Brett, the arson investigator Curtis Smithers and his words about signatures and trailings, accelerants and fuel, even little pieces of her story came to mind as she tried to relax in the heat and scent of the water.

It wasn't until she'd finished the wine in her glass that she managed to rid her mind of worries. She didn't want to think of anything but her date. Gideon Hawkins was a complex man, serious minded but still with a playful side, she couldn't help but wonder where he was taking her. He'd said casual, she'd make it casual.

Rising from the tub, she let the water drain and turned on her shower, rinsing off the bubbles. Twenty minutes later, she was wrapped in a towel, standing in front of her closet, trying to decide what to wear when there was a knock on her door,

She threw on her robe, tossing her head to send her wet curls dancing around her flushed cheeks. Running to the door, she peeked out, almost growling when she saw Brett standing there. “Go away, no one's home,” she called through the door.

"Oh-kay,” he said, his eyes narrowing. “Now tell me truthfully, Kenzie, does that ever work."

"No,” she grumbled, unlocking the door and holding it open. “But I can always hope for a first time."

"Oh buck up little daffodil,” Brett smirked, using the name he'd called her since she was six and had played a daffodil in her school play. “I'm not here long, I just wanted to know if you'd have some time to have lunch with me tomorrow. Then I'm on a plane and you won't have to see me again until the next family thing, whatever that might be.” He reached out, grabbing a hold of one damp curl and tugged on it gently. “You know you want to, Kenz, you know you do...” he whispered, “I'll even buy."

"Okay,” she said quickly. “For you to buy lunch something has to be wrong. Spill it!"

"Dillon wants to come and see you,” he said, his expression grim. Then he burst out laughing as her mouth dropped open. “Gotcha. No, I just thought it'd be fun to play catch up."

"You...shit,” she growled, smacking him. “Yeah, fine, lunch sounds great. Where are you staying? We can lunch there."

"Dillon's putting me up at the Davidson Hotel,” Brett bragged, rubbing his nails against his tee shirt covered chest. “Only the best, you know. Come around noon and I'll put it on my room's charge."

"Great, so much for you buying,” she chuckled.

"Why should I spend my dime, when it's so much easier and much more fun making Dillon pick up the tab? Besides, he's the one that woke me up in the middle of the night and told me I was coming out here. I told him you were a big girl and could handle yourself, but would he listen to me?"

"Thanks, Brett. Now you want to get out of here, I've got a date to get ready for."

"Yeah, but honestly, Kenz, after seeing him this afternoon, I actually think you're too clean to go out with him."

"Out,” she snorted, waving him through the door and locking it after him. She shook her head, smiling at her cousin's antics before heading back into the bedroom.

Reaching into her special underwear drawer, she lifted out a silk set of bra and thong panties in a soft peach color. She'd splurged on the delicate set and hadn't worn them yet. Yes, she might wear jeans on the outside but she knew what she wore under them. Silk made her feel pretty, lace gave her a touch of mystic and a hint of confidence. Even if no one saw this set, she knew she wore it.

Slipping on the silk made her smile and took a bit of the stress from her day. A pair of khaki pants and a dark blue Henley tee shirt, left with only one button buttoned completed her dress. She slid on a pair of sandals and then put on a hint of makeup, brushing out her curls and she was ready to go. A quick spritz of perfume and she left her room just as someone knocked on her door.

It was a completely different looking Hawk that stood outside the door. He'd shaved, getting rid of the grungy, bad boy look that hadn't been too hard to look at on him. She opened the door, accepting the bouquet of daisies he handed her.

"How did you know?” she asked, a sparkle in her eyes.

"That you liked daisies? It was easy. You're too eclectic to like something as mundane as roses.” He glanced around her apartment. “Daisies were the obvious choice."

She smiled, taking them over to the counter and filling up a vase with water to put them in. “So where are you taking me tonight?"

He raised his eyebrows, smiling mysteriously. “I'm not telling. By the way, I have to say I'm impressed by your will power."

"Will power?” she asked frowning. “What are you...ahh yes, I didn't jump on you to find out what you learned today."

He nodded, a grin lighting up his face. “Now I wouldn't mind if you jumped on me, not at all."

"But you aren't going to tell me anything,” she finished for him.

"Nope, I can't really. But I'll make you a promise,” he said, coming into her small kitchen area and backing her against the counter. He cornered her, resting his hands on either side of her waist and bending close. “I'll let you know first when I can tell the press something."

"Aw,” she almost purred. “You know the way to a little journalist's heart.” Her hands rose to his face, pulling him down so she could kiss him.

It was a slow tasting, a testing of the waters, their lips barely opened, brushing lightly, clinging gently. He slid his hands over her back, drawing her closer until she was pressed against him, his head turning to take the kiss deeper, sliding over her mouth with definite intent.

She was the first to lick at his lips, a delicate nudge with just the tip of her tongue, teasing him. He hummed his pleasure against her mouth, letting her control the kiss, enjoying her playfulness.

Mackenzie could have kissed him all night, the pleasure he was giving her had her blood pumping, her heart racing and a pool of need starting in her loins. He tasted like mint and a bit like coffee, but under it was a spicy heat that was strictly Hawk.

She felt his hands on her hips, holding on to her as he lifted his head. “You taste so good,” he whispered, nibbling at her lower lip. “But if we don't get out of here, we won't make our reservations."

"I could live with that,” she sighed.

"Nope,” he growled, pushing away from her with a chuckle. “I've put a lot of thought into this night. So come on, milady, your chariot awaits.” He bowed, his hand sweeping out with a flourish. He held his arm out for her, waiting while she grabbed her keys and purse and locked her door.

[Back to Table of Contents]


Chapter Five
* * * *

Gravel crunched underneath her sandaled feet as Gideon drew her towards the loud sounds of the place he'd chosen for their date. Music blared into the night, screams seemed to come from everywhere at once, children laughed and cried, and voices rose, as men shouted loudly to draw attention to themselves. Smells assaulted her nose, popcorn and French fries, fried cakes and hotdogs, cotton candy and candied apples. Lights flashed and flared, colors bright and festive in the dark of the night.

"An amusement park?” Kenzie asked, feeling his fingers twine in hers.

"Oh yeah, what better kind of place is there? You can almost feel the excitement in the air.” He turned toward her suddenly, lifting her around the waist and spinning with her. “How do you feel about roller-coasters?"

"Is that before or after we eat?” she shot back at him, earning a big grin.

"Come on.” He tugged at her hand, pulling her toward the entrance.

The park wasn't huge and had been there a long time. In the showy lights, it looked bright and beautiful, but under that thin facade were the dents and dings of age, sometimes barely covered with the glitz of show business.

It sat on a large stretch of land that was bordered on one side by a trailer park and on the other side by the Atlantic Ocean, the beach stretching as far as she could see.

Mackenzie let herself be dragged off, feeling a spurt of excitement. She hadn't done anything like this since she was a kid.

"What do you want to do first?” he asked, reminding her of the kid she used to be. He grinned and her heart seemed to flip in her chest.

"The Merry-go-round?” she asked, tongue in cheek.

"What are you, ninety? I thought you reporter types liked to take chances and live dangerously?"

"I think I've used up my quota of living dangerously this week,” she said, but allowed him to pull her towards the ticket booth. He bought them each a bracelet, allowing them to ride as many rides as they wanted and then, hand in hand, he led her to the first.

He was just a big kid, she thought, watching his face as they headed toward their car on the first ride. He helped her in, leaning over and kissing her quickly before sliding in next to her. The safety gate shifted over them and they leaned on it, listening as it clicked into place. A few moments later, the ride grumbled to a start and Kenzie found herself spun and twisted, laughing as she felt herself being pushed by gravity to lean against him.

His arm came around her and he turned her face to his, his lips finding hers, his tongue sliding into her mouth. She moaned, pleasure sharp and instantaneous filling her, made even more delirious by the spinning of the ride. His hand moved from her shoulder, his other sliding around her and holding her as close as they could get on the small bench seat.

So wrapped up were they, neither felt the ride slow or heard the click of the bar as it unlatched, freeing them.

"Excuse me,” a gravely voice said, clearing his throat loudly.

Hawk lifted his head, staring around blankly then smiled down at her. “Oops. Ride's over, sweetheart."

Mac blushed, stepping out of the ride and, not waiting for Hawk, made her way down the small wooden planks towards the exit. She felt his arm wrap around her waist just as she made it to the grass and she looked up at him, bursting into laughter. “Are you planning on doing this every ride?"

"Everyone I can,” he chuckled, dropping a quick kiss on her lips. “Come on."

They walked through the park, riding the Pirate's Ship, the Tilt'o-whirl, the Scrambler and the Swings before reaching the first of the two main rides this park was famous for. The rollercoaster was a huge wooden structure with a metal track that curved and twisted in and around itself, promising the rider a glorious trip.

Hawk pulled her in line, setting her in front of him so that he could wrap his arms around her, pulling her back against his chest. Her head reached the bottom of his chin and he leaned against her, feeling her hands come down over his. “Have I told you how glad I am that you walked into that warehouse?” he whispered, bending his head to reach her ear.

"No,” she said, turning to grin up at him. “You just enjoyed the free feel you got."

"Yeah and what part of me being male did you miss?” He laughed, his hands stroking over her stomach and landing on her hips as the line moved forward. “I have to admit to being a little awestruck when Kenny brought you in. That little red dress...was...wow."

"That little red dress went back to its owner,” she said, laughing at his disappointed expression. “Maybe Selena will let me borrow it again sometime, just for you."

He hummed into her neck, his lips nibbling along her skin. She shivered and he smiled, enjoying what he was doing to her. The line moved quickly and soon they were filing on to the platform that led to the long red car.

"Come on,” he grinned, his brown eyes sparkling.

Kenzie found herself caught up in his enthusiasm, giggling like a school girl as he swung her into the very first car of the rollercoaster. “You're completely crazy,” she laughed.

"Yep,” he agreed easily, bending to kiss her before sliding into the car next to her. “Are you a screamer?"

With the tingling sensations left from the last kiss he'd pressed upon her, Kenzie just blinked at him a minute in confusion. “Screamer? Oh...you mean on the rollercoaster. No, I don't scream."

"We'll have to see about that,” he whispered against her ear, his tongue coming out to tickle the soft whorl.

She shivered in reaction, feeling her nipples growing hard and a spurt of heat rush to pool in her groin. “Oh, not fair,” she moaned, just as the safety bar slid down, clicking into place. “That was cheating."

"Nope,” he quipped. “All's fair..."

The ride took off with a jerk, startling Mackenzie enough so that a squeal was torn from her mouth. She glared at Hawk as the car started to make its first torturously slow climb to the summit, the clacking nose harsh in her ears.

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