A Case of Love (17 page)

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Authors: Wendy Stone

BOOK: A Case of Love
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"Mac...” he reached out, taking a lock of her curls and brushing it back from her face, his hand resting lightly against her cheek. “I've never felt like this for any woman."

"It's lust,” she said quickly, standing up to pull her hand out of his grip and put some space between them. She walked down a few steps, turning to glare up at him. “You aren't allowed to love me."

Laughter sputtered out of him, stopping when he looked back at her. “You're serious?"

"Yeah. I...I just don't have time for love,” she said quickly and then glanced around as if suddenly becoming aware of their surroundings. “We should get you back to bed."

"Not until you explain to me why you don't have time to be in love with me,” he growled, standing also. He grabbed a hold of the railing when the stairs began to spin around his head, causing him to grow pale.

Kenzie reached out and grabbed him as he started to tip forward. “Whoa! No, it's definitely time for you to be back in bed. Can you make it or do you want me to call someone?"

She wrapped her arm around his lean waist, suddenly realizing that the back of his gown gaped open, exposing a goodly amount of taut male ass. “Hang on to the railing,” she said, grabbing the ties on the back of his gown and tying them the right way so that the back of the gown didn't flap open.

"What are you doing?"

"Keeping you from being arrested for public nudity and exposure,” she quipped, unable to stop herself from running her hand over his ass and giving it a firm squeeze then a pat. “Nice ass."

He jerked away from her, almost tumbling down the stairs before righting himself. “Thanks,” he growled. “I get arrested, I'll just blame you for making me crazy."

"Public nudity by reason of insanity, now there's a plea I bet they've never heard before. Come on,” she said, putting his arm over her shoulder and helping him back up the stairs. He took them slowly, leaning on her, his hand over her shoulder.

At first, he cupped her shoulder, then his hand hung down over her collarbone... Soon, as he leaned more weight on her, his hand slipped inside her shirt, cupping her breast. He squeezed the soft globe, palming her nipple.

"If you don't want to fall down these stairs, Gideon Hawkins,” she said huskily, “I'd remove your hand."

"Spoil sport,” he muttered, reluctantly pulling his hand away.

She got him back to his room without any more incidents, shooing Angelo off Hawk's bed. Ang went reluctantly, his eyes on the television where the Monroe City Bulldogs were in the bottom of the ninth, three behind with all bases loaded. He finished the half of Gideon's sandwich he'd helped himself to and let out a whoop as Clive Baxter, the Bulldogs shortstop, let fly a long one that cleared the fence with ease, bringing in four runs.

"Did you see that?” Ang said excitedly. “I just won the mother lode."

"Oh Angelo,” Hawk said, shaking his head sadly. “Carla is going to be so disappointed in you. You were supposed to stop gambling."

"Yeah, I know, so we just won't tell her,” Ang grinned, rubbing his big, wide palms together. “Here comes that big screen TV I've been wanting."

"How are you going to explain that?” Kenzie asked, chuckling at the boyish look of Christmas in Angelo's eyes.

"Everyone knows that Narc cops are always on the take,” he said, rolling his eyes as if Mackenzie should have known that. “You two work things out, I hope? I don't know if I can take much more of his mood."

"Mood? What mood? I haven't had any mood,” Hawk snarled making Mac giggle.

"Yeah, I can see that real well,” she said.

"Okay, Ang, I appreciate you sticking around and the sandwich you ate half of as well as the shake that's,” he paused shaking the glass, “gone,” he finished. “But don't you have reports to file as well as a wife to lie to?"

"Oh, now I see how it is. A good looking babe comes along and it's bye-bye partner.” He sniffed, giving Hawk a hurt look. “That's fine. I know how to take a hint. I know when I'm not wanted. You won't find me sticking around when I've over stayed my welcome..."

"Angelo,” Hawk interrupted him. “Shut up and get out."

He grinned, gave Kenzie a hug that almost busted a couple of her ribs and then was gone.

"He's a good guy,” Hawk said affectionately.

Mac sank down into the chair next to his bed, rearranging his blankets as he settled back. “I suppose we should call in the nurse and have her re-hook this thing,” she said, moving the IV needle off his sheet.

"Hell no. Now that you're here, I'm ready to go home.” He reached out and took her hand. “That's if you've forgiven me and will come home with me."

"Gideon...” she began.

"No, I don't think I like the sound of that. Come on, Mac. You've got to stay somewhere tonight and they won't let me go home unless I've got someone there to keep an eye on me. I need you to save me for once.” He lifted the lid on the tray of food that had been brought in while they were in the stairwell. “Do you know how terrible this stuff is?"

"Poor baby,” she sympathized. She was quiet for a moment, staring at him, her mind racing. Staying with him again would be a dangerous and stupid thing to do. She already liked him a lot more than she should. But the look in his eyes, the boyish charm he was trying to use to appeal to her senses, made saying no almost impossible. “Okay,” she said, throwing her hands up in the air. “I'm probably going to regret this..."

"No you won't. I'll be on my best behavior.” He grinned, dropping the lid back on the tray. “We can order a pizza for dinner from home” He pushed his finger down on the button that called the nurse, eager to leave.

* * * *

Gideon slowly slipped the key into the lock of his apartment door, weaving just a bit as he tried to get the suddenly stubborn thing to turn. For some reason, it wasn't as easy as it should have been to get inside.

"Let me?” Kenzie asked, stepping past him to take the key out of his shaking hand. “Hang on, we're almost inside and you can lie down again.” The key turned easily enough for her and she pushed open the door. It seemed like days since she'd left this place with him, but she knew, in reality, it was less than eighteen hours since she'd walked out of here this morning.

Mac wrapped his arm over her shoulder, his scrubs covered thigh brushing against her hip. “Couch or bed?"

"Couch,” he rasped. His head was thumping with a rather sickening beat and the couch was a hell of a lot closer than his bed. For a flesh wound, it hurt like a mother, banging and crashing until he thought he'd lose his mind. It had bled a lot too, he'd found out as he'd crouched behind an ancient, deserted Ford Pinto. The bullet that had hit him had grazed along his scalp, cutting a swatch of hair and leaving a long, bloody furrow in his head.

He sighed as he sank down on the couch, letting his head rest against the back. His eyes closed and relief filled him, for the thumping subsided enough to be bearable when he wasn't walking. When Mac lifted his legs to put them on the couch, he found his head sinking into the fluffy softness of a pillow, a blanket covering him.

"Thank you,” he sighed.

Mackenzie sat down next to his hip, reaching forward to push a lock of his hair off of his forehead. “You're welcome. Will you be okay if I go down to the pharmacy and fill your prescription?"

He nodded. “Yeah, but I don't like the idea of you being out there by yourself after your place got broke into. Now,” he smiled slightly, “you noticed I said I didn't like it but I didn't say I was going to keep you from doing it."

Mac grinned, bending forward to drop a soft kiss upon his mouth. “That's a wonderful start, Gideon.” She pushed his hair back, careful of his bandage and the thickness of the pad covering his wound. “You sleep, I'll be back before you even notice I'm gone."

"I doubt that,” he said, lifting her hand to press a kiss to the back of it. “I really missed you this afternoon."

"Yeah, I can tell,” she chuckled. “I leave you alone for no more than a couple of hours and you get yourself shot."

"Maybe I'm the one who needs the keeper,” he said with a sigh, feeling her cool fingers against his cheek. “You want to apply for the job?"

"Maybe,” she said, watching his eyes close.

"Be careful,” he whispered when he felt her fingers leave his skin. He heard the door close behind her and shifted slightly on the couch, turning so that the side of his face was pressed into the pillow case. “Damn headache."

He slept for a while, waking to a dark apartment and no Mac. Squinting, he managed to see the unlighted dial of his watch. “Only an hour,” he said softly to himself. “She hasn't been gone that long.” A noise in the kitchen caught his attention and he turned his head quickly, too quickly. A searing pain set it to throbbing once more and he closed his eyes tightly against it.

"Mac!” he called.

He frowned when there was no answer, forcing his eyes open he tossed off the blanket she'd draped across him. Sliding his feet to the floor, he sat up, dropping his head into his hands propped up on his thighs. “Mac?” he tried again.

There was a clanging noise in his kitchen and he forced himself up, sliding his hand under the couch where he'd kept a small .22 caliber semi-automatic pistol. He tucked it in the back of his scrubs, tying them tightly at the waist to keep it there and then slipped down the small hall into the kitchen. After being shot this afternoon, he wasn't taking any chances.

He spared a quick glance into the darkened bathroom in the hallway then headed for the kitchen door. A light was shining from the crack under the door. He pulled the pistol from his back, his thumb slipping off the safety. With his left hand, he pushed open the door slowly, expecting to see Mac's curvaceous form.

A click sounded close to his ear.

"Drop it."

Gideon closed his eyes. He let his fingers loosen on the grip of his gun, sliding his thumb automatically to put the safety back on as he let if fall out of his hand. “Michaels,” he said by way of greeting. “I wondered if Tanelli would be sending you after me."

Robert Michaels was Tanelli's number one assassin. If he was being sent out after Gideon, Tanelli was seriously out for blood.

"You should have known he would after what you did,” Michaels said in a friendly tone. “You know, Hawk, I really liked you. I'm not looking forward to this at all.” He sighed. “But you know, I have a job to do and I can't afford to fuck it up. You've got a huge price out on your head."

Hawk's mind was buzzing. He had to get this guy out of his apartment before Mac got back. He couldn't let anything happen to her. “And you have a reputation to up hold, but do we have to do this here? I mean, I just had the place redone and blood is almost impossible to get out of the carpet."

Michaels snorted. “What the fuck do you care, Hawk? You're gonna be dead anyways."

"Yeah, but my landlady is a real nice woman who doesn't need a gory mess to clean up.” He turned slightly toward the other man. “Come on, even the fucks on death row get a last request."

"I think you're more worried about that cute little reporter you're fucking. You always did have the best taste in women. I wouldn't mind taking that piece of ass for a spin myself."

Hawk felt his rage building and tamped it back with an effort. “She dumped me."

"Sure, that's why she was helping you up here today. Come on, man, you can't think I'm that stupid."


The outside door pushed open into the living room and Mac walked in, her eyes roaming the room when she saw the couch empty. “Gideon, the doctor said to rest."

Michaels’ head turned, his eyes leaving Hawk for just an instant. Hawk jumped for him, knocking the gun up and grabbing him. They fell into the wall, the dry wall giving under their combined weight and the force of Hawk's attack.

"Get out of here, Mac!” Hawk shouted as he grappled with Michaels. “Call 911!"


Michaels shoved Hawk backwards, falling himself as Hawk refused to let go. They fought for possession of the gun and it went off, the bullet smashing into the ceiling and dust spiraling down.

Mac jumped back as the loud report echoed in the apartment. She jumped even further as two men fell at her feet. Hawk, still in the scrubs the hospital had loaned him, landed on the floor first, a stranger falling heavily against him. They rolled, neither relinquishing hold of the weapon they fought for, grappling furiously.

"Mac!” Gideon hissed. “Run dammit!"

His voice seemed to release her from some kind of spell. She turned, not to run out the door as he had ordered her to, but to search for some kind of weapon, anything she could use to help Gideon. She picked up a heavy crystal bowl that sat near the front door. Hawk used it to throw his keys and spare change in.

Hurrying back to the two men who rolled on the floor, she stood over them, trying to get a clear shot at the man's head without accidentally hitting Hawk. The man flipped Hawk, sending him crashing into Mackenzie, throwing her to the floor. The bowl crashed into it first, glass splintering, keys and change clattering to the floor.

Hawk's head slammed into the side of the stand the bowl had been on and stars danced in front of his eyes. He fought the blackness that called to him, knowing it meant certain death for both of them. He heard Mackenzie get up, but couldn't draw the strength to open his eyes. A sense of hopelessness fell over him like a suffocating blanket. “No...” he whispered.

The sound of a gun slide being ratcheted had him straining to open his eyes.

"No!” he heard Mac scream.

* * * *

Kenzie flew backwards, the bowl flying out of her hands. It slammed into the wall, sending shards of glass raining over her. Her arms came up, covering her face and she felt Hawk bounce off of her to hit the floor hard. She looked up, seeing the huge man standing over them, his eyes cold and unfeeling as he glared back at her.

"You shouldn't have done that,” the man whispered. “You should have run like he said before you could see my face."

He slid the slide back and then let it slam back on its own, ratcheting a bullet into the barrel.

"No!” Mac screamed as he pointed the pistol at Gideon. “I'll pay you twice as much money to leave him alone.” The offer was impulsive but it was the best she could do.

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