A Brush With Love (6 page)

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Authors: Rachel Hauck

Tags: #Fiction, #Christian, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Short Stories (Single Author), #ebook

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“Now we’re all here.” Bridgett beamed, wrapping her arms around Eric. “What an amazing weekend. Our wedding, darling. So far, so perfect. Except, oh—” Bridgett turned to the bar. To Ginger. “Ginger, I’m sorry. Now there’s no room for you. Cam will be sharing with Mandy.”

Everyone stared at her. Even the chandelier light seemed to brighten and angle Ginger’s way, spotlighting her embarrassment.

“Oh, okay, n-no problem.” But yes, a huge problem.
Floor, open up, let me in
. The slight comfort and ease she’d allowed herself, sitting with Tom, vanished under the hot stares of the beautiful people.

“What? No.” Tom slipped from his stool. “Don’t kick her out. Cameron can bunk with me and Eric.”

Cameron laughed. “No offense, Tom, but I didn’t fly a thousand miles to
with you and the groom.”

“Of course, of course,” Bridgett said, moving between Tom and Cameron, batting down the contention. “I’m
sorry, I should’ve planned better. Oh, bother, we don’t have any more rooms in the house. Lindy could share, but she’s such a light sleeper and I promised her a private room. The rest of the family arrives in the morning and will need their rooms to rest and get ready. I’d hate for the staff to have to redo them . . . Oh, I know. Ginger,” Bridgett crossed over to her, eyes wide with her pending solution. “You can stay out at the homestead tonight.” The bride peered at the others, satisfied with her quick solution.

“The homestead?” Tom said. “That place at the end of the property? It’s like a mile away.”

Ginger snatched Tom’s arm. What was he, reverend attorney? She didn’t need his defense. “Tom, it’s okay. Don’t make more out of the situation than necessary.”

“Thank you, Ginger. Yes, Tom, it’s a bit far but it’s very nice. Daddy’s been fixing it up. Ginger, you’ll love it. It’s right on the edge of the woods.”

“Is there a road to this homestead?” Tom insisted on defending her. “Last time I was here, the old road had been busted up. You had to cross a field to get there.”

“Yes, Tom,” Bridgett said with a sigh. “There’s a road, sort of, a

“Is it safe?”

“Of course.” Bridgett laughed, but not in a fun way. More of an aghast way.

“Look,” he said, stepping forward, addressing the entire wedding party like a jury.
Tom, please shut up.
But Ginger couldn’t release the words. Speaking out would only draw more attention to this humiliating situation. “Let Ginger stay in my room. I’ll go out there.”

“Kind of need you here, man,” Eric said, securing his arm around Bridgett, holding her close. “You’re my best man.”

Ginger hopped off her stool. “Bridgett, thank you for dinner.” She mined every ounce of cheer and joviality. “I’ve not unloaded my things yet so I can easily move. Point me in the direction of the old homestead.”

“Perfect.” Bridgett walked Ginger through the clustered bridal party, and
, Cameron Bourcher, out of the drawing room, down the hall, their footsteps echoing with fading ooohs and ahhhs over Cameron, who apparently arrived via his private jet.

“Really, Ginger, the old homestead is lovely.” Bridgett walked with her onto the veranda, into the rain-soaked night. Bridgett’s instructions to the homestead billowed in the frosty air.

“Go to the end of this driveway . . .” she circled her hand in the air. “Turn left like you’re going back to the main road. About twenty yards down . . .” She leaned toward Eric, who had just joined them. “Wouldn’t you say about twenty yards?”

“Roughly. Just look for the sign.”

“Right, the sign. It’s on your left. It says ‘Homestead.’ Can’t miss it. Turn there and just keep going straight until you run into the old place. A one-story ranch.”

“Do I need a key or anything?”

“Nope, Daddy keeps it unlocked.”

“Then how can you say it’s safe?” Tom’s voice boomed over Ginger’s left shoulder.

“Because it’s a mile out that way . . . because the plantation is gated.” Bridgett swatted at Tom. “Stop being a killjoy. The homestead is safe, Ginger.”

“The woods aren’t gated.” Tom moved to the edge of the veranda, staring into the darkness.

“And what’s back there?” Bridgett demanded. “Nothing but deer and wildlife.”

“Maybe a bear or two.”

“Now you’re just making stuff up.”

Ginger stepped forward, unwilling to be an object in their debate, tugging her keys from her jeans pocket. “Turn left at the sign?”

“You can’t miss it.” Bridgett smiled. “See you in the morning. Come early for breakfast. Oh, Ginger, tomorrow’s my big day.”

“I’ll be here at eight to set up.” Ginger took one step down. “You’re going to be beautiful.” If she was banished to the outer regions of the Maynard plantation, she was going to do it with grace. “I’m bringing my A-game tomorrow.”

“I knew you would. I showed you the look I wanted, right? The one on Tracie’s last album. That was your handiwork?”

“It was, and I’m all set to make you even more beautiful than Tracie.”
Now, let’s forget this mess and move on.
Ginger moved down the steps, through the freezing rain, keys gripped in her hand.

If she was known only for making others beautiful, if that was her life’s signature, wouldn’t that be enough?

Slipping behind the VW’s wheel, Ginger slammed the door and fought a surprise wash of tears. No, it wasn’t enough. The heart wants what it wants. And Ginger’s heart wanted love and freedom from her scars.

But for now, she was tired, and mulling this over would
only make her sad and she didn’t want to be sad. It took too much energy.

Ginger started the engine and shifted into first, willing her thumping heart to settle down. She’d promised Bridgett her A-game. And being tired and sad was not part of her strategy.

Glancing in the rearview mirror, she saw the rest of the guests had come out to the veranda. They huddled together, laughing, being the bold and beautiful.

Easing off the clutch, she cut the wheel to move around a giant truck with mud on the tires and undercarriage when the passenger door jerked open and a wet, shivering Tom Wells dropped in.

“Excuse me? What are you doing?”

“I’m going with you.” He reached for the center dash sliders. “Got any heat in this old thing?”

“Tom, no, you don’t have to come with me.” Ginger moved the silver slider to the right, powering up the heat.
Hear that, heart? You don’t need him.

“It’s raining, freezing, dark, with an obscure path. Shoot,
want someone to go with me. Besides, I heard Eric ask if the power had been turned on and Bridgett didn’t know. There’s a power box on the side of the house.”

“Tom, you still don’t have to come with me. I’ll figure it out.” Wasn’t that the way she lived life? On her own, figuring it out?

He glared at her through the muted light of the dash and their visual exchange did something to her. Something scary and wild. Like making her want to touch him.

But she’d never touched a man other than to wash his hair.

“Really,” she said with a wide, forced smile. “I’m fine.” Ginger patted his knee, once, oh so lightly, but she felt a plump of muscle beneath her fingertips.

“Too bad.” He caught her hand, giving it a tender squeeze. “I’m riding along. Now, let’s get moving.”

The night rain poured from celestial buckets. Tom rode
silently alongside Ginger, debating with himself why he’d forced her to accept his help.

So he could apologize for the past? So he could be near her? All of the above?

Watching the overgrown and rutted road through the VW’s bouncing headlights, it was hard to see exactly where they were going. Man, it was dark and wet out. For this alone, he was glad he nudged in.

“Careful, Ginger, there’s a big—” Tom braced as the nose of the VW Bug crashed into a rain-gutted rut. “Rut.” Did Bridgett sincerely mean to send Ginger out in this gully-washer alone?

“Sorry.” She jerked the wheel right, then left, down shifting, trying to maneuver through the pitted path.

“This is crazy. We’re a mile from a marble and crystal
plantation with three stories. Couldn’t you have slept in one of the many parlors or living rooms?”

“Tom, don’t, please.”

He could tell his ranting only wounded her more. But it just burned him that Bridgett had so casually booted Ginger from the house.

“ ‘With slaughterous sons of thunder rolled the flood,’ ” he said.

She clutched, shifted, jerked the wheel, voice tense when she said, “So you read Tennyson?”

“Just that one line. He claimed to have written that line when he was eight.”

“You don’t believe him?”

“I suppose I have to.” The VW slowed, wheels spinning in mud, then shot forward, and continued down the socalled road. “I can’t challenge him on it, can I?”

She laughed softly. “No, you can’t. Do you read a lot?”

“As I have time. Some poetry. Novels. Theology books. Memoirs.”

“I love books. Novels, poetry, memoirs, no theology though.”

“I remember you as the math whiz.” He liked the gentle turn of the conversation.

“I like math, but I read a lot when I was recovering from . . .” She hit another deep rut. Muddy water shot in front of the headlights. “Ah, this is no man’s land.”

“I’m sure Bridgett didn’t realize—”

“Don’t say a word to her.” Ginger released the wheel long enough to scold him with a wagging finger. “It’s bad enough she announced there was no room for me in front
of everyone. It’s another thing if you go to her complaining on my behalf.”

“She should know,” Tom said, his voice metered with the bumping and swaying of the VW—which was rapidly losing the rutted field versus small car battle.

“Then speak for yourself. Leave my name out of it. I mean it. I’ll be gone soon enough.”

He cut a glance her way. The dash lights accented the smooth angles of her face and set off the highlights of her sable-colored eyes.

“Can I at least pay for you to drive this little beast through a car wash?”

Ginger laughed, the engine moaning as she gently eased the car through a hungry puddle and nearly stalled. “Where
this homestead she spoke of so highly?”

“Keep going.” Tom squinted through the rain. “It’s so dark out here.”

Another rut and the Beetle Bug’s engine whined, stuttered, knocked. Ginger patted the dash. “Almost there, Matilda. Come on, baby.”

“Yeah, come on Matilda.” Tom ran his hand over the metal dash. “Good girl, you can do it.”

The VW splashed through a large puddle, then found traction on a patch of solid ground. Ginger gaped at him, shifting into a higher gear. “Seems even Matilda is subject to your charms.”

“Even Matilda? I’m not sure my so-called charms work on any of the ladies.”

“Ha, right. Weren’t you the one who made sure you had a date every Saturday night?”

“Is there anything your elephant brain doesn’t remember?”

“Yes, like why I agreed to do this
.” Ginger groaned as the VW nosed into another pothole and ground to a stop, jerking the two of them forward.

She clutched and shifted, urging the car onward. But the Bug moaned and rattled, and the tires spun without traction.

“Reverse,” Tom said. “See if we can back out.” Nothing doing. More tire spinning and slipping, more engine lamenting. “Cut the wheel left, then hit the gas.”

But the ground was too drenched and the revving engine lacked the horsepower to heave the little car out of the mire.


“What?” She stared straight ahead, letting out a heavy sigh.

“We’re stuck.”

glad you came with me, Tom. Otherwise I’d sit here wondering all night what happened.”

He liked being with her one-on-one, liked when she shed her shyness and timidity. “Fine, I’m Captain Obvious. It’s the way I roll.” Tom peered through the dash to the edge of the headlights. If there was a homestead on the horizon, he couldn’t see it through the rain. Rubbing his hands together to warm them, he glanced back to see if the big house was in view. Might be easier to turn around than go forward. But it wasn’t. “So what’s your plan?”

“Can we call someone? Who owns that big monster truck? Can they get us out?”

“Scott Ellis owns the truck. I don’t have his number but I can try Eric or Edward, have them send him out.” Tom tugged his phone from his jeans pocket, calling Edward first, then Eric. No answer with either one. “Guess we’re on our own.”

“Let me try Bridgett.” Ginger reached behind her seat, pulled her bag around, and dug out her phone. Her effort netted the same result as Tom. No answer.

Guess there was only one thing to do. He reached for his door handle. “I’ll push. Stay in first gear. When I say go, gently, and I do mean gently, let off the clutch and give it a little gas.” Tom cracked the door open, letting in the wet and the cold. “Cut the wheel to the left, and try to find the most solid ground you can.”

“What do you think I’ve been doing?” She motioned to the door. “You’re seriously going to push?”

“Unless you want the honors.”

She hesitated, then unsnapped her seat belt. “Yes, of course, I should push. It
my car.”

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