A Borrowed Life (Carly and Liam #1) (3 page)

BOOK: A Borrowed Life (Carly and Liam #1)
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“You don't need to do that, you know,” he says to me.

“Oh, no, it's fine. It is nothing.”

I discreetly turn back to the mysterious and handsome man before leaving. He sits up straight on the edge of the pool, soaking his feet in the water, and his eyes seem to search around. I smile inwardly as I see him look at the place where I was with Liv no more than a few seconds earlier. My heart begins to throb as I notice Liv walking right behind him and his friends to reach the elevator on the other side. I think I would manage to stumble if I have to get that close to him. He will think I did it on purpose!

“No!” he yells at a server who offers him an appetizer. “Get lost!”

“I'm sorry, sir.”

I sigh. Well, problem solved. He's an ass! I have no reason to be intimidated by him and now I’m even less interested.

“You coming, Carly?”

Liv's impatient voice takes me out of my thoughts as she waits for me, holding the elevator door. I step forward, specifically avoiding looking to my right, when a powerful electric current surges through my body. I can't resist as my attention turns to him again. His intense stare is riveted on me, his face betraying a range of emotions as violent as the ones I'm feeling right now.

I breathe deeply and continue on my way without showing the effect he has on me. But he isn’t finished as he walks toward me. My heart beats at full speed and I freeze. What am I gonna do? What do I say? Fuck! He leans over his chair, right in front of me, to pick up his beach towel. He looks up at me, ensuring our eyes meet once more. I'm sure he's fully aware that this look has a liquefying power over women and he does it on purpose! Luckily, I'm already getting into the elevator and I manage to look away from him.

I finally get inside with Liv, and the doors close. I let out a long breath of relief, letting my back fall against the wall behind me.

“I know!” Liv chuckles noticing my reaction.

I laugh. It’s not even funny, but I can't help it.

The dance floor is crowded with people about our age. For the first time since the beginning of this trip, I don’t feel like a fish out of water. I'm not used to nightclubs, but the crowd in this bar are much like those of our restaurant on Friday nights.

I dance alongside Liv, without a worry in the world, when suddenly a shiver runs down my spine. I turn and I look for him because I know he's there, but I can't see him anywhere. I sigh. I’m becoming paranoid! Even when I’m not thinking of him, I feel his presence and his gaze burning on my skin. I must say he left a rather intense impression, but it’s all in my head.

We return to our room at almost midnight and Liv is exhausted. Me too, but I'm unable to sleep, so I sneak out onto the balcony. Her snoring is terrible tonight. It's not normal for her, but I think she consumed a little too much alcohol today.

I tighten a blanket over my shoulders because the temperature has dropped quite drastically. I press my head against the back of the wicker chair and my eyes are automatically drawn to the black sky. The stars are beautiful at sea, looming overhead and giving the impression they are the only things in existence beside the ship. They're watching us and protecting us. It's so dark that I can no longer see the sea, but only hear the waves. Everything is so quiet around here!

A man coughing draws my attention to the right. On the deck above ours, a man leans his elbows on the railing of his porch to admire the same view as me. If the dim light of his room weren’t lighting his face, I probably wouldn't have recognized him as the same mysterious man I keep encountering everywhere I go. I didn't know he was staying so close to our room.

He doesn't see me. His attention is fixed on the stars and nothing else, which gives me plenty of time to admire him. He really is beautiful! For the first time, I see more than just a millionaire playboy; I see something different about him. He seems thoughtful, as if he carries the weight of the world on his shoulders. Right now, I would like to be the one standing by his side, even if it was only for a chance to look at him closely. I want to be the one he would wrap his arm around and kiss gently on the neck, and hear his voice whisper a sweet word in my ear.

I picture myself under the touch his fingers climbing behind my back, as he eagerly anticipates the night we'll spend together. His kisses must be so tender and passionate! I close my eyes, losing myself in the thought of his full, soft lips, perfectly pressed against mine in a gentle suction. At least I'm allowed to dream. I open my eyes and feel his burning gaze.

We find ourselves staring at each other, our eyes locked on one another. My breathing starts to quicken and I can't help but wonder what he’s thinking right now. I look away and he does the same. A few minutes pass before I chance another glance towards him, except this time he's gone.

I go to bed that night seeing his smile, his blue irises and broad shoulders. I imagine myself in his arms, sliding my fingers in his hair and his lips kissing me so passionately that I melt. I open my eyes abruptly, realizing it's only two in the morning. I only slept a mere hour.

I sigh. I can't fall asleep again tonight because I keep thinking about him. I wonder, is he thinking of me, too? Is he sleeping as badly as I am? Does he dream of me in the same way I dream of him? I toss and turn, trying to forget about it.

It's six o'clock when I finally get up, completely drained. Fortunately for me, the day is full of relaxation. We bask under the sun, delighting in the most exotic cocktails I've ever tasted.


Three more days pass with massages, skin care, seaweed body wraps, gourmet dinners and fabulous shows on the agenda. Not a single drop of rain the whole trip. We're lucky!

I slip between the sheets of my bed, thinking back to this man that I've come across and who probably isn't thinking of me. Where is he now? What did he do during these days that I haven't seen him?

The next morning, I take a shower using the lilac soap and vanilla scented shampoo provided to us by the company. We go down for breakfast in the European-style coffee bar. The wicker chairs are paired with the sand colored tables, and the floor alternates between a very pale wood and dark green marble tile. The cream painted walls are decorated with oak moldings and mirrors. Long curtains hang along the windows that let in a bright sunshine.

“Can you get me something with blueberries?” Liv asks as she heads to the bathroom.

I nod in response, concentrating on the 15-foot-long display in front of me; the buffet offers croissants, muffins, donuts, and various pastries, and it's so hard deciding which one I'll take!

I let my hand slide on the counter, studying the variety of food when I run full force against the solid and firm torso of a man. The shock knocks me down on my back, and I let out a cry that alerts everyone around.

“Are you okay?” inquires a serious male voice that immediately makes my gut tighten.

I look up to the man facing me and no words come out of my mouth. A hot flash rushes over me and my heart throbs. It's him! The sophisticated man who was in the restaurant the other night, the one with abs of steel at the pool a few days ago, the pondering man admiring the stars on his balcony a few nights ago… He's right in front of me! And his tone…Oh! Damn, his voice is so captivating! So… manly.

He extends his palm to me, and I place my hand in his. His fingers firmly close around it to pull me up and put me back on my feet in one swift movement. An electric current passes through our bodies. I’m surprised at the sensation and I think he is, too.

I'm on my feet, but I can barely stand. My knees are shaking and I don't even know if I am breathing. What was I doing here, exactly? Looking at him, I realize he's just as shaken as I am. His eyes are fastened on me and his lips are parted, drawing in an irregular breath. His frown reveals that something troubles him.

I'm lost in his blue eyes that are so clear I could watch them forever. His full lips evoke a single word in my min
delicious. His jaw, both firm and strong, is covered with a fine, dark stubble that matches the silky hair gracefully flowing on his head.

“I… I… Sorry,” I finally manage to stammer. “I wasn't looking where I was going.”

“I'm glad you weren’t,” he replies with a smirk that could melt the ice in the tray next to us.

I can't hold back the gushing smile on my face and my palms get sweaty. I look down to the one he still holds, fearing it will betray me. His thumb gently caresses the back of my hand, and I let out a telling breath. I discreetly bite the left corner of my lip, trying to hide the effect he has on me, but he's well aware of it. He leans down and presses his soft lips against my hand, leaving me dreaming of a real kiss from him.

He raises his bright blue eyes to me.

“I hope to see you soon.”

Then he walks away, leaving me breathless and confused.

I sit at a table with a chocolate mousse cake. It's the only thing I can think of eating at this time; pure and dark chocolate, to prevent my mind from wandering or imagining all sorts of things. I heard somewhere that it effectively replaces sex.


I jump to Liv's voice who joins me at the table.

“Chocolate for breakfast, are you serious?”

“Um, yes. Oh! I forgot to get you something! Sorry.”

“It's fine. I'll go see what they have and bring you back something that will not make you gain ten pounds!” she scolds, snatching my cake away.

I let out a giggle. I'll thank her later, I'm sure.

The day ends and I don’t see him again, and I still can’t think of anything else. Not even one second of tranquility. He's always there, in my mind, but it keeps me in a cheerful mood as light as the breeze. I imagine a thousand impossible scenarios. I know I shouldn't, because I’ll probably just end up disappointed, but these feelings are stronger than me.


The sun is getting hotter as we approach our destination, and the only place we want to go is the gigantic pool on the roof of the boat. We're both enjoying drinks at the tiki bar in the water; a strawberry daiquiri for me and piña colada for Liv.

I must admit that not being able to tip the employees makes me uncomfortable. The maid who came to change the flowers in our room this morning explained to me that it's their policy. They want their customers to not worry about money and completely disconnect from work or responsibilities. Tips are included in the price of the cruise and distributed equally among employees. That way, people don't have to worry about dragging their wallet everywhere they go.

We're sitting in the water and talking while sipping our iced drinks. It's so easy to leave everything behind and abandon ourselves completely to this paradise life. When our gazes stretch beyond the ship, we can see the view is breathtaking! We admire the endless ocean, and the color of the water blends perfectly with the sunny blue sky. The panoramic view reminds us of the tropical destination ahead.

After a while, we get out and I lay on my chair, ready to fall asleep. I only think about the last thing I saw before closing my eyelids; the radiant sun in the perfectly clear sky. The wind cools down my skin so I'm not aware of the heat, but a male voice sounds weakly, interrupting my thoughts.

“Hello,” he says.

“Hi,” answers the sultry and inviting voice of my friend.

There she goes! Liv is at work and no man can resist her. I already pity the poor guy who will only have a memory to cherish her by. Or perhaps she'll keep him for the duration of the trip, if he can keep her interest long enough.

I don't bother about them and let myself fall asleep. Suddenly, cold drops of water fall on my belly and I jump. An ice cube lands on my chest and slides down, and I straighten up screaming, realizing this was Liv’s attempt to get my attention.

“You're crazy!” I exclaim, turning towards her.

She is lying on her side, her curves prominently emphasised by her position, all for the satisfaction of a blond muscular man a little further away who doesn't take his eyes off her.

“Would you mind if I had dinner with him tonight?”

“No. Not at all! Go ahead, have fun.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes. Don't worry about me, I feel like relaxing anyway.”

“Isn't that what you do all day?”

I smile and shrink my nose, laying back on my chair.

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