A Bit of You

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Authors: Bailey Bradford

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: A Bit of You
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A Total-E-Bound Publication




A Bit of You

ISBN # 978-0-85715-846-8

©Copyright Bailey Bradford 2011

Cover Art Posh Gosh ©Copyright December 2011

Edited by Claire Siemaszkiewicz

Total-E-Bound Publishing


This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or places is purely coincidental.


All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form, whether by printing, photocopying, scanning or otherwise without the written permission of the publisher, Total-E-Bound Publishing.


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The author and illustrator have asserted their respective rights under the Copyright Designs and Patents Acts 1988 (as amended) to be identified as the author of this book and illustrator of the artwork.


Published in 2011 by Total-E-Bound Publishing, Think Tank, Ruston Way, Lincoln, LN6 7FL, United Kingdom.




This book contains sexually explicit content which is only suitable for mature readers. This story has a
heat rating
and a


This story contains 132 pages, additionally there is also a
free excerpt
at the end of the book containing 5 pages.




Love in Xxchange




Bailey Bradford




Book seven in the Love in Xxchange Series


Billy’s been the bouncy, perky, somewhat slutty drink server at The Xxchange since it opened, and,
frankly, he’s tired of those labels, but it will take the love of FBI agent Liam Stone to give Billy the
strength he needs to become the man he’s always wanted to be.

Billy’s used to everyone looking at him and seeing a perpetually perky, goofy twink. Inside he knows he isn’t those things, or not only those things, at least. He isn’t sure how to get anyone to see past that. He isn’t sure if he can stop acting the part, either. It’s always been easier to let people see what they expect to see. But lately he’s been thinking, and he’s not at all sure the easy way is the right way.

Liam Stone comes to The Xxchange to blow off a little steam. An FBI agent working on the kidnapping case of one James Stratton, Liam figures he’ll head back to Dallas as soon as he can shake the dust off his heels.

Then he sees Billy and Karma slaps Liam on the ass. How many times has he scoffed at the idea of love at first sight, thought people who said it happened to them were full of cow patties?

A lot, and now he’s been hit between the eyes with something he can’t quite explain, except it all has to do with Billy. Now, if he can protect Billy from a sadistic jerk and help him come to terms with his past, maybe they can have the happy ending they’ve both always wanted.



Again, thank you MS! And to everyone who cheered Billy on—


Trademarks Acknowledgement


The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:


Miller Beer: MillerCoors LLC

Dantrolene: JHP Pharmaceuticals LLC




Bailey Bradford


Chapter One

Jeez, Xavier can be such a grouch!
Billy couldn’t be too irritated at the man, though; after all, Xav was getting older and obviously couldn’t handle his liquor worth shit anymore.

Billy snorted as he fixed breakfast for the both of them. Xavier had freaked out last night when he’d found Billy kind of willingly but not totally in a way giving a blow job to Xav’s brother Randy. The fight between the brothers had been scary as hell to witness, especially since Xav was already shit-faced by then and Randy had taken advantage of it by pounding the crap out of his brother. Billy had finally threatened Randy with a letter opener he’d grabbed off Xavier’s desk.

As far as Billy knew, Xavier hadn’t remembered that little nugget, which, considering Randy had just clocked Xav in the temple before that? Yeah, he wasn’t likely to remember much from last night—other than the blow job thing and a fight with Randy following.

Billy was trying his best to hide his own guilt from Xav, but he really,
wished Xav hadn’t walked in on Randy and him last night. Now there was going to be more trouble between the brothers. They didn’t exactly get along to start with, but Billy hadn’t wanted to be the cause of any further estrangement between them, which was why he’d just blown Randy anyway rather than go running to Xav. Xav was the only family Billy had, even if they weren’t related by blood. He’d never been close to Randy—and a blow job or whatever didn’t change that, especially not when Billy hadn’t wanted Randy’s nasty dick in his mouth.

Besides, sex was just sex, it didn’t make you like someone, or love them, and Billy loved Xav. He had rescued Billy from the streets when he was just fifteen. Billy had been heading down the path to an early, and most likely violent, death already, so it was a stroke of luck or fate, or whatever, when he’d happened to proposition the handsome man one evening on the street.

And, now, here he was years later, wondering how much damage he’d caused between Xav and Randy. Truthfully, Billy had known Randy hated him for a while now. He hadn’t paid any attention to Billy the first few years he’d lived with Xav, but lately, definitely over the past year, Billy hadn’t been able to ignore the way Randy had been treating him. He wished the fucker had just kept right on ignoring him, but Billy suspected Randy was www.total-e-bound.com



Bailey Bradford



jealous, more because he thought Billy was getting chunks of Xavier’s money than because Billy and Xav were close. If Randy had wanted to be close to his brother, all he’d have had to do was talk to Xav with consideration instead of constantly bitching at him.

“Right.” Billy snorted. All Randy wanted from his brother was money. Xavier and Randy had both inherited a lot of money after their parents’ deaths. How much, exactly, Billy didn’t know or care. Xavier had been smart with his share and invested. Randy had burned through his in a matter of years and had nothing to show for it other than an unhealthy addiction or three.

Billy poured Xav some coffee and headed to the bedroom to wait for him to get out of the bathroom. He wondered, if things had been different, if he and Xav had met when Billy was an adult—if he’d lived long enough to be an adult—whether they’d have had a different sort of relationship. He didn’t think so, but it was hard to imagine it because Billy kept getting grossed out. Xav was too much like an older brother, or a father even.

Still, Billy got really lonely. Not horny-lonely; that could be cured at the club. He wasn’t a bad-looking guy, and his natural exuberance drew plenty of interested men. The thing was, they were only interested in getting off. Billy hadn’t even had an actual boyfriend.

Maybe if he got out more… Billy sighed. Like that would happen. He worried about Xav being alone so much. Xav didn’t even bother with quick hook-ups any more, hadn’t for a while now, and anyway Billy usually worked at The Xxchange, the club Xavier owned, almost every night. His nights off were usually spent vegging out in front of the TV watching reruns of sitcoms or reading a book. Sometimes both if he was having trouble chilling.

Of course, if he read a romance, like he did sometimes, then he’d even feel lonelier.

Billy wondered if guys like those in the books existed. Then he thought about Adam and Les, and a few other gay couples he’d heard about—and there was even a triad or ménage or whatever it was called, and everyone was supposedly all happy and lovey-dovey.

How is it they can all find someone else—or hell, a couple of someone elses, and all be happy
and crap when I can’t even get a freaking boyfriend?

Billy stewed on the question for a while until Xav came out of the bathroom. He obviously hadn’t thought Billy’d be sitting there on the bed because Xav was completely naked and, while he was magnificently built, it was kinda like seeing your dad naked. Billy cringed inside but decided, judging by the angry glare Xav was giving him, this was an opportunity to tease them both right out of their funky moods.




Bailey Bradford



Billy pasted on his brightest smile. Too bad he didn’t slap his brain into gear first. “I made you coffee and toast. You look pretty good naked. Your dick’s bigger than Randy’s.”

Xav looked stunned, then he looked green as he turned and ran back into the bathroom, his firm butt flexing and bouncing just a little with each footfall.

Billy sighed and silently cursed himself. Maybe one day he’d learn to think before he spoke. Until then, it sounded like he might have a mess to clean up in the bathroom.



Billy was in the employee room getting ready to clock in when the door opened. He squealed when he saw who was entering.

“It’s about time you came back!” Billy rocked on to his toes and bounced once before tackling Adam in a hug. The shock on Adam’s face as his hands fluttered in the air was priceless. But Billy was a friendly guy, and…he’d known Adam wouldn’t be expecting a hug, which was partly why he’d done it. In his opinion, everyone needed to be kept on their toes.

Plus, he was really glad Adam wasn’t dead.

“Uh. Thanks?” Adam patted Billy’s back. Billy turned his head and grinned at Adam’s boyfriend Les. The big guy looked like he didn’t know whether to be angry or amused. Billy finished off the hug with a big squeeze that had Adam’s breath whooshing out then he stepped back and held his arms open to Les.

“Aw, are you feeling left out?” Billy wiggled his fingers.

Les’ dark brows snapped together and he waved his hands in front of his chest as if to warn Billy off. “No! I just—”

Billy batted his lashes at the grumpy looking man. “Don’t want me groping your boyfriend?”

“No—yes—you can’t just…” Les snapped his mouth shut when Billy started giggling.

He pointed one big finger at him. “You’re just trying to irritate me!”

“Duh.” Billy slapped a hand over his mouth. That was supposed to have stayed inside his head.

Adam laughed while Les glared. Billy wished he could glare like Les could. Jerks like Randy wouldn’t bother him if he could give them a look that made their balls shrivel. He www.total-e-bound.com

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