A Billionaire's Redemption

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Authors: Cindy Dees

Tags: #Contemporary, #Romance, #Contemporary Romance Romantic Suspense

BOOK: A Billionaire's Redemption
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Kindergarten teacher Willa Merris has never wanted her father’s lavish lifestyle. But when he’s murdered, she becomes the executor of his estate. To add insult to injury, Gabe Dawson—her father’s nemesis—informs her that she’s on the brink of financial collapse. Willa doesn’t trust him—or herself…not to run her hands over his chiseled physique.

Billionaire Gabe Dawson still remembers the gawky teenager Willa was. But that awkward girl is now a sultry, beautiful woman. Gabe knows he should keep his distance, but he can’t, especially when peril is in hot pursuit. Now he’ll risk his own life to protect the woman he’s dangerously falling for….

“Now, will you make love to me?”

He'd love nothing better. But he was still worried about her emotional scars. He'd never dealt with anything like that before.

“Willa, are you sure you're ready for this? Do you need more time to trust me?”

Her gaze narrowed in irritation. He laughed reluctantly. Although the notion of her tearing his clothes off didn't sound half-bad.

“Refill?” he asked her. Now that the moment was upon him, he had no idea how to proceed with her. Yet another first for him. He pressed a full glass into her hand and nudged the bottom of it toward her mouth.

“A little liquid relaxation first, Mr. Dawson?”

“Something like that.” She was so damned open and forthright. It was disconcerting. Most women were so busy maneuvering into his pants by this point they weren't stopping to talk about his tactics to achieve the same.

“I have faith in you, Gabe.”

And there it was. That damned trust of hers. What if he let her down? If she freaked out in the middle of sex and he did the wrong thing? Fear gripped his chest in sharp talons.

“Now what?” she asked.

Now what, indeed.

Vengeance in Texas: Where heroes are made.

Dear Reader,

It’s always a ton of fun to get to play with a group of my fellow authors in creating an ongoing story like this, but it’s doubly exciting when you throw in sex, money, scandal and a larger-than-life place like Vengeance, Texas. And this story was no exception.

I confess to not wanting this book to end as I was writing it. I had more fun than I ever dreamed I could. Who knew channeling big-haired, dripping in diamonds, over-the-top socialites with Texas twangs and tricked-out custom trucks was such a kick? And who could’ve asked for a better setting than big skies, wide-open spaces and giant-hearted cowboys just waiting to be knocked off their proverbial horses?

So pull out your favorite jeans, slap on your Stetson, buckle your spurs and saddle up for the continuing ride through murder, mayhem and vengeance en route to true love. Here’s to a Texas-size happily-ever-after!


Cindy Dees

Cindy Dees

A Billionaire’s Redemption

Books by Cindy Dees

Harlequin Romantic Suspense

Soldier’s Last Stand
The Spy’s
Secret Family
Captain’s Call of

Soldier’s Rescue Mission

Her Hero After Dark

Breathless Encounter

Flash of

Deadly Sight
A Billionaire’s

Silhouette Romantic Suspense

Behind Enemy Lines
Line of Fire
A Gentleman and a Soldier
Her Secret Agent Man
Her Enemy Protector
The Lost
The Medusa Affair
The Medusa Seduction

The Dark Side of Night

Night Rescuer
The 9-Month Bodyguard

Medusa’s Master
The Soldier’s Secret Daughter
The Medusa

The Longest Night
Dr. Colton’s High-Stakes Fiancée
Deadly Valentine
“The February 14th Secret”

Soldier’s Night

Harlequin Nocturne

Time Raiders: The Slayer

*Charlie Squad
**The Medusa
†H.O.T. Watch
‡Code X

Other titles by this author
available in ebook format.


started flying airplanes while sitting in her dad’s lap at
the age of three and got a pilot’s license before she got a driver’s license. At
age fifteen, she dropped out of high school and left the horse farm in Michigan,
where she grew up, to attend the University of Michigan. After earning a degree
in Russian and East European studies, she joined the U.S. Air Force and became
the youngest female pilot in its history. She flew supersonic jets, VIP airlift
and the C-5 Galaxy, the world’s largest airplane. During her military career,
she traveled to forty countries on five continents, was detained by the KGB and
East German secret police, got shot at, flew in the first Gulf War and amassed a
lifetime’s worth of war stories.

Her hobbies include medieval reenacting, professional Middle
Eastern dancing and Japanese gardening.

This RITA® Award-winning author’s first book was published
in 2002 and since then she has published more than twenty-five bestselling and
award-winning novels. She loves to hear from readers and can be contacted at

Thanks to my fellow authors for making this experience such a joy. Y'all are as big-hearted and talented as Texas itself!

Special thanks and acknowledgment to Cindy Dees for her contribution to the Vengeance in Texas miniseries.

Chapter 1

e commend the soul of our
departed, and we commit
body to the ground—earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust...”

The preacher’s voice droned on, but Willa Merris’s heart hurt too much for her to hear the rest. Her father, Senator John Merris, was dead. Truly gone. Murdered. And even though his body had been discovered nearly two weeks ago, the finality of it had waited until this exact moment to slam into her like a ton of bricks.

Despair weighed on her until she could hardly breathe. What were she and her mother going to do? He had always been the center of their universe, the two of them pale moons orbiting his brilliant life.

A thud startled her. Her mother had just tossed a tightly balled clod of red Texas clay on top of the casket. The dirt in her own hand was cold and moist, squishing out of her clenched fist. Blinded by tears, Willa tossed her clod of dirt into the hole that contained her father’s mortal remains.

She shuddered as dozens of other mourners stepped forward to toss handfuls of dirt on her father’s grave. Some of them appeared genuinely sad, but the majority ranged from indifferent to covertly satisfied to bury the bastard. She had no illusions that her father had been a saint. Far from it. He’d been a mean man in a mean business—two mean businesses—a wildcat oilman carving a fortune out of the oil sands of West Texas, and a United States senator, brawling in the halls of Congress.

A comforting arm slipped around her shoulders. She leaned into the embrace for a moment, but then caught a whiff of the aftershave and stiffened.
No. Surely not.
Horror flowed through her. That, and sheer, frozen terror. She glanced up at the sympathetic face of James Ward, the son of her father’s longtime business partner.

“Get away from me this second,” she cried. “Don’t touch me!”

The people around her jolted, shocked by her outburst. She slipped out from under Ward’s arm as he stared at her, dumbfounded. Right. Like he didn’t know exactly what she was talking about.

Flashes of his big hands tearing her clothes...viciously slapping the fight out of her...shoving her to the floor of her living room...and, oh, God, the pain of his big body slamming into hers over and over. His grunts...the maniacal gleam in his glittering blue eyes...the humiliation and utter degradation of it...

She’d wanted to die. Right there where he’d left her on the floor like some piece of tossed-off garbage. She’d wished desperately to disappear, to just cease to exist. But no such luck. Instead, her father had checked out of his mortal coil and left behind the mess of his life for her to unravel in addition to hers.

“Honey,” Ward murmured, “you’re overwrought. Let me drive you home. Put you to bed.”

Something inside her cracked. She’d show him overwrought! “Get away from me!” she screeched.

Backpedaling from him with her hands outstretched to fend him off, she registered vaguely how everyone had gone stock-still around her. It was as if time had stopped with everyone in funny poses, staring at her slack-jawed as if she’d grown a second head.

“I swear, if you lay a hand on me again, I’ll kill you!” she shouted at Ward in rage she didn’t even know she had inside her. “Do you hear me? I’ll kill you!”

The vignette unfroze all at once with a rush of reaching hands and concerned faces closing in on her like macabre, black-clad clowns. Camera bulbs flashed, cell phones whipped out to arm’s length, pointed at her. Even the local news reporter frantically gestured at her cameraman to get all this on film.

Appalled, humiliated and so irrationally furious she scared herself, Willa batted away the hands, shoved through the crowd and broke into a stumbling half run toward her car. The grass and her high-heeled shoes were a lethal combination and she nearly broke her neck before she fetched up hard against her car door breathing heavily. She felt dirty. A driving compulsion to wash away the feel of James Ward’s filthy touch overwhelmed her. She had to get home. Take a hot shower. Scrub herself clean.

Willa stabbed at the car’s ignition button and nearly ran down the news reporter as she accelerated away from her father’s disaster of a funeral, frantic to escape this nightmare from which there was no waking.

* * *

Gabe Dawson watched the slender, black-veiled woman race away from John Merris’s grave. What was that all about? He hadn’t been close enough to hear the commotion, but it had been hard to miss. An angry buzz of gossip hummed around him...something about the senator’s daughter threatening to kill someone....

Quiet little Willa Merris? Alarm blossomed in his gut. Was she in danger? The girl he remembered wouldn’t say boo to a mouse. But then, he hadn’t seen her in over a decade. She’d been a skinny, awkward teen the last time he’d visited the Merris home. Before his falling out with John Merris. Before the two of them became mortal enemies.

At least Willa’s outburst had drawn the attention of the rumormongers away from his arrival at the funeral. As it was, he was sure to be topic number one in the gossip columns for showing up at John Merris’s grave. He would probably be accused of coming here to gloat. In point of fact, he hadn’t wished the old man dead. Plenty of suffering and failure, yes. But not death.

The preacher mumbled a few more words into the suddenly circuslike atmosphere, but no one was paying attention. Seeming to sense it, the minister cut short and wrapped up the graveside service with unseemly haste. Gabe watched in sardonic amusement as the good ladies of Vengeance, Texas, wasted no time texting and calling their friends to report the latest scandal surrounding the lurid death of John Merris.

He jolted as a microphone materialized under his nose. “Have you got any comment on Willa Merris’s outburst, Mr. Dawson? You’re Senator Merris’s former business partner, are you not?” a female reporter demanded.

She looked as avidly entertained as the vultures. More so.

“No comment,” he growled. He strode away from the woman, but she walk-ran beside him, continuing to shove that damned microphone in front of him.

“What do you have to say about John Merris’s murder? Some people are saying you’re more pleased than anyone that the senator is dead. Is it true you two had a violent argument just a few weeks ago?”

He stonily ignored the reporter and her sleazy innuendos.

“Is it true that the police have asked you not to leave town, and that you’re a person of interest in the senator’s murder?”

He stopped at that, turned slowly and gave her the flat, pitiless stare that had earned him his reputation as a hard man among hard men. The reporter recoiled from him with a huff. Smart girl.

“What did you say your name was?” he called after her as she stomped away from him.

She half turned and snapped, “Paula Craddock. KVXT News. Are you going to give me a statement?”

“Nope. Just wanted to know who to sic my lawyers on the next time you harass me.”

The journalist’s gaze narrowed to a threatening glare.

Yeah, whatever. Better women than she had tried to get a rise out of him over the years. But he wasn’t the founder and CEO of a billion-dollar oil conglomerate for nothing. He chewed up and spit out self-serving leeches like her for breakfast.

Meanwhile, the alarm in his gut refused to quiet. What had caused Willa Merris to blow up at her own father’s funeral? She and her mother were always the souls of decorum, quiet props in the background of Senator Merris’s many public appearances. Willa had been trained practically from birth how not to draw attention to herself. It was unthinkable that she would cause a scene, ever, let alone in public, in front of the press, and most definitely not at a somber occasion like this.

What had gotten into her?

Worry for the unpleasant conversation he had yet to have with young Willa flashed through his head. Maybe he should wait awhile to break his own bad news to her and her mother. But it wasn’t like there was ever going to be a good time to tell them John Merris’s last, nasty little secret.

He sighed. Lord, this was going to suck. He might as well go find Willa Merris now and make her misery complete.

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