A Billionaire's Obsession 1 (BWWM Interracial Romance): Wanting Her (3 page)

BOOK: A Billionaire's Obsession 1 (BWWM Interracial Romance): Wanting Her
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Later that night, Renee lays
her couch trying to get comfortable enough to fall asleep. Thoughts are running
fiercely throughout her head. From coming home to an empty apartment, being
heart broken, and feeling betrayed, to considering asking her parents for a
loan to purchase a n
ew bed. Rene refuses to lay any
part of her body on her current bed, where her boyfriend, and best friend
defiled it. She is also growing worried that she may not be able to cut it at
BYWINSTON. Hence, she is severely restless.

Renee recycles all the detai
she'd received from the Designer's meeting earlier that day. All the company's
designers, both interior, and graphic artists sat in a strategy meeting with
Melaine. During the assembly, Renee learned what everyone is currently
assigned. She was also bro
ught up to speed about
designers being paired per project. At times, an interior designer is paired
with a graphic artists depending on the project. Renee wasn't informed about
her pairing just yet though. She wonders whether Melaine is keeping her in susp
ense on purpose. She also contemplates what it will be like
to work with the offbeat Amanda. Though the other graphic artists seemed polite
enough, Amanda is the only one she'd had extended dialogue with. Suddenly
Renee's thoughts transition to Colin Winst
on. Her
pores begin to raise, and she feels chills.
How could he lead so many people, and
not be a people-person...like, at all!
Renee is perplexed, and somewhat
terrified of the billionaire. As a result she makes a commitment to herself, to
stay clear of

The next morning around 10:00 am, Renee stands at the 3D
printer maneuvering the hardware in order to manufacture some art work Melaine
forwarded to her to tweak, then discuss later that day. While standing there,
Renee senses the presence of someone
else behind her.

"You! Where is Melaine?" Barks Colin Winston.
Renee spins around as though in slow motion. "Um...ah, she's not in her
office?" Renee nervously replies.

"Would I be asking, if she were in her
office?...Huh?" Colin continues, not relaxing
intensity one bit. "I don't see her assistant either!...Where is

Renee begins to ponder why, among all of Melaine's
other staff. Colin chose to pick on her. She takes a deep
breath. She remembers she is new, and positioned within a wonderful
opportunity. Renee smiles. "I can find out for you. Would you like me to
find out for you?" Renee sweetly asks Colin.

"Of course
I want you to
find out for me. Didn't I just ask you where she was?" Colin snaps.

Renee flashes her brilliant white teeth, and her hazel
brown eyes which beautifully contrasts with the brown color of her skin.
"Certainly. I am on it." Renee asserts, and
off speedily to the pool of designers. Everyone is absorbed in their work, both
individually, and collaboratively. Renee notices that with each step she takes
forward, her colleagues are staring at her, and growing nervous themselves. She
knows it is
because Colin is following close behind
her, and he rarely enters the "Designer Pit".

Renee dips into her cubicle and pulls up the department
wide calendar on her computer desktop, while still on her feet. It indicates
that Melaine is out at a meeting at
a Video
Production Company. She quickly straightens up. "Melaine, and Marina are
out at a meeting at the Our Ride video production company." Renee informs

"Video Production Company?" Colin questions
Renee, but before she can reply he carries on. "
just hope this meeting is in line with our new strategy." Colin says, then
turns and walks away. After a few steps, Colin stops dead in his tracks, and
swivels back around to face Renee. The entire designer staff's eyes are still
glued to Colin Winston e
ven being in their vicinity.
Everyone including Renee holds their breath.

"The next time I have a question, you better have an
answer right away...Newbie." Colin tells Renee turns, and disappears.

Renee's heart is racing, and a single drop of perspiratio
n emerges on her forehead. She drops into her desk chair to
collect herself.
Note to self: Never be in that position AGAIN! Know
everything that is happening here!
Renee thinks to herself, then sighs
loudly. The entire Designer Pit begins to buzz with acti
vity again, while Amanda makes her way to Renee's side.

"Are you okay?" Amanda asks, empathizing with the
latest BYWINSTON recruit.

Renee looks up at Amanda, who is now leaning against her
desk. She takes another breath, then looks up at her hovering co-
worker. "I, um...I am okay...I think." Renee

"Well my best advice is, don't let him get under your
skin. As a matter of fact, develop thicker skin, or else your stay will be
short lived,
or a nightmare." Amanda delivers

Renee nods in ack
then forces a smile. She is still numb from the recent "Colin
Invasion" - as coined by her colleagues, and she had heard in passing, to
describe the rare, but spectacular moments that Colin does intrude, and/or
interact with one of the lower
level staff.

"Are you going to be alright, or should I splash some
water on you?" Amanda says jokingly, detecting that Renee is still
somewhat in a daze.  

Renee finally thaws, relaxes a bit, and laughs. Amanda
begins to laugh also, and the two share a m
which marks the beginning of a new friendship.

Later that day Renee sits in Melaine's office, face to
face, sans Marina.

"So how are you doing? I heard the Big Man upstairs
was down here looking for me, and he took it out on you." Melaine informs

Renee smiles. Amanda's wise counsel is at the forefront of
her mind. "I'm fine." She tells Melaine abruptly. Melaine does not
respond, but stares at Renee waiting for her to offer more information.

"You're fine? Are you sure Renee?"  Melaine
asks g

Yes! Yes I am. I am fine Melaine." Renee tells her
boss as chipper as she can possibly be.

Melaine pauses, and evaluates Renee's words and body
language briefly. "So after experiencing the full wrath of Colin Winston
earlier today, you're 'fine'.
Melaine says with air

"I promise you, I am fine Melaine!" Renee works
to convince the perceptive woman.

Melaine relaxes backward in her plush, high back chair.
"Ok Renee. I see you're going to fake it, until you make it, huh?"
Melaine laughs then
continues. "Well, that is
one way to deal with things." The olive skinned woman clips her straight
brunette, shoulder length hair behind her ears. "Renee, I appreciate that
you are displaying strength for my benefit. Nonetheless, Colin will strike
again, a
nd you will have to be prepared - down to
your core. Do you understand?" Melaine notifies Renee.

Renee nods vigorously. "I get it. Prepared - down to
my core."

"I hope so Renee. If not, then you will tap out soon.
Okay?" Melaine warns. "Are you serious a
going the distance here, and in your career?" Melaine then asks. Slightly
intimidated by the gravity of the question, Renee pauses to properly consider

"Very serious...I want to go the distance." Renee
tells Melaine with certainty.

"Great! I am
glad to hear
it." Melaine says enthusiastically, and leans forward again. "Renee,
you may have wondered how come you haven't been paired for a project just yet.
Well, it isn't due the short length of time you've been here. New design staff
often shadow th
eir seasoned colleagues." Melaine
begins to explain. "You haven't been paired with anyone, because you have
been paired with me." Melaine informs the newbie. Renee's eyes widen. Had
she heard, right? What will this mean, and why?

"Renee, your eye for desi
far exceeds your contemporaries, at the same level. Take this piece for
example." Melaine begins to refer to the design she assigned to Renee to
tweak. "This was created by one of our more experienced artists. Although
the client is happy with it, I sti
ll thought that it
wasn't quite right." Melaine continues to clarify. "Now you have
taken it to a new level." Melaine tells Renee, and smiles broadly.
"There is something about you Renee. I can't quite put my finger on it,
but your creativity is refreshing
. Still, don't let
it go to your head." Melaine delivers pointing her index finger at Renee,
and wearing a smirk. "Now, the first thing we need to work on is your
confidence. First thing tomorrow, as soon as you arrive, check in with Marina,
and we begin."
Melaine directs her new prot




Over the next few weeks, Melaine coaches Renee on
delivering, confident and effective presentations, including tweaking her
language to appear fully in tune with the specifics of the clients' business.
also takes Renee on a shopping trip to
replace her mostly black, and aged wardrobe. Renee's make-over comprises of
color blocking, and shades to enhance her black chroma scheme, without
replacing it entirely. Melaine isn't opposed to black. She believes t
hat it is a rather professional option. She just wants to
help Renee refine her humdrum, nerdy application of it-that is all. The women
also visit Melaine's hair salon. Melaine hopes to introduce Renee to styling
options for her long, thick, coarse, but sp
curly hair beyond a high top-knot bun.

Renee slowly spins around in her salon chair to face the
mirror. She had not worn her hair down in a long while. The effort it took her
to detangle, define and smooth her curls was exhaustive. Brushing it up
with a paddle brush was all she could manage, on a day to
day basis.

Renee is taken aback by her own reflection.

"Whoa!" She whispers.

"What was that, Renee?" Melaine immediately says.

"Um...I am...well, I am just...I have never seen my
hair look like
this before?" Renee manages to
get out.

"So, do you like it then?" Melaine asks, while

"I do...I like it very much." Renee responds.
"If only I could do this myself." Renee added with a frown on her

"Not to worry about that Renee. I acq
uired Natalie's services just for you. She is now available
here at my favorite salon, and can answer any questions you have, offer any
tips, and - this is the best part - your appointments with her have already
been scheduled over the next couple months."
Melaine says proudly.

"The next couple months?" Renee asks confused.
"Um...I...I don't think that is in my budget Melaine. " Renee
subsequently states.

"I know that Renee." Melaine says chuckling.
"Don't worry your creative mind about that. It is covered

Melaine refuses to entertain any of Renee's further
inquires, or comments about the situation, and the women return to work. The
moment Renee, and Melaine step off the elevator they attract attention from
every person they whisk by, or who catches a gli
of the ladies. Renee overhears comments including; "Who is that with
Melaine?", and "That new client, with Melaine is hot!" Renee
cannot believe her ears. Could they really be talking about her like that? She
had never heard the words, "Hot", and "Ren
ee" in the same sentence. She had heard
"Smart", even "Funny", but never that. Renee begins to feel
awkward. She looks down at her clothes, and nervously adjusts them.

"Renee...join me in my office please." Melaine
orders, jolting her out of her
cious thoughts. Renee
complies. "I need you to join me in a meeting with one of our long-term
high-profile clients, in the next two-hours." Melaine tells Renee.

Melaine, and senior designers were usually the only ones
whom got to meet with high-profile cl
particularly the long-standing ones. Renee quickly agrees, assuming this is
another session in her "Melaine Boot-Camp". She nods
agreeably...until she hears Melaine say, "...and I will need you to
present a design concept during the second-half of m

Renee freezes. She wonders whether she'd heard Melaine
correctly. "Um, you would like me to present during your high-profile
client meeting?" Renee asks for clarification.

"That's right." Melaine
says, and a colorful graphic design appears on the large flatscreen,
camouflaged as wall art in her office. Melaine explains the design, conducts
several run-throughs with Renee, then two hours later the women enter the
larger conference room prepared for
the meeting.
Renee's stomach burns with anxiety as each person enters the room. She stands,
smiles, extends her right hand and confidently shakes hands with the clients,
while nodding politely at the relevant BYWINSTON colleagues streaming in.
Renee's han
ds begin to twitch.

"Uh-Oh" Renee whispers. She grows increasingly
uncomfortable. She is the most recent recruit at the company, and at a meeting
that only more senior staff are allowed to attend. "They hate me!"
She whispers to herself again. However, sh
straightens her posture, and continues with re-checking the presentation on the
computer, and testing the large screens on the walls to ensure that everything
is perfect.
I can't let Melaine down!
Renee thinks and behaves as though no
one else is in the

Eventually Melaine walks into the room. She is escorted by
Caspian Lampros and his  miniature entourage. Caspian Lampros is a
multi-millionaire who has used BYWINSTON to assist with launching all of his
business ventures, including his yacht buildin
company, exclusive clothing stores, an ethnic restaurant, and several more.
Caspian's yacht building business is extending overseas, and he's returned to
the branding, and marketing agency that has assisted with making him very

Not long after C
olin Winston
himself, and his Vice President, Travis Bedlan enter the room.

"Caspian! It is always a pleasure to see you!"
Colin says, strutting across the room toward his illustrious client.
"Thank you for coming back to refill my wallet." The affluent m
en embrace and laugh loudly at Mr. Winston's supposedly
comical comment. Renee works not to smile, and keeps busy.
Seems Mr. Colin Winston has a sense of
humor after all.
She thinks. Renee also can't help but sneak another peek
of the presently affable Col
in's grin. His green eyes
shimmer under the fluorescent lights, and Renee's stomach nervously flips.

"Melaine, let's give Caspian another good show."
Colin commands. In typical fashion, Melaine
Colin's brash demeanor, and carries on with the task at hand with poise, and
elegance. She graciously asks everyone to settle into their seats. Meanwhile,
Marina and an individual from Caspian's team gather water, and other requested
s for Mr. Lampros, and Mr. Winston as they
recline into their designated seats.

"Caspian Lampros, and guests, thank you for choosing
BYWINSTON. Shall we turn your attention to the screen?" Melaine says, and
nods knowingly to Renee to initiate the visual p

While Melaine skillfully unfolds her fresh ideas for
Caspian's business, Colin's attention is diverted to Renee. Since he noticed
Melaine signal her to start the presentation, his eyes are glued on Renee who
stands tall in three inch black pu
mps, a black high
waisted pencil skirt, and a three-quartered sleeve, bright red Poplin Blouse.
Her thick and well defined coiled curls flows past her shoulders.
Who is that girl?
  Colin ponders with a noticeably
confused look on his face. Renee is oblivio
us to
Colin's stares. She is acutely attentive to Melaine's every word, and moves the
visual presentation along like clock work.

Renee inhales, and exhales heavily, and her palms begin to
sweat. She is nervously anticipating her verbal part of the present
ation, which is vastly approaching. Soon Melaine pauses.
"Now, for the remainder of the time I am going to ask for some help from
one of our designers. She is responsible for shaping the overall layout into
what you see before you." Melaine informs the gro
Renee smiles nervously, and slowly walks over to the center of the room to meet
Melaine. Her knees buckle slightly, just before she reaches Melaine's position.      
"Oh God, please don't let me fall
on my face."
  Renee prays inwardly.

Colin remains transfi
xed. He
hasn't taken his eyes off Renee since he first noticed her.

"Everyone, meet Renee Wainwright." Melaine
proudly introduces her apprentice. She knows that she is taking a huge gamble
taking Renee under her wing in the way she is doing. She expects t
here to be a backlash, particularly from Colin Winston, but
the revolutionary Melaine Nordstrom is ready for it. Melaine switches places
with Renee, and Renee begins.

"So, we created a design that will be able to visually
stimulate across platforms..." Re
nee begins. She
stutters a few times during her first few sentences, then stops. She swallows
hard, and looks down at her hands. The room buzzes softly, and Colin appears
perplexed displaying a creased forehead. 

"Umph..." Melaine loudly clears her throat
. It startles Renee, and she attempts to begin again. Just
before starting again, she recalls her many pep talks with Melaine, and it
propels her.

"Let me unpack the dimensions of the layout, and how
it will be translated in print, video, and elsewhere..."
Renee is off and running. She finds her sweet spot, and
flows in it.
Look above their heads...look above their heads.
She repeats to herself while delivering
her spiel.

Melaine smiles, and surveys everyone's facial expression
during Renee's pitch. Colin
in particular, appears
astonished, confused, and unhappy.

Uh-oh! I'm going to hear a mouthful from Mr. Winston. We'll
see how far I can use my "we're-cousins-almost-siblings card"
. Melaine thinks. No one at BYWINSTON,
except Travis knows that Melaine, and
Colin are
cousins - not even her devoted assistant Marina. They made a pact not to share
the information with anyone. Melaine prefers it. She believes it allows her the
freedom to motivate, mobilize, and gain the respect of her staff, purely on her
own cr
edit as an effective leader.

Renee completes her part of the presentation abruptly, and
takes a deep breath.

"Thank you for explaining our design marvelously
Renee." Melaine stands, and addresses the audience immediately. 
Renee shuffles over to her origin
al position, and
sighs heavily.

"Are there any questions Mr. Lampros?" Melaine

"So many questions Melaine." Caspian says
playfully. "I absolutely love it! It is modern...um, cutting edge, yet
still classy." He tells Melaine with a thick mediter
ranean accent. "Will this young woman also continue
developing it with you...for television and so on..." Caspian asks.
Renee's eyes widen, she swallows hard, then looks at Melaine for her response.

"Well, Renee is one of the designers on my team,
Melaine begins to explain until Caspian
cuts her off.

"She is married to it...I hear her passion. She
be an important part, or else I will
not be happy." Caspian announces.

The entire room hums with murmurs. Colin stands, and
strides hastily to join
Melaine at the front of the
room. "Of course Caspian...You are correct...A designer with such passion
must be an important part of your project." Colin says, and looks at Renee

A chill runs down Renee's spine.
What the heck is happening he
She grows genuinely concerned.
One day Colin is like
mean ogre, the next he's approving of
me? What?!
Renee is noticeably uncomfortable and begins to stare at
her shoes. Caspian on the other hand is amused.

"Now I am happy." Caspian says laughing. "
I am actually happy overall with what I've seen today...I
approve!" The average height, and stocky gentleman expounds. "What's
the next step?" Caspian asks. The room simmers, and Melaine informs
Caspian about the next steps. Colin, who remained at the fron
t of the room, but off in the corner, occasionally glances
over at Renee. He's unexplainably drawn to the young woman. He wisely observes
every detail of her being. Colin watches as Renee bows her head, and taps her
finger tips on the edge of laptop in fro
nt of her.
Colin watches as she nervously pushes her curly locks behind her left ear.

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