A Bevin Hero [The O'Hagan Way 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove)

BOOK: A Bevin Hero [The O'Hagan Way 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove)
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The O'Hagan Way 5

A Bevin Hero

Bevin simply wanted a breather away from his new job. Instead he stumbled onto a plot, learning information that can turn the tide in the war against the demons… He just has to get it to King Rylan.

Rian and Ronan are helping at the vineyard when they meet a kitty who turns out to be their mate. They’re shocked when they sense his fear and Bevin flees from them. Giving chase, they finally find him, naked, in the company of others.

Acting like scared, jealous idiots, the twins claim him in front of everyone… Only to have it go terribly wrong. Now all hell is breaking loose and lines are being drawn in the coven. Did they just blow the perfect alliance the three species had? And if that can be fixed how will they ever make up what they did to Bevin?

Did fate give Bevin two perfect mates, or two mates too many?

Note: This book is written in first-person point of view.

Note: There is no sexual relationship or touching for titillation between or among siblings.

Alternative (M/M or F/F), Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Vampires/Werewolves

43,730 words



The O’Hagan Way 5






Joyee Flynn











Siren Publishing, Inc.


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IMPRINT: Ménage Amour ManLove




Copyright © 2013 by Joyee Flynn

E-book ISBN:


First E-book Publication: May 2013


Cover design by Sloan Winters

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Siren Publishing, Inc.


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A Bevin Hero
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Amanda Hilton, Publisher




The O’Hagan Way 5



Copyright © 2013






Chapter 1




I was up in my favorite tree, just taking a breather from the day, trying to hide for a while. It was an honor that King Rylan had named me his Chief Advisor and basically his right-hand man… And not just for the shit jobs. When he’d done it I’d smiled and nodded and thought to myself, “Great, this is like in the old days where you’d save an important person’s life and were granted the
of being their servant or some shit.”

But it really wasn’t like that at all. I should have known Rylan wouldn’t pull that with me since we were best friends and all. It just seemed like that’s what Chief Advisor to a King would do… Clean up messes and handle the crap no one else wanted to. Honestly it was more like I was his Vice President. I would have thought that honor would have gone to his mates, and while they helped significantly, they were also warriors with their own allegiances to their own people.

Needless to say as the Vice President to a newly appointed King/President whose people went through a traumatic time, moved to a new country, and had their whole world turned upside down, there was
heaping tons
of work.

I just needed a break. I missed spending a day or a weekend in my studio. I missed lazy Sundays where I didn’t get out of bed until after noon and woke with a smile that I didn’t have a hangover from the night before because I was a margay shifter and that was pretty much impossible with our metabolism.

Maybe things would even out and there was a chance I could get a wild Saturday and a lazy Sunday sometime soon. But for now, my reprieve was my favorite tree. The new palace abutted the vineyard and the warrior compound, bigger than the vineyard’s acreage, but the vineyard had added from the farm behind before Brian, Banning, and Zane owned it.

In other words, it wasn’t as wide as the warrior compound’s land, but it was longer, and the margays’ land went around it and connected to the warriors’ and—basically to get to my tree it was quickest to cut across part of the vineyard. And the tree I loved was huge, had been there for a long time, giving me the perfect view of both and the margays’ land if I turned around.

I did love this. Middle of May, warm breeze, leaves rustling, freshly turned soil for more planting at the vineyard, and all of nature just touching my fur. It was like nothing could penetrate my relaxing bubble in my tree… Even if I only had twenty minutes.

“I need to get out before it’s too late and I’m dead,” someone said quietly, in a concerned voice from a good distance away.

Except that. That could pierce my bubble.

“Dubois, I’m telling you they know,” he hissed. Now I wasn’t just out of my relaxing mode, I was fully alert and trying to figure out where it was coming from so I could see who it was. “They’re keeping the warriors out of the loop because they know the traitor is one of us. Hell, they’ve got the fae bitch scanning minds along with the purple-eyed freaky wolf pussy. Next they’re going to have the fag King shackle all their suspects and bang us until we talk!”

Wow, he was
not on our side. Finally I saw him at the far edge of the warrior compound grounds. I hurried down the tree and kept low to the ground as I stalked closer, still in margay form. I was tiny even for a normal margay so he would really have to be looking for me to see me… Especially since it seemed the warriors never cut their grass.

I got within a hundred yards, and I started catching parts of the other end of the conversation as well. I needed to get closer and fast but not be detected. Damn, I was ready to shit a brick. I wasn’t trained for recon or spy work. I was an artist with a high IQ and lots of family money. I wasn’t a warrior!

I’d found out I was a really good shot though. And I liked guns. I enjoyed them.

“You’re just being paranoid,” the man the traitor was talking to bitched.

,” the traitor growled, spinning to pace in anxiety, and I felt myself go cold. I knew that face. Holy
! “They’re searching some of our minds. They’ve got a suspect list and I’m on it. I’ve
the damn list. For all their extra procedures and security some of the idiots still haven’t changed their e-mail passwords.”

“So what do you want to do? Just leave? You’ll be on the run forever,” Dubois asked. “We’ve not even finished planning the attack. We need more information! I need to know the layout of that palace. We want the margays. And we need to disable that fae whore. There
to be a way to kill or make her inactive. The witches that bespell the demon blood said that all magic can be taken away. They’ve just never worked with a fae. We need one for them to experiment on.”

“Fine, I’ll grab a couple of smaller fae and bring them to you. I’m not staying here, Dubois. I didn’t sign up for a death sentence when I came to you offering my services.”

“I know and you have been most loyal. You will be rewarded as will I for our time spent with the enemy. Osvaldo Diaz has assured me of it. He said with the passing of his son, Aemilio, there is a spot for a new general at his side. And with the larger armies we have now, there will be room for all of us at the top.”

“How can I guarantee my place and his favor?” the traitor asked nervously. “How do I know that I’ve not just served my purpose and he’ll just slit my throat?”

“Osvaldo is fair. You’ve been loyal and helped in the war,” Dubois assured him. “But if you wanted to be in his good graces forever, bring a few fae and either his son’s Marius mate or the good doctor who’s designed these weapons. You know that will have you go from a potential general to a Prince worthy of having been one of his sons in his eyes.”

“Damian would be easier,” the man hedged. “He’s a warrior so no one protects him. Riley’s always got guards around him. I’ll come up with a plan and contact you by the end of the week. I’ll figure out a way to steal the plans for the palace and grab some fae, but I’m out of here in no less than two weeks, Dubois. I’ll try for Damian, but I’m not losing my life in the gesture for Osvaldo. I’ve been loyal and done more than most.”

“I will remind him of that when I tell him you’re abandoning your position out of fear of being caught,” Dubois said before hanging up.

“Asshole. Fucking asshole. Maybe I should just fucking leave and go live on my own,” the traitor muttered as he headed back to the warrior compound. “The sick fucks here can’t be trusted and are corrupt. The demons are gross and untrustworthy. Dubois and Diaz could give two shits about me. Easy to judge when you’re sitting pretty in Paris and Bilbao, Spain.”

Oh my god! I had just learned the mother lode. I shook as I lay there, not able to move right away in fear that he’d see me. They talked of killing people or taking them for torture as if I was deciding what kind of cookies I wanted for a snack!

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