A 30-Day Online Romance (65 page)

Read A 30-Day Online Romance Online

Authors: Alyse King

Tags: #romance, #love, #relationship, #dating, #marriage, #online dating, #love relationship, #in love, #online relationship, #online romance

BOOK: A 30-Day Online Romance
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One way to steer clear of
these criminals all together is to stick to online dating websites
with nationally known reputations.


- Search scammers’ names, phone numbers, E-mail addresses,
user name, see their social profile.


Fraud.Org stated,
“Scam artists
take time to cultivate victims and gain their trust,” said John
Breyault, Director of NCL’s Fraud Center. “And they do it for one
very simple reason – it pays.” Victims of this scam reported
losing, on average, more than $5,500 in 2011, making it the single
costliest type of scam for its victims. “Scam artists spend
significant time and energy to convince their often-suspicious
victims that they are in a real romantic relationship,” said
Breyault. “Love is a powerful emotion that these criminals
manipulate to extract large sums of money from their victims.”
What’s worse, because of the deeply personal nature of this scam,
we believe that this type fraud goes widely underreported.


“Red flags that the person you’re communicating with may be
a scammer include:

  • Requests to wire money
    or to cash a check or money order for them and send money back or
    to a third person.

  • The “relationship” may
    become romantic extremely quickly, which quick pronouncements of
    love or close friendship.

  • Claims that he or she is
    a U.S. citizen who is abroad, that they are wealthy, or a person of
    important status.

  • The person claims to be
    a contractor, and needs your help with a business deal.

  • The person makes excuses
    about not being able to speak by phone or meet in

  • The person quickly asks
    for an e-mail address or instant messaging username (to avoid
    communication via online dating sites’ messaging

  • The person makes
    frequent spelling or grammar mistakes.

Times, by Robyn Dixon, Times Staff Writer
“When you get a reply, it’s 70% sure that you’ll get the
money.” October 20, 2005.

from MoneyCNN.COM.
Reporter Melanie Hicken stated,
“In 2011, the FBI's
Internet Crime Complaint Center received 5,600 complaints from
victims of so-called "romance scammers" -- criminals who scan
online dating sites, chat rooms and social networking sites for
potential victims. The victims reported collective losses of $50.4
million, which is likely only a fraction of the actual losses since
many victims are too embarrassed to file a report, the FBI

About 70% of the victims
were female; more than half were women 40 years or older.”
(February 20,2013.)

Psychiatry and Psychiatric
, in a
1994 study stated,
“Women with schizophrenia and bi-polar disorders are more
likely to be raped multiple times.”

Report the matter
immediately to The Internet Crime Complaint Center, a partnership
among the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the National White
Collar Crime Center (NW3C), and the Bureau of Justice Assistance
(BIA), at 
; and, to the Nigerian Economic and
Financial Crimes Commission, at


states, “
If the scam originated
through a particular website, notify the administrators of that
website. “

South African us


United States citizens should be alert
to attempts at fraud by persons claiming to live in Ghana who
profess friendship or romantic interest over the Internet.
Correspondents who quickly move to discussion of intimate matters
could well be the inventions of scammers. If they are after your
money, eventually they will ask for it. Before you send any money
to Ghana, please take the time to be very well informed. Start by
considering the fact that scams are common enough to warrant this
warning. Next, look over this partial list of indicators. If any of
them sound familiar, you are likely the victim of an internet

Alex Johnson, staff writer, NBC News
(2013) stated, “Romance scams make up more than 10 percent
of all financial losses to online fraud — and women 50 and older
account for 61 percent of those losses.”
The article continues, “women ages 50 and older, who are by
far the biggest victims of online romance scams, federal
authorities reported Tuesday in detailing an 8 percent rise in U.S.
Internet crime last year.”

According to statistics
released Tuesday by the Internet Crime Complaint Center, or IC3, a
joint project of the FBI, the National White Collar Crime Center
and the Bureau of Justice Assistance, “… it's much more common for
older women to be victimized.”

The article continues,
“More than 10 percent of all reported online financial losses last
year — about $56 million out of $525 million overall — involved
romance scams, the center reported in its 2012 crime


Alyse King is the mother of four
courageous children, one wonderful son and three delightful
daughters. She is also a grandmother of one beautiful granddaughter
and four adorable grandsons.


For over two decades, Ms.
King has tirelessly focused her attention on caring for two of her
four children who had been struggling with chronic illnesses since
they were teenagers. She has successfully helped them cope with
their illnesses and reintegrate into society by retraining them to
live independently and become financially self-reliant, provided
them with the soft skills training that are vitally important to
self-improvement and skills for the job market.


King’s happiness about her ability to help her son and daughter to
recover has encouraged her to share the "recovery techniques" she
used. She self-published five books

Letter to Schizophrenia from a Mother,”
“When Schizophrenia and Bi-Polar Struck My Son and
Daughter,” “140 Ways Coping with Stress, Depression and

Coping with Schizophrenia, Bi-Polar and Stigmas,” and a
self-help Workbook on how to cope titled, “Day After Day Coping
with Mental Illness – Support for Individuals and


These books tell how she
rebuilt her children's lives by helping them with skills that are
necessary for coping, managing daily in-home routines,
adhering to medical reminders, as well as the increasing joy she
felt after each hurdle that marked their movement beyond


The experiences gained as
the mother of two children who are successfully recovering from
illnesses, as well as being their fulltime caregiver, instructor
and re-trainer, has enabled her to accumulate many years of
expertise. Additionally, her prior experience as a trainer in the
private sector has added necessary, unique tools for writing these

King also self-published several
Self-Help Guides

Reintegrating after
Traumatic Life Experience f

Self Improvement,” “Job
Preparation,” and “How to Keep Your Job.”


also wrote and self-published, “A
Trainers’ Manual
“Self-Improvement, Job Preparation, Job


provide continuing education and training for returning to
employment or becoming financially independent, using detailed
Motivational Activities designed by I.A. Mohabier, MA to help
trainees to visualize their futures. The Workbooks share the
systematic techniques that Ms. King used in helping her children to
develop personal skills and skills for hunting for a job, securing
the job and holding the job.


Trainers’ Manual
provides guidance to all who wish to develop
programs to help others to find work or achieve financial


also wrote four additional books titled
“Comfort and Hope Death of
Mother - Reflections from Scriptures,” “A 30-Day Online Romance,
Part 1,” “Confessions from A 30-Day Online Romance, Part 2,

Follow-Up of Confessions from A 30-Day Online Romance, Part


Ms. King grew up and was
educated on a beautiful Caribbean Island; married in her 20’s and
has been a homemaker, mother and sole provider for her family.
Later, divorced, she relocated to Southern California with her four


The author currently
resides in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains in Western North
Carolina. Her son and youngest daughter also live in North
Carolina. Her other two eldest daughters and all five grandchildren
remain in Southern California. She frequently travels to California
to visit her family and friends.


Ms. King’s goal is to
utilize her expertise in both the health and educational sectors.
For the past several years, she has been working towards that goal
by volunteering her time to help friends who are in need. Now she
is including you in her network of friends.


[email protected]




To Be


Confessions from A
30-Day Online Romance



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